Sunday, December 7, 2014

Batch file to resolve DNS name to IP address and add (or update) it to HOSTS file

Firefox: Can't find "Load images automatically" setting

In Firefox 23 and later you no longer have the "Load images automatically" setting
There is a setting in "Tools > Page Info > Permissions" for individual domains
source: Permissions.default.image

Friday, December 5, 2014

HTTrack related

Default behaviour:

Imagine you want to capture the following site:

HTTrack, by default, will capture all links encountered in or in lower directories, like
It will not follow links to other websites, because this behaviour might cause to capture the Web entirely!
It will NOT follow links located in higher directories, too (for example, itself) because this might cause to capture too much data.

This is the default behaviour of HTTrack
source: FAQ

A list of filters works from least important to most important (latter filters take precedence over previous filters)
source: Filters (section: Priorities)

Howto tell httrack to start finishing .tmp files?

You can cancel the mirror (WinHTTrack or WebHTTrack versions only), and let all pending downloads to be finished. Then, httrack will move all tmp files into regular ones.

Mirror specific thread on forum website

Scan rules:

How to log into the Blitz Research website

Note to self:
Didn't work with Hotmail
Error on Firefox7:
Firefox is configured to use a proxy server that is refusing connections