Wednesday, February 26, 2014

[LINUX/UBUNTU] Administrative tasks related

“gzip: stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored” and “gzip: tmp.gz has more than one entry — unchanged”
this can happen if it's actually a ZIP-file rather than a gz-file, just with a misleading extension, and it contains multiple files. (gzip -d does support ZIP-files that contain only one file.)

In my case, that's exactly right:
$ file tmp.gz
tmp.gz: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract

and using unzip rather than gzip -d worked perfectly.

How do I change the computer name?
do "sudo gedit" on /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname

Understanding File Permissions: What Does “Chmod 777″ Means?
for permissions, there are 3 type of actions that you can perform on a file/folder. You can either read, write or execute

Read is equivalent to ‘4’.
Write is equivalent to ‘2’.
Execute is equivalent to ‘1’

How do I mirror a directory with wget without creating parent directories?
self experience with
"wget --no-parent --no-host-directories --cut-dirs 1 -r -e robots=off http://host/dir1/XYZ":
when targetting directory XYZ, several files on "dir1" were downloaded too

How can I check disk space used in a partition using the terminal in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS?
df -h

How to edit files in a terminal with nano?

Launch app from menu as root
How to launch application as root from Unity Launcher?
NOTE: use 'nano' instead of 'vi' for easier operation
............if cursor not visible, try to perform string search ("Where Is") first
............when editing config files, use "-w" (source)

Checking version of application/package installed on Ubuntu
dpkg -s (packagename)

Mount Windows Share on Ubuntu - Command Line
if you get "error(13): Permission denied", try using this syntax for credential:
"...-o username=someone,password=123456,domain=mydomain..."

Unlock The Root Account, Reset The Root Password, Change Username In Ubuntu 13.04

Xubuntu how to check used and free disk space
command: df -h

List xrdp (=xvnc?) sessions:
netstat -tulpn | grep Xvnc
to kill session, just type "kill" following by pid (righmost number return from above command)

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