Monday, July 29, 2019

Costing method related

Costing Method Best Practices for Dynamics NAV AUGUST 21, 2017
Average :
Note: This method is typically not recommended due to the difficulty of traceability and complication of correction if data entry errors are made.
The costing methods above are used for valuing inventory on the balance sheet. 
NAV also calculates and displays the average cost on the item card, regardless of which costing method is used for inventory valuation
This average cost can be used for other reports such as sales analysis or commissions calculation.

Inventory costing Methods , which is good ?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Smart/LED TV related

Media player slideshow incorrect order/sort
How can I keep a slide show in sequential order when showing on a TV ?
Slide Show using Panasonic TV
copy, ONE AT A TIME, each picture in the order you want them to be shown

What size jpgs for a slide show on a TV please (etc)? Jul 21, 2016
see Resolution comparison for SD, HD, FHD, QHD and 4K on post by Russell Evans on Jul 22, 2016

Monday, July 15, 2019

Server spooler crash troubleshooting

Google: determine|identify|troubleshoot|pinpoint printer|driver|what cause server spooler crash|stop

Print Spooler Issue on Server 2012 R2 Dec 14, 2016
[Monitor C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS for orphaned print jobs and] When this happens look in the listed printers on the print server to see if it is any one particular printer that is offline with hung up print jobs. It may well just be a particular printer with a corrupt driver.
[From Print Management,] set [suspected] drivers to Isolated mode (Right click --> Set Driver Isolation --> Isolated

Spooler Crashing in Windows 2016
You'll first want to check the print queue and see if there are "stuck" or "ghost" jobs and purge them. Then use the spooler restart steps above.
a good area to check for spooler crashes may be watching how many active printer sessions your print environment is establishing with that server. Too many simultaneous sessions will flood the print queue and cause the print spooler to crash.

Note to self:
Crashed printer spooler can be found on Windows SYSTEM Logs with event ID 7031 dan 7034

Tool(s) related to redirected printer :
How to use this tool to delete a redirected printer :

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Data Security related

The Three Steps Towards Zero Trust  07.09.2019
Zero Trust is data security paradigm that asserts that access privileges alone do not equate to trust, and that continuous monitoring and correlating of event logs and network traffic is required to identify suspicious patterns of behavior.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Ant-mosquito application - is it effective ?

Benarkah Aplikasi Anti Nyamuk Nyata Mengusir Nyamuk? - March 28, 2018
Ternyata suara tersebut tidak berpengaruh apa-apa terhadap nyamuk. Berdasarkan artikel dari Independent, nyamuk memang berinteraksi dengan nyamuk lainnya menggunakan suara ultrasonik yang dihasilkan dari gesekan sayap mereka.
Hanya saja, hingga saat ini belum pernah ada penelitian yang memberikan kesimpulan bahwa suara ultrasonik dapat mengusir nyamuk atau setidaknya tidak menjadikan nyamuk enggan untuk menggigit manusia.
Memang sih aplikasi tersebut dapat menghasilkan suara yang mungkin suara tersebut adalah suara ultrasonik. Hanya saja ketika dicoba tidak menjadikan nyamuk-nyamuk pergi menjauh dari kita.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Barcode scanner related

Fungsi Scanner Barcode
Scanner orbit umumnya dipakai di kasir supermarket dimana transaksi kasir cukup banyak. Scanner Barcode jenis ini mudah digunakan karena sinar laser tidak hanya searah, namun kesegala arah, sehingga memudahkan pada saat scanning barcode.
Tidak seperti scanner barcode linier, scanner barcode jenis ini diciptakan mampu membaca barcode lebih cepat dan akurat.