Sunday, October 26, 2014

Telnet related

Testing SMTP Authentication Using OpenSSL
Note to self: Not working with dnet's (cpanel1 ...), session disconnected too fast

+ Working on computer where freeSSHd has "Access Denied" issue
- tab (for autocomplete), backspace (for delete), up arrow (for previous command) not working
* login name is CASE SENSITIVE

Setup SSH Server with freeSSHD
(Note to self) The article contains solution for the following issues:
1.No tray icon
...when FreeSSHDService.exe is re-run, it gives error "The specified address is already in use"
2. Connecting using puTTY "Access Denied" even with the correct username and password
*UPDATE* found 1 situation with win7 when "Access Denied" keep happening even after following the solution

There's more explanation of the behaviour on the last comment of this article:
freeSSHd administrator stupidity, and fix (May 2, 2014 at 5:26 AM by jim jones)

How install fresssshd as service after installation:
run "freeftpdservice.exe /service" from command prompt

PuTTY: How to copy and paste to and from a PuTTY window
To copy from:

..All you have to do is left click and drag to make a selection
..As soon as you let go of the mouse button, the selection is instantly copied to your clipboard and ready to pasted

To paste to:
..Simply right-click to paste
To select and copy a rectangular region:
..Hold down ALT, then click and drag from the top left corner to the bottom right

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