Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Block/unblock aplikasi tertentu

[Kalau hanya buka port 443, maka] hanya membypass koneksi WhatsApp untuk pesan tulisan saja. Pesan media yang berbentuk gambar dan video tetap terblokir
Sumber: Bypass WhatsApp Pada Hotspot Mikrotik 20 Agustus 2019

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Multi-Terr related

With the release of MT4, we have opted for Hybrid technology, combining desktop applications with web tools. Online access is a great way to facilitate communication between publishers and congregations, but since unexpected events/unforeseen occurrence can overtake us all (Eccl. 9:11), we wanted to make sure that your congregation would be able to continue managing its territories in the unlikely event that the web server would be unavailable, or that the situation or laws in your country regarding online data storage would change. The desktop part of the application and built-in functions allows you to protect your information.

Evaluation result:
QR code brings you to multi-terr website, not google map (unusable to get direction to location)

Can we upload territory assignment history ?

House-to-house record management ?

Can we have secondary login for assistant ?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Transcribing video/audio in language not supported by Youtube automatic captioning

aka. speech to text

If you do not want to use secondary device (eg. smartphone) as playback device, then use virtual audio cable such as Virtual Audio Cable (it has trial sound/noise added?) or VB Audio VoiceMeter
Then Set "virtual audio driver" as Default "playback" AND "recording" device

Then use Google Docs' "Voice Typing" feature (downside: browser page must stay opened/focused during playback/transcribing process) or speech-to-text online services (Google search keyword: free|unlimited speech to text|api language|indonesia)
One that has been tested OK: Voice Notepad