Friday, February 27, 2009

Benchmark flash memory card (Indonesian)

Pengalaman Benchmark Kartu Flash Memori

Useful Internet resources regarding Conficker/Downadup

Containing Conficker

Tools, Tools, Tools

Virus alert about the Win32/Conficker worm

Write-protect USB/flash disk without built-in switch

pakai DISKPART (agak repot, tapi free)

We offer the trial version for you to experience all the functions, please enter the trial password - "123456", but you can not change the default password. If you want to remove the restrictions, please upgrade to the full version as soon as possible.

Create Fake Dummy File on USB Flash Drive to Enable Write Protect and
Prevent Modification
Interesting comment: "Wouldnt this reduce the lifespan of the drive?"

6 Freeware To Lock & Disable USB Drives - Prevent Data Theft In Office (

Flash disk suddenly become write protected
External Hard Drive Read Only Issue and Solution

CMS softwares review

Import data with unicode content from Excel

Remove row containing field(column) names if any
Use Excel to save file as comma-delimited (.csv)
...must be done on computer with support for particular Asian language enabled
Rename extension to .txt
If question-mark appear instead of space, use Find-Replace of a text editor to fix it
Use Foxpro's Import Wizard to import from Text file

Microsoft Resources

IIS Settings for Web Services

windows\WindowsUpdate.log -> WARNING: Exceeded max server round trips
WSUS clients fail with WARNING: SyncServerUpdatesInternal failed: 0x80244010
execute "wuauclt.exe /detectnow" again

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sales posting affected G/L accounts

Debit on COGS
Credit on Inventory

Debit on A/R
Credit on Sales

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

meebo: Prevent spam (message from not-in-buddy-list user)

Preferensi > Pengaturan IM > Hanya menerima pesan dari teman

Preferences > IM settings > Only receive messages from friends

TS2003: Printer connection cannot be removed

'Printers and Faxes' shows n pending jobs but when double-click to open printer's queue there's no jobs shown thus cannot be deleted (=queue cannot be emptied).

Go to WINNT > System32 > spool > PRINTERS folder
Delete its content
Try delete printer again

XMLport sample usage

XMLport definition:

On XMLport properties, change "Format/Evaluate" to "XML Format/Evaluate" so that numeric values will be exported without thousand separators

On properties of Customer-Element-Table: fill in LinkTable and LinkFields

(Optional) If you want to apply filter on certain table:
Put cursor on line with SourceType=Table
Open Properties
Fill SourceTableView \ Table Filter

Custom code on "Tonase - Export::OnBeforePassField()":
"Sales Invoice Header".CALCFIELDS("Total Weight")

Codeunit that run the XMLport:
// create the output file, and get its outstream...

// set appropriate filters...
MyTable.SETFILTER("Absen Kirim",'010108..311208');

// set the xml port destination, and run the xml port...

// all done...

Codeunit's variables and text constant:


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Convert multiple cells containing 'number store as text' to number

- Select those cells
- On first cell of the selection there will be an exclamation mark
- Choose 'Convert to Number'

Configure OLAP HTTP access on 2003

If you're interested on this post due to requirement to access MS SQL Analysis Services (OLAP) using Excel from non-domain (or different domain) client, then there's an easier alternative:
..Launch excel.exe using different credential:
..runas /netonly /user:AM\tom.puch "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\EXCEL.exe"
..(for Excel 2010 only?)

In addition to copying msolap.asp, you must do these:

1- In IIS management, go to properties of the folder containing the dll.
2- Click Configuration (assuming that you've already created an application here)
3- Under Mappings tab \ Application Extensions click add,
4- Executable : Browse, locate the msmdpump.dll
5- Extension : Type in "dll" , Leave other options as is, (Verbs: All verbs )

msmdpump.dll Errors Occured in Http Access AS 2005
entry posted by Ozer Unat on 13 Desember 2008

Use "XML for Analysis"
Implementing the XML for Analysis Provider for SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services
As client, use REX - waRehouse EXplorer 

Troubleshooting 1700 series

How to factory reset Cisco 1700 Router

Applying Correct Terminal Emulator Settings for Console Connections [using XP's Hyper Terminal]

Bits per sec    :  9600
Data bits       :     8
Parity          :  none
Stop bits       :     1
Flow control    :  none

Hardware Troubleshooting for Cisco 1700 Series Routers

Saturday, February 21, 2009

2003: Files/Folders to exclude from AV scanning

Virus scanning recommendations for computers that are running Windows Server 2008,
Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Vista

Friday, February 20, 2009

2003: Troubleshooting Microsoft Shared Fax

After user been given correct permission, you may still need to add fax to user's Printer and Faxes manually

Places to check:
Printers and Faxes > right-click on Fax > Properties
Printers and Faxes > double-click on Fax > Fax Console > Tools > Fax Service Manager >
right-click on "Fax (Local)" > Properties

Error "The fax server is blocked for outgoing faxes" on client
Make certain that your archive path is correct and that "Disable submission
of new outgoing faxes" is not checked on the Fax service Manage General tab

How limit user(s) who can use the fax
On Server, open Fax Properties > Security, remove Everyone then add user(s)
allowed to print. The downside (on Remote Desktop Sessions) is, Fax still appears
on not-allowed user's Printer list though they cannot print to it.
UPDATE: Removing Everyone and adding specific user WON'T work
To prevent user from using shared fax, go to server when fax resides and open:
Accesories \ Communication \ Fax Service Manager \ Fax (Local) Properties \ Security \ remove Everyone and add specific users allowed

Return empty string when lookup fails


while 'memberno' is subset of 'memberdata' (its first column)

Padding with 0

Suppose cell A1 contains numeric value of 1.

You want to customize cell A1 to display 0001:
give the cell a custom format of 0000.

You want to convert it to character value of 0001 on cell B1:
type in cell B1 --> =REPT(0;4-LEN(A1))&A1

Thursday, February 19, 2009

When is Proxy Account required?

...oftentimes, an application needs to access external system resources, such as files, the network, environment variables, or the registry. For example, the application could need to run the xp_cmdshell extended stored procedure to invoke a Windows command shell, and execute a shell command to retrieve a list of files under a directory. Or, a SQL Server Agent job is scheduled by the application to perform maintenance tasks. This job has an Active Scripting job step or a Web Service task to call a Web Service in order to verify geographic and zip code information.

...When the xp_cmdshell extended stored procedure is executed by a member of the sysadmin fixed server role, the Windows process of the command shell runs with the security context of the SQL Server service account.
When a job owned by a member of the sysadmin role runs, its Active Scripting job steps run under the security of the SQL Server Agent service account.
However, in most companies, the DBA roles and the application developer roles are often separated. Due to security concerns, the application developers are not allowed to have the sysadmin permissions. To allow application developers to access external resources without giving them excessive permissions, SQL Server provides the solution of proxy accounts.

Source: Proxy Accounts in SQL Server

INF: How to Run a DTS Package as a Scheduled Job

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

WSUS: False detection of Office installed

WSUS Incorrectly Reports Office 2003 SP2 and Office SP3 Components as Installed

Server 2003: check version of installed services/components

BITS: system32\qmgr.dll

.NET Framework: WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\vX.X.XXXX\mscorlib.dll
How to determine which versions of the .NET Framework are installed
and whether service packs have been applied

MMC: run mmc.exe and see Help > About

Saving multiple credentials with RDP 6

Cannot be done unless you create seperate .rdp file for each credential.
Also, for each .rdp file you must specify different name alias for the same server.

UPDATE Feb 19, 2009: it has been fixed in version 6.0.6001

If you changed your password, update .rdp file by right-click it and choose Edit
then select Edit credential

Understanding entries of .rdp file

Remote Desktop Protocol settings in Windows Server 2003 and in Windows XP

Burn .avi video file as Video CD (VCD)

Using Nero, create new compilation with type Video CD.
Then copy your .avi file to the compilation.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Error while running ASP.NET demo: The XML page cannot be displayed

Remote Assistance: cannot offer RA to XP SP2 with Windows Firewall

Port exception: TCP 135
Program exceptions: Helpsvc.exe, Helpctr.exe, Sessmgr.exe

You cannot offer remote assistance to a user whose
computer is running Windows XP Service Pack 2
see "Enable Offer-based Remote Assistance" section

Friday, February 13, 2009

win98: Asked for password when connecting to XP/2000 share

Fix that darn IPC$ error
Windows 98 to Windows 2000 / XP security

Scheduler Task related

schedule hibernation (wait for 20 seconds):
ping -n 20 (gt) NUL 2(gt)(and)1 (2x and) shutdown /h /f
source: Hibernate computer from command line on Windows 7

Prevent batch/command in scheduled task from flashing/popping:
- Run task as another user, OR
- Use Windows scripting host
(Run a .bat file in a scheduled task without a window)

HOW TO: Modify a Scheduled Task to Repeat By Minutes or Hours

About exit/result code:
Application return codes are specific to the application that the task is running. the task moniter stores the last exit code, which is the code the application returns when it exits. When trying to decipher what the return code means for a specific application or patch, the documentation for that application or patch usually contains some relevant information.
source: Common Scheduled Task Questions
related: Windows system error codes

Sample case:
Scheduled task of shutdown.exe returns code of 45b
Convert 45b to decimal returns 1115
Looking that number up on Windows System Exit Code Description - 1000 to 1999 reveals that the real error was "A system shutdown is in progress."

virtualpc: disable time synchronization

From Disabling Time Synchronization:
Open the virtual machine's configuration file (.vmx) in a text editor and set these options to zero. If the entries do not exist, add them.

Note: 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled.

tools.syncTime = "0"
time.synchronize.continue = "0"
time.synchronize.restore = "0"
time.synchronize.resume.disk = "0"
time.synchronize.shrink = "0" = "0" = "0" = "0"

How to Run VMware Virtual Machines at a Specific Date and Time

Visual Studio 2010 CTP VPC: Dealing with Activation Messages
Read this section: Visual Studio 2010 CTP Expiration

Disabling Time Synchronization under Virtual PC 2007

Running operating system inside a Virtual PC with specific date/time

Related resources:
Virtual PC for Windows 7
Look at "MENGINSTALL WINDOWS VIRTUAL PC" section for installer download

VHD Resizer  Resize Microsofts VHD (Hyper-V) files

vmware: Freeze VM's virtual clock

Virtual Time Freeze

Time Machine (helper application)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Newsgroup search engine

Google keyword: newsgroup search engine

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Your boss wants you to create website? Read this 1st

10 Harsh Truths About Corporate Websites

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Performance tuning for software-based firewall

This article is for Check Point software but maybe can be considered for other firewall software as well:

Check Point VPN-1 & FireWall-1 NG Performance Tuning Guide

Sunday, February 8, 2009

VFX: It's important to set order back to original one

If your Report contains code that modify active tag of a table but you forget to switch back to the original one when it finishes, a header-detail form that has a childgrid based on that table will memorize that new active tag (and system will store it in vfxres file).
The result is the next time the form is opened, setting is retrieved from vfxres and wrong tag is used (you will see empty childgrid).

Debugging VFP Application

Put this code...
SET COVERAGE TO c:\xxx.cov
...and copy-paste procedure/function code to Excel to locate executed command(s)

(variable or text surrounded by double arrow)

Auto-mount a partition

#nano /etc/fstab

Read guidance here:

Related issue(s):

mount fat32 usb hard disk:
mount [-t vfat] /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb
* /mnt/usb must exist
* use "fdisk /dev/sdb -> p" to determine the partition #

how to install various installer file (Indonesian)

.tgz file
Cara install thunderbird di Linux Backtrack

My note:
Some programs (kfstab, for example) need further steps:
just read instructions on file named INSTALL.

.bin file
How to Install Bin Files in Linux

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Realtek HD Audio Codecs

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Prepare custom Windows install using nLite

How to make a Custom Windows Install w/ nLite


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

All about Speedy (Indonesian)

Perbedaan STB UseeTV Indihome Versi Lama dan Versi Android


Cek Status Jaringan IndiHome Tembaga

Tabel Klasifikasi SNR Margin & Line Attentuation ADSL
Registrasi Nama ISP di IP + Klasifikasi IP Telkom

[DISKUSI] All About IndiHome by Telkom
Sblm di utak-utik modem silahkan agan backup configuration dlu, klo ad agan slah setting jdi gampang balikan setting semulanya. Backup modem buka n download pake browser internet explorer atw microsoft edge, klo pake browser lain suka gak ke donload backup-anya (source)
[share] Nonton Useetv di laptop/android box via wireless / Kabel LAN

Mau pasang Speedy tanyakan:
- Fiber atau bukan?
- IP statik atau dinamik?
- Modem existing bisa dipakai?
- bandwidth/speed upload brp?

Cari sales speedy di Google: promo|paket speedy|indihome surabaya sales|marketing|pin

Pendaftaran dan Konfigurasi Speedy DDNS
Keuntungan dari penggunaan Speedy DDNS ini tentunya adalah khususnya bagi pelanggan Speedy sudah pasti tidak akan kerepotan mengakses perangkat PC / CCTV di rumah walaupun IP Speedy berubah - ubah. Keuntungan yang lain, sistem pembayaran terjangkau hanya 5rb / 10rb perbulan dan bahkan gratis 3 bulan untuk yang trial

Promo Indihome Surabaya (September 9, 2015)
vs [Smartfren] Pasca Bayar MiFi

Pasang Speedy lebih baik lewat Marketing
kalo misal agan ada kesalahan billing. Misalnya nih, agan dipromoin cuma bayar 99rb perbulan, eh pas mau bayar agan ditagih 175 rb... nah kan ini yang namanya kesalahan billing. kesalahan ini murni dari data pusat...
PENTING! Agan jangan bayar dulu billing yang salah itu, telp ke Marketingnya dan minta dibenerin billingnya, kalo billing udah bener sesuai janji Marketing dulu, baru deh agan bayar

Daftar Lengkap Alamat Plasa Telkom

Apakah modem ADSL bisa dipakai untuk dial TelkomNET Instan?
Tidak bisa

Beda Speedy Unlimited Warnet dan Office

Tips from
kalo telp 147 jangan masuk ke bagian speedy tapi pilih ke menu "gangguan telepon" bilang aja teleponnya kresek2 gitu, biar dilakukan pengecekan fisik. nah kalo setelah di cek fisik SNR masih kecil dan line attenuation segede gaban, coba call BCC (Broadband Care Centre)
SNR & Line Attenuation
Splitter ADSL meningkatkan SNR dan mengurangi Line Attenuation?

Informative comment(s):
Splitter ADSL berbeda dengan splitter HFC untuk TV kabel. kalo splitter TV kabel hanya bertugas untuk membagi, tampa memfilter. sedangkan Splitter ADSL selain membagi, dia juga memfilter frekuensi. oleh karena itu splitter ADSL juga sering disebut sebagai microfilter.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Installing foreign language support on Windows 2000

Installing East Asian Language Support Under Windows 2000 Professional

Configure ADSL modem as Bridge (Indonesian)

Konfigurasi ADSL untuk Telkom Speedy

Administering Local Group Policy on Remote PC

It can't be must remote control that PC....or....

you can use MMC to connect to remote Group Policy but you won't see everything, especially options under Security node