Sunday, December 25, 2011

Archive Sales Quote automatically when converting to Order

Autoarchive when we make a Quote to Order

Additional step:
Put form 5162 (Sales Quote Archive) on menu

Monday, December 12, 2011

Laser printer pause between pages

Pickup roller needs to be replaced


SSH to remote PCLinuxOS box from Windows


To transfer files to/from Windows:

Related article:
SSH: An Easier-Than-You-Thought Tutorial

sp_execute = sp_executesql ?

sp_execute vs sp_executesql

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Error opening CHM: Navigation ... cancelled

You can't download .chm files from a web browser and simply click Open. Download the .chm file to your computer first, right-mouse click it in Windows Explorer and select Properties. Then click Unblock.


Friday, December 9, 2011

PCLinuxOS: "Service Manager"

System > Configuration > Configure Your Computer > System > Manage system services...

Monday, December 5, 2011

KPR Syariah

Ada 2 macam Skema pelunasan: bisa lunas sebagian atau harus keseluruhan, dsb. Sebagai info, Muamalat hanya menyediakan fitur pelunasan keseluruhan. Jangan khawatir; yang dilunasi adalah sisa pokok kredit, bukan seluruh sisa kredit (pokok+margin).

Update Margin Bank Syariah

Apabila memilih KPR Syariah jangan melihat dari tingkat persentase margin jual beli atau persentase harga sewa misalnya 8%,9%, 10% dst per tahun, karena hal ini tidak menjamin bahwa produk KPR syariah suatu bank syariah itu lebih murah, tetapi tanyakan kepada suatu Bank Syariah berapa besar nominal rupiah angsuran perbulannya lalu bandingkan dengan Bank Syariah lain, yang paling murah adalah yang angsurannya paling kecil dengan catatan pokok pinjaman KPR dan periode pinjaman adalah sama.

Apa maksud sistem sewa pada KPR syariah?
...Sistem lain yang ditawarkan oleh bank syariah adalah sistem sewa beli dimana bank menentukan harga sewa rumah kepada nasabahnya. Misalnya, sewa yang ditentukan adalah Rp 2 juta setiap bulan selama 1 tahun. Kemudian, harga sewa bisa berubah pada tahun berikutnya tergantung hasil review bank, misalnya menjadi Rp 2,5 juta sebulan. Jika sudah sampai jangka waktu yang telah Anda tetapkan, katakanlah setelah 10 tahun. Anda dapat membeli rumah yang Anda tempati dengan harga yang cukup murah, mungkin hanya dengan membayar Rp 20 juta pada akhir tahun kesepuluh, Anda sudah dapat memiliki rumah tersebut.

Pengalaman ikut KPRS BTN

Situs KPRS berbagai bank
** cabang surabaya: Raya Darmo No. 105 - 107 sebelum taman bungkul
** (031) 5687294, 5687297, 5623832
BNI Syariah Capem Rajawali

Jl. Rajawali No.16, Surabaya
Telp: 031 3529328
Fax: 031 3529328

BNI Syariah Kantor Pusat Surabaya
Jl. Bukit Darmo Boulevard No.8A – 8B Surabaya Barat
Telp. (031) 5685315, 5685311
Fax. (031) 5676289

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

User habits that hurt performance

Perform search with incorrect index
Proof: compare performance when searching Document No. on G/L Entry table between using "Document No." index and "Entry No."

Navision read performance on a big table is very slow

Find in NAV : performance

Search on any part of the field

Q: Can we prevent users from doing search on certain fields?
Keyword: disable|prevent search|find certain|arbitrary column|field
A: Set Focusable property of the field/column in question to No
Side-effect on List: User can't use his keyboard to jump over the 'restricted' field
Still problem: User can still perform "Field Filter" on that field

Monday, November 28, 2011

Epson C90: Lampu merah/orange menyala terus (Indonesian)

Cara Servis Epson C90 T10 T11 T20 Catridge Tidak Terdeteksi

Self experience:
Lepas cartridge
Bersihkan kontak(PCB) dengan penghapus pensil atau alkohol
Pasang kembali

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Kekecewaan atas bunga KPR BTN (Indonesian)

Aturan main besar bunga KPR Bank BTN

Bunga KPR BTN Saya Masih Tinggi

Bunga KPR BTN tidak turun-turun sejak tahun 2008

Lagi dongkol,neh..

Keberatan Atas Suku Bunga KPR BTN

Apakah Penyesuaian Suku Bunga KPR Hanya Bila Suku Bunga Naik ?

Bunga KPR BTN yang Fantastis

Di lain pihak, BTN tetap aja berkoar-koar kalau mereka sdh berulang kali menurunkan bunga KPR...

April BTN Turunkan Lagi Suku Bunga KPR

BTN Turunkan Suku Bunga KPR

BTN Turunkan Bunga Kredit Debitur Lama

Baca juga terkait bank-bank SELAIN BTN:
Bunga KPR BNI Tidak Sesuai

KPR: Never Ending Stories

Sandboxie: Free vs Paid version

The Paid version has the following features:
• "Force" programs: Automatically run programs under Sandboxie even when they are not started directly through Sandboxie. Programs can be "forced" by name or by containing folder.
• Run programs in more than one sandbox at the same time. This causes error SBIE1303 in the free version.

Also, it removes the nag screen that initially appears after you have used Sandboxie for more than 30 days


Sandboxie alternative:
Cameyo (from Is it possible to create an isolated environment to install 3rd party application into?)

Sandboxie installer insist to download vcredist:
make sure you download SB from here which has vcredist included

Notes About 64 Bit Edition
Please note that the Experimental Protection feature is not offered in the 64-bit version of Windows 8

Note to self:
32 bit version can NOT be installed on 64 bit Windows

Google related

Quickly Load the Cached Version of Any Website With This URL Trick AUGUST 1, 2018
Just add cache: in front of the URL and Google’s cached copy will open instantly.Note: worked with Chrome on desktop and android

Accessing pages from Google cache url without http)
*UPDATE* easier: search "site:(URL)" on Google and then click Cached menu
...if you get error "The connection to was interrupted",
...try add "https://" to the URL so it become " ..."

How Google Makes Algorithm Changes

XP: "Out of range" message after changing monitor

Enable VGA Mode in Windows XP

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Allow regular user to shutdown Windows 2003

Click "Start", "Administrative Tools", "Local Security Policy" (or add the MMC snap-in) then select "User Rights Assignment" followed by "Shut down the system"

Why can't regular users shutdown Windows Server 2003?

Allow shutdown without log on:
Edit the server's Local Policy (using gpedit.msc). Go to - Computer Configuration \ Windows Settings \ Security Settings \ Local Policies \ Security Options \ "Shutdown: Allow system to be shut down without having to log on" = ENABLED. 

All about KPR (Indonesian)

Bijakkah Melunasi Utang dengan Pinjaman Tunai?

Gunakan penawaran dana tunai dari kartu kredit utk bayar cicilan KPR
Gunakan rumus di BAGAIMANA CARA MENGHITUNG BUNGA KPR/KRK/KTA/KARTU KREDIT, DSB? utk mengkonversi bunga KTA (bisakah disamakan dg dana tunai?) menjadi bunga efektif sehingga bisa diperbandingkan dengan bunga KPR

Pastikan tidak ada biaya lain-lain yang tidak diduga/diinformasikan (asuransi, dll) seperti yg diceritakan di Penipuan HSBC Pencairan Dana Tunai Kartu Kredit

Posisi tawar kita lebih lemah saat hendak minta penghapusan annual-fee sementara cicilan dana tunai masih berjalan; sedangkan untuk melunasi dipercepat pasti dikenakan penalti (yang sebaiknya diperjelas di awal berapa persen besarnya)

Cara Bayar KPR BTN Online Lewat Mobile Banking
Mtb ingin mencari alternatif cara bayar angsuran KPR BTN yang lebih hemat alias lebih murah. Lah iya Om… Tabungan Batara punya biaya admin bulanan sebesar Rp12.000. Ditambah lagi jika saldo tabungan berada di bawah angka minimum, maka kita kena biaya lagi Rp5.000.

Cara Cepat Melunasi KPR BTN
Supaya efektif, lakukan pembayaran angsuran ekstra ini setelah membayar kewajiban cicilan KPR anda pada bulan yang bersangkutan, sehingga nominal ini tidak digunakan bank untuk membayar bunga bulan tersebut

Jangan lupa dilakukan setelah KPR lunas!

td habis dari BCA, udah capek antri di CS, tanya KPR plafon minimal 250jt

(contoh percakapan dg BTN)


Installing NVIdia GeForce 520M driver on Bactrack 5 on Asus A43S notebook:
Download driver from
Make downloaded file executable
Run file using ./<.run file name>

VMware 2 + BT5: Cannot install remote console plug-in

Incompatibility with Firefox 4.01

Install VMware Player instead

Related info:
Install VMware Player

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Deep breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing

Google: traing|exercise deep|long breath

BT5: Change boot menu configuration

How to change the default boot order for Grub2 in backtrack 5(bt 5)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Various ways to repair corrupted registry

System restore in recovery console

Monday, November 21, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

RegEx support

A Regular Expressions library for Visual FoxPro,guid,91241006-595a-487d-ac06-d0fc1fc71632.aspx

Electrical: How to use Multitester

Multimeters - How to use 'em!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Exercise/training related

Sit-up ternyata punya efek merugikan
Beberapa orang cenderung lebih sensitif terhadap masalah punggung akibat sit-up dibanding penyebab lain.
Bisa saja kita melakukan 30 sit-up sehari selama berpuluh-puluh tahun dan tidak mengalami cedera sedikitpun, atau kita bisa mengalami cedera, dan sulit untuk mengetahui kita masuk ke kategori mana. Masalahnya bisa berakar pada gen kita.
Menurut satu penelitian, bukan soal frekuensi melakukan sit-up yang menimbulkan kesulitan, tapi faktor genetik yang menjadi penyebab tiga perempat perbedaan antara orang-orang yang mengalami masalah punggung dan mereka yang baik-baik saja.

Tapi bagaimana jika Anda ingin perut berotot, adakah cara untuk mengurangi risikonya?
Profesor Stuart McGill merekomendasikan agar Anda menyelipkan tangan di pinggang bawah untuk mencegah agar punggung rata dengan lantai.
Langkah ini bisa mengurangi tekanan di punggung. Tekuk satu lutut dan panjangkan lutut satunya. Lalu angkat sedikit kepala dan bahu dari lantai.
Katanya, bayangkan kepala Anda bersandar di timbangan badan dan kepala Anda angkat agar angka di timbangan menunjukkan nol.
Latihan ini dia gambarkan secara mendetail di bukunya, Back Mechanic.

Selain itu, setelah kita berbaring semalaman atau duduk untuk waktu lama, akan lebih sulit melakukan sit-up sehingga meningkatkan risiko cedera.
Maka jangan langsung melakukan sit-up setelah kita duduk seharian di kursi atau langsung melakukannya saat bangun tidur.

The rope:
One way to determine the ideal length is to step one foot in the middle of the rope. The handles should reach up to approximately armpit height

The place:
I recommend jumping rope on a shock absorbent surface such as a wood floor, gym mat, outdoor track, or tennis court
You can also purchase an interlocking foam mat that lies on top of your floor surface

The shoes:
you should wear a quality pair or cross-training shoes

Jump Rope Training


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Formatting code snippet for blogging

Use HTML Encoder

Formatting code snippets for blogging on Blogger

Tried with success:
Source Code Formatter for Blogger, Blogspot , Blog & Blogging, Format Formatting Tool
This source code formatter allow you to format code like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C#, PHP,, VB.Net, Visual Basic,, ASP & many other languages

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

VS: Expand/Collapse region keyboard shortcut

CTRL+M CTRL+M (that's two key presses!) - collapse/open the current parent region

CTRL+M CTRL+L - Collapse/Open all regions in document recursively (meaning you might get only one line in the document - one big namespace region which is collapsed or you'll see the entire page code uncollapsed

CTRL+M CTRL+O - Collapse all regions not recursively

Monday, November 7, 2011

AIRODUMP-NG: WEP detected as WPA

Airodump-ng keeps switching between WEP and WPA

WEP changing to WPA

Disable search/field on certain field(s)

aka. configure certain field not searchable

Prevent user from performing search on non-indexed field such as Customer Name on a Posted Sales Invoice document

Google: prevent|disable user search|find field


Laptop locator

Prepare your laptop so it can be tracked down when it gets stolen

Flash player offline installer

Friday, November 4, 2011

Bandwidth Management: About HTB

inner queue: queue that has at least one child
leaf queue: queue without children

at first limit-at (CIR) of the all queues will be satisfied, only then child queues will try to borrow the necessary data rate from their parents in order to reach their max-limit (MIR)

SUM of committed rates of ALL children must be less or equal to amount of traffic that is available to parent
Maximal rate of ANY child must be less or equal to maximal rate of the parent

Priority is responsible for "distribution of remaining parent queues traffic to child queues" so that they are able to reach max-limit
After satisfying all limit-ats HTB will give throughput to queue with highest priority

HTB works in one direction and is implemented on outbound interface


It says that "HTB for download will be on ether2 and HTB for upload will be on ether1". How do we do this since in real world there is only one ethernet for download AND upload ?

Monday, October 31, 2011

Servis UPS di Surabaya (Indonesian)

Google: servis ups panggilan surabaya|031

Friday, October 28, 2011

Windows version of Mac's Target Disk Mode?

Q: Treat disk on another computer as slave disk (via network)
A: ...

Why don't we have Target Disk Mode for non-Apple machines? (June 6, 2012)
The closet a non-Apple machine can come to target disk mode is booting a micro Linux distro off a CD or USB key, one that loads the kernel, initrd, and file system entirely into RAM so it doesn't need to use the storage device after boot. The micro distro can export disks over SMB/CIFS, NFS, NBD, iSCSI, FireWire if you have it, or whatever else you feel like

Move Files from a Failing PC with an Ubuntu Live CD (Published 05/14/10)
Read "Connect to a Windows PC on your Local Network" section :
To do this, we will share one or more folders from the machine booted up with the Ubuntu Live CD over the network, letting our Windows PC grab the files contained in that folder.

Target disk mode equivalent for windows 8?
"Target disk mode" is a feature of the computer's hardware/firmware and has little to do with the OS. All current Apple hardware supports it, but there is no common equivalent on ordinary "PC" systems, the closest equivalent I've seen is that some server hardware allows the internal HD to be accessed over the network without booting the OS via the "management card" (and appropriate management software)

Nearest PC equivalent to Mac Target Disk Mode?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Easter as Christ's resurrection did it start?

The feast day of Easter was originally a pagan celebration of renewal and rebirth. Celebrated in the early spring, it honored the pagan Saxon goddess Eastre. When the early missionaries converted the Saxons to Christianity, the holiday, since it fell around the same time as the traditional memorial of Christ’s resurrection from the dead, was merged with the pagan celebration, and became know as Easter


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

HOWTO list

UNANSWERED: How to tell WSUS (or BITS) to prioritize download for certain update

how to find the current actual path of wsus installation and its update content
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Update Services\Server\Setup in the value "ContentDir" (source)

Move store folder to new location :
Changing the Location where You Store Update Files Locally

Integrate 3rd party updates with WSUS:
Windows and 3rd Party software update automation and tools
Two of them are open-source (one is LUP mentioned by Brian), and two of them are commercial.
(From wiki: update file must be MSI, MSP, or EXE file.)

WSUS Step by Step

Monitor current BITS download:
BitsMonitor (seems not suitable for monitoring WSUS updates download; display is empty)

Checking if certain update has been downloaded:

WSUS synchronizes the metadata for the updates but doesn't download the update files until you approve them. You can see whether they have been approved by looking at the Approval column in the WSUS console when in the updates view. If the update has been approved, you can check the download status for the update by going to the updates view, right-click one of the column headers to get a list of available columns and select File Status if it's not already selected, and then the File Status column will display an icon. If you place the mouse cursor over the icon in the File Status column it will give you the download status for the update. For example, for approved updates it will give you the status of "Ready for installation" meaning the update file is downloaded, "The update is downloading", and for unapproved updates it would give something like "Ready for installation (files not downloaded)", etc.


Express Installation Files (EIF): use or not use?

Options \ Update Files and Languages

Express Installation Files are specifically designed for use where clients
are supported across restricted bandwidth WAN links.

The savings on your internal bandwidth will be significant where larger
updates are concerned, as only those bits /needed/ by the client are
actually transported across the wire, as opposed to the entire update

However, the cost to your Internet bandwidth may be as much as 10x higher,
as the typical EIF package is about 10x larger than the normal update

If you have 10 clients on slow-speed WAN links, then you're probably ahead
of break-even, since you'd be downloading 10x the content, but sending less
than 1x the normal update package to each of those clients.

If you have less than 10 clients, it's probably not worth the disk storage
on the WSUS server to maintain the larger download files.

If you have more than 10 clients on remote slow-speed WAN connections,
Express Installation Files are definitely recommended.

Note: Not all updates are available with EIF packages


Migrating WSUS to a new server without downloading all the updates


How to limit download speed from microsoft website?


Monday, October 24, 2011

Configure XP Home as WSUS Client

Simply paste these values in notepad and save as "reg.reg" and double-click it to import the settings. Where it says http://yourwsus replace that url with the url of your WSUS.



One side affect of using these registry settings to controll Automatic Updates is that any ability to control setting for AU in the Control Panel will be disabled and if you try to change the settings it will fail with an error message. Not too important as long as you have the right settings.

After this registry has been loaded, simply stop then restart the update service by going to a command prompt and typing:

net stop wuauserv

net start wuauserv

wuauclt /resetauthorization /detectnow

source: Guide For Setting Up XP Home Clients With WSUS

Friday, October 21, 2011

FPD: Change cursor shape

sys(2008,'I',1): Full block shape for Insert

sys(2008,'O',2): Half block shape for Overwrite

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Servis printer di Surabaya Barat (Indonesian)

 di sinilah tempatnya satu panggilan untuk semua... kami akan tangani dengan teknisi profesional dan pengalaman di bidangnya.... TEKNISI KOMPUTER, LAPTOP, NETBOOK, LIFEBOOK, PRINTER INFUS, PRINTER DOTMATRIX, TELEVISI LCD-LED-CRT, DAN msh banyak yg belum kami sebutkan di sini....

-->> HUB:YUDI--> 03172024591/ 085645251878.
-->> YM:
-->> PIN BB: 3316154D
-->> ALAMAT: simorejo timur 3/68 sby

++++++ ( HARDWARE & SOFTWARE ) ++++++
============ ALL MERK ============
BIT Comp
PETEMON TIMUR 69B2 ( belakang bubur ayam ), SURABAYA 60253
031 78089976

Servis Komputer Bisa Datang ditempat Surabaya & sekitarnya!
Jika datang ke workshop akan jauh lebih murah.
Jika anda repot, kami siap datang ditempat !!
Jl. Melati No.8 Pulosari – Kureksari, masuk gang dkat Layang Bungurasih.
Seluruh servis Bergaransi!
Hub 031-83338660 atau 031.71400862

Kami melayani servis printer EPSON / CANON , kami juga melayani servis panggilan khusus wilayah surabaya, menjual infus modifikasi printer, ada juga spare partr & tinta dengan kualitas terbaik dan QC 100% dijamin Stabil. Untuk merek Epson / Canon .
kualitas tinta tinggi dan juga BERGARANSI
031-92003225 / 08983818081

On Call Service Computer BERGARANSI
081 654 96 22 33
031 7708 7244
Fax. 0318968323
email. maasarifsh@
Kertajaya Surabaya
Rp.65.000/ datang sampai selesai

HUB: 72024591/ 085645251878.
YM: yudi_elektric
kami bisa kerjakan di tempat anda

Kami Menerima Servis Komputer , Printer dan Laptop
Hub: 031-70778449/031-92382010/085645364002
YM :
*TERNYATA di kedung baruk gg 16/no 17 rungkut

085850685020 / 71642223
BUKA JAM 9.00 S/D 21.00

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Live webcam search keyword

Search and View Free Live Webcam with Google Search

Google yourself to unprotected webcams

MR-3220: Koneksi lambat dibanding modem langsung (Indonesian)

Disarikan dari
Google: lambat|lemot langsung|tancep cepet|kenceng|lancar 6396602

Set IP nya jadi manual gan
yang dilaptop atau komputer

Akan tetapi ane msh kurang puas nih gan, karena ane merasa koneksi internet ane setelah dilewatin router jd lebih lambat dibanding biasanya (modem colok PC langsung).

kalo mau kenceng make openwrt gan dijamin kok
NOTE to SELF: gimana kalau DD-WRT ?

setelah lama kebingungan, kenapa kok speed inet tersenuat jadi separoh...
secara tidak sengaja ketemu solusinya...
ternyata IP di PC/laptop harus diset manual agar speed bisa maksimal
akhirnya speed smart bisa full di MR3420

ini wireless gan, jadi sekali lagi, posisi menentukan prestasi, apalagi kalo daerah rumah agan jauh dari BTS ato sinyal terhalang bangunan tinggi, beda tempat posisi modem beberapa centi aja berubah tuh sinyal...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Open Control Panel as different user

For Printers on Win8, you might not need such command because there's "Change properties" button

Run Control Panel Applets as Another User

easier method that works on Win7:
run command prompt as administrator
type 'mmc' and press Enter
add printer management snap-in

Friday, October 14, 2011

Cannot obtain IP from DHCP

Locating a Rogue DHCP Server

Check if the MAC for the device/computer in question is in the Lease list on server
For Mikrotik DHCP, look at both "MAC Address" and "Active MAC Address" columns

If it doesn't help, use Wireshark to monitor DHCP traffic between client and server

Thursday, October 13, 2011

OO3: Conditional row coloring

Scenario: 3 alternate colors

Step 1:
Modify (right click \ Modify) existing style or create new style
Example: create style "RedBgnd", "YellowBgnd" and so on

Step 2:
Select worksheet
Menu: Format \ Conditional Formatting
Condition 1:
- change "Cell value" to "Formula is"
- enter formula: MOD(ROW();3)=2
- select "Cell Style"
Repeat to assign another style(s) to Condition 2 and so on

[Solved] Background Color Alternating Row Fill

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

OUTLOOK: Setup multiple user

How to setup multiple users in Outlook Express

Using Outlook on a computer you share with other people
Multiple users with separate e-mail accounts and not using Windows user accounts

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

FoxPro Debugging related

Productive Debugging

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Android: Can user fully exit/close application?

How do you force close an application on Android?

Programmer perspective:


How to close Android application?

Terkait Jasa Raharja (Indonesian)

Santunan Jasa Raharja Naik

Jasa Raharja JATIM

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Tempat servis epad (Indonesian)

Erwin Effendy - Terimakasih Axioo atas pembelajaran yang (sindiran)

Service lcd treq turbo 3g plus memuaskan koq performanya

Layar pecah tablet Treq ternyata gak masuk garansi gans
sepertinya beda tempat bisa beda pengalaman, lihat link sebelumnya ("Service lcd treq...")


Google: jasa|reparasi|service brick matot surabaya|031


BG Junction Mall L2 A51
Setiap hari jam 10.00 sampai dengan 20.00
Hari besar tanggal merah libur ( opsional )
Customer information 031 31303060
SMS Center 087878238290 (ada WA)
Yahoo messenger

Jasa Instal, Upgrade, Downgrade, Flash, Rooting, Perbaikan Software dan hardware Android atau Tablet Murah Berkwalitas
Kembang Kuning Kulon Besar no 11
(Dekat masjid Kembang Kuning / masjid Rahmad)
Buka jam 07.00 s/d 22.00 Tiap Hari
Sebelum datang harap Telpon atau SMS dulu
031.71050147 (Flexy)
081.55161678 (Indosat) ............... Whatsapp & Line
081.703587910 (XL)
085.331220165 (Telkomsel)

Jasa Root Android [SURABAYA]
(4-nov-13) via ym: tidak sanggup root websong ultimate

Jasa Unlock Andromax (bisa semua kartu)
juga bisa:
Root, Unroot, Upgrade, Downgrade (China, Android, Blackberry)
Matot, Brick, Bootloop (China, Android, Blackberry)

Service Handphone Dan Tablet Surabaya

Baterai Tablet Android Cina
Toko Utuh jaya com Plaza Marina Lt 2 Blok D 07 Tlp 031 71330440
utk websong (?)

Baterai & LCD Tablet China
Dapur IT Computindo
Jl,nginden semolo 86 , Surabaya
( sebelum/samping brimob daerah untag )
Telp : 031-9251-9988 / 031-2888-3079
0896-7602-7788 / 0898-1734-109
Email/ym1 :
Email/ym2 :
Pin bb1 : 29FDAADD
Pin bb2 : 26552F96
chat 16-Jan-2014:
.....batere: 14800mah 300rb, 5600mah 250rb , pasang +50rb
.....buka senin-sabtu jam 9-5 sore

Baterai Tablet Android Cina

e-mail dengan November 2014
Untuk penggantian baterai Websong Ultimate 7” ada 2 alternatif kapasitas dengan harga sbb :
Kapasitas 3000 mAh         : Rp.200.000,-
Kapasitas 4000 mAh         : Rp.250.000,-
[Karena garansi servis 3 thn - start November 2013 - maka Anda] hanya membayar harga spare part saja.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Phone: Big screen, Android

Ivio DE88

CSL BlueBerry Mi410 Android BNIB

Thursday, September 29, 2011

VFX: Where this or that defined

Code ran when Preview toolbar menu is clicked
vfxFormBase.vcx \cDataFormVfxBase \ onPrint

Code launched when toolbar menu is clicked:
Class vfxAppl \ cAppToolbarManager \ onItemClick

Code that launches database selection dialog
vfxAppl.vcx > cFoxApp.setClient:
Do Form vfxclien To ACTUALCLIENT

Where cConnectionMgr class is defined

Where DataSource for CursorAdapter is defined
vfxCtrl.vcx > cBaseDataAccess.getDataSourcePlatformType

Where "ON ERROR" is defined
vfxappl.vcx > cfoxapp > start

Where 'oRecord' object is created
vfxFormBase > cDataFormVfxBase > Init:
thisform.addobject('oRecord', ALLTRIM(goprogram.ctablemanagerclass))

Where to set date format
Class appl > cFoxAppl > cDateFormat
It the above doesn't work, check vfxmsg.dbf and find Message_ID= [ID_DATESETTING] and alter memo field (Eng)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

SATA: Multiple ports can belong to same channel?

No...SATA allows one drive per channel, unless using a port multiplier

Note to self:
so we can safely assume that different SATA drive on different port will use separate channel, unlike IDE which two drives on same cable will use same channel


Monday, September 26, 2011

Prosedur urus SIM (Indonesian)

Panduan Pengurusan SIM

SCAM websites

Friday, September 23, 2011

Hunt for Asus F2JE battery pack

Original spec: A32-F3 11.1V 4800mAH


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hibernate option in WIndows 7 is missing

How To Bring Back Missing Hibernate Option In Windows 7 /Vista

Incompatible driver can also cause missing hibernate option

Friday, September 16, 2011

ePub to PDF

Convert ePub to PDF Free

Backtrack local download sites

Backtrack 5

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Printing as booklet

Pages are printed on Landscape orientation.
Number of pages printed MUST BE multiplication of 4
Resulted stack will be cut in half with resulting order like this:

FoxIt PDF Reader on Samsung ML-2855
Paper: US Folio
Select "Subset": Odd or Even
Reverse pages: No (front), Yes (back)
Page Scaling: Fit to Paper
Page Arrange: Multiple Pages per Sheet
Page Order: Horizontal (front), Horizontal Reversed (back)
Pages per Sheet: 2 by 1
Auto-Rotate, Auto-Center: OFF (sometimes ON is better)
Paper feed: Last Out First In

MS Word on Samsung ML-2855
Pages per Sheet: 2
Scale to Paper Size: US Folio
Select "Print": Odd or Even
Options \ Reverse print order: No (front), Yes (back)
Paper feed: Last Out First In (?)


- WIndows form only


- no technical support/KB seems available on the website
- no downloadable demo/trial

How to record cellphone conversation

How to Record Cell Phone Calls Cheaply, Easily, Effectively

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Does Assisted GPS work without GPS hardware?

Apparently not.
In any of its operating mode (MSA or MSB), an A-GPS device needs to receive signal from satellites

Read here:

Sunday, September 11, 2011

FPD26: Making smooth switch between screen with PgUp/PgDn

Check the generated prg/spr and ensure that dummy field is the LAST "editable" @GET on each screen.

By "editable" it means that the @GET doesn't bear "when .f." or similar clause

Thursday, September 8, 2011

PDF to Word

How to convert PDF to Word DOC for free: a comparative test

Wondershare PDF to Word: Free

SmartSoft PDF to DOC Converter: NOT free

Sunday, September 4, 2011

BB: Browsing tanpa paket Unlimited

Cara Browsing Internet tanpa berlangganan paket Unlimited pada Blackberry

Howto: Get BlackBerry Internet Access without Data Plan

FB: Share files

How to share files of any kind with your Facebook friends

Friday, August 19, 2011

HP LaserJet Pro P1102w

Network: Wireless

Terminal Server support: NO

Bhinneka: Rp 1,150,000

HP Laserjet P1606

Network: Wired
Tray: Not hidden

Legal: Yes
Folio: No

Terminal Server support: using HP Universal Print Driver (?)

Bhinneka: Rp 3,305,500

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Understanding and Using .NET Partial Classes

VS: Setting up code coverage logging

Visual Studio code coverage configuration and usage step by step

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fuji/Xerox Phaser 3160N

Folio: Yes
Network: Wired only
Duplex: Yes (manual)
Terminal Server support: PCL® 6/PCL5e
Memory: 64MB
Tray: Tray 1->Hidden Manual Tray->Single

Service Center:
Jln. Kombes Pol. M. Duryat No. 22. Telp. 031 534 0175, 031 548 2682

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Brother HL-2270DW

Laser B/W
Folio: Yes
Network: Wired & Wireless
Memory: 32MB
Tray: Tray 1->Hidden Manual Tray->Single

Terminal Service support: Yes
What is a "Generic PCL Driver"?


service center di Surabaya ada gan.. alamatnya di:
Jl.Mayjen Sungkono Komplek Darmo Park.I, Blok.2B N0.11 Surabaya Barat
Telp : 031-5677621,

Legal vs Folio

What Is The Difference Between Legal And Foolscap Paper Sizes?

The Legal paper size is 0.5" (13mm) wider than the Foolscap paper size and 1.0" (25mm) longer. The difference in overall area is 0.012 sq yd (approx 0.010 sq m) with Legal paper being bigger.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mengatasi perut buncit

Punya masalah dengan perut buncit?
Bingung dengan lemak yang menimbun di perut/pinggang?

Cream Pelangsing LOSYEN PATI HALIA solusinya!

LOSYEN PATI HALIA berfungsi sebagai SLIMMING CREAM yg digunakan pada bagian tubuh yang kelebihan lemak. Cara pemakaiannya dioleskan pada bagian tubuh yg kelebihan lemak (pinggang/perut).

Fungsi lainnya:

* Membakar lemak
* Mengecilkan ukuran pinggang dan perut
* Perut kembung
* Menyamarkan selulit, sesuai bagi wanita yang baru melahirkan
* Sebagai lotion urut untuk menyegarkan seluruh badan

Kemasan isi 140ml
Dengan pemakaian normal kurang lebih habis dalam 3 minggu
Harga Rp 125.000,- per botol BELUM termasuk ongkos kirim

Untuk pemesanan, hubungi Ibu Iwan (031-71577789)

A = Sesudah pemakaian
B = Sebelum pemakaian

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Convert Multiple VOB's to One AVI

How do I Convert Multiple VOB's to One AVI?

using FormatFactory

Friday, August 12, 2011

Shadowing multiple sessions concurrently

Does't seem possible with Windows Terminal Service but *might* be possible with Citrix:
...Use the Shadow button to start shadowing one or more users...
Quoted from:
Viewing User Sessions with the Shadow Taskbar - Citrix eDocs

Google: simultaneous|multiple session|terminal|remote shadow

XP paging file related

How can I optimize the Windows 2000/XP/2003 virtual memory (Pagefile)?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Online Computer Store based in Surabaya

H2S Computer
- Tidak bisa COD

Hunt for ADSL modem with full IP filtering available in Indonesia

PROLiNK H5004N ADSL Wireless Modem

+ Support default Allow/Deny
* Example:
* Note: On last step (save changes) make sure the selected radio button is at the right position
* ------ Always use subnet mask when using IP address, otherwise the whole rules will be useless

Hurricane 9000G 11b/g Wireless ADSL Router with VPN and Firewall
- Support blacklist only
From PDF:
Action When Matched: If any packet matches this filter rule, Forward or Drop this

Barricade™ ADSL Router with built-in ADSL2/2+ Modem Annex A (SMC7901BRA4)
+ Support default Allow/Deny

SMC SMC7004VBR Broadband Router
- No IP filtering

AirLive ARM-201
- Forward/Next (blacklist) rule only


- Forward/Next (blacklist) rule only
- Can we limit access to our forwarding/opened port to certain IP addresses only?
-- Answer from Technival Support via e-mail:
-- I'm sorry to tell you that we do not have any other way to secure your port. And on our device TD-
-- W8901G, it do not have the function to secure the port.

Friday, August 5, 2011

C#: Make Your Application with Trial Version

Read also comments and articles reffered in them

Monday, August 1, 2011

Where N-E-G macro virus is located

C:\Documents and Settings\administrator\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\N-E-G.XLM

Firmware upgrade for networking device

TFTP Flashing a Belkin F5D7230-4 v1000 or v1444

Note to self:
Unfortunately there's no exact match guide for version currently we own (1213uk)

Billion 5112S

Mar 26, 2011:
* no luck so far
* a folk try to update using 5200's firmware..seemed to succeeded but then failed
* another attempt,16378102
(check out reply by ssl2 on 2006-07-16 03:32:36)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Word 2003: Merge field format

Issue 1:
Digit grouping are not shown
1) Check Control Panel > Regional Setting for correct setup
Example: Digit grouping uses "." (dot)
2) In Word, "Edit" merge field and click "Field Codes"
Add this to the end of field codes: \# ###.###

Monday, July 25, 2011

Access to e-mails from two or more computers

Need to have access to all my e-mails from several location (home PC, work PC, etc)

Set up one/several location(s) to Leave e-mail copy on server and the one (main computer) that should downloads without leaving copies

Leave Copy of Email on Email Server

It only works for INCOMING e-mails

Note to self:
"Leave Copy of Email on Email Server" setting on Outlook seems to related with INCOMING, not outgoing messages; has same meaning with "Remove copy from server after retrieving a message" setting on Mac Mail OSX
Source: How do I make sure I leave my messages on the Rogers Yahoo! server?

XP: Cannot print although bunch of printers ARE installed

Office said "No printers are installed"
FoxIt PDF Reader said "Before you can print, you must..."

Some AV/security programs might interfere
For example, disabling Comodo Defense+ solves my problem

Monday, July 18, 2011

Unsolved cases

Expiration date not carried to Warehouse Entry

Expiration Date in Whse Entries

Friday, July 8, 2011

Jasa cetak e-book (Indonesian)

Gubeng Kertajaya 7F / 10 Surabaya
(7 hari kerja per minggu ; 06.00 - 22.00)
CP : 081 703 708 991 ; (031)777.21.622



Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tarif SMS (Indonesian)

Mentari ke IM3, Simpati: 100
Flexi ke IM3, Fren: 165
Flexi (pra) ke Flexi: 100 menurut ini
XL ke FlexI, sesama XL: 150
3 ke IM3: 39
SmartFren: 50
-- kirim sms ke tujuan 3 digit: tambahkan spasi di depan nomor tujuan

Thursday, June 30, 2011

DevExpress: Toolbox icons are missing

Probable cause:
Installing VS Service Pack

Try these:
#1 Toolbox > Right-click > Reset toolbox > Run DX Toolbox Creator
#2 Toolbox > Right-click > Choose Items... > Check all DX controls
#3 Register toolbox items manually

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

INCLUDE clause

Why use the INCLUDE clause when creating an index?

How NAV utilize Indexed View

What impact does my C/AL have on SQL - SIFT on 5.0 Sp1

The article above referenced in:
SIFT on SQL in 5.0 SP1

More info:
Indexed views work best for queries that aggregate many rows.
How to Create Indexed Views

A materialized view is a database object that contains the results of a query. They are local copies of data located remotely, or are used to create summary tables based on aggregations of a table's data.
Materialized view (

Thursday, June 16, 2011

VS2008: Set default browser for ASP.NET app

Change Visual Studio Default Browser in an ASP.NET MVC project

Cannot display SOME JPEG files

Red X is shown instead

The file was saved in CMYK instead of RGB
Some image viewer app can show this info on the Properties

Convert CMYK to RGB

How to do it on Photoshop?
- Open the file
- Select all > Copy
- Open NEW file (choose RGB)
- Paste
- Save as JPEG

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Terkait mobil (Indonesian)

Toyota Auto2000 Booking Service

Bantuan Darurat di Jalan


share dimari yang naek espass or daihatsu zebra

Ganti Oli Mesin Mobil Sendiri

Beli Mobil Bekas, Perhatikan 11 Bagian Ini BAGIAN 1

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Online free virus checker

ESET Online Virus Scanner
+ downloaded .exe can be run repeatedly
* first launch will take some time to download database
- if you disable Internet connection upon next launch, it will searching for connection (can't be skipped) and take about 5 mins (?) before giving up and offer to use older (existing) database

+ APK support

Google: online file scanner multi engine

Note to self:
If the file you upload seems to be lost (scan does not start), try to disable your AV first

Saturday, June 11, 2011

VFX: Determine Visual Extend used for a project

look at \include\vfx.h file

VFX: Activation key is generated...another hardware

Remove the folder corresponds to the version in question on \Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\dFPUG\Visual Extend
That will re-enable Activation dialog

Friday, June 10, 2011

XP: Cannot play sound

"Your sound card may be in use"
No volume icon in the taskbar

Open Sound and Audio Devices Properties
Select Audio tab
Ensure that correct hardware is selected as Default device

VFP: Custom paper size cannot be used at deployment

Already setup custom paper size on [Print] Server Properties but it won't come into effect in the program

Solution 1:
- Report Designer > Page Setup > UNcheck Save printer environment
- save and close it
- "use" and "browse" report file (.frx)
- locate record with Objtype=1 and Objcode=53
- edit "Expr" field: remove "PAGESIZE=..." line
- at customer's computer:
Set Paper Size on Printer's Advanced Properties to the one desired

Solution 2:
- Getting PaperSize ID programmatically
- Modify report's Papersize at runtime:
USE .frx
LOCATE FOR Objtype = 1 AND Objcode = 53
lcNew = "PAPERSIZE=9"
lcOld = "PAPERSIZE=41"
REPLACE expr WITH STRTRAN(Expr,lcOld,lcNew)

Other useful tip:
Adding Custom Paper Size Programmatically

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Speedy: Lupa password yang tertanam di modem (Indonesian)

Asal password modem tidak lupa, bisa gunakan trik yang dijelaskan di sini:
Mengungkap Rahasia Password Speedy di Modem ADSL TP-Link
Singkatnya, pake puTTY atau add-on Firefox (Unhide Passwords)

Cara Mengetahui Nomor dan Password Speedy Yang Menggunakan Akses 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Win7: Accessing [Printer] Server Properties

The easiest way to access section is to select a printer you want to under Devices and Printers dialog, then right below the "address bard" you will see 3 new buttons popping up: "see what's printing", "remove device" and "print server properties". its the last one that you need in order to remove a printer driver, install additional ones, create forms [aka Custom Paper Size] etc.

XP: Error printing to LPT1

Printing from DOS Prompt or DOS application error "Access Denied"

Add user to local Administrators group

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Need to try

Blue Ridge AppGuard

Friday, June 3, 2011

Automatically revert user changes to system

Protect Public Computers with Windows SteadyState

Comodo Time Machine

Best Free Firewall

Thursday, June 2, 2011

XP: Boot stuck on splash screen

Put harddisk in question as slave on another PC

Run chkdsk /f

Able to log on to Windows but many programs no longer work properly

Run System Restore:
How to start the System Restore tool by using the safe mode option with the Command prompt in Windows XP

Menus on Start Menu are lost

Restore shortcuts to the Accessories group

Administrative Tools folder is empty

Perform Search for *.msc on \Windows\System32 then create shortcut in Administrative Tools for each file found

Monday, May 30, 2011

Broadcast your video via web

My Webcam Broadcaster
Version 2.4.2
MyWebcam is a service that lets you view your webcam anywhere

Cara Siaran Langsung di Facebook Live Lewat Android dan PC 01 Jun 2019

How to Broadcast to a Mobile Network

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Terkait "Mobile broadband" (Indonesian)

Paket Internet Unlimited Apps Indosat Tanpa FUP (Des 2017)
Note to self: sptnya yg unlimited hanya app tertentu spt youtube
from Comment :
indosat [FUP] 70GiGa. Saya kena tipu katanya tanpa fup

Mengenal dan Memilih Jenis-jenis Kartu SP Smartfren
Modem AC2726 hanya cocok dengan Kartu Kwik I Hate Slow yang prefixnya 0881…/0882… atau bisa dicoba dengan Kartu Smart Extra

[COMMUNITY] Share Flexi EVDO Mobile Broadband - Part 2

Trik Internetan Gratis Unlimited Axis [fresh]

PAKET VMobi: menggunakan chip Tsel (As/Simpati)
SP Rp 90.000 sudah termasuk biaya pemakaian 1 bulan pertama
Iuran bulanan selanjutnya mulai bulan ke dua Rp. 45.000,- per bulan
biaya penggunaan APN sebesar Rp 16.500/bulan

GlobalnetMobi: syarat->sinyal 3G dan HSDPA Telkomsel
SP Rp 95.000 sudah termasuk bea pemakaian 1 bulan pertama
Bulanan selanjutnya 50.000
Beaya APN Rp20.000 perbulan otomatis memotong pulsa


Bulanan 1GB = 34.900 (
Bulanan Unlimited 69.900 (

Cek sisa kuota: sms KUOTA ke 123

Berhenti[kan] perpanjangan otomatis: login ke (butuh registrasi dan aktivasi)


Cara Pendaftaran E-Billing Telkomsel
...kalo smp lupa pin atau mau minta pin, hrs tau tgl lahir yg digunakan saat registrasi nomor pertama kali

Tri (3)

500 MB = 35.000 (bonus 20% --> 600 MB)
1 GB = 50.000 (bonus 20% --> 1.2 GB)
2 GB = 75.000 (bonus 20% --> 2.4 GB)
5 GB =125.000 (bonus 20% --> 6 GB)

Tarif belum termasuk ppn.

MAU spasi 500MB
MAU spasi 1GB
MAU spasi 2GB
MAU spasi 5GB
kirim ke 234

Recomended : lakukan pagi hari..
pastikan pulsa utama yg dilihat cek *111*1#
kalo tidak cukup maka paket disesuaikan sama besarnya pulsa

STOP spasi 500MB
STOP spasi 1GB
STOP spasi 2GB
STOP spasi 5GB
kirim ke 234

APN - Username - password : 3data
dial : *99#
Proxy address :
Port : 3128
(biasanya dilakukan di browser)

settingan reguler standar 3 : 3gprs

Contact 3
200 dr prabayar (rp.300/panggilan)
0896 4 4000 123
0896 4 4000 100
0896 4 4000 200 dr nomor lainnya

[Another] Tri (3)
Judul: Internet sepuasnya 1 bulan **500MB**
"Info Lengkap": Quota 2GB per bulan
**UPDATE dari CS** yang benar 500MB

"Info Lengkap": Setelah 1 Bulan, per bulannya Rp. 50.000,-.
"Info Lengkap": Bulan ke-2 dan seterusnya, isi ulang Rp 25.000 per bulan
**PENJELASAN dari CS tetap membingungan, malas mau tanya lagi**
bulan ke 2 isis pulsa 25000
50 rb itu sdh ada di perdana pak


Harian: 1MB, up to 2Mbps, 1rb
Bulanan1: 125MB, up to 2Mbps, 50rb
Bulanan2: 1024MB, up to 2Mbps, 100rb

IM2harian: fair usage 10MB, up to 256Kbps, 9rb
IM2bulanan: fair usage 500MB, up to 384Kbps, 100rb

Pengertian Fair Usage:
Fair Use itu batas pemakaian wajar gan.
kalo dah lewat kuotanya, kecepatannya akan diturunkan, tp kagak bayar lagi

internet gratis via PC + YF dengan simcard TELKOMSEL

internet gratis via PC + YF dengan simcard three

E220 related

Force 3G network selection using AT Command


Step-By-Step Instructions To Unlock The Huawei E220 HSDPA Modem

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Partisi yang perlu dibuat saat install (Indonesian)

Instal LINUX pada PC/Laptop

Friday, May 20, 2011

VS2008: Cannot install DevExpress WPF and Silverlight components

Note at installation:

VS 2010 is required to install Silverlight and WPF Components. To install them for VS 2008, use DXperience v2009 vol 3, which can co-exist with v2010 vol 1.

Burn image to CD/DVD

5 free alternatives to Nero Burning ROM



Thursday, May 19, 2011

BT4 Pre Final: Restore Grub after REinstalling Vista/7

Boot using BT4 DVD (Text Mode is sufficient)

mkdir /mnt/bt4

mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/bt4/
assuming 'dev/sda3' is your root partition

required if you have separate partition for boot:
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/bt4/boot
assuming '/dev/sda1' is your boot partition

mount -t proc proc /mnt/bt4/proc/

mount -o bind /dev /mnt/bt4/dev/

chroot /mnt/bt4/ /bin/bash

find /grub/stage1
root (hd0,0) where '(hd0,0)' is result from previous command
setup (hd0)


Monday, May 16, 2011

Extract ZIP from URL

BEST: [Portable] Free Download Manager

ArchView Mozilla Add-on
** Not available for Firefox 30.0



Create ZIP from URL
+ up to 200MB size (Archive Converter)
- free account limited to 100MB size

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Report: List of Production BoM

Manufacturing > Product Design > Reports > Quantity Explosion of BoM
Course 8360A Manufacturing I Training p.42

VS2008: An unknown error occured while copying files to your temporary folder

Error occured during setup.

Your windows temp folder is located in a mounted volume

Use a temp folder located in a letter drive instead

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Office2007: Activate Trial version

Hack to Activate Microsoft Office 2007 Evaluation Trial Version

Find out IP range/block owned by a domain

Go to and type (for example) "Google" on search box

Sign in to and access the following page:

Online picture metadata viewer

Online Exif (Image Data) Viewer

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Registry: Defrag vs Clean

For Vista or newer:
Registry Defrag, is it good or bad?
also contains link to  Registry Cleaners are good or bad

Because the registry defragmentation process enables you to remove empty registry keys, you must defrag the registry after you have performed any activity that removes a lot of entries from the registry.

For instance, after you clean up the registry using the registry scanner tool, all the invalid keys removed leave behind their empty place holders. In the same way, empty keys may get left behind when you uninstall applications from your PC. So, even if you would have removed all unwanted information from the registry—or uninstalled an application, the size of the registry may remain the same due to the existence of these empty registry keys. This is the reason you may always defragment the registry after registry scan and repair and program uninstall processe

Why You Should Defragment Your Registry

Note to self:

Related articles/tools:
Compacting the Windows Registry

Penggenapan pertama "Tanda" di Matius 24 (Indonesian)

Gempa bumi:
Matius 27:51,54
Matius 28:2
Kisah 16:26

Saturday, May 7, 2011

VS2008: Cannot enter key to upgrade to full version

Here is a more-or-less complete guide to upgrading Visual Studio 2008 trial to pro in Windows 7.

1. Download and install the 20-day trial of AnVir Task Manager.
2. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features.
3. Select Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional ENU, click Uninstall/Change at the top of the list.
4. Wait for the maintenance program to launch. When it does, click "Next >>" from the FIRST screen.
5. On the SECOND screen you will see three options: "Add or Remove Features", "Repair/Reinstall", "Uninstall Microsoft Visual Studio 2008". DO NOT click ANY of them. The controls you want are hidden just under these three options.
6. Launch AnVir Task Manager as an Administrator. (If you don't do this, you won't be able to enable the controls.)
7. In the Applications tab, find Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Setup - Maintenance Page. Right-click this item and select "Detalied Info". It may be helpful to heighten the bottom panel that appears now, if your screen is big enough.
8. In the bottom panel, click "Windows".
9. In the bottom panel, expand "Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Setup - Maintenance Page".
10. In the list that appears, several items appear to have no name. The bottom four items, which do have names, are "Visual Studio Setup Banner". Expand the anonymous item just above these four named items.
11. In the newly expanded item, you will see a number of lines, the icons for which are grayed out. This indicates they are hidden. For each disabled line, right-click and select "Visible", then right-click and select "Enabled". Don't forget to include the item in this list labeled "Upgrade" - that is the button to submit the license key data.
12. Check your Visual Studio maintenance window (we last looked at this in step 5). You should see the controls to enter your license key there. Put in the license key and click "Upgrade".

If you get stuck at one of these steps, it's possible that your maintenance window is varied slightly from mine. Once you get the main window expanded in AnVir, nose around in the hidden controls until you see the "Upgrade" button, and then make sure all controls that are siblings of that control are enabled.

Upgrading Visual Studio 2008 from trial to full on Windows 7 Beta (Build 7000)

Thursday, May 5, 2011



WinWorld is an online museum dedicated to the preservation and sharing of vintage, abandoned, and pre-release software. We offer information, media and downloads for a wide variety of computers and operating systems.
Including: Windows Professioal 2000 with SP4

Rental/jual/download CD/DVD game/software (Indonesian)

DVD Game PC Daerah Surabaya Pusat


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Address : Surabaya

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How to Add Printer using Run As

Step 1 open the printers and faxes window.
Step 2 goto tools on the menu bar and select folder options. Next in the general tab the first grouping of options is Tasks. Select the radial button next to Use Windows classic folders. You should now see an Add Printer icon at the top of the page. While holding down the shift key, right click the Add printer icon and select Run As. Supply the correct administrative credentials and you can now add a local printer without logging off and back on as an admin

How to add a local printer with the RUN AS command!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Able2Extract: Cannot select all/area properly

This is fairly common with free PDF creation products that deviate from PDF specification. [This kind of PDF has a] “layer” [which] is occupied by some non-standard “junk” items.

Change Edit > OCR Options to "Perform Image-based conversion"
Select all/area

E-mail corespondence with customer service

Recording a phone call (conversation)

Panasonic TDE 100/200

Requires a Panasonic Voice Processing System
(USER_MANUAL.pdf section 1.10.5)

Cannot be done with single line telephone
(USER_MANUAL.pdf p.157, notice icon on the upper right of the page)

Store SEARCHABLE long text


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Shrink/truncate [log] file while restoring?

alias "Restoring only used space" can't...but...

How to restore a SQL Server database and shrink its files at the same time?

Restore Database w/Large Transaction Log File

...there is alternative using commercial product...mounting your backup file:

redgate SQL Virtual Restore
idera SQL virtual database
ApexSQL Restore

Related article(s)
Brad's Sure Guide to SQL Virtual Restore

...and yet another one (also commercial prod): restoring to compressed format:
The only difference from a regular restore operation is that we specify that we want the .mdf and .ldf files of the restored database to be compressed. This is achieved by restoring to .mdfx and .ldfx file formats.

OpenOffice3: Cannot remove/clear Print Area marquee

Steps to duplicate the issue:
1. Select a range
2. Click Format > Print Ranges > Define
3. Click Page Preview ==> should be as expected
4. Close Preview
5. Format > Print Ranges > Remove
6. Notice that marquees still appear on the sheet
7. Click Page Preview ==> it is displayed as a print range still in effect

Click File > Print
The Preview box should displayed full page as it should
Choose Cancel
Click Page Preview ==> should be correct by now

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Suku bunga simpanan(Indonesian)

> 5.000.000 s/d 50.000.000 ==> 2.00%
Last update: 02/03/2011 14:01

>= Rp 10.000.000 - < Rp 100.000.000 ==> 1.75%
Berlaku Efektif: 01 April 2011

Related info:
Bung Dana

Simulasi Perhitungan Bunga Tabungan dan Bunga Deposito

Suku Bunga Deposito Rupiah

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Calculate number of months elapsed

How to calculate the number of months between two dates in Excel

Friday, April 22, 2011

Hackintosh related (mostly Indonesian)

[Sharing dan Troubleshooting]Hackintosh dari Pemula untuk Pemula

Mac [Share] Hackintosh Compatibility List

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

FoxPro related websites

FoxPro Archives
Collection of FP utilities

FoxPro Mania

Friday, April 15, 2011

Leopard setup boot loop

Try this boot options:
-v busratio=20 cpus=1 -x32 arch=i386

Related resource:
Hazard Leopards download

Retrieve call/usage data from analog/legacy PBX

PortStore4: CDR/SMDR Call accounting data logger over IP

Data are retrieved over TCP/IP using Telnet, TFTP, or over a serial RS-232 port
Data can be send over raw TCP Client/Server connections, by FTP, in e-mail attachments

Distributors & Partners:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Canon MP640: Paper keeps jamming

Things to check / to do:

Important note(s):
Cleaning the Paper Feed Roller will wear the roller, so perform this procedure only when necessary

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

FPD26: Cannot generate program from many screens

or "Too many files open"

1) Add files=100 and buffers=100 to system32\config.nt

2) Increase MVCOUNT value in Config.fp to 512

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Forum pengguna JNE (Indonesian)

Perwakilan JNE Pusat [Harap baca syarat komplain] - Part 2

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Shared file search engine
Rapidshare, Megaupload, Hotfile

NOD32 / ESET related

How does ESET keep track of who's using the license?

Location of update files on ERA server :
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ESET\ESET Remote Administrator\Server\mirror

Update Mirror Troubleshooting Checklist
Self experience:
Telnet success but update still fails
UPDATE: do not use dns name, use ip address instead (still don't know why)
UPDATE Feb 27, 2015:
Update via Speedy (ADSL) seems not working because there are two-time port forwarding (one from ADSL modem to mikrotik and one from mikrotik to internal update server)

Error "File not found on server" :
1. ESET Remote Administrator Console \ Server Options \ Updates \ Update Now
2. Try update from client again

How do I use ESET SysRescue to create a bootable USB flash drive, CD or DVD? (4.x)

Virus Signature isn't updating on Server
it insists that the updates are not necessary and the virus definitions are current [whilst they're not]


Trik Mengaktifkan Fitur Server Update ESET Smart Security 5:
Boot to safe mode
Regedit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\ESET Security\CurrentVersion\Info
Change value to 1

Reserved Update Offline

Related resouces:
ESET NOD32 LiveCD v.7052 [14.04.2012]

Friday, April 8, 2011

Triple boot: Windows 7, Leopard, Backtrack

Instalasi Multi Boot / Triple Boot Windows 7, Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3, dan Ubuntu ke Netbook

How I successfully made my machine Triple Boot (Windows 7 + Ubuntu + Mac) - Easiest Way, Windows 7 x64 Ultimate + iATKOS v10.6.4 + Ubuntu 10.10 x64

Related article(s):
A Comprehensive Guide to Sharing Your Data Across Multi-Booting Windows, Mac, and Linux PCs

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kaskus: RekBer tanpa biaya transfer (Indonesian)

BCA/Mandiri/BNI/BRI, selain itu kena 5000

TeamViewer related

Teamviewer alternatives
Chrome Remote Desktop
If you want to use Chrome Remote Desktop for unattended access to a friend's computer, you'll need to log in once with your credentials on their computer to set it up. You won't need to stay logged in after the initial installation—you can log out completely and the program will still run in the background as an extension.

Accessing Chrome Remote Desktop Without Signing Into Chrome

How to hide the notifications of the Teamviewer (silent use) in Computer and Android phones
Under the TeamViewer Options, Advanced, enable "Automatically minimize local TeamViewer Panel".
Note to self:
It only minimize TV windows if it visible, but not hiding status window on right corner
Also, wallpaper will disappear when remote session started, so user will notice

To hide Host side popups/windows
TeamViewer is not surveilance software. We always make sure that the end user is always aware that there is a connection being made to their device. Because of this it is not possible to hide this message as it is the notification to the end user.

Automatically record every incoming session :
Unfortunately, we do not currently have a feature to record an incoming session, only when connecting to another device (13 Feb 2017, 5:38 AM)

Elevate session to have administrative permissions
Do not enter the password, instead click the “Advanced” button

Obtain new ID for TeamViewer
1> First Close Teamviewer, if it is running.

2> Click on Start –> Run –> type %appdata% –> delete TeamViewer folder

3> Delete registry folder: hkcu/software/teamviewer and hklm/software/teamviewer

4> Change the MAC Address of your LAN card, this tutorial can help you.

5> Restart your Teamviewer and you should get a new ID and also should solve the “Commercial Use Suspected” problem.

How To Solve TeamViewer “Commercial Use Suspected!” Problem

Friday, April 1, 2011

Terkait kartu kredit

Apakah saldo minus di kartu kredit bisa diuangkan?
Kemungkinan bisa tapi tetap kena charge seperti kalau menggunakan kartu tsb untuk tarik tunai
Disimpulkan dari Cara Mencairkan Uang di Paypal:
Kita bisa langsung tarik uang kita ke kartu kredit. Biasanya uang yang ditarik dari Paypal udah masuk ke kartu kredit dalam beberapa hari. Duitnya bisa langsung ditarik lewat ATM. Setau gue kena biaya 4% kalo tarik duitnya lewat ATM.

4 Tips Melakukan Negosiasi Pembayaran Utang Kartu Kredit
1. Lakukan balance transfer ke kartu yang memiliki bunga terendah
2. Mintalah diskon untuk pelunasan utang
3. Negosiasikan debt rescheduling atau debt restructuring
4. Bayar dengan pinjaman dana tunai yang menawarkan bunga rendah

Pelajari Perhitungan Bunga Kartu Kredit Citibank!!!

Bagaimana cara menghitung bunga KPR/KRK/KTA/Kartu Kredit, dsb

Datetime convertion examples

How to format datetime & date with century?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

FoxIt Reader related

switch between open documents:

filling pdf with interactive fields:
switch to 'Hand' tool under 'Tools' menu then input directly in the form fields

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Eraser on WIndows 7

Error even if it is run as Administrator

You need to exit the instance of Eraser running in the tray before starting a new instance as an administrator

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Running [NON VIRTUAL!] Windows from Linux

Never reboot linux again? Run your existing Windows install in Linux!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Thoroughly delete sensitive data

A free tool (donations accepted) that is very robust and allows you to wipe free space (more accurately called “unallocated clusters”) as well as slack space (also called “cluster tips”) is Eraser. In addition, it includes the ability to configure your system to wipe the page file at shutdown. It includes a scheduler to allow you to schedule how frequently you would like the program to run. It is a well-designed and easy to use application.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Slank dictionary

Android emulator


10 Lightweight Bluestacks Alternative You Should Try! - Last Updated on July 3, 2019

How to Run Android Apps on Your Computer With Android-x86

KoPlayer Requirements

TUTORIAL: Install Android in Hyper-v May 23, 2016
Google: install android hyper-v
Your Android will have a sleep mode as all devices have. As soon as your device is in sleep mode you wont have a button to turn it back on. In the following gif are the steps to turn off sleep mode in Android.
Go to Settings \ Display \ Sleep \ click Never time out
- Google Map won't display

Similar :
Using Android-X86 as an Emulator in Hyper-V for Windows
Skip Wi-Fi setup. Your Ethernet card will act like cell data.
To find out IP address from DHCP, read section "Setup the Emulator for Debugging"


Visual Studio Emulator for Android

How to run google maps on emulator (GenyMotion)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Human Resource Management (HRM)



E-2000/HR Diamond/HR SQL

+ "Test Results" entry



5 of the Best Free Human Resource Management Software

Human Resource Software Tools

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Speedy Protector (Indonesian)

Protector tidak dapat digunakan jika komputer anda berada dalam kondisi offline, sebab untuk menjalankan aplikasinya, Protector membutuhkan resource dari internet. Tetapi jika anda telah menjalankan aplikasi protector (MyV3,MyFirewall, MyV3RTS, MySpyZero) secara online lalu kembali ke posisi offline. Anda tetap dapat menjalankan fitur dari protector tersebut selama aplikasi protector belum anda tutup.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Excerpts from TDE100/200 manual

Getting Started for Virtual IP Cards
Installing the DSP16/DSP64 Card
Depending on the number and the type of IP trunks and IP telephones you wish to use, required activation
keys are determined, and either the DSP16 or DSP64 card is selected to be installed.
If the preinstalled activation keys on the DSP16 or DSP64 cards are not enough for the desired
configuration, refer to "4.1.3 Installing Additional Activation Keys".
DSP16: 16-channel DSP (Digital Signal Processor) card with a 4-Channel IP Trunk activation key and
an 8-Channel IP Proprietary Telephone activation key preinstalled. Compliant with ITU-T
G.729a and G.711 CODEC methods. To be mounted on the IPCMPR card.

About G.711 (
Using G.711 for VoIP will give the best voice quality; since it uses no compression and it is the same codec used by the PSTN network and ISDN lines, it sounds just like using a regular or ISDN phone. It also has the lowest latency (lag) because there is no need for compression, which costs processing power. The downside is that it takes more bandwidth then other codecs, up to 84 Kbps including all TCP/IP overhead. However, with increasing broadband bandwith, this should not be a problem.

About G.729a (
It offers toll quality speech at a reasonably low bit rate of 8Kbps. However, it is a rather "costly" codec in terms of CPU processing time, therefore some VoIP phones and adapters (notably the Linksys/Sipura/Cisco brands) can only handle one G.729 call (channel) at a time. This can cause calls to fail if the user attempts to use three-way calling, or place simultaneous calls on both lines of a two-line device, and G.729 is the only allowed codec.
Use of this codec in a product requires licensing.

Free SIP server

OfficeSIP Server

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Can we do direct SIP call?

Test using EXACTLY two parties
Direct calls between two SIP phones without passing through a SIP proxy

You will need to assign a different SIP port to each phone and some RTP ports need to be available. Assuming Aastra phones allow IP to IP calls you should then be able to go ahead an call the other phone by IP if that is what you want.
Connecting two SIP phones without a SIP server

As long as you can set Enable IP Dial: to Yes in the Admin/Advanced page of the SPA, you can
Direct IP dialing with Sipura without SIP server?

SJphone ( ) does support direct IP calls.
It appears that X-Lite supports direct IP
calling. Just do NOT register with server, make sure both hosts allow
incoming packets on UDP 5060-5061 so they can see each other, and
create accounts so you can dial "test@remoteip".
Direct IP call with X-Lite 3?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Macam penyajian kopi (Indonesian)

Berbagai Cara Penyajian Kopi

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fax Over IP related

FAXing over VoIP networks doesn't work

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

FF: Cannot click "Attachments" button on Hotmail

Perform user agent string reset
Firefox not working with Hotmail attachments

or go here for instruction:
Websites or add-ons incorrectly report incompatible browser