Thursday, December 14, 2017

SSL certificate related
Relying Party Warranty =  asuransi untuk kerugian akibat pencurian data

Google mengumumkan pada 2014 bahwa penggunaan SSL pada website akan meningkatkan aspek SEO pada website. Dengan ini maka memakai SSL adalah hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan untuk semua website

Technical aspects
From Secure your site with HTTPS :
We recommend that HTTPS sites support HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security).
HSTS tells the browser to request HTTPS pages automatically, even if the user enters http in the browser location bar
To support HSTS, use a web server that supports it and enable the functionality

Free vs Paid
Apa beda SSL dari LetsEncrypt dan Berbayar?
1. SSL LetsEncrypt gratis sedangkan SSL lain bisa berbayar (PositiveSSL, Comodo SSL dan lainnya)
2. Kompabilitas SSL LetsEncrypt terhadap berbagai macam browser kurang, terutama untuk browser versi lawas. Sedangkan SSL berbayar bisa mendukung seluruhnya.
3. Masa berlaku SSL LetsEncrypt hanya 90 hari, sedangkan SSL berbayar minimal 1 tahun.
4. Asuransi keamanan pada SSL LetsEncrypt tidak ada, yang artinya jika terjadi kebocoran data atau bug, tidak ada jaminan untuk penggantian ganti rugi tersebut. Sedangkan SSL berbayar ada asuransi keamanannya mulai senilai $10,000.
5. Proses reissue atau penerbitan SSL (penerapan SSL ke domain) pada SSL LetsEncrypt tidak cepat, sehingga akan ada delay pada proses pengaktifannya. Sedangkan pada SSL berbayar lebih cepat proses penerbitan SSL nya.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

App to log vehicle maintenance

15 Best Free Car maintenance apps for Android to help you on your way

Car Report

Sayangnya, aplikasi AUTOsist hanya bisa dipakai untuk memonitor satu kendaraan saja. Jika kamu memiliki lebih dari satu kendaraan, kamu harus membayar biaya mulai dari US$9,99

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Terkait kerokan

GO-LIFE \ Go Massage \ kerokan: 60 ribu , kadang ada voucher diskon (2019-08-26)

Cara Ngerokin Punggung Sendiri

10 Cara Mengobati Masuk Angin Tanpa ada Kerokan
Jahe yang hangat bakal menghangatkan badan serta menolong badan berkeringat. Begitu, masuk angin bakal cepat reda.

Jasa Pijat Kerok Surabaya Posted on Desember 14, 2018

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Monday, September 18, 2017

Terkait ojek online

Top up GrabPay
ingat biaya transfer bca ke grabpay adalah 6.500
Untuk klik BCA tidak bisa kak, kami sarankan dari ATM BCA ya kak

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

VPN / Proxy related

Features to seek :
Split tunneling

8 best free VPN services for safe browsing

VPN Gate: Free

How to make your own free VPN with Amazon Web Services

Proxy dan VPN: Perbedaan dan Penjelasan Lengkap

What are the Best VPN Protocols? A Comparison of the Fastest, Most Secure and Compatible Tunneling Protocols
PPTP is the least secure. Even though it was created by Microsoft, they don’t even use this protocol. Also, for any business worried about Big Brother, the NSA has been able to compromise this protocol; therefore, it is widely recommended to avoid this protocol. As easy as it is to set up and implement, it is a case of “too good to be true.”
L2TP/IPsec is a good VPN solution for non-critical use; however, this protocol, like PPTP, has been compromised as well. So access of your data by prying eyes could be inevitable. With that being said, for a quick VPN setup without the need to install extra software, L2TP/IPsec remains useful, particularly for mobile devices. Is this something you’re going to implement yourself or use an expert? If implementing yourself, this may be the solution for you.
Across many areas of the IT world, OpenVPN is easily the best all-around VPN solution. One downside could be the need for third party software on all platforms; however, the benefits easily make this a preferred recommendation. It is reliable, fast, and (most importantly) secure, although it usually needs a bit more setting up than the other protocols. Because of this additional VPN configuration, we highly recommend partnering with an IT provider to provide assistance.
SSTP does offer most of the advantages of OpenVPN; however, it is mostly limited to a Windows environment. This means that it is better integrated into the OS, but is typically poorly supported by other VPN solutions.

Monday, August 21, 2017

SQL Server Management Studio related

View who open database :
Open Activity Monitor
Type CTRL+ALT+A to open Activity Monitor at any time
Since ...., you must user query instead :
List sessions / active connections in SQL Server
" exec sp_who" or "exec sp_who2"

Can this tool help me with INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements?
Yes - as a matter of fact.  Just right click in the query pane and select Change Type and then the type of query desired.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Monitor iklan baru

- Buat filter pencarian
- Simpan di favorit
- Di pengaturan favorit, centang "Beritahu saya iklan baru melalui e-mail"

Cari kembali iklan di olx berdasarkan ID iklan :
Pada halaman pencarian (yang ada "Pilih provinsi" dan "Pilih kategori"), ketikkan ID sebagai kata pencarian, centang "Cari di Deskripsi Iklan" kemudian search

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Hunt for dashboard camera

Xiaomi Yi Car Dashboard Camera 1080P
Rp. 750.700,-

Review Singkat Xiaomi Yi Dash Cam Aug 29, 2016
ada promo di Elev*nia bahwa Yi Dash Cam “cuma” dihargai sebesar 600an ribu. Cukup murah waktu itu karena saya cek di toko online lain masih dikisaran 700 ribu hingga 1 jutaan

Hunt for drone

Hangout Corner Quadcopter, Multicopter, Drone & AP 7dronian7


Monday, July 17, 2017

Hunt for motorcycle

8 Tips Membeli Motor Matic Bekas ( Second )

denda telat bayar pajak

info pajak kendaraan

arti kode tipe motor pada STNK atau ini (2014)

tanya beli motor cicilan 0% di situs BLIBLI.COM
Jadi ada dua tipe iklan cicilan motor di Blibli yang pertama seperti kasus agan diatas, cicilan menggunakan leasing seperti CSF, dll. Biasanya ada pembayaran depe diawal.
yang satu lagi total pembayaran yang semua transaksinya tanpa melibatkan pihak leasing, biasanya tanpa depe.
Yang tanpa leasing ini 100% utang kita hanya ke bank pemilik kartu kredit. dan besar cicilannya sesuai dengan di web blibli.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Google account related

Download/backup various Google data including Blogger posts :
Google Takeout
Export a copy of content in your Google Account if you want to back it up or use it with a service outside of Google
Related :
Use Google Takeout to back up all your blogs at once - MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015
contains section titled "Restoring from your archive file"

Phone/number is lost and Google 2-step verification send code to THAT phone !
2 step verification phone number lost
Bottom line:
Always have printed backup codes

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Kodi related

Nonton pakai add-on legal
VPN diperlukan utk atasi geo-restriction

Nonton pakai add-on ILlegal
Bisa nebak kan knapa butuh vpn
Karena add-on ILlegal kurang reliable, butuh layanan "abu-abu" yg berbayar spt Real Debrid
Dari reddit :
the crew, scrubs v2, work without RD. they will work, but got to take the good with bad, good one day, play nothing next day. (which just leads to you getting pissed off)
If you goal is to watch movies and TV shows without scrounging for workable links you will want to invest in real debrid.
If you don't care that links will sometimes not work or that you get SD quality then the free addons others recommend for you should be fine.

How To Fix The Video.Me Stream Authorization

Kodi Krypton Tutorial

Memaksimalkan Kodi (playlist untuk siaran TV lokal *tidak lengkap*)
Jika SuperRepo gagal, playlist loader juga bisa diinstall dengan ikuti petunjuk ini:
Playlist Loader Addon Guide

OpenSubtitles ask for username and password :
OpenSubtitles KODI (XBMC) Add-on – Login fix
read "Install new OpenSubtitles KODI add-on from" section

Agar bisa add subtitle :
Menikmati fitur Smart TV tanpa Smart TV

Agar bisa add subtitle selain English :
How To Add Subtitles To Kodi
Step 8:  Return to home screen of Kodi and click Gear icon toward top of page to enter settings.  Click Player Settings icon.
Step 9:  Within player settings, change the download language for subtitles if you need different language.  You must enable advanced settings toggle at bottom of settings menu within this area.

Remote controlling Kodi on Windows from Android phone :
How to set up a Windows 10 Kodi Remote Control

How to Stop Kodi Buffering

How to Watch Documentaries on Kodi

How to Install the Ares Wizard on Kodi 
related: installer

How to install Kodi Steam addon on your HTPC

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Hunt for second car

Penggemar & Pengguna Suzuki Carry Masuk Sini
ane ada rencana mau beli suzuki futura 1300 tahun 1992
jaroserinya indomobil
dia minta harganya 35.000.000,-
kondisi mobilnya sih sedeng2 aja gan
kondisinya non AC

nah pertanyaan saya :
1. futura tahun 92 emangnya da yah yang karoserinya indomobil ?
2. futura 1300 ini onderdilnya banyak ga yah?
3. klo mau beli mobil futura yang harus kita cek bagian apanya aja yah?
4. mending mana saya ambil futura atau carry 1000?
soalnya budget saya terbatas sekitar 30juta aja

1. Ada gan, itu karoseri indomobil pertama.
2. Buanyak banget, mulai SGP (ori) sampai KW
3. Pertama kaki2 gan, per main enggak, setir mbuang apa enggak. Terus baru ngolong, cek mesin rembes enggak, pindah gigi gimana.
4. Tergantung kebutuhan gan, kalau "cuma" angkut keluarga kecil nggak pernah bawa berat2 lebih efisien yang 1000 cc.

kalau untuk masalah harga sudah wajar itu gan, emang segitu pasaran nya, apalagi sekarang mau lebaran, mobil kapasitas muat orang banyak agak naik harganya.

1. ada gan, bentuknya sama trus sampai sekarang (khas)
2. namanya sijuki carry jangan takut sama onderdil > bejibun
3. standar cek beli mobil 2nd, mesin kering, kaki", rem dkk, cek juga body bekas nubruk atau berkarat tidak > karena betulin body ongkosnya lebih mahal dari betulin mesin.
4. tergantung kebutuhan, tapi kalau ada rencana pakai AC lebih baik ambil futura 1.3

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Pivot: how to refresh pivot table on Excel file connected to offline cube

1. switch to Online
2. Refresh [data]
3. switch back to Offline (no need to re-run wizard)
4. check by clicking one of the dimension (list/values should appear without problem)

Monday, April 3, 2017

Messenger app related

Looking for a bot that redirects messages from whatsapp chats to a telegram chat (2019)
Question :
I have a few friends that do not use whatsapp and some that don't use facebook. Is there a way to somehow make a bot post all messages written in a whatsapp chat to a telegram chat and post the replies bavk to whatsapp?

(Telegram) How do I download big files in faster way from Telegram messenger?
Tested on August 9, 2019 (sometimes works, sometimes not): GetPublicLinkBot

Whatsapp: How do I find out number of groups in my WhatsApp?

WA: if I remove a contact, will our chat history remain visible on his/her phone ?
The text messages which you sent to your friend ,will be saved automatically to your friend’s history , there won’t be any chance for erasing itself when you delete his/her contacts ,until your friend desired to delete that message manually.
So, when you delete someone‘s contact from your contact list ,still they can see your text message history,until they delete that manually. (source)

Whatsapp@android: send directly to a number without save

Whatsapp: How to Use One WhatsApp Account On Two Phones At The Same Time
you can use your account on WhatsApp Web only once at a time

Whatsapp: How can I delete a group chat?
The only way that you can delete a group in WhatsApp is if you are the admin of the group and remove each participant from the group. After removing all participants, you will need to exit the group in order to see the delete group option

Whatsapp: Where is the contact list
The updated WhatsApp no more shows the contact tab where you could find all your contacts. Instead, it now shows message logo at the bottom which if you touch takes you to the 'select contact' page where you find all your all contacts (source)

You cannot check someone’s LINE ID.
The only way to know someone’s LINE ID is to ask the person.

Can't change app permission on Samsung J7 Marshmallow

Error "screen overlay detected"
Solution: change permission setting on safe mode

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Server 2003 administrative tasks related

Why does enable audit on SINGLE user FOLDER generate SO many log entries including ones that related to system files ?

Windows 2003 server file access audit
That is normal, unfortuante but normal.  When a machine opens a file there may be several hooks into the file to handle different things.  Each one of these is recorded in the audit log.

Only on Server 2008 or later
File Auditing Server 2008 R2
I think the issue could be that he is using the basic "Local Policies \ Audit Policy -> Audit Object Access" settings. If you, instead, configure the "Advanced Audit Policy Configuration \ System Audit Policies \ Object Access -> Audit Files System OR Audit File Share" you might have better luck. I had the same issue and then I realized that the later is the better option and it seems to work. Don't configure both, just the "Advanced Audit Policy Configuration"

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Server 2003 troubleshooting

Cannot change domain password from Remote Desktop session on NON DC server :
The users password must be changed before logging on the first time
See Best Answer (KB2927811)

Plenty of Event ID 675 with Failure Code 0x19 :
There are various causes to this error - which is a Kerberos error. One of the most common is the fact that Windows 2003 DCs inc SBS 2003 use a lower encryption standard than Vista/Win2k8/Win7. This generate a 0x19 error & possibly others. 0x18 errors seem to be to do with password failures