Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Notes on Costing

Bagaimana ketahui bhw sebuah sales return dibuat dg exact-cost-reversing (aka. fixed-application) ?
Lihat apakah di table Item Application Entry utk retur tsb, field Outbound Entry No. terisi

Tg 7 JULI sudah jalankan ACIE dg Allow From 1 JUNI
Hr ini tg 12 JULI leo minta ACIE lagi. Perlukah ?
VE: Filter entry SETELAH ACIE terakhir, cari apakah ada VALUATION DATE dg bln JUNI
Jika ada dan ACIE tidak dijalankan, maka akan ada hasil ACIE utk entry2 tsb yg nantinya akan jatuh di 1 JULI (Allow From saat ACIE berikutnya )

(v2016) Adjust Cost - Item Entries Batch Job
The program uses the posting date of the original value entry in the adjustment entry, unless that date is in a closed inventory period. In that case, the program uses the starting date of the next open inventory period. If inventory periods are not used, the date in the Allow Posting From field of the General Ledger Setup window will define when the adjustment entry is posted.

Posting Date on Adjustment Value Entry
Version 3.70.B..4.0
In the request form of the Adjust Cost - Item Entries batch job there is a Closed Period Entry Posting Date to be entered by the user. The batch job runs through all necessary changes and creates value entries with the posting date of the parent item ledger entry (shipment date of the sale that the adjustment address). If the posting date of the parent item ledger entry is not within allowed posting date range the posting date stated as Closed Period Entry Posting Date will be assigned the Adjustment Value Entry. A date is considered to be in a closed period when it is earlier than the date in the Allow Posting From field in the General Ledger Setup.
From version 5.0:
There is no longer a posting date to be stated in the request form of the Adjust Cost - Item entries batch job. The batch job runs through all necessary changes and creates value entries with the posting date of the value entry it adjusts. If the posting date is not within allowed posting date range the posting date in the Allow Posting From field in the General Ledger Setup, OR if the Inventory periods are used, the later date of the two will be used. See described concept above.

Why you have Negative Inventory Value with 0 Quantity – Navision 3.7b to Navision 5.0
If the adjust cost is processed on 7/31/07, and the Allow Posting From was 7/1/07 on General Ledger Setup, the following would occur:
6/28/07 – Ship and Invoice – $10
7/31/07 – Additional Cost for the sale made on 6/28/07 – $2

Specific Costing for Lot No Tracking
...If you use FIFO costing with the setting "Lot Specific Tracking" then the outbound entries will be applied
...to inbound entries by lot - which will be lot specific costing. this is just as it works
Design Details: Average Cost Calculation
Costing for Navision 4.0 Technical White Paper (May 2004)
Simulation of Average Cost Calculation (Jan 2012)
microsoft-dynamics-nav-inventory-costing-correction-whitepaper.pdf (Oct 2011)
Google: adjust cost item entries valuation date exact|applied

Determine why an ILE of Production Output received INVTADJMT
One or more Consumption entry of the same Production must have had its cost adjusted

How does NAV know which items to processed during Adjust Cost Item Entries (ACIE)?
When we a post purchase(?) transaction, a record is inserted to (or updated on) Avg. Cost Adjmt. Entry Point (ACAEP) table
At the end of ACIE process, ACAEP table will be emptied

For FIFO: In Item ledger entry table there is a field called "Applied Entry to Adjust". This is how adjust routine doesn't look at entries it has adjusted.
For Average: it populates the Avg. Cost Adjmt. Entry Point or Average Cost Adjustment table (based on which version you use) upon inventory movements and adjust those items mentioned there with Valuation Date later than the date shown there.
source: adjust cost - never adjust more than once

Very important Adjust cost summary
when "Applied Entry to Adjust" is yes?

ACIE: Posting Date in Adjust Cost-Item Entries
If the adjustment entry is not within the allowable posting date range specified on the General Ledger Setup, then it's going to use the date you specify on the Adjust Cost Item Entries process [even if the date is allowed in User Setup table]

ACIE: Error "Posting date is not within your range"
If G/L Setup or User Setup is restricting date from X to Y, check Value Entries for Posting Date outside that range

What's the difference between Appl.-TO and Appl.-FROM ILE column?
Appl.-TO is related with purchase returns where you can select a positive open ILE.
Appl.-FROM is related with sales returns where you can select a negative ILE.
Exact Cost Reversing Link has not been created...
Online Help for Exact Cost Reversing... field both on "P and P" and "S and R" Setup

Is there any way to have Navision auto-fill Apply-from column?
sorry but there is no option to aufill that appl. from item entry
(source: Credit Memo error "Appl. from Item Entry...")

Exact Cost Reversal function becomes more humane in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0

1.can access regular documents (rather than item ledger records) and copy one or multiple lines, be they from the same or different documents
2.among the documents to copy from, will find invoices (as well as credit memos, if that's relevant) - the most logical reference document in returns situation  (see screenshot below; click to expand)
3.will not have to manually enter serial/lot numbers for the returned items - the program automatically copies item tracking lines to the return document from the original document
4.can rely on the program to keep track of the already returned and cost reversed quantity on the sales documents - so you don't have to worry about cost reversing return of the same sold quantity more than once.

How to change Cost Amount of an inbound ILE?
Use Revaluation Journal:
..Calculate Inventory Value   (KALO INI, HANYA UTK REMAINING QTY)
..Fill Item No. (ignore Posting Date, it will be autofilled by next step)
..Fill Apply-to Entry
..Change Unit Cost (Revalued) for ILE in question
Sample scenario that requires above procedure:
..User posted purchase order with right qty but wrong price, realized it then has post return and
..new correct order BUT
..stock from initial order has been consumed/sold

With Average costing method, will Unit Price of Sales Return affects Unit Cost?
No; See screenshot below (post Adjust-cost condition):

Simulate how NAV calculate Average Cost
Quantity mentioned on the article might refer to "Invoiced Quantity"
It's probably better to sort on "Item Ledger Entry No." as well (after "Valuation Date")

Koreksi atas Purchase yang salah harga dan sudah dibuatkan Purchase Return
- jika pro sdh betul diisi apply-to nya, maka tinggal buat po baru yg benar
- jika pro lupa diisi apply-to nya, maka selain buat po baru yg benar, harus revaluate pr dari po yg pertama (agar cost tidak kacau)

Koreksi atas Retur Penjualan USD yang seharusnya dibuat dengan Apply-from
Buat SRO yang benar dulu (agar stok tersedia utk SO yg nantinya akan dibuat):
- Gunakan Copy Document: Posting Date sesuai SRO yg keliru
- pastikan exchange rate sesuai SO awal
- isi Apply-from
- Pastikan Warehouse Receipt diposting dg lot sesuai SO awal dan dg Posting Date sesuai SRO yg keliru
Buat SO utk batalkan SRO yg keliru:
- Pastikan isi Apply-to (*)
- pastikan exchange rate sesuai SRO
- isi Unit Cost (LCY) sama dengan Unit Cost pada SRO yg keliru (!!!)
- Pastikan Warehouse Shipment diposting dg lot dan Posting Date sesuai SRO
Validasi lunas kedua dokumen tsb
(*) Utk kondisi dimana pengisian Apply-to tidak bisa dilakukan (krn baris ILE sudah tidak Open) _DAN_ tidak ada perubahan avg cost sejak SO awal hingga SRO yg keliru, maka cukup lakukan Revaluation Journal atas ILE milik SRO yg keliru agar sesuai dengan avg cost dari transaksi di "sekitarnya"

Omzet minus tapi profit plus
Retur jual lebih besar dari jual, tapi secara rasio thd nilai transaksinya, retur memiliki hpp lebih besar drpd jual (Retur adalah untuk jual yg lain/terdahulu)
Omzet    HPP  Profit
  2000  -1000  1000    HPP=50% dari Omzet
-4000    3500  -500     HPP melebihi 50% dari Omzet
-------  ------  -----
-2000               500

NAV 4.0: Agar ACIE hanya proses item tertentu
CU 5895 MakeSingleLevelAdjmt:

  SETFILTER(ItemLedgEntry."Item No.",'ITEM_CODE_HERE');

      SETRANGE("Item No.",'ITEM_CODE_HERE');
    UNTIL (NEXT = 0) OR LevelExceeded;

Kenapa ada baris Sale yang Cost Amount nya tinggi sekali padahal secara kasat mata terlihat bahwa Purchase terkait memiliki Cost Amount rendah (Catatan: Belum jalankan ACIE)
Jalankan dulu ACIE
Sebelum jalankan ACIE, Cost yang didapat sebuah Sale berasal dari Cost saat Sales Order dibuat
(Bisa dilihat dengan membandingkan Unit Cost yang ada di Sales Shipment Line dengan Average Cost di tanggal-tanggal sekitar saat SO dibuat)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

RDC: Keyboard shortcuts

Switching between applications inside non-fullscreen session

Toggle betwwen windowed and fullscreen session
-Note: this combination is also useful on Windows 7 when double-clicking on title bar won't switch session
--back to full-screen

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Filter(s) not visible at Criteria bar

The filter(s) is defined as Local criteria (criteria that is "hardcoded" to the analysis definition yet not visible/changeable to user)

How to edit "Local criteria"?
- Switch to "Define" mode
- Right-click > Functions > Local criteria
- Click criteria in question
- Change value or select Remove criteria

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How to tell 1.5V AGP from 1.8V one?

What is 1.5V AGP and .8V AGP?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How to setup new company in a new database

As a start you need to restore database default,
you can find it in Navision installation cd, number 2.

Here are the steps that I usually do when creating new empty database :

1. Create New Database
2. Click Tools >> Restore
3. Find standard Nav 4.0 database backup, dialog box appear
4. Do not choose any company, check "data common to all compannies",
check "application objects"
5. Click Ok, restore all application object and common data, but no company
6. Create new company


1. Using the Navision client, open the standard database that was sourced
from the Product CD.
2. Create a new company and provide a name for the company. The new company
will then be created and initialized.
3. Switch to the standard company of the database.
4. Delete the standard company which will leave the newly created company
5. Open the new company and you will notice the same result.

New to NAV - Missing Menu and tables

Why need pivot/BA? Can't the same functionality provided through NAV Report?

First, designing NAV report to achieve the same functionality as pivot does is a daunting task

Second, NAV Report's performance in analysis reporting will never come close to pivot's
For testing, try to create Top N Customer List report (based on Sales Amount) inside NAV and pivot.

Monday, December 21, 2009

XP as Terminal Server

Terminal Server Patch

Related article(s):
Patch Windows 2003 Terminal Server to allow more than 2 concurrent sessions

Windows XP X64 Terminal Server patch part 1 (mandatory)

Download manager related

Force IDM to merge/join incomplete download parts
Pause then resume then stop download
Then check temporary directory (Download \ Options \ Save to)

IDM vs FDM: Which is the Better Downloader?
In ... IDM allows you to limit the speed for a individual downloads
Refreshing Download Links:
Using refresh download links, you can request the file again and IDM will catch the download and resume it from wherever it stopped.
While you can schedule downloads in FDM, it’s nowhere near as powerful and versatile as IDM.
If you are using FDM you will not need a separate torrent client, as the built-in client is more than capable
Another nice feature of FDM is a recycle bin for downloads

Download from share sites using IDM:

How to play videos while Downloading with IDM (Unfinished download)
1. Open Your IDM interface.
2. Click Options.
3. In Internet Download Manager Configuration box click Save to tab.
4. Under Temporary directory section you will see the path of temporary folder of idm where all parts get stored while downloading a file.
5. Copy the path.
6. Go to Start->Run and type the path and click OK. Or you can follow the path. The path should look like C:\Users\Your user name\AppData\Roaming\IDM\
7. Then open DwnlData->Yourusername folder.
You will see all your temporary folders of IDM download. Open the folder of the video file and play the video with VLC media player. I recommended VLC media player.

Each time FDM is restarted, incomplete download(s) are missing from the list.
Re-create download will not resume partially-downloaded file on disk.

Exit FDM and clear download history by deleting .sav files on this folder:
Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Free Download Manager\

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Make grid cell(s) dynamically enabled/disabled at runtime

Look at how Production Journal form do it.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Searching for Linux equivalent for a Windows feature

Use Google with keywords:
windows linux|ubuntu equivalent

Barcode related

Kenapa harus jadi anggota GS1 ?
Dengan mendaftarkan kode barcode perusahaan ke GS1 maka perusahaan tersebut akan memiliki kode khusus yang tidak akan diduplikasi oleh perusahaan lain (sumber)

Secure Password Protected QR Codes
- requires proprietary app to read it ?
Password Protected QR Codes

Generate Free Barcodes Online (including QR code)
Generate QR Code Here (with custom text above/below)
QR-Code Studio (freeware)

Barcode scanner/reader model duduk/"doraemon":
View at Apr 24, 2014: Rp 2,511,660.00

Self-Checking Barcode Fonts in Excel

Barcode FAQ & Tutorial
Some scanner manufacturers’ ship new barcode scanners with most symbologies disabled, therefore, if a particular barcode cannot be read, make sure it is enabled in the scanner's firmware.
Some barcode scanners also read different symbologies better at different sizes. For example, the Symbol Laser Barcode Scanner dependably reads the Code 39 Barcode Font when printed as small as 6 points, but only reads the Code 128 Barcode Font when printed at 8 points.

Bar Code 39 / HIBC Generator and Font Set
+ free fonts feature human readable portion

create barcode with excel and free font
Download a free barcode font here:
Make the barcodes:
Make sure you insert 'star' (*) in front/end of the barcode like this:
or just
source: In house barcode generating

Which Bar Code Scanner Interface is right for me? RS232, Keyboard, or USB

How to Identify a Barcode

Generating barcode: using font OR 3rd party program?
I always recommend interfacing with a third party bar code labeling program. The prices of these are reasonable, they offer layout design features, scaling features, compatibility with a wide variety of printers and they generally are reasonably priced.
While you can utilize fonts, you are very limited in the symbology and, depending upon how the bar code is being used and the types of controls you need, you cannot create a checksum in a font-style bar code.
In cases where the application is totally in-house (and you have more or less total control and quick access to resolve problems) or where the bar code is a convenience factor on a complex text document (as might be the case printing the invoice number on an invoice), then the use of a bar code font on a standard laser printer may be the reasonable choice. Even in these latter cases, you may want to have a QC process where you check the readability of the printed results with a sampling frequency to be determined (again) by the potential cost of an error.
source: Barcode Printing through Navision

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Report with Multiple-detail-band scenario: Associating a variable with certain detail band

Selecting Detail n as the Reset based on value tells Visual FoxPro to only process this calculation when processing the detail records in the target alias of this Detail band. The report variable is not altered while records in other target aliases are being processed. This allows you to tie a report variable to one particular Detail band. The value of the report variable is not cleared until the Detail Header band of this same Detail set is processed for the next parent record.

Quote from:
The Visual FoxPro 9 Report Writer

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

VFX: Where temporary run-time report file is stored

\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\.frx and .frt

Security / permission related

A newly added windows login can't log in with error "...permission to read the Object table"
Synchronization doesn't help
Add db_owner to Database role membership

Quickly filling newly created Role with all objects [of certain type]
Add one line for DataTable, ID=0, set all permissions to Yes [and save*]. Click All Objects button, remove all Yes from tables you want to not access to, click OK
[*]you can save it only if you do some change. Changing some permissions to Indirect or empty, move cursor to next line (the line is saved), go back and change the value back. This is shortest way how to create the line for TableData ID=0 with all permissions. It is tricky but it is "the way how it is done".
source: How to set multiple roles for a user?
Because NAV 2016 does not have "All Objects" button, the best we can do is copy list of objects from Object Designer to Excel and import it using Configuration Package

User can open NAV up to open company but can't open any menu (some error like "don't have access to G/L Setup")
For database in question, make sure that db_owner on Database role membership is checked (SQL 2005)

How security filters on a table are applied:
Same field on one role [more than once]: not possible
Same field on multiple roles: OR-ed
Different fields on one role: AND-ed
Different fields on multiple roles: AND-ed

UNANSWERED question:
If "How security filters on a table are applied" above is correct, then why scenario below could happen:
Among roles assigned to a user, there are two like these:
1st role: Read/Insert/Modify/Delete "Sales Header".Creator = (USERNAME)|''
2nd role: Read/Insert/Modify/Delete "Sales Header".Salesperson = '1010-001'|''
According to explanation above, user should be able to insert (and then modify) Sales Header only when he/she is the Creator and using his/her Salesperson code, but what really happened was that the user was able to create a Sales Header for Customer XYZ (which has Salesperson code '2020-002' assigned to it and that code is automatically inserted to Sales Header)

Sorting with multiple row grouped

Initial condition:
Group Member
D D1
A A1
B B1

Group Member
A A1
B B1
D D1

Empty cells on key column must be filled in...
Group Member
D D1
D D2
A A1
A A2
A A3
B B1
...then do the sorting and restore empty cells afterward

Here's how to quickly fill in the blanks:
1) Select 'Group' column and press F5>Special>Blanks>OK
2) In active blank cell enter an = sign then point to the cell above and CTRL +
ENTER to fill down
3) Copy>Paste Special(in place)>Values>OK>Esc to get rid of formulas
How do I group multiple lines of excel info for easy sorting

Dasar Alkitab untuk tolak transfusi darah

Kitab Ibrani:
Imamat 17:10-14

Kitab Yunani:
Kisah 15:20,29

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Production: Flushing method

Select in the Flushing Method field whether consumption of this item in production should be calculated and posted manually; Manual, or automatically with either of the following two methods: Forward, to have the program automatically calculate and post consumption when the production order is released, or Backward, to have the program automatically calculate and post consumption when the released production order is finished.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Entering bank beginning balance for a new implementation

Entering Beginning Balance for Dynamics NAV (Navision) for a New Implementation

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Worms inside intestine

Histori harga Vermox (Surabaya)
6 Des 2013: 19.000 (apotek manukan)

Obat-obat Cacing
1. Albendazole
2. Mebendazole
3. Pirantel Pamoat

Makalah Obat Cacing

Mengusir Cacing Dengan Herbal

Komposisi Manfaat Dan Resiko Obat Cacing


Parasites—How Do You Know if You Have Worms and What to Do About Them
Interesting suggestion:
...the safest, cheapest, easiest, most effective way to worm yourself...is...Pyrantel Pamoate
Note to self: Combantrin has Pirantel Pamoat label on its case

For information regarding Vermox, type 'vermox' in google

Other info in Indonesian:
Mebendazole ini obat cacing yang ampuh dengan minim efek samping, bisa mengatasi segala bentuk cacing (tidak seperti Pyrantel Pamoate, efek sama ampuh tapi berefek samping cukup luas)

Gejala infeksi cacing pita:

Thursday, December 3, 2009

XP: Make Desktop Icon Transparent

Make XP Desktop Icon Labels Transparent

Mail Merge: Grouping several records in one page

Advanced Word 2003 Mail Merge: Combining Records

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Articles on Sniffing

Sniffing (network wiretap, sniffer) FAQ

Ethereal documentation

Monday, November 30, 2009

Connecting front audio ports to mainboard headers

Basically there is an Audio Header on the K7S5A labeled "Audio2" this header is used to plug in front audio ports located on most newer cases. In the manual this header has 9 pins as #7 is the KEY pin. There needs to be 2 jumpers placed on this header if rear audio jacks are to work they are: -(as labeled in the manual)

#5 - AUD_FPOUT_R - Right Channel Audio signal to Front Panel
#6 - AUD_RET_R - Right Channel Audio signal to Return from Front Panel

to Clarify.. #5 and #6 pins to be closed with a Jumper

#9 - AUD_FPOUT_L - Left Channel Audio signal to Front Panel
#10 - AUD_RET_L - Left Channel Audio signal Return from Front Panel 20

to Clarify.. #9 and #10 pins to be closed with another Jumper

If you decide to use front audio in the future with the K7S5A you will need to remove these 2 jumpers to plug in the connectors for front audio ports and in turn will disable your rear audio ports again. both front and back ports can NOT be used at the same time for this mother board.


Friday, November 27, 2009

List of online radio around the world


pasfm surabaya
(vlc) http://radio.mitra.net.id:8102/

suara surabaya
(vlc) mms://wma1.viastreaming.net/radiossfm

Monday, November 23, 2009

English-English dictionary

+ pronounciation & spelling

+ mobile version available

+ mobile version available

+ accessible via mobile

Check internet usage for various Indonesian operator

Cara Cek Tagihan "Flash Unlimited"

Call Center dan Cek Pulsa

Report: How to reset _pageno on each group

On data group properties, select "New page number 1"

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Free upload/share sites


List Tempat Upload file-file yang Besar


Tuesday, November 17, 2009



Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Caps Lock indicator misbehaviour solution

xp|windows caps lock misbehave|reversed|wrong

[Might be] useful links:

Disable Caps Lock

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Retrieve video stream from mozilla/firefox cache

(Different trick) Open Broadcaster
see post "Enable mic at remote computer"
(Haven't try it)

Ever wanted to save streamed videos when using adobe flashplayer?
(Haven't try it)

Youtube (or another streaming video) can't be found on temp folder:

I've found there has always been some videos that download in sections but this has always been specific to those videos rather than a transient site bug.
I can usually tell which videos will end up complete and which split by the way the grey download bar moves from left to right ahead of the red playback bar.
If the grey bar moves left to right at a more or less steady speed the resulting file will be whole and playable offsite. If the grey bar moves in sections, pausing occasionally for a few seconds before continuing I know the resulting file will be split and unusable.
Maybe youtube want to stop downloading completely as watching offline/offsite means we don't view any site adverts
(source: Problems downloading videos from you tube, have they changed something)

Sites that provide downloadable video file/streaming:
see temp dir and use hobocopy (pause video at last second to prevent it from replay and resetting temp file)

UPDATE Aug 11, 2011:
Look for file named fla*.tmp at your temp folder
You might need tool described here if the file cant'be copied:
How To Use HoboCopy To Copy Locked File In Windows 7?
usage: hobocopy source_path dest_path file_name
caution: path must NOT closed with backslash and should NOT be root folder

If the copied file seems can't be played, it's probably just a matter of finding an appropriate player software (examine file header if necessary)
FLV can be played with WMP

Older trick:
Let the video finished playing.

Type 'about:cache?device=disk' in your mozilla.

Locate the entry for the video in question:
Use Last-modified date, website address and size (video file usually has a big size) to find it.

Click the link on 'key' line.

'File on disk' will show the real file location.

Copy it to another location (Don't forget to add proper file extension).

Once you know where the cache folder is, it's much faster to directly open the folder anytime you need to find latest cached video file (as long as your OS isn't reinstalled)

If the intended video cannot be found in the cache folder, it's probably because the cache is full; try to empty it or set it to larger size ( Tools \ Options \ Advanced \ Network \ Cache )

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

KlikBCA Bisnis related

Kebijakan Privasi dan Pengamanan
Saat ini BCA hanya menyediakan sarana internet banking yang lebih cocok diakses dengan menggunakan Microsoft Internet Explorer versi 8 atau yang terbaru
[Jadi, kalau muncul error aneh2 saat dipake di IE 6 / WinXP kemungkinan krn ini]

Tidak bisa "dial" karena entry ter-ubah :
Lakukan "Import" "KlikBCA Bisnis.pcf" yang ada di folder installer

Apakah ada notifikasi e-mail tiap kali transaksi seperti halnya versi Individu?
Ada, tapi sama seperti di Individu, hanya utk uang keluar
Kalau menurut ini, sepertinya bisa juga utk uang masuk tapi by request dan hanya berupa sms

VPN Client installer (minimum XP SP3, maximum tested: Windows 8)

KlikBCA Bisnis without installing client (only needs browser)
- User ID harus diketik ulang tiap kali hendak login (browser tidak mengingat)
- Bila browser tertutup tidak sengaja tanpa Logout, sesi akan terkunci (harus tunggu bbrp wkt sebelum
...bisa login kembali)

*sepertinya "kemanana" maksudnya "keamanan"

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Install SQL Server 2005 on Vista


On Windows 7
Make sure that you install it before Visual Studio, and also make sure you enable these Windows features first:

Common HTTP Features

Static Content
Default Document
HTTP Redirection
Directory Browsing

Application Development

ISAPI Extension
ISAPI Filters


Windows Authentication


IIS Metabase

Then install SP2 at least, but preferably SP3


Decompiler: Dvfp


FAR LESS capable than ReFox...but it's free ;-)

It won't even decompile encrypted file(s)
Quote from Readme file:
Last question was why do we not decompile encrypted files? It has two reasons. The main reason is because I do not know how FoxPro ciphers its App (Refox knows). But I nearly never use encryption for my FoxPro Application. And last this program is not a contribution to piracy.

Securing Application and Data

Security in FoxPro (protecting application and data)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Vista Compatibility

Dynamics NAV on Vista

Friday, October 16, 2009

Getting read access to object code without proper license

Activate debugger
Do certain task and make deliberate mistake to trigger debugger on intended object (for example, a codeunit)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Errors related

Post shipment: ...cannot be fully applied
Open Item Journal and perform Calc. Whse. Adjustment

To determine correct item tracking:
- copy Warehouse Entries (filter on Location, Item, Variant and Adjustment Bin only) to Excel
- perform sort and totalling by Lot No.
- find Lot No. which has NON zero balance on qty column

Post purchase: you must specify overhead applied account ...
"Direct Unit Cost" and "Unit Cost" is not the same (source)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Protect Word document to prevent Copy

This [trick] is what's known as "a fool's errand".

You can click Tools > Protect Document, in the task pane click the
check box under "Editing restrictions", set the dropdown to "Filling
in forms", and click the Start Enforcing Protection button. If your
document doesn't contain any form fields, it will behave as you
described -- clicking anywhere in the document will send the cursor
back to the top of the document.

However, this "protection" is so easy to defeat that it's laughable.
Just open a new blank document and use the Insert > File command to
insert the protected document. Presto, no protection.

Even if you manage to come up with a better protection scheme, such as
using Microsoft's Information Rights Management (IRM), it's still true
that if someone can see your document they can reproduce it in
editable form. The best you can do is to make it more difficult for


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Prevent object from being selected

Let say you have an Excel worksheet which has an embedded signature image of which you don't want it to be selectable:
- Select whole worksheet > right-click > Format Cells > Locked=No
- Format the image you want to protect with Locked=Yes
- Tools > Protection > Protect Sheet
- uncheck "Select locked cells" and check "Select unlocked cells"
- assign password to unprotect

Determine IP address of yahoo ID

Trace Find Know Grab Get IP Address in Instant Message Yahoo Messenger

Thursday, October 1, 2009

2003: Locked-out Administrator account is unlocked

A locked-out Administrator account is unlocked if the correct authentication credentials are sent to Windows 2000 Server

My note:
The "Applies to" section says that this issue is on Windows 2000 but I experienced this on 2003 R2 as well

When Administrator account is locked out, nothing appears on Event Viewer.
But failed authentications do appear as Event ID 675 (Source=Security Type=Failure audit)

Hacking Terminal Server

Using TSGrinder

Brute Force Hacking In Terminal Server Environments

2003: Unlock locked Administrator account

If you allow your Administrator account being locked out using passprop utility,
this tool seems to be useful to unlock it when necessary:

Offline NT Password & Registry Editor
The website says that this tool "Will detect and offer to unlock locked or disabled out user accounts!"

Haven't try it yet though...especially with SCSI disk

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Send e-mail to undisclosed recipients

Recipient A allow to see all other recipients but Recipient A himself must be hidden from all other recipients
Where to put Recipient A ?

When composing new message, leave "To:" section blank and put all destination e-mails in "Bcc:" section

Blind carbon copy
To send a message to multiple parties with none of them knowing the other recipients. This can be accomplished by addressing a message to oneself and filling in the actual intended recipients in the BCC field

Bcc vs. Cc
Example of CC vs BCC
From: Frank Sinatra
To: Kurt Cobain
Cc: Bob Dylan; Jim Morrison
Bcc: Mark Knopfler; Paul McCartney

In the above example, all recipients of the email (including Mark Knopfler and Paul McCartney) will see the following email header information when they receive the email:

From: Frank Sinatra
To: Kurt Cobain
Cc: Bob Dylan; Jim Morrison
This means that none of the recipients will know who the Bcc recipients are. Each of the BCCed recipients will, of course, realize that they were on BCC but they will not know who else was on BCC.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

Test javascript snippet

Alt 1:

Alt 2:
Lookup a javascript command on www.w3schools.com then click "Try it Yourself" button

Online Unescape Decoder and Encoder


Hex Encoder/Decoder
Sample string to decode:

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Create a chart with two scales

Create Multiple Combination Charts in Excel

Friday, September 4, 2009

Error "There are stopped jobs" when exiting console

There are pending jobs, check with command: jobs

Bring that job to foreground: fg number

There are stopped jobs

BT4 Beta: Determine version of software installed

Google keyword:
check|determine version software|application|package backtrack|bt|ubuntu

dpkg -l | grep app_name


dpkg -s app_name

Installing Snort on Backtrack 4 Beta

if error 'libcre header not found' when 'configure':
Install libpcre-dev:
apt-get install libpcre3-dev

to have snort output alerts to console:
use "-A" parameter

where to download rules for free:

Instalasi SNORT dan BASE
Snort Tutorial
Snort Ubuntu 9 Installation Guide

Monitoring with Snort

Monitoring Serangan Hacker Ke Jaringan Dengan Snort

Conficker C Peer-to-peer Detector - Snort Plugin

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Detect Conficker using Nmap



BackTrack: Update Nmap installation

sudo su
wget http://nmap.org/dist/nmap-5.00.tar.bz2
bzip2 -cd nmap-5.00.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
cd nmap-5.00
make install

To determine current version installed:
nmap -V

To determine last version, go to:

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Extract certain update from WSUS server

In WSUS server console (Updates \ All Updates), locate update(s) in question (sort by Title for easier searching)
Click "File Information" on the right pane
Locate the one for your language
Type "File URI" in your browser to download
(If the file doesn't exist you must wait for the next server download schedule)


WSUS File Extraction Tool

Sometimes intended KB cannot be found though Update Services console clearly says that the KB is already Approved [for Install]

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Item Age Composition (Indonesian)

Report ini menampilkan komposisi umur dari sisa stok saat ini.
Misalnya, kita bisa tahu berapa banyak/nilai stok saat ini yang berumur 1 bulan, 2 bulan dst.
Report ini memanfaatkan field Remaining Qty di Item Ledger Entry.

Friday, August 28, 2009

SoftIce: Error starting IceExt 0.7

Error "SoftICE is misconfigured. Add KDExtensions Parameter of type REG_SZ under NTIce registry key."

Make sure the following registry keys exist:

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

SoftICE: Error launching on single machine environment

when i try to load up softice using CTRL + D it come up with this message

"this machine is currently being debugged remotely by softice
networking not yet started
waiting for host to complete debugging"

Problems with hyperthreading should be fixed if you install 3.2.1 of Driver
Studio. Do both the host and target installs for a single processor setup
and remember to reboot after.

This patch provides several fixes for DriverStudio 3.2 which include item for Softice and Visual Softice. Below is the link to zip file containing the patch. Download this file and unzip it to a temp directory, then follow the instruction on included readme file to install.


Taken from www.woodmann.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-10438.html

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Installing SoftICE on XP

The Softice-Won't-Work-In-XP/API-Hook-Failed!!! FAQ

Thursday, August 20, 2009

BT5: Connect to network windows share

System Menu \ Dolphin \ Samba Shares

Username format: <domain>\<username>

Friday, August 14, 2009

Alternate software & sample analysis


LCD Buying guide (some are Indonesian)

betul kata teman2 lcd awet itu krn cara pemakaian dan pemeliharaannya.. ^^ klo sudah berbagai simulasi untuk mencoba menghidupkan lcd gagal,brarti lcd itu sudah rusak...dan lcd bisa di gunakan lebih dari 7 tahun kok( tergantung merk,kualitas,dan cara pemakaiannya) ^^
untuk merk sy ref 1. AOC 2.BENQ 3. VIEWSONIC 4.SAMSUNG :) dynamic contrasnya rata 40000:1 (DVI dan HDMI support)
- untuk awetnya refresh ratenya di buat 60hz aja krn lcd2 skrg yg gede2 minta refresh rate segitu untuk suport di resolusi tinggi :D
- atur auto dinamic contrasnya,untuk menghemat daya dan meringankan kinerja lcd.(lcd awet) 8)
- cari lcd yg ada fitur safe mode (contoh: benq dan aoc) ;)
- cari yg inc nya pure 19 tao 20,jgn beli yg 18,5inc or 19,5(krn ini rasio 4:3 yg di lebarkan jadi 16:9 sehingga game,film wall paper gambarnya jadi kelihatan sedikit gepeng)
- untuk resolusi cari yg pure 1440x900(17-19inc) 1600 x 900(20-21inc) 1920x1280(22-23inc) jgn yg 1360x768,sudah pasti itu resolusi lcd unwide di paksa jadi wide

Toshiba laptop: Display suddenly goes blank while still in use

If using the Fn+F6/F7 keys do not brighten or dim your display and it's not a result of a power option (power / battery save) option, it may be hardware related. It sounds like either the 'backlight' in your internal LCD display or the laptop's FL inverter board is defective. When the backlight is not present, as in the two situations above, you can still faintly see the display although, it is very dim/dark.
The backlight is a very thin fluorescent tube at the base of the LCD panel. The backlight is built into the LCD panel. Fluorescent tubes are fragile and break easily. The FL inverter board is a small circuit board that ramps up the voltage going to the backlight and is controlled by the system board. In most cases like yours, the backlight is the failing component. The fix would require replacing the laptop's LCD panel which includes the backlight. If you have an extended warranty, I recommend contacting Toshiba. If the laptop is not under warranty, you could take it to a local ASP and have it diagnosed. Sadly, replacing the LCD panel out of warranty can be a bit pricey.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Paessler PRTG Network Monitor 7

What is a "Sensor" in PRTG?
..you need...one sensor per switch port

How does PRTG Network Monitor 7 store its data?

Cannot connect to
- Error "...monitoring database..corrupted"
- PRTG Server service causes high processor utilization
Restore file "PRTG Configuration.dat" on this location:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Paessler\PRTG Network Monitor\V7
from backup in folder "Configuration Auto-Backups"

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Realpopup: Cannot use network browser when File and Print Sharing is disabled

Confirm that network browser is working when File and Print Sharing (FPS) IS enabled.
Then disable again FPS.
If network browser is now stop working, use tools/utility to monitor which port it uses and configure your firewall accordingly.

FAQ of Realpopup can be found here:

VLC cannot play ripped DVD

Make sure you have ripped ALL files.

How to use PC3000 ISA (Summary)

Use "safe mode" jumper setting only when the drive "hangs during start" or does not start without the safe mode jumper.
Why? Because "safe mode" has drawback:
We won't be able to load defects table from the firmware zone.
(Manual book section 7.1)

Find a working LDR file (and its associated .RAM file?) from Internet and put it on the root folder of PC3000
(We can also use "Create an LDR file" if we have a functional drive)

Load an LDR file

Modules loader

Standard mode [?]

Work with firmware zone

Read modules

Read groups of modules

Test firmware zone recording
(Manual book section 7.1)

Check firmware structure
Make note if any of these modules is damaged:
DMCS, U_LIST, AT_POL (G-List), AT_PDL (P-List)
Damaged/corrupted modules can be identified by their strings displayed with:

Exit program

Examine created folder for bad modules (has extension of .bad)

Copy files of good modules to the same folder (?)

Start program

Perform "Write modules" (?)

Repair header modules:
Firmware data > Work with firmware zone > Restore modules
(Manual book section 7.2)

Find firmware for harddisk

DiamondMax Plus 8 40GB
Full model: 6E040L0711214
Family: N40P
Firmware: NAR61HA0
Head code: K,M,B,A
PCB code: B8FED

Googling: 6E040L0 KMBA

PC 3000 (Indonesian)

Siapakan HDD yg bermasalah. Test dengan power supply only untuk memastikan masalah bukan di PCB.

Setelah yakin bukan PCB yang bermasalah, pasang jumper safe mode pada HDD :
Maxtor Ares (2F0 series)

Maxtor Athena DSP (2B0 series) - WAH21PB0

Maxtor Athena Poker (2B0 series) - WAK21R90

Maxtor Calypso (6Y0 series)

Maxtor N40P (6E0 series)

Pasang pada Port ATA-0 di PC 3000 Card (Jangan input Power On dulu)

Setelah terpasang, panggil shell.com dari PC 3000.

Muncul menu utama PC 3000, pilih merk HDD yg bersangkutan, pilih type yang sesuai (lihat sticky !)

Power On (F11), masuk menu utility, Load ldr file dng checksum yg sesuai (lihat sticky !)

Reread drive ID

Enter standard mode.

Firmware operation

Test firmware structure

Periksa apakah checksum sesuai.

Read modues

Read modules group

Defect tables, Read G-List

Defect Table Read P-List

Move G-List to P-List

Ok, setelah read modules dan module groups, di root PC3K nya akan muncul folder [MXDSPMOD] atau [MXPKRMOD]. Cek apakah ada module yg bad saat dibaca.

Exit utility PC 3K, lihat ke root directory dan buka folder yg dihasilkan. Cek seluruh module yg ada, periksa mana yang rusak.

Ok, setelah pengecekan akan terlihat adanya module yang rusak (*.bad). Pastikan kita memiliki module pengganti dengan checksum yang sama.

Juka tidak ada, jangan lanjutkan. Cari sampai dapat module pengganti dengan checksum yang sama.
Lakukan SA Write Test.
Jika ada checksum yg sama, overwrite module dengan yg baru.

Lakukan Module Recovery (ATPOL, ATPDL, DCMS, U List) untuk perbaikan header dan checksum

Exit. Power off (F12)

Set jumper ke standard mode.
Power On (F11)
Pilih utility lagi (Sesuai dengan merk dan model HDD)
Seharusnya jika module yang tepat telah masuk ke HDD, maka HDD akan dikenali sebagai model asli.

Catatan untuk PC 3000 ISA/DOS versi crack:
Anda hanya bisa menggunakannya untuk Maxtor single head drives. Untuk lebih dari single head, useless....tdk bisa pindah head untuk operasi firmware



Gimana cara pake PC3000ISA crack version yang tanpa CARD dan Dongle

hdd yang buat program pc3000isa sebaiknya di primary master
1. bikin DIREKTORY "C:\PC3000"

2. COPY semua file PC3000ISA ke "C:\PC3000"

3. jangan lupa copy Vgaga.exe Pcdosemu.com emm386.exe himem.sys ke "C:\PC3000" juga

4. EDIT "CONFIG.SYS" dengan
Device = c: \ PC3000 \ himem.sys
Device = c: \ PC3000 \ emm386.exe
Dos = high, umb
Buffers = 60
Files = 45


6. masuk ke "C:\PC3000"

selamat PC3000ISA crack version anda telah selesai di setup

sekarang hdd yang rongsokan :D pasamg di secondary master

selamat berjuang

NB : jika ada kesalahan mohon kasih tau wa, takutnya ada step yang ketinggalan.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Service/Repair/Disassembly manual/guide for various notebook/laptop

Here you can find free datasheets, service manuals, schema, schematic diagrams and software downloads, service menu and mode information, code calculators for many brands of equipment


- Toshiba Tecra A7

Friday, August 7, 2009

Protect e-mail address from spambot

Page HTML source:
<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>
document.write( '</' );
document.write( 'span>' );
</script><br /><strong>sales:</strong>
<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>
var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to';
var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '=';
var addy17969 = 'jual' + '@';
addy17969 = addy17969 + 'domainku' + '.' + 'com';
var addy_text17969 = 'jual' + '@' + 'domainku' + '.' + 'com';
document.write( '<a ' + path + '\'' + prefix + ':' + addy17969 + '\'>' );
document.write( addy_text17969 );
document.write( '<\/a>' );
//-->\n </script><script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>
document.write( '<span style=\'display: none;\'>' );
</script>This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Result if javascript is off:
sales: jual@domainku.com

Result if javascript is on:
sales: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Chinese fonts

Google keyword: free mandarin|chinese font

free chinese fonts



Chinese Character Dictionary


Online Chinese Character to Pinyin Converter with Pronunciation
...or use Google Translate

Monday, August 3, 2009

OE: Move data to new computer / login

[NOT TRIED YET] Transferring outlook express folders to another computer

How to back up and to restore Outlook Express data
Partial success! Some mail account can't be imported
Importing address book: stuck on field mapping
-- Better way to copy address book:
--- Locate .wab files using this guide then copy them manually

How to back up and restore Outlook Express Blocked Senders list and other mail rules
No success! Imported rules do not appear in OE

BEFORE restoring to new computer / login, launch OE and finish thw wizard to create an identity

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Display HTML code in our blog

How to display HTML code in blog or web

Connect to network shared resources through script

Since WSH/VBScript doesn't facilitate password input with mask, we must combine windows scripting with a HTML page.

HTML page (call it password.htm):

Sub RunScript
OKClicked.Value = "OK"
End Sub

Sub CancelScript
OKClicked.Value = "Cancelled"
End Sub


<font size="2" face="Arial">
Login:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font face="Arial">
<input type="text" name="UserLogin" size="40"></font></p>

<font size="2" face="Arial">
Password:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font face="Arial">
<input type="password" name="UserPassword" size="40"></font></p>

<input type="hidden" name="OKClicked" size = "20">

<input id=runbutton class="button" type="button" value=" OK "
name="ok_button" onClick="RunScript">
<input id=runbutton class="button" type="button" value="Cancel"
name="cancel_button" onClick="CancelScript">


Script (will call password.htm):
On Error Resume Next

Set objExplorer = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application", "IE_")
set net = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Network")

objExplorer.Navigate "file:///C:\password.htm"
objExplorer.ToolBar = 0
objExplorer.StatusBar = 0
objExplorer.Width = 400
objExplorer.Height = 350
objExplorer.Left = 300
objExplorer.Top = 200
objExplorer.Visible = 1

Do While (objExplorer.Document.Body.All.OKClicked.Value = "")
Wscript.Sleep 250

strLogin = objExplorer.Document.Body.All.UserLogin.Value
strPassword = objExplorer.Document.Body.All.UserPassword.Value
strButton = objExplorer.Document.Body.All.OKClicked.Value
Wscript.Sleep 250

If strButton = "Cancelled" Then
'Wscript.Echo strPassword
net.MapNetworkDrive "", "\\fileserv\sharedfolder", , strLogin, strPassword
net.AddWindowsPrinterConnection "\\compname\sharedprinter", strLogin, strPassword
End If

How Can I Mask Passwords Using an InputBox?
Accessing network resources using credentials with VBScript

The downsides of this approach:
1) Only works with IE
2) Unless we set security level to Low (which is not recommended), we have to manually 'allow blocked content' each time we launch this script

A more elegant way is to install PassDlg.dll and use the included sample script (combined with part of the above script that establish connection to network shares)
Note for Windows 7 64bit:
Since PassDlg.dll is 32bit, we must associate (Open with, Always) the script with 32bit scripting host (
%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\cscript.exe or %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\wscript.exe)
If association fails (error "ActiveX component can't create object 'xxx.xxx'. Code: 800A01AD), create a .cmd file containing the following command:
%windir%\SysWOW64\wscript.exe "Network Resources.vbs"

lihat script selengkapnya di :

Friday, July 31, 2009

Installer error: Check system date before you install

Make sure the dates on installer file's Properties are not later than system date
Use FPC (File Properties Changer) if necessary to modify those dates

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Performing JOIN operation on two Excel list

Google keyword: join|merge excel sheet|table|list

No _satisfying_ free solution so far

One of the solution (digdb) can be found on FilesTube

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

BA: Security/permission related settings

Analysis Manager's "Manage Roles" seems has nothing to do with BA security.

Business Analytics Enterprise:
Add user to Security > Windows Security > Access rights
(still can't figure out the difference of permissions there)

To limit access to dimension to certain value:
Security > Roles
For example, to limit dimension Principal Code to "10" only:
* Principal Code = Allow
* Principal Code > Criteria = [click on Allow and select "10"]

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

File and folder management related

File expiration tasks are used to automatically move all files that match certain criteria to a specified expiration directory, where an administrator can then back those files up and delete them.
Can we automate deletion process as well ?
If the server is configured to track timestamps for when files were last accessed, this will result in the file management task only being applied to files that have not been accessed for more than the specified number of days. If the server is not configured to track accessed times, this condition will be ineffective.
How to configure server to track timestamps ?
Note: Enabling last access timestamps on the [Windows] filer may impact the filer's performance, due to the extra file write requirement per client access.

Seems that only Server 2019 has Storage Sense :
Configures Storage Sense Settings, including locally availabel cloud content preferences for Windows 10 / Windows Server 2019

File can't be renamed, opened or deleted; its properties can't be viewed or unlocker'd either
If you intend to delete the file anyway, try to delete it from DOS using 'del' command

Auto delete old files
Google keyword:
auto|schedule delete|remove date|old file folder
windows auto search and delete old|unaccessed|unmodified file

How to: Auto Delete Old Files

Looks promising but dont try yet:
Cyber-D's Autodelete 2.15

Configure BA Server as Registered, not Trial

Run BA_Targit\Autorun.exe from installation/setup files
Select 'Servers' menu
Click 'Configure Business Analytics Advanced'
Point to folder where finsql.exe along with FIN.flf exist

If someday ANTserver service won't start, just re-run above procedure.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Update for Symantec Endpoint Protection

Symantec Endpoint Protection / Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition

Related topic:
In Symantec/Norton AntiVirus, how do I check the version number of the program and the age of the virus pattern update?

Connection disruption: How to tell overloaded bandwidth from pointing problem

Both indicated by RTO but the difference is:
With overloaded bandwidth, RTO is preceded by increasing response time.

Toshiba laptop won't turned on

Power LED is On but display is blank, optical drive won't eject.

Power it off first then hold Fn button while pressing Power button again.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Can I connect 2.5" laptop SATA HDD directly to desktop SATA connector?


For a faster data recovery I would suggest connecting your SATA hard drive directly to the SATA ports inside a PC computer. Fortunately, you can use same type of cables as you use for regular 3.5″ desktop hard drives.
(Source: How to recover data from failed laptop or notebook

SATA connectors on a laptop hard drive are similar to SATA connectors on a destkop hard drive. You can connect a SATA laptop hard drive to a desktop computer using same SATA cables.
(Source: Hard drive

Configure non-domain Windows 2000 client for AU

Replace Windows\Inf\wuau.adm with the one from XP SP2

Open gpedit.msc
Expand Computer Configuration node
Right click on Administrative Template
Click Add/remove templates
Add wuau.adm
Configure Windows Update options

Run wuauclt /detectnow

Inspect WindowsUpdate.log
If there is any error, try the following step

Replace several EXE and DLL on Windows\System32 with the ones from XP SP2
(Windows 2000 client problems and WUS!

Restart Automatic Updates service

Inspect WindowsUpdate.log again

Optional: create a windows startup script to automatically delete WindowsUpdate.log

How to Enable “Group Policy Editor” (gpedit.msc) in Windows 7 Home Premium, Home Basic and Starter Editions?

[How to] Force a Wsus client to check for updates [and not wait for the scheduled time to come]
run wuauclt /detectnow will trigger the notification of downloading,and not wait until its detection cycle.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ink save printing with mCISS

Katalog Produk: Cartridge Epson T11/T20E/TX101/TX200/TX400 mCISS Fast Print (Tanpa Tabung & Selang)

According to Mr. Sandy, one black ink tank could be used for up to 100 pages of text.

Better buy printer somewhere else then buy mCISS here.

Another interesting product:
Head Cleaner

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Split / combine file via command line


download from www.oldskool.org/pc/chunk

Monday, July 20, 2009

Open/view CDR file wihout Corel Draw

Summarized from:
inkscape 0.46 + windows + uniconverter + cdr

Download Inkscape 0.46

Update Python folder under Inkscape folder with the one downloaded from:

Get the updated versions of uniconv-ext.py and cdr_input.inx from:

Modify cdr_input.inx:
change the line
dependency type="executable" location="path">uniconv
dependency type="executable" location="path">uniconv.cmd
remove namespace declaration:

Add these to system path:
C:\Program Files\Inkscape\python;C:\Program Files\Inkscape\python\Scripts

Self experience with .cdr containing barcodes (typed using barcode font):
In Corel, save file as .pdf
Open the .pdf with Inkscape

Friday, July 17, 2009

Fonts collection with preview of your own text


Moving Fonts from one computer to another
We generally recommend that you do not put them in the windows folder...
Instead, put them somewhere else (like c:\fontlib or  a subfolder of it) and use bitstream font navigator (on the CorelDraw DVD) to manage them. It will automatically install any fonts that an existing CorelDraw file needs, for as long as CorelDraw has the corresponding file open

How to password protect PDF file for free

Alternative to zip the file and password it...

How to password protect your PDF documents for free?

Found in comment:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Recording with motion detection using webcam

How to use your PC and Webcam as a motion-detecting and recording security camera

Dorgem installer:

How to playback CCTV footage with motion detection
Google: motion detect on video playback

Monday, July 13, 2009

Photoshop alternatives

Google keyword: photoshop free alike|alternative

Quick jump list:
11 Free Adobe Photoshop Alternatives (Softwares)


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Free online file converter


- long process time (could be a day)
- no support for Chinese character

PDF to Word --> OK

Open/view Office 2007 Word/Excel file without Office 2007

How to obtain the latest Microsoft Excel Viewer

How to view Word 2007 and Excel 2007 files by using Word Viewer 2003 and Excel Viewer 2003

Important notes:
You cannot click Open on the File menu to open an Excel 2007 file in the Excel 2003 Viewer.

The Compatibility Pack enables you to open and view Word 2007 and Excel 2007 documents by using the Word Viewer 2003 and the Excel Viewer 2003.

How to open new file formats in earlier versions of Microsoft Office says:
Before you install the Office Compatibility Pack, make sure that your computer has all the necessary updates. To make sure that you are ready to install the Compatibility Pack, review the following information for your version of Office.
For Office 2003, Office 2003 SP3 must be installed

www.oooninja.com/2008/02/office-compatibility-pack-review.html says:
Don't let the name "Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 file format" fool you. You do not need Microsoft Office, so it works great with OpenOffice.org, Google Docs, Abiword, WordPerfect, and Microsoft Office 2003.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Integrating NOD32 with UBCD

Integrating the ESET On-Demand Scanner (v2.7) with UBCD and BartPE

Important note from nod32.htm (part of nod32ubcd.zip):
Create "NOD32" folder in the "plugin>AntiVirus" directory of UBCD4Win installation. Copy files from this archive to NOD32 folder + add these files from an existing and updated installation of NOD32: nod32r.dll (not present in english version), nod32.exe, nod32.000,..., nod32.006. If you use english version of NOD32, comment this line in nod32.inf: nod32r.dll=a,,3 (i.e. add ";" character at the beginning of this line). Go to the plugin section in UBCD4Win main window and make sure that NOD32 plugin is enabled. Now you can run the compilation. NOD32 On-Demand Scanner will be integrated into UBCD4Win live CD.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Disable keyboard special button

Windows XP: Any way to disable "special" keyboard buttons?
(haven't try it yet)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Yahoo Messenger Invisible Detector


Print Spooler Crash Troubleshooting Steps

(might be applicable for terminal server environment as well)


Main sections of the article:
Overview of Print Spooler Component
Confirm the default Local Print Provider
Remove 3rd Party Port and Language Monitors
Remove 3rd-party Print Providers
Remove 3rd Party Print Processors

Monday, June 29, 2009

Free Remote Controlling software

Lepide Remote Admin
We give you complete access to control as many endpoints as you require through a centralized platform. You can access Windows services on the remote computer and send wake up request to unattended computers

NoMachine (free) allows one connection. Hence it is for individual use. If you are connecting to your desktop remotely, you will not be able to have a friend connect at the same time.
NoMachine vs TeamViewer: Playing a video, side by side

TeamViewer meetings [or Presentation] on a LAN connection
You can use Presentation Mode in TeamViewer 6. I tried it in new versions and it did not work. You can get old versions of TeamViewer from OldVersion.com, OldApps.com or FileHippo.
* Why use "meeting" ?
Because it allows you to share specific application window only

older versions and why you might need it:
Need suggestions for NoMachine replacement for remote desktop access over the web

How to hide the notifications of the Teamviewer (silent use)

TeamViewer (free for non-commercial use)

How to use TeamViewer on your local network
Note: Not applicable to Quick Support version

Can TeamViewer be used within a local network (LAN) only?
* open TCP port 5938 on host if firewall is used

Ammyy Admin (free for non-commercial use or trial)

ManageEngine Desktop Central (free edition)
Free for 25 Computers & 5 Mobile Devices

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Free Memory Test Diagnostic Tool List


BYON 3311

Max. RAM: 2GB

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Movie download


1. get gomovies.is' link of the movie
2. paste it in https://9xbuddy.com/
3. within the URL of "Download Link" button you'll see the file name

Mau Download Atau Streaming Drama Korea? Ini Situs-situs Yang Terlengkap


YiFi Torrent
high video quality with small size (but average audio?)

How to download videos from Putlocker

Online tv-series that can be downloaded using IDM
Project - Free TV


+ link to English subtitle provided

Childrens / Kids Movie Collection (400+ Movies)

List and Rules Cartoon Movies

www.kat.ph/search/the backyardigan/

Hello Kitty:

Friday, June 26, 2009

Configuring VMware 2.0 Server Networking on a Linux host


Thursday, June 25, 2009

How security token (KeyBCA) works?

Google keyword: security token work

Dokumen yg perlu dibawa saat tukar keybca krn batere habis
1.Identitas diri yang masih berlaku. Bisa SIM atau KTP
2.kartu ATM
3.Buku tabungan jangan lupa dibawa untuk jaga-jaga, dan tadi diminta sam
4.Dan jangan lupa KeyBCA dibawa, jangan ditinggal di rumah
sumber: KeyBCA Sobat Perlu Ganti Baru, ini Caranya

Ganti batt utk yg tipe Vasco - kenapa tidak semudah lepas batt lama dan pasang batt baru:
Token Key menggunakan sesion key dengan dasar RTC ( realtime clock) dgn server inet banking bank, dan kode rekening atau kode lainnya yg di acak mengunakan alogaritma chiper tertentu. Intinya begitu battery low token masih menyimpan clock timenya, tapi begitu off, token langsung reset ke time : 00.00 dan tidak bisa di gunakan. Dengan sitem di jumper begini makan tiken tidak akan kehilangan daya, karena sblm di ganti batteray sudah di injeksikan daya dgn pararel. Intinya seperti itu,

BA: When to use virtual cube?

If the fields you use as Dimensions came from multiple tables, use related table.
If the fields you use as Measures came from multiple tables, use virtual cube.

Related :
Partition a Cube in Analysis Services

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Error "ODBC..SQL..Timeout expired" opening database

Add program exception for sqlservr.exe on Windows firewall (or TCP 1433?)

Deleting many records on Table designer takes very long time

On table designer check MaintainSQLIndex only for primary key only.
Uncheck MaintainSQLIndex and MaintainSIFTIndex for other key.

BA: Cannot log on to BA client

Open inbound TCP on port 1300.

BA: AntServer service has terminated unexpectedly

Make BAUSR_ account as member of local Administrators group

Monday, June 22, 2009

BT4: Change screen resolution

Press Alt+F2, type 'krandrtray' (without quote) then press Enter

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Remote controlling (shadow) XP's user session

On the target WinXp box:
enable file-and-print sharing at the firewall
enable Remote-Desktop at the firewall
reg add "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Termina l Server" /v
AllowRemoteRPC /t REG_DWORD /d 0x1 /f
Change the policy `Set Rules for remote control of terminal services user
sessions` to `Full Control` / `View`]
Shadow Console on XP Pro SP2

Additional info:
If you want to be able to browse to the XP client instead of using the "Actions" - "Connect to Computer..." menu in TS Manager, then you'll also have to change the value of this registry entry on the XP client:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server
"TSAdvertise" = REG_DWORD:1
How can I Remote Control my Windows XP SP2 client from within Terminal Services Manager?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Group Policy: Enable Remote Desktop Sharing feature of NetMeeting

how to configure Windows Firewall so that you can use the Remote Desktop Sharing feature of Windows NetMeeting when Windows Firewall is turned on

Group Policy: Enable/Disable Service(s)

Service management

Service(s) related with remote controlling features

NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Terminal Services
- Services depend on it: Fast User Switching, Infrared Monitor
- Features depend on it: Remote Desktop, Remote Assistance

Group Policy: Remote Assistance related settings

Using Remote Assistance with Windows Firewall Enabled

Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > System Services >
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Group Policy: Who are "Authenticated users"?

Authenticated Users includes all domain user accounts and computer accounts that have been authenticated by a domain controller on the network.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Getting raw/source data from pivot/OLAP/cube source

Use DTS to export data:
From (Source): MS OLE DB Provider for OLAP Services
To (Destination): Excel file

In "Source" part of Transform Data Task properties, it seems that we're forced to use "Table/View" since "SQL query" is quite unusable. (or don't know how to yet?)
Thus we cannot select (filter) data to export.
All we can do is go to Options tab and select which row numbers to export.

Point to point tuning (Indonesian)

Memanfaatkan Celah Point to Point

Monday, June 15, 2009

Generate dummy or extra row in SQL statement

Microsoft Access dummy row

1 dim = ? mm

Answer: 1 dim = 33 mm

Friday, June 12, 2009

Ethernet interface doesn't get IP address from DHCP

type in terminal:

ifup eth0
dhclient eth0

Thursday, June 11, 2009

BT4 Beta: Fixing menus

BackTrack 4 Beta MenuFIX(Services/Mysql/Toolset)



Manipulating the Packets

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Enterprise Manager related

Executing query on EM: Timeout expired
execute using Query Analyzer instead
* to empty table with million of records, use these commands (may have to repeat a few times):


EM shows "No items" under Databases folder:
Re-register the SQL Server in question.

Friday, June 5, 2009

SQL2005: Cannot install BI Development Studio

BIDS component is checked during installation wizard but still not installed.

Re-run SQL setup from Control Panel Add/Remove instead of re-launching setup from disc.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

GPG error while "apt-get update"

Error example:
GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't
be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY CB2F6C86F77B1CA9


Type: gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv CB2F6C86F77B1CA9
gpg: requesting key F77B1CA9 from hkp server subkeys.pgp.net
gpg: /root/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: key F77B1CA9: public key "Launchpad PPA for Timothy Pearson" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: imported: 1 (RSA: 1)

Type: gpg --export --armor F77B1CA9 | sudo apt-key add - F77B1CA9
Response: OK

Type: apt-key list
pub 1024R/F77B1CA9 2009-01-22
uid Launchpad PPA for Timothy Pearson

Repeat steps above for every key mentioned on the error msg

Done! Now try again: sudo apt-get update

Obtain VMware Tools ISO file for various guest OS

Obtaining VMware Tools for VMWare Player through Extraction

Self note:
If you have installed VMware Server 2.0 on Linux, the ISO files
are located on /usr/lib/vmware/isoimages

Related registry entries with explanation

Registry Keys for Tweaking Windows Update (Part 1)

Registry Keys for Tweaking Windows Update (Part 2)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

FireFox: about urlclassifier3.sqlite file

urlclassifier3.sqlite woes on Firefox 3

Vacuum your Firefox 3
Interesting comment:
It is probably easier to
- install the SQLite Manager Firefox Plugin
- start it via the 'SQLite Manager' on the Tools menu in Firefox

Automatically assign next available drive letter to removable storage

USBDLM V4.3.1 - USB Drive Letter Manager for Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003 and Vista

Install/add components after Service Pack installation

For example, at the initial installation, you installed everything EXCEPT Integration Services (IS).
Later, you applied SQL 2005 Service Pack 2.
And today, you decided to install IS component.

What to do?
Rerun SQL installation, ignore warning/suggestion about running setup using SKUUPGRADE parameter.
Select/check IS component.
Finish install.
Re-apply SP2 (SP install procedure will let you choose component to update).

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Assign IP address to an interface

Router#config terminal

Untuk Fast Ethernet 0

Router(config)#interface Fast 0
Router(config-if)#ip address

Untuk Serial 0

Router(config)#interface Serial 0
Router(config-if)#ip address

Beres Deh. tinggal kopi ke startup

Router#copy running start


Monday, June 1, 2009

OUTLOOK: AutoComplete (and/or AutoResolve) not working

Advantages of Outlook AutoResolve and AutoComplete

See also additional resources at the end of article:
Copying Your AutoComplete File to Another PC
How to Reset Your Nickname List

Sunday, May 31, 2009

VFX: Working with SQL Server as backend

Create local foxpro database complete with its tables.
Create SQL version of the database with exact table names (must be in UPPERCASE?).
In VFX Cursor Adapter Wizard, select ODBC > Generate SQL Connection String.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Identify version and/or service pack level

How to identify your SQL Server version and edition

Workaround for SQL 2000 Desktop edition database size limitation:
MSDE has a 2GB data file size limitation - but it only checks the file size when trying to GROW the data file.
You can restore a database created on Std Edition or Enterprise Edition that is ALREADY bigger than 2GB, and MSDE is OK with that. As long as you don’t run out of space in the data file (and MSDE doesn’t have to enlarge the file) you’ll be OK.
source: MSDE Database Limits

SQL 2000 Editions comparison:
Choosing the correct SQL Server 2000 edition

SQL 2000 edition that is free?
The downloadable version of 2000 is MSDE... Personal Edition is not free downloadable
source: Download SQL server 2000

MSDE 2000 Release A functionality is the same as MSDE 2000 SP3a
source: ReadmeMSDE2000A.htm downloaded from Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) Release A

MSDE 2000 Release A: How to Use SAPWD switch to Suuply the SA pass

Is it legal to install Client Tools Only to manage MSDE?
I just called Microsoft and they said it was ok
source: MSDE and Client Tools from SQLServer Eval

UBUNTU: Switch to external display for laptop with ATI video card

How to: switch to external display for ATI on Ubuntu

Using external display (Projector, CRT, etc)

How to use linux laptop in presentations

VMWARE: Some keyboard keys aren't working inside guest OS

Add this line to /etc/vmware/config:

nokeycodeMap = true

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

NTFS partition not recognized with full size after extend/resize

Check if the partition is already mounted...re-mount if necessary

VMWARE: NAT, Bridged, HostOnly

Bridged = your guest looks like just another PC on your network - visible to other machines.

NAT = your guest is hidden from other PCs on your network, but can get out to the network (and others can reach specific services on your guest via port mapping). This is just like a NAT router - whether hardware or software.

Host-Only = a private network between your host and guest. Your guest has no connection to the rest of the network, and no other PCs can reach your guest.

Where are the docs on what nat, bridge, host-only mean?

VISTA: Cannot Extend volume from Disk Management

Use Diskpart:

How to work with partitions in Windows Vista / XP when Disk Management doesn’t work

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

E220: Setting GPRS XL

Profile Name: gprs xl
Auth. No.: *99#
Username: xlgprs
Password: proxl
DNS: Dynamic
APN: www.xlgprs.net
IP: Automatic
Auth. Protocol: PAP
WINS: Dynamic


BT4: Install VMware Server

How to install VMware Server on kernel version 2.6.38
VMware Server
How to install VMware Server 2.0 on Linux
Similar article with some useful info:
How To Install VMware Server 2 On Ubuntu 8.10
- step 'to install some necessary packages' failed but it's okay
- if failed on building vmmon module, refer to this info:
VMware-server 2.0.x Installation HOWTO for Karmic Koala (x86_64)

After the successful installation, you can delete the VMware Server download file and the installation directory:

cd /home/falko/Desktop
rm -f VMware-server*
rm -fr vmware-server-distrib/

BT4: Launch Network Manager

/etc/init.d/wicd start

An icon will appears on lower right corner

BT5: Determine equivalent Ubuntu version

lsb_release -a
uname -a

Determine Kernel version:
KDE: System \ KInfoCenter