Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Remove broken Server 2003 domain controller

Forcing the Removal of a Domain Controller
Forced demotion should NOT be performed on the last domain controller in a domain

2000: Copy DTS package to another server

How to copy DTS 2000 packages between servers (and from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005 and SQL 2008)

If this copy process is part of migrating Navision 4.0 Business Analytics' DTS packages, additional steps to register two .DLL files is required: PeriodTable.dll and QualityCheck.dll.
Just put those two files on any folder and register them
(source: How to install Business Analytics for Navision)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Terkait layanan hosting e-mail D-Net

Q: Apakah server D-Net dilengkapi dengan anti virus yang akan melakukan scanning atas semua e-mail yang masuk (termasuk yang ditujukan ke domain kami, ...)?
A: Ya, sistem mail kami dilengkapi anti-virus dan anti-spam yang mendukung lalu lintas email yang bersih serta aman untuk domain milik klien DNET

Q: Jika ya, apa yang akan terjadi atas sebuah e-mail yang terdeteksi ber-virus?
Apakah akan tetap sampai ke kami dengan penanda tertentu?
Atau langsung dihapus sehingga kami tidak akan tahu sama sekali akan keberadaan email tsb?
A: Email yang terdeteksi sebagai virus akan langsung didelete sebelum masuk kedalam mailbox. Sedangkan untuk yang menyerupai spam, selama dalam skor-skor tertentu email tersebut akan di tag [DNET-SPAM], namun bila termasuk spam yang skor spamnya tinggi, email tersebut akan langsung di delete.

Q: Melalui Cpanel, kami telah mengaktifkan Apache SpamAssassin dan berencana untuk  meng-Enable fitur Auto-deletion.
Dengan setting seperti itu, bagaimana kami sebagai admin bisa melihat email mana saja yang di-Delete oleh sistem karena dianggap spam?
A: Pada spam assasin, user bisa mengatur tingkat strictness untuk spam sesuai kebutuhan dimana default adalah 5, dan dapat diset hingga 5-8 (untuk keamanan) , juga terdapat fitur blacklist dan whitelist, dimana blacklist akan langsung melakukan proses discard email yang termasuk, dan whitelist akan langsung mengirim mail yang masuk ke mailbox tanpa peduli skornya. User bisa melakukan trace email untuk email akun yang ada sehingga dapat melihat email yang terfilter spam asassin.      
Catatan sendiri:
Dari CPanel ada fitur Spam Box untuk menampung e-mail yang dianggap spam (perlu dicek dan dikosongkan secara berkala) tapi tampaknya tersedia tidaknya tergantung konfigurasi di sisi provider

Monday, September 28, 2015

SUN-glasses or EYE-glasses related

Mengapa harga lensa progresif bisa sampai jutaan?

Penjelasan lensa progresif oleh Optik Kasoem via e-mail 1 Okt 2018 :
Sebelumnya kami jelaskan terlebih dahulu bahwa lensa bifokal berbeda dengan progresif.

Lensa Bifokal merupakan lensa yang dapat digunakan untuk melihat daerah jauh dan dekat saja. Karena tidak mengcover jarang menengah, biasanya pengguna lensa bifokal akan mengalami kesulitan saat beraktivitas di jarak sekitar 1-2 meter seperti berjalan di tangga dan menggunakan komputer. Secara fisik, lensa bifokal pun memiliki garis pembatas (biasanya berupa setengah lingkaran) yang tidak disukai oleh beberapa orang karena kurang baik dari sisi kosmetis.

Beda halnya dengan lensa bifokal, lensa progresif dapat mengcover semua jarak (termasuk jarak menengah) dan tidak memiliki garis pembatas sehingga lebih baik dari sisi kosmetik. Secara teknis, karena tidak adanya garis pembatas pada lensa progresif (yang berarti power untuk melihat jauh, menengah dan dekat dibuat dengan base curve yang hampir sama) maka hal tersebut menyebabkan adanya daerah buram di bagian tepi (perifer) pada lensa progresif.

Saat ini lensa progresif memiliki kualitas yang berbeda- beda. Mulai dari kualitas standar sampai yang optimised/ premium. Perbedaan kualitas tersebut menyebabkan daerah buram yang ada di tepi menjadi berbeda- beda, semakin baik kualitasnya maka daerah buram nya semakin kecil dan otomatis lapang pandang menjadi lebih luas. Secara teori daerah buram pada lensa progresif tidak dapat dihilangkan, namun dapat diminimalisir.

Note to self:
Contoh lensa dengan bidang pandang lebih luas :

Anti UV, Anti Silau (Polarized/Polaroid), Anti Sinar Biru (Blue Light)
Lindungi Mata Dari Radiasi Dengan Kacamata Anti Radiasi
Lensa berbahan plastik dan kaca pada dasarnya hanya dapat menghalau sedikit sinar ultraviolet, tapi penambahan lapisan khusus pada lensa adalah satu cara untuk menghalau sinar ultraviolet secara total. Karena itu, saat memilih kacamata hitam, Anda harus memastikan bahwa kacamata tersebut telah diproteksi dengan lapisan khusus yang mampu menangkal radiasi sinar ultraviolet. Utamakan pelapis yang mampu menangkal sebesar 99-100 persen atau bertuliskan label 400 nm. Kacamata hitam yang bertuliskan label 400 nm juga menyatakan bahwa lensa kacamata tersebut mampu menangkal sinar ultraviolet sebesar 100 persen.
Kacamata dengan lensa terpolarisasi (polarized lens) dapat membantu mengurangi silaunya sinar matahari yang terpantul dari kaca, cermin, jalan, atau air. Karena itulah, untuk kenyamanan mengemudi di siang hari, dianjurkan untuk menggunakan kacamata berlensa polarized. Namun, meski dapat mengurangi silaunya sinar matahari, bukan berarti lensa polarized mampu menghalau radiasi sinar ultraviolet. Karena itulah, pastikan kembali bahwa lensa polarized Anda dilengkapi dengan perlindungan terhadap sinar ultraviolet juga.
Selain radiasi sinar ultraviolet, radiasi sinar biru dari komputer pun ditengarai berbahaya dan dapat menyebabkan kerusakan mata.
Meski begitu, hingga saat ini belum ada studi yang menyatakan radiasi dari komputer dapat menyebabkan penyakit pada mata, termasuk melanoma. Risiko gangguan mata akibat penggunaan komputer justru lebih besar kepada terjadinya ketegangan dan kekeringan pada mata.

tidak semua lensa kacamata polarized dapat menangkal sinar ultraviolet (UV). Anda harus memastikan terlebih dahulu dengan menanyakan langsung kepada penjual. Atau anda dapat membaca keterangan pada label kacamata tersebut apakah dapat menangkal sinar UV atau tidak. Namun jika lensa polarized dari kacamata yang anda beli terbuat dari bahan polycarbonate, maka secara otomatis lensa tersebut dapat menangkal sinar UV

10 Rekomendasi Kacamata Anti UV Terbaik
Semakin pekat warna lensa, biasanya orang-orang akan merasa bahwa kemampuan anti ultravioletnya tinggi. Namun, sebenarnya warna yang semakin gelap justru akan menjadikann lensa tersebut lebih mudah menyerap sinar ultraviolet. Oleh karena itu, dalam memilih kacamata anti ultraviolet yang tepat, akan lebih baik jika Anda memilih produk yang warnanya tidak terlalu pekat.
Mengapa kacamata dengan lensa berwarna lebih gelap dikatakan lebih mudah menyerap sinar ultraviolet? Ini karena pupil mata memiliki mekanisme untuk melebar saat berada di tempat yang gelap guna menyerap cahaya. Jika Anda mengenakan kacamata anti UV dengan warna gelap, pupil mata akan melebar dan menyerap cahaya sehingga sinar ultraviolet akan lebih mudah masuk ke dalam mata.
Karena adanya mekanisme seperti itu, pilihlah lensa dengan warna yang tidak terlalu pekat jika Anda ingin menekankan fitur anti ultraviolet. Namun, jika Anda menginginkan fitur pencegahan cahaya yang menyilaukan, pilihlah kacamata dengan lensa berwarna gelap.
Kacamata anti UV bisa menghalau sinar ultraviolet karena terbuat dari bahan yang misalnya dapat menyerap sinar ultraviolet. Sinar ultraviolet tidak bisa dihalau oleh lensa polarisasi saja. Tentunya ada produk kacamata dengan lensa polarisasi yang juga memiliki fungsi penghalau UV, dan ada juga produk yang menggunakan gabungan lensa polarisasi dengan lensa anti ultraviolet.

Kacamata Progesif
Kaca mata progresif memiliki batas lensa yang tidak tampak antara focus untuk melihat jauh dan dekat, tidak seperti lensa bifokus.
Batas lensa tidak jelas ini dikarenakan multi fokus, fokus lensa bergradasi dari fungsi lensa untuk jauh ke penglihatan dekat
Lensa progressive ditujukan untuk penderita Presbiopia. Presbiopia merupakan gangguan yang wajar terjadi diusia lebih dari 40 tahun. Dimana umumnya setiap orang yang memasuki usia tersebut mengalami kesulitan membaca tulisan / buku dalam jarak normal membaca
Menggunakan lensa bifocal selain tidak kosmetis (Pembatas lensa untuk melihat jauh dan baca terlihat) juga dapat menyebabkan loncatan bayangan saat berpindah dari melihat jauh ke baca terutama yang memiliki kelainan myopia (mata minus).  Jika anda termasuk presbiopia pemula  (belum pernah menggunakan kacamata untuk presbiopia) sebaiknya menggunakan lensa progressive.

Our Services: Sunglasses explains about:
- Solid Tints
- Photochromic Glass Lenses
- Transition Plastic Lenses
- Polarized Lenses

Bagaimanakah membedakan kacamata dengan lensa anti radiasi dan kacamata biasa dengan lensa non anti radiasi?

pernyataan bahwa kacamata pinhole dapat menyembuhkan kelainan mata tersebut tidak benar. Fungsinya lebih kepada penyaringan cahaya yang masuk ke dalam mata. Efeknya, kerja mata menjadi tidak terlalu berat

Monday, September 14, 2015

Determine if a G/L entry is a result of direct posting (or not)

Why is Gross Profit from Account Schedule Overview is significantly different than Profit from OLAP ?

Steps to investigate:
Make sure that Nett Sales figures from both sources are the same
In most cases, CoGS figures are different
CoGS on Acc. Shed. Overview is sum of balances of accounts number 420000..429999
Filter on G/L Entries table for accounts in that range AND System-Created Entry=No
Entries shown are the ones came from direct-posting

Other thing to consider:
If Adjust Cost Item Entries batch is still running while OLAP processing is also running, the resulted pivot in Excel may NOT show correct/final Cost Amount (and Profit)
To find out, perform this query on Business Analytics database:

SELECT  MAX(EntryNo_) AS Expr1 FROM  wLedgerEntryDimensionValueEntry

and compare the result with last entry created by ACIE batch (Source Code=INVTADJMT).

OLAP processing failed?

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sejak kapan Romawi jadi Kristen ?

Apa yg membuat kerajaan Roma & Kaisarnya masuk Kristen padahal mrk yg menganiaya Kristen semulanya?
Di masa Konstantin, agama resmi Romawi adalah pemujaan matahari, dan Konstantin adalah pendeta kepalanya. Ketika itu, Konstantin menghadapi kenyataan, 3 abad sepeninggal Yesus, penganut Kristen tumbuh berlipat-lipat. Kaum Kristen dan pagan mulai berperang. Situasi dianggap mengancam dan memecah belah Romawi.
Konstantin memutuskan untuk menyatukan Romawi dalam sebuah agama tunggal, Kristen. Caranya, mengalihkan para penganut pagan pemuja matahari menjadi Kristen, dengan meleburkan simbol-simbol, tanggal-tanggal, serta ritus-ritus pagan ke dalam tradisi Kristen yang sedang tumbuh. Melalui Konsili Nicaea, Konstantin berhasil menciptakan agama hybrid yang dapat diterima kedua belah pihak.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Vista/7: "Show processes from all users" failed

1.) when a standard user opens Task Manager and clicks on "Show processes from all users" nothing happens. It look like Task Manager is closing an re-opening but user can see only his processes.
2.) when a standard user opens Task Manager and clicks on "Performance" -> "Resource Monitor" the error: "Requested operation requires elevation" appears.

give the user administrator permission(resource monitor can be run under power user).
(from Error: "Requested operation requires elevation" - but UAC is turned off)

Windows 7 Resource Monitor Not Working (No data shown)

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Firefox: Paste as plain text

How to paste as plain text in Firefox
Instead of pasting text using Ctrl-V, you simply use Ctrl-Shift-V to do so. The difference between both options is that the latter pastes the text without formatting while the former retains it. You can also hold down Shift while using the mouse to paste contents in the browser as this works fine as well.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Running Linux application on Windows using andLinux


To enable application install using apt-get:
..follow steps on "Repository Settings" here
..run "sudo apt-get update"
..run "sudo apt-get install krecipes"

Installing AndLinux
..Mount Windows Drives
..to edit fstab, type "sudo nano /etc/fstab"
..what to put as uid and gid: How do I correctly mount a NTFS partition in /etc/fstab?

andLinux Wiki
..Installation / Demo Videos
..Quick Tips
..Press Review
..Howto: change andLinux network configuration
..Howto: keep your base.drv during update
..Howto: configure ubuntu with gnome desktop
..Howto: change default user
..Howto: access removable media from andLinux
..Howto: setup Windows printers
..Howto: user-defined file associations
..Howto: open externally accessible ports for SSH server, webserver, etc.
..Knowledge: andLinux Launcher
..Knowledge: Xming
..Knowledge: Installer parameters / silent installation

andLinux setup

Accessing removable media from andLinux using COFS

using andLinux (for windows)
..setting up Windows 7 firewall

andLinux installation
..andLinux is an Ubuntu distribution based on the gutsy release. After trying to build the source for liferea and
..running into problems with package versions being to old, I decided to try to upgrade the Ubuntu release to
..hardy. The following are the steps I took to complete the upgrade

Foreign Linux: run Linux binaries on Windows

Hunt for Recipe Management software

R1: Auto complete when entering ingredients
R2: Ingredient names auto complete when typing Procedure/Instruction

Living Cookbook 2015
- R1: Incorrect ingredients shown
- R2: not supported

+ A VERY COOL part of entering the recipe instructions is the Auto Completion feature! This is a real-time and effort saver if your instructions refer to many of the ingredients in your ingredient list, and/or if your ingredient names are lengthy. This is how it works —
In the “Apple Crisp” recipe shown in the screenshot, we have the ingredient “brown sugar”. As you begin typing “brown sugar” in your recipe instructions, Krecipes will match typed characters with ingredients in your recipe ingredient list and automatically complete the remaining characters.
- for Linux

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Hunt for powerful yet cheap and portable computer

Choices: Mini-PC (laptop parts), Laptop, Barebone PC (desktop parts)

to get size as small as possible, you have to use laptop parts (e.g. SSD disk) that in turn will increase overall cost (or force you to use less powerful part)

Is it possible to make a powerful; but easily transportable PC?

Virtualization Home Lab: Choosing a suitable computer (quiet, low power with nested virtualization support) 
- expensive

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Server maintenance related

How to Backup/Restore a Windows 2003 Domain Controller

Need to defragment Windows Server disk offline?
Probably the closest yet still practical approach is boot-time defragmentation

Server disk defragmentation softwares:
+ free
* review: [Windows] Improve your computer’s performance by defragging with UltraDefrag
Puran Utilities
+ free
Auslogics Disk Defrag
- Pro version that supports boot-time defrag isn't free

What about defrag from boot CD?
Programs that try to defrag your Windows drive without using the Windows API are the most risky. These generally rely on a boot CD that runs its own OS. Programs that perform the defrag while you are working in Windows do not fall into this category.
(source: Before You Defragment Your PC)

Bad experience(s) regarding server disk defragmentation:
Be very careful with your servers, I defragged one overnight once and had a hell of a cleanup job the next morning. It still worked but crazy errors all over the place and services not starting etc.
(source: Server Defrag Software Recommendation?)

Yesterday I used PerfectDisk 11 Pro to defrag all my drives (like I do every month or two) and this was the first time the 3TB drive had been defragged. Upon rebooting from that overnight task, I discovered that my 3TB HDD is now listed as RAW instead of NTFS in Windows 7 Disk Management. It still has a drive letter assigned to it, but trying to open it gets the error ...
(source: How to recover lost partition on GPT drive?)

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Terkait Kartu Kredit

Cek Transaksi Terakhir Kartu Kredit BCA dari handphone 3/20/2018 08:19:00 PM
Layanan ini adalah layanan yang terintegrasi dengan applikasi sms Banking.
Jadi supaya Kamu bisa menggunakan layanan *141# kamu harus terlebih dahulu terdaftar menjadi pengguna sms banking Bank BCA.
Menurut saya untuk pengecekan Info kartu kredit Bank BCA yang paling mudah adalah dengan menggunakan layanan USSD Banking ini.  Tapi ada banyak alternative lain yang bisa kamu gunakan, yang paling mudah dan aman adalah melalui call center bank BCA atau kamu juga bisa menggunakan Applikasi Chat VIRA BCA.
Untuk cara pendaftaran layanan VIRA bank BCA kamu harus mendaftarkan nomor HP kamu terlebih dahulu di ATM bank BCA Terdekat. Kamu bisa melihat informasi lebih lengkap di sini.

Cara Mengubah Nomor Handphone Kartu Kredit BCA
- telpon
- online

jumlah poin reward yang dibutuhkan untuk ditukar dengan iuran tahunan kartu kredit BCA gold adalah sebesar 75.000 poin – sementara poin reward saya sampai dengan May 2010 adalah sebesar 137.653 point – yang notabene melebihi persyaratan yang diminta
Apakah bisa reward bca tidak sy gunakan/tdk sy ambil buat belanja, tp sy mau pakai buat byar biaya tahunan jika sdh mncukupi apakah bisa?
Untuk penghapusan uang iuran tahunan kartu kredit BCA bisa diajukan melalui layanan Halo BCA 1500888 agar dibuatkan laporannya terlebih dahulu.
PENGALAMAN PRIBADI PENGAJUAN PENGHAPUSAN KE HALOBCA (telp ke 031-1500888 pakai paket telpon As TIDAK memotong pulsa alias Rp 0) :
- Pengajuan TIDAK bisa dilakukan sebelum tagihan muncul
- Syarat: pemakaian 300rb selama 3 bln terakhir
penghapusan iuran hanya bisa pakai saldo reward.
ajukan saja penutupan kartu, biasanya akan 

Keluhan Perihal Kartu Visa Signature BCA
Ketika saya mencoba untuk meminta penghapusan annual fee, dikatakan baru bisa diajukan setelah tagihan tercetak.

Cicilan 0% di situs jual beli online
Cicilan 0%, benarkah?
Meskipun disebut cicilan 0% tapi tidak sepenuhnya 0% ya. Kamu harus membaca dengan seksama aturan dimasing-masing tempat kamu belanja. Misal untuk Tokopedia ada yang namanya biaya layanan hingga 3% dari total transaksi kamu, atau untuk Bukalapak ada 2.5% untuk cicilan 12 bulan.
Biasanya penyebab billing masih full amount adalah karena kita berbelanja mendekati tanggal cetak billing.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Best practices related

Creating username policies and best practices
usernames are for identification not authentication, therefore prioritizing user convenience seems sensible
Some risks to bear in mind though ...
if the username is easily guessable then it is one less piece of information an attacker requires

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Fitur "Invoice Discount" (Indonesian)

Artinya, diskon global utk 1 Sales Order

Dari Online Help untuk field "Invoice Disc. Code" yang ada di Customer Card:

This field displays the customer's invoice discount code. You can enter a maximum of 20 characters, both numbers and letters.
When you set up a new customer card, the number from the No. field is automatically copied to this field.
You then have two possibilities in this field:
  • If you want the customer to have an individual invoice discount, don't change the contents of this field, but set up terms for this invoice discount code in the Cust. Invoice Disc. window. To see the window, click the Sales button on the Customer Card window, and select Invoice Discount.
  • If you want several customers to have the same invoice discount, you can replace the default code with another one. This can be a code that has previously been set up, or it can be a new one. If you enter a new code, you must set up invoice discount terms for it in the Cust. Invoice Disc. window. After this, enter the new code in the Invoice Disc. Code field for each customer that you want to have the same invoice discount.
Use codes that are easy to remember and describe the invoice discount terms. For example:
20000 (the customer must buy at least LCY 20,000 worth of merchandise before the invoice discount is granted).
The invoice discount can be allowed/disallowed in the Price Groups window.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Disk clone related

MBR VS GPT (Focus on Difference and How to Convert Safely)
In conclusion, in our opinion, GPT is better.
MiniTool Partition Wizard Free Edition [can] convert the disk style between MBR and GPT.

How to Clone MBR Disk to GPT Disk/SSD
your old hard drive is an MBR partitioned boot disk and your new HDD or SSD is GPT partitioned disk, in this case, you will be required to clone MBR disk to GPT disk or SSD. It is a little bit difficult to manage the job as a bootable issue will happen in high chances if you simply clone MBR HDD to HDD or SSD with GPT partition table. Do remember to convert the GPT to MBR first and start the cloning process.

HDD Raw Copy Tool
Examples of possible uses:
Data recovery: make a copy of the damaged drive to attempt recovery on the copy
Data recovery: copy a damaged hard drive and skip bad sectors
Migration: completely migrate from one hard drive to another
Ultimate backup: Make an exact copy of the hard drive for future use
Backup: create an image of a USB flash stick and copy/restore at any moment
Software QA engineers: restore your OS hard drives at any moment from a compressed image
Duplicate/Clone/Save full image of any type of media!

ORICO: Two same capacity drives, but can not start Clone (see FAQ)

If two driver are some capacity but different brands, the clone may can not start to process.
Different manufacturer may use different capacity caculation method,  so maybe they actually not equal with each other.

SSD partitioning- is reserve space necessary
Bottom line, you should be able to go for a partition size that uses all "available" space presented to your system.
most SSDs are overprovisioned internally. Your 256GB SSD likely has something like 256+16GB of actual space in it. The SSD controller hides this from the OS, but it will internally use that extra room when needed.

Bad Sector Repair in Windows 10 (3 Ways Included)
Self experience: chkdsk gives more comprehensive result than GUI tool

4 Portable Tools to Make a Full Image Backup of USB Drives
Q: Can we mount resulted image file ?

FOG is a Linux-based, free and open source computer imaging solution for various versions of Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10), Linux and Mac OS X. It ties together a few open source tools with a PHP-based web interface. FOG doesn't use any boot disks, or CDs; everything is done via TFTP and PXE. Your PCs boot via PXE and automatically downloads a small linux client doing all the hard work of imaging your machine

Group Policy: edit remotely

Edit group policy on remote computer

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Kali/Debian related

Create Kali live usb :
use Rufus (DD mode)

Setting Brightness Secara Permanen di Linux

Choosing a GRUB 2 Background Image

Editing Grub2 menu entries manually in Linux Mint
For editing/removing boot entries, edit grub.cfg file present in /boot/grub/. To remove extra operating system entry (say Linux Mint 12 installed on sda8) remove these lines from grub.cfg file
Do not run command update-grub after editing/removing/renaming entries in grub.cfg file as this command reconfigures grub.cfg file and will again include all operating systems present on system. 

"Network Mirror", is it required?
Adding Kali Linux mirrors after offline installation
If you installed Kali offline from a CD/DVD or USB (or have chosen not to connect to internet during installation), you probably have an empty sources.list file with just 2 lines on it (CDROM’s). ... you won’t get the mirrors or repositories during a hard disk install added to your sources.list file. This will cause issues in the future when seeking new or updated software packages from the Kali repos.

Change hostname
cd /etc
leafpad hostname
leafpad hosts

Change Kali Linux Login Wallpaper

Change lock screen wallpaper
navigate to /usr/share/images/desktop-base/
rename kali.xml to kali.xml.bak
rename lines.xml to kali.xml
restart GNOME display manager using commands here:

Change desktop, login and lock screen wallpapers in GNOME 3.4

Monday, May 11, 2015

Tracking related

How To Track Your Lost Android Phone Without Installed Tracking App

Solution to Google Services and Android System battery drain [UPDATED Nov 23, 2013]

I have been running my device with all Locations settings enabled except the "Wi-Fi & Mobile Network Location" and Google Services is not even show on battery graph.
KitKat has "modes" for location settings. There are 3 modes: high precision, battery friendly and device only. The first two drain battery as hell, but the third one makes the Play Services drain completely gone. With this in mind, widgets and Google Now are still fully functional, just Near Places is not available as well as some apps that need location, because it will work with just the GPS. My battery has greatly increased after I made this change.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Copier / Scanner machine related

Get ID Card copied multiple times on single sheet of paper
Copying ID Type Cards is Easy with Xerox

Kyocera only provides "copy both sides of an ID card"

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Windows Essentials related

Movie Maker, Live Mail etc

Download Offline/Standalone Installer Windows Essentials 2012

Excel: Create offline cube without wizard

Pakai MDX Sample Application
Contoh :
CREATE GLOBAL CUBE offlineSales STORAGE 'f:\userdata\temp\Sales.cub' FROM [Sales]
MEASURE [Sales].[Quantity],
DIMENSION [Sales].[Customer]
 LEVEL [Customer Name],
 MEMBER [Customer].[All Customer].[C M C]

Using Data Definition Language with SQL Server 2000 ...

* for SQL 2005

Creation of offline cubes from pivot table[Automation]
using macro
unfortunately, it throws some error with OLE DB Provider

using Local-Cube MDX
still can't find free/portable MDX editor
tried manual copy mdxsampl.exe from another computer but won't run with error " ... comctl32.ocx ... missing ..." even file exist on same folder

Error "connection name is already in use" when trying to create offline cube
Cause: you have multiple sheet containing same pivot (perhaps because you've copied the first sheet)

Thursday, April 30, 2015


To consider:
Buy a replacement harddisk with a bigger capacity could be much cheaper

Membangun Cloud File Server Dengan All In One Server Synology DiskStation - April 5, 2014

SAN vs. NAS: A diagram of the differences
In general if your application requires block I/O or there is a significant performance requirement, use a SAN. If it's file based I/O for the application or you need to share files and you want simple administration, use NAS

Nas-San Comparison
Almost any machine that can connect to the LAN (or is interconnected to the LAN through a WAN) can use NFS, CIFS or HTTP protocol to connect to a NAS and share files.
Only server class devices with SCSI Fibre Channel can connect to the SAN. The Fibre Channel of the SAN has a limit of around 10km at best

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

(Indonesian) Harga obat

Klimbungan 21-Apr-2015 Rp 65.000 / dus (isi 30 kapsul)

Monday, April 20, 2015

Rekam pembicaraan/panggilan pesawat telepon

Google: digital call recorder phone line harga|jual

RJ11 Telephone Line Pass-Thru to 3.5mm Mini-Jack Conversation Recording/Line-out Adapter

Digital Auto Telephone Recorder (Perekam Telepon)

Terdapat pilihan auto recording (merekam pada saat gagang telepon diangkat) maupun manual recording.
1.250.000 Jakarta

Digital Voice Recorder 4 GB - Perekam suara & Telepon
260.000 (ongkir ke sby 17.000)

Digital Voice Recorder 4GB,MP3 , Alat Rekam Telpon
304.000 (ongkir ke sby 17.000)
Q: apa bisa otomatis mulai rekam tiap kali gagang diangkat (off hook) atau manual tekan [semacam] tombol
.....record ?
A: untuk rekam manual gan

Digital Voice Recorder Xtronic XT-VR01
Yogyakarta / 340.000

* Jakarta

Recorder Telephone with Digital Voice 2GB
* Jakarta / 600.000
* other model, same price with bigger storage: Telp & Digital Voice Recorder 4GB

Phone Recorder
* Bogor

* Denpasar
- requires recording software ?

Alat Rekam Suara dan Percakapan Telepon

Garansi 3 bulan
Harga Perekam Suara Memori 8 GB Rp 545.000
Harga Perekam Suara Memori 4 GB Rp 509.000
Barang dikirim dari: Surabaya

* Harga? 975.000 di sini
* Jakarta

Fully Standalone
SD Card Recording (up to 2000 Hours) .... SD Card size required?
Clear Voice Quality
Full Call Details
Backlit LCD Screen
Menu Based Operation
PC Based Management
* Harga?
Supports Windows 98/2000/XP/2003/NT/Win7 /Vista  32/64 Bit System .... How about Win 8 ?

USB Digital Telephone Recorder 
* Jakarta
1 Port : Rp 1.500.000,-/ Unit ( Rekam 1 Line )

Thursday, April 16, 2015

System File Checker related

Keep throwing error about Wrong CD:
Drive letter or path to installer CD might need to be adjusted
See "Controlling SourcePath" section on Best Practice Ezine #114 - SFC and SourcePath

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Secure file server access from Internet

5 Ways to Access Your PC’s Files Over the Internet

You could ... set up a VPN server on your ... network and connect to that. Your computer will then be considered part of your local network, and it can access all local file shares. This allows you to access shared Windows folders and other network storage devices that would only be accessible on the local network.
This is the way businesses grant access to their file shares. Rather than securing potentially insecure file-sharing solutions, you just have to secure the VPN server itself and control access to it.
If you have already have an SSH server running on your local network, you can use SSH tunneling to access local network resources rather than setting up a VPN.

The main difference between SSH and VPN is that VPN works on the transport level while SSH works on an application level.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Terkait Asus Fonepad 8

USB driver
Google: asus fonepad 8 usb driver
* UPDATE: perhaps its better looking for "Intel Android driver"
* UPDATE: official website already provides it (see "USB" section; haven't test it though)

How to cancel/abort system update download already in progress?
[Let the download finish then] Try going into Recovery mode and wiping the cache partition. It worked for me, when I downloaded the update, but didn't want to install. (not from Asus forum)

from Asus Fonepad 8 FE380CG - user opinions and reviews:
The contrast problem is with every fonepad 8 on lollipop
i updated to lollipop..now, its draining so fast.

Double tap to wake?
Double tap to wake feature requires the use of Intel Sensor Hub-a combination of low-power microprocessors running all the time to respond to gestures.
Since fonepad lacks the hardware for this feature,it cannot be incorporated by ASUS.

firmware update manual/guide

Original firmware (?)
Obtained from Обзоры, инструкции для Asus Fonepad 8 3G 8GB FE380CG
Seems more update: link (see "Firmware" section)

Install CWM on Asus FonePad 8
Asus Fonepad 8 Fe380cg Unlock Bootloader Tutorial
... also contains Asus Fonepad 8 Fe380cg Lollipop Update Tutorial
......WARNING: most likely fake
... ...
... Install the ROM Manager on your Asus Fonepad 8 Fe380cg . Get it from Google Play Store, then install ... the clockwork mod recovery. You also can use ROM Installer application from JRummy Apps Inc.(Get it ... from Google Play Store).
... 3. Connect your Asus Fonepad 8 Fe380cg to your PC employing the USB information cable. Copy the ...    “ROM.zip” file you downloaded to the SD memory card.
... 4. Restart your device in the recovery mode using ROM Manager. As soon as in Recovery Mode, go to
...     ROM Manager and select backup/restore to back-up your information.
... ...
Download CWM & TWRP Recovery for Asus Fonepad 8 Fe380cg 

[OFFICIAL LOUNGE] Asus Fonepad 8 – Bring It On
habis dari asus center, downgrade dari lolipop ke kitkat katanya bisa & gratis kalau garansinya masih berlaku, tp pakai nginep 2 hari dulu.
Ane akhirnya update 5.5.0 dari Kitkat 4.4.2
Sejauh ini menurut ane lebih enak Lollipop.

[FB] [Official Lounge] Asus Fonepad 8 Indonesia

[Official lounge] Asus Fonepad

[Q] Root for Asus Fonepad
27 Feb 2015 Confirm working on ASUS Fonepad FE380CG
7 Mar 2015 Works on FE380CG I can confirm too, root and Xposed are working fine
20 May 2015 Works on my WW_K016 FE380CG also, running on latest V4.4.0 firmware
...EDIT: Forgot to mention I installed Intel's driver (https://software.intel.com/en-us/and...ndroid-devices) on ...my Win7 PC, and also turned on USB debugging.

[4pda.ru] Asus Fonepad 8 FE380CG

Monday, March 9, 2015

(Indonesian) Cabang BTN di Surabaya Utara

Disarikan dari http://www.btn.co.id/Layanan/Lokasi-Cabang,-Capem-dan-Kankas.aspx:

Kantor Kas Demak Surabaya
Jl. Kalibutuh No. 41 Surabaya, Surabaya
Telepon: 031 - 5359891
Fax: 031 - 5359892
Email: kk.demaksurabaya@btn.co.id

Kantor Kas KH Mas Mansyur
Jl. KH. M Mansyur No. 236 A Surabaya , Surabaya
Telepon: 031 - 3572869, 3578829
Fax: 031 - 3577748

Kantor Kas Pasar Atum Mall
Jln. Pasar Atum Mall Blok P59 Jln. Bunguran No. 45 Surabaya, Surabaya
Email: kk.pasaratummall

Kantor Kas Perak Barat
Jln. Perak Barat No. 217A Surabaya, Surabaya
Telepon: 031 - 5042223
Fax: 031 - 5038887
Email: kk.perakbarat@btn.co.id

Content of network folder appears differently on two computers

One of those computers has "Always Available Offline" option checked

How to Make Network Files or Folders Available Offline in Windows 7 and Windows 8

Be careful when switching to disable "Always ..." option especially when there's file version conflict
If you choose wrong version of conflicting files, you'll end up with older version of the file

How the synchronization in Windows 7 Offline Files works

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Terkait garansi produk

Printer Epson

memang pihak servis, apapun itu, pasti mendasarkan pada data pembelian yang mereka terima, entah itu dari kartu garansi yang diisi pada saat di toko, atau kartu garansi dikirim via pos, atau mengisi garansi secara online. Jika salah satu dari ketiga hal ini tidak dilakukan, sulit bagi pihak servis untuk menentukan masih bergaransi atau tidak, akhirnya mereka mendasarkan pada data SN yang mereka miliki.
Ke depannya, untuk pengguna produk Epson, pastikan kartu garansi dikirimkan atau diisi di toko, atau lakukan pendaftaran secara online. Nota pembelian usahakan jangan hilang, disimpan baik-baik.
(posting oleh "Epson L100 untuk Indonesia" di MOHON PENJELASAN MENGENAI GARANSI....)

Friday, February 27, 2015

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

(Indonesian) Terkait Android One Lollipop

XPrivacy Installation
need to be able to flash a kernel image (Mostly this means the bootloader needs to be unlocked)
need to have/obtain a kernel image (boot.img) for your device
Edit the kernel image
...repacked kernel is smaller than original:
...Sometimes there's needless padding which gets stripped out, and it might be using a different compression
...level than the original, but as long as it flashes and boots you have nothing to worry about
...from [DEV][TOOL] Android Image Kitchen - Unpack/Repack Kernel Ramdisk [Win/Android/Linux]
Flash the edited kernel image (Mostly this is done using the fastboot command)
...just booting a kernel without flashing it to your device [for testing]:
...fastboot boot boot.img
...from [Guide] How To Setup And Use Fastboot

Lollipop 5.1 ROM Backup for all Android one devices [STABLE] Indonesian version
juga ada di [Official Lounge] Evercoss One X / Mito Impact / Nexian Journey - First 5.1 Lollipop

Cara Mudah Unroot Android

Buka link kaskus yang ada di:
Cara Root Android ONE : Nexian Journey 1, Evercoss One X, dan Mito Impact

+ versi SuperSU lebih baru dibanding yang disebut di artikel bawah
* recovery image gunakan TWRP yang link nya ada di:
Cara rooting Android ONE: Mito Impact, Evercoss One X, Nexian Journey One

Know Your Android Tools: What Is Fastboot & How Do You Use It? bagian "Boot Your Phone with a Kernel or Recovery Image Without Flashing It":
"fastboot boot recovery.img":
boot sementara ke recovery
"fastboot flash recovery recovery.img":
install recovery secara permanen

Root vs Unlock Bootloader:
when you root your Android phone or tablet you gain full control over your system and can tweak it to your liking
Unlocking the bootloader allows you to install custom Firmware on your Android phone

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Smartphone/tablet dengan garansi replace

garansi satu tahun one to one replacement
(menurut Bisnis.com : Kata i1 Ramaikan Pasar Smartphone Android tapi tidak tercantum di website resmi)

3 months replacement

Office 2003 installation files

Office 2003 Eng

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Status penerbangan


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Public CCTV

CCTV Dishub Surabaya
Streaming URL can be viewed from Chrome's inspect-element
Example: rtsp://guest:guest@
To extract street names from HTML source:
findstr "title: "  dishub_cctv.txt >title.txt (import to Excel with fixed width)
To extract streaming URL from HTML source:
findstr "target="  dishub_cctv.txt >rtsp.txt (import to Excel with fixed width)
Extract street names portion from title.txt:
Extract streaming URL portion from rtsp.txt:
Create XML lines:
To import to "IP Cam Viewer", choose :
Make=Generic URL,  Model=Generic RTSP over TCP

Jasa marga streaming (tol)

Kamera Lalu Lintas Jalan Tol Surabaya (Tol Surabaya - Gempol)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Monitor printer usage

CZ Print Job Tracker 9.0
- paid

Print Censor
- paid

Print Audit Secure

Print to 2 printer by default [set PDF creator as 2nd printer for review purpose]

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Combine multiple Internet connections into single pipeline

Google: combine bandwidth from two gsm|3g modem free windows

How To: Get the fastest Internet connection ever
Windows: Using Connectify Dispatch (commercial)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Java development

ERROR NetBeans : diamond operator is not supported in -source 1.5 (use -source 7 or higher to enable diamond operator)

Using the equals() method with String and Object in Java
equals() for String compares the content, not the object itself.

10 Examples of using ArrayList in Java - Tutorial
ArrayList represents an automatic re-sizeable array and used in place of array. Since we can not modify size of an array after creating it, we prefer to use ArrayList in Java which re-size itself automatically once it gets full

How to loop ArrayList in Java - List Itrator Traversal Code Example

Which Java (32 or 64 bit) should be selected when installing Netbeans?
NetBeans 64bit Edition
the download for 64 and 32 bit versions of the IDE is the same, the difference lies in which Java Runtime Environment the install is pointed to. You have to point it to the 64 bit JRE to have it work in 64 bit

from Eclipse message saying List cannot be resolved to a type
You can press SHIFT+CTRL+O for auto importing [packages containing classes needed]

from Eclipse IDE - Tutorial
Java can be downloaded in two flavors: a JRE (Java Runtime Environment) and a JDK (Java Development Kit) version.
The Eclipse IDE contains its own Java compiler hence a JRE is sufficient for most tasks with Eclipse.
The JDK version of Java is required if you compile Java source code on the command line and for advanced development scenarios, for example, if you use automatic builds or if you develop Java web applications.

You can define in Eclipse that a project is dependent on another project. To do this select your project, right-click on it and select Properties.
Select Java Build Path and the Projects tab.
If you add a project to the build path of another project, you can use its classes in Eclipse

Manual installation of plug-ins (dropins folder):
You should not modify the content of the Eclipse plugins directory directly. If you want to install plug-ins, put them into the dropins folder. If you want to remove it, delete the JAR from this folder


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Office 365 related

How to export all outlook contacts from 365 to file?
Do you mean OWA(Outlook Web Access) by saying Microsoft Office 365 Outlook? If I am correct, OWA doesn’t support export contacts into an individual file.

Set up email in Outlook 2010 or Outlook 2013 for Office 365 or Exchange-based accounts

From Office 365 Outlook OWA I can see some Contacts. Will it be visible from desktop client as well ?
Probably NO
Use POP or IMAP to connect to Office 365 for business or Microsoft Exchange accounts says:
Connecting to your Office 365 for business or other Microsoft Exchange email account using POP3 or IMAP4 only lets you send and receive email. You can’t connect to your contacts, tasks, or calendar when you connect to your account using POP3 or IMAP4.
BUT from personal experience, by setting desktop Outlook 2013 as described by ChrisChin_qc on Exporting Office 365 Contacts to either a CSV file or Outlook desk copy (only type your e-mail and password, no need to specify POP/IMAP) you can see e-mails AND Contacts from your 365 account so then you can export them
IF that FAILS and your 365 subscription comes with Office click-to-run(?) software, you can try Install Office using Office 365 for business

Monday, January 5, 2015

General Journal posting error "There is no .. ledger entry within the filter .."

A document number is refered to (on "Applies-to Doc" column) more than once