Friday, December 18, 2009

Barcode related

Kenapa harus jadi anggota GS1 ?
Dengan mendaftarkan kode barcode perusahaan ke GS1 maka perusahaan tersebut akan memiliki kode khusus yang tidak akan diduplikasi oleh perusahaan lain (sumber)

Secure Password Protected QR Codes
- requires proprietary app to read it ?
Password Protected QR Codes

Generate Free Barcodes Online (including QR code)
Generate QR Code Here (with custom text above/below)
QR-Code Studio (freeware)

Barcode scanner/reader model duduk/"doraemon":
View at Apr 24, 2014: Rp 2,511,660.00

Self-Checking Barcode Fonts in Excel

Barcode FAQ & Tutorial
Some scanner manufacturers’ ship new barcode scanners with most symbologies disabled, therefore, if a particular barcode cannot be read, make sure it is enabled in the scanner's firmware.
Some barcode scanners also read different symbologies better at different sizes. For example, the Symbol Laser Barcode Scanner dependably reads the Code 39 Barcode Font when printed as small as 6 points, but only reads the Code 128 Barcode Font when printed at 8 points.

Bar Code 39 / HIBC Generator and Font Set
+ free fonts feature human readable portion

create barcode with excel and free font
Download a free barcode font here:
Make the barcodes:
Make sure you insert 'star' (*) in front/end of the barcode like this:
or just
source: In house barcode generating

Which Bar Code Scanner Interface is right for me? RS232, Keyboard, or USB

How to Identify a Barcode

Generating barcode: using font OR 3rd party program?
I always recommend interfacing with a third party bar code labeling program. The prices of these are reasonable, they offer layout design features, scaling features, compatibility with a wide variety of printers and they generally are reasonably priced.
While you can utilize fonts, you are very limited in the symbology and, depending upon how the bar code is being used and the types of controls you need, you cannot create a checksum in a font-style bar code.
In cases where the application is totally in-house (and you have more or less total control and quick access to resolve problems) or where the bar code is a convenience factor on a complex text document (as might be the case printing the invoice number on an invoice), then the use of a bar code font on a standard laser printer may be the reasonable choice. Even in these latter cases, you may want to have a QC process where you check the readability of the printed results with a sampling frequency to be determined (again) by the potential cost of an error.
source: Barcode Printing through Navision

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