Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Google Earth and Google Maps related

(GE) Reset viewing angle :
There are two keyboard shortcuts - ( but they do not take you out of Street View or Groundview)
Press the "N" key to reset the view to North Up.
Press the "R" key to get the straight down view of Earth.

(GE) Bring specific overlay to front :
a. Open Properties for the overlay/place
b. Change "Altitude" from "Clamped to ground" to "Absolute"

Change its color :
"Style, Color" tab

How to view My Maps with "clean" interface (no menu box, no search box):
- Open Google Maps
- Open menu on top left corner (side panel)
- Click "My Maps"
- Click your map
- Collapse side panel

Obtain a wide area on Google Map with maximum zoom level
Google: create|capture|print|export|save wider|more|certain area google map highres|zoomlevel

Google earth with markers

Q: Rotating view on Goole Map on browser
A: No (from: You can't rotate or tilt the map using Google Maps on your computer)