receive free sms
+ no ad, no captcha
+ no ad
SMS Gratis via Internet
Send free SMS to Indonesian mobile phone number via GMail
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Menghubungi nomor yang sedang roaming (Indonesian)
Orang yang menelpon anda kapan pun hanya akan terkena biaya telepon ke nomor Jakarta (misal si penelepon ada di Bandung). Namun, biaya tanggungan pulsa Jakarta – Los Angeles adalah tanggungan si pemilik nomor telepon.
Roaming Internasional di Jepang
Sama saja seperti telpon biasa,tanpa perlu tambahan kode2an lagi.Justru yg lagi di luar negeri yg biasanya harus menambah kode tertentu utk telpon ke manapun,baik ke Indo maupun yg lain.
Tarifnya sama saja,yg lain adalah tarif utk si penerima telpon.Saat roaming terima telpon juga bayar,alias kena pulsa.
Bagaimana cara telp dari nomor im3 ke nomor hp indo yang sedang di luar negeri?
Saran buat yang luar negeri:
kalo gw pake nomer lokal aja kalo ke luar negeri, jatuhnya lebih murah. Bisa telp, bisa sms dan jauuuh lebih murah dibanding pake kartu Indo yang masang tarif sms gila-2an kalo di luar negeri
mendingan beli nomer lokal negara .. kalo ke singapore, mendingan beli prabayar singtel pas di airport .. tarifnya jauh lebih murah daripada roaming internasional 4000 rupiah per sms buat simpati
Kartu Prabayar yg bisa di pake di Luar Negeri
Roaming Internasional di Jepang
Sama saja seperti telpon biasa,tanpa perlu tambahan kode2an lagi.Justru yg lagi di luar negeri yg biasanya harus menambah kode tertentu utk telpon ke manapun,baik ke Indo maupun yg lain.
Tarifnya sama saja,yg lain adalah tarif utk si penerima telpon.Saat roaming terima telpon juga bayar,alias kena pulsa.
Bagaimana cara telp dari nomor im3 ke nomor hp indo yang sedang di luar negeri?
Saran buat yang luar negeri:
kalo gw pake nomer lokal aja kalo ke luar negeri, jatuhnya lebih murah. Bisa telp, bisa sms dan jauuuh lebih murah dibanding pake kartu Indo yang masang tarif sms gila-2an kalo di luar negeri
mendingan beli nomer lokal negara .. kalo ke singapore, mendingan beli prabayar singtel pas di airport .. tarifnya jauh lebih murah daripada roaming internasional 4000 rupiah per sms buat simpati
Kartu Prabayar yg bisa di pake di Luar Negeri
Monday, December 27, 2010
Can we save chat history on yahoo mail?
No, use "save to e-mail" feature instead
Can you save chat history in yahoo mail?
Can you save chat history in yahoo mail not on messenger?
Yahoo Web Messenger conversation/chat history
1. In the left navigation column, click Messenger.- The "Messenger" column appears.
2. At the top of the "Messenger" column, select your status (Available, Busy) | Conversation History.
Note: Conversation history can't be viewed from the Yahoo Mail mobile app.
Search chat history with certain person:
Just type "" at input box and hit "Search Mail"
Can you save chat history in yahoo mail?
Can you save chat history in yahoo mail not on messenger?
Yahoo Web Messenger conversation/chat history
1. In the left navigation column, click Messenger.- The "Messenger" column appears.
2. At the top of the "Messenger" column, select your status (Available, Busy) | Conversation History.
Note: Conversation history can't be viewed from the Yahoo Mail mobile app.
Search chat history with certain person:
Just type "" at input box and hit "Search Mail"
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Trik Speed ngacir buat yang pake paket Plesh Unlimitit 50k atau 100k
Trik ini emang tidak Full gretong,,
kita harus ngeluarin kocek sedikit nya 50k (untuk 14hr)
atau 100k (untuk 30hr)
tp jgn khawatir,,,kita bisa siasatin kuota yg di bundle sama paket si kampret yg katanya cuma 500 mb bisa nyampe ber giga2... hehehehe.... TESTED sebulan full gan!!
lumayan lah gan buat sedot data bisa ngacir sampe 250 kbps - 300kbps
tahap pertama :
# yang belum reg silahkan reg ke *363# pilih paket yg sesuai... mau 50k atau 100k
# setelah selesai,,set apn di modem agan dengan internet
# save dan set as default,,tutup aplikasi modem..
tahap kedua :
# siapin tool buat loncatin kodok nya (mdma dan dan reconnect dial) >> trik yg masih ampuh sampe saat ini buat sedot bandwith si kampredd...!!
# pada mdma set gprs/edge only terlebih dahulu..
# dial si kampret dr reconnect dial..ini di gunakan untuk jaga2 disco ya gan...
# setelah konek cek ip client nya,,kalo ane seh demen sama kepala 182 pada paket ini
# selanjut nya buka broser agan,, lalu masuk link speedtest,,, misalnya atau link2 lain yg menyediakan speedtest bandwith kita....
# silahkan mulai speedtest dengan klik start pada link td
# untuk mendapatkan bandwith yg kenceng,,,koneksi agan sampe disini harus tetep gprs/edge only..
# begitu hasil angka PING keluar pada speedtest td,,,skrng agan pindah kan koneksi nya pada 3G only pada aplikasi mdma nya...
dan hasil nya akan seperti di bawah ini ,,,
ini softwarenya
kita harus ngeluarin kocek sedikit nya 50k (untuk 14hr)
atau 100k (untuk 30hr)
tp jgn khawatir,,,kita bisa siasatin kuota yg di bundle sama paket si kampret yg katanya cuma 500 mb bisa nyampe ber giga2... hehehehe.... TESTED sebulan full gan!!
lumayan lah gan buat sedot data bisa ngacir sampe 250 kbps - 300kbps
tahap pertama :
# yang belum reg silahkan reg ke *363# pilih paket yg sesuai... mau 50k atau 100k
# setelah selesai,,set apn di modem agan dengan internet
# save dan set as default,,tutup aplikasi modem..
tahap kedua :
# siapin tool buat loncatin kodok nya (mdma dan dan reconnect dial) >> trik yg masih ampuh sampe saat ini buat sedot bandwith si kampredd...!!
# pada mdma set gprs/edge only terlebih dahulu..
# dial si kampret dr reconnect dial..ini di gunakan untuk jaga2 disco ya gan...
# setelah konek cek ip client nya,,kalo ane seh demen sama kepala 182 pada paket ini
# selanjut nya buka broser agan,, lalu masuk link speedtest,,, misalnya atau link2 lain yg menyediakan speedtest bandwith kita....
# silahkan mulai speedtest dengan klik start pada link td
# untuk mendapatkan bandwith yg kenceng,,,koneksi agan sampe disini harus tetep gprs/edge only..
# begitu hasil angka PING keluar pada speedtest td,,,skrng agan pindah kan koneksi nya pada 3G only pada aplikasi mdma nya...
dan hasil nya akan seperti di bawah ini ,,,
ini softwarenya
Monday, December 20, 2010
Useful script for performance troubleshooting
--Show the longest running SPIDs on a SQL 2000 server
, right(convert(varchar,
dateadd(ms, datediff(ms, p.last_batch, getdate()), '1900-01-01'),
121), 12) as 'batch_duration'
, cast(p.program_name as char(20)) as [Program Name]
, cast(p.hostname as char(10)) as [Hostname]
, cast(p.loginame as char(20)) as [Loginame]
from master.dbo.sysprocesses p
where p.spid > 50
and p.status not in ('background', 'sleeping')
and p.cmd not in ('AWAITING COMMAND'
order by batch_duration desc
--SQL running for a given spid
@spid int
, @stmt_start int
, @stmt_end int
, @sql_handle binary(20)
set @spid = 65 -- Fill this in
select top 1
@sql_handle = sql_handle
, @stmt_start = case stmt_start when 0 then 0 else stmt_start / 2 end
, @stmt_end = case stmt_end when -1 then -1 else stmt_end / 2 end
from master.dbo.sysprocesses
where spid = @spid
order by ecid
COALESCE(NULLIF(@stmt_start, 0), 1),
CASE @stmt_end
(@stmt_end - @stmt_start)
FROM ::fn_get_sql(@sql_handle)
--object name containing the page referred by waitresource in sysprocesses
SET NOCOUNT ON declare @dbid int, @fileid int, @pageid int, @spid int, @sql varchar(128)
--set your spid of interest here:
set @spid = 75
select @dbid = substring(waitresource, 1, charindex (':', waitresource) - 1),
@fileid = substring(waitresource, charindex( ':', waitresource) + 1,
charindex(':', waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource) + 1) -
charindex(':',waitresource) - 1 ),
@pageid = substring(waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource,
charindex(':', waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource) + 1)) + 1,
len(waitresource) - (charindex(':', waitresource,
charindex(':', waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource) + 1)) + 1) )
from master..sysprocesses where spid = @spid and waitresource like '%:%:%'
set @sql = 'dbcc page (' + convert(varchar,@dbid) + ',' +
convert(varchar,@fileid) + ',' + convert(varchar,@pageid) + ') with
no_infomsgs, tableresults'
if exists (select 1 from tempdb..sysobjects where xtype = 'U' and name like
drop table #pageinfo
create table #pageinfo ( ParentObject varchar(128), Object varchar(128),
Field varchar(128), Value varchar(128) )
dbcc traceon (3604) with no_infomsgs
insert into #pageinfo (ParentObject, Object, Field, Value)
exec (@sql) select object_name(Value) as 'waitresource object name' from
#pageinfo where Field = 'm_objId' dbcc traceoff (3604) with no_infomsgs
, right(convert(varchar,
dateadd(ms, datediff(ms, p.last_batch, getdate()), '1900-01-01'),
121), 12) as 'batch_duration'
, cast(p.program_name as char(20)) as [Program Name]
, cast(p.hostname as char(10)) as [Hostname]
, cast(p.loginame as char(20)) as [Loginame]
from master.dbo.sysprocesses p
where p.spid > 50
and p.status not in ('background', 'sleeping')
and p.cmd not in ('AWAITING COMMAND'
order by batch_duration desc
--SQL running for a given spid
@spid int
, @stmt_start int
, @stmt_end int
, @sql_handle binary(20)
set @spid = 65 -- Fill this in
select top 1
@sql_handle = sql_handle
, @stmt_start = case stmt_start when 0 then 0 else stmt_start / 2 end
, @stmt_end = case stmt_end when -1 then -1 else stmt_end / 2 end
from master.dbo.sysprocesses
where spid = @spid
order by ecid
COALESCE(NULLIF(@stmt_start, 0), 1),
CASE @stmt_end
(@stmt_end - @stmt_start)
FROM ::fn_get_sql(@sql_handle)
--object name containing the page referred by waitresource in sysprocesses
SET NOCOUNT ON declare @dbid int, @fileid int, @pageid int, @spid int, @sql varchar(128)
--set your spid of interest here:
set @spid = 75
select @dbid = substring(waitresource, 1, charindex (':', waitresource) - 1),
@fileid = substring(waitresource, charindex( ':', waitresource) + 1,
charindex(':', waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource) + 1) -
charindex(':',waitresource) - 1 ),
@pageid = substring(waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource,
charindex(':', waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource) + 1)) + 1,
len(waitresource) - (charindex(':', waitresource,
charindex(':', waitresource, charindex(':', waitresource) + 1)) + 1) )
from master..sysprocesses where spid = @spid and waitresource like '%:%:%'
set @sql = 'dbcc page (' + convert(varchar,@dbid) + ',' +
convert(varchar,@fileid) + ',' + convert(varchar,@pageid) + ') with
no_infomsgs, tableresults'
if exists (select 1 from tempdb..sysobjects where xtype = 'U' and name like
drop table #pageinfo
create table #pageinfo ( ParentObject varchar(128), Object varchar(128),
Field varchar(128), Value varchar(128) )
dbcc traceon (3604) with no_infomsgs
insert into #pageinfo (ParentObject, Object, Field, Value)
exec (@sql) select object_name(Value) as 'waitresource object name' from
#pageinfo where Field = 'm_objId' dbcc traceoff (3604) with no_infomsgs
Sunday, December 19, 2010
SQL [Internal] Defragmentation
[FREE] SQL Server Maintenance Solution
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Index Defragmentation Best Practices
How to check defragmentation level
SQL Server Index Fragmentation and Its Resolution
In SQL Server, there are several ways to defrag internal fragmentation. One of these methods is to use the DBCC REINDEX command to rebuild the clustered and non-clustered indexes. Once indexes are rebuilt, data pages are now logically contiguous, and disk I/O is minimized.
Defrag Your SQL Server Database or Go to Pieces
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Index Defragmentation Best Practices
How to check defragmentation level
SQL Server Index Fragmentation and Its Resolution
In SQL Server, there are several ways to defrag internal fragmentation. One of these methods is to use the DBCC REINDEX command to rebuild the clustered and non-clustered indexes. Once indexes are rebuilt, data pages are now logically contiguous, and disk I/O is minimized.
Defrag Your SQL Server Database or Go to Pieces
Friday, December 17, 2010
Method to obtain various internet traffic signature
The Hunt For HTTP Signatures - ISA 2006 Firewall HTTP Filter
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Index Optimization options
Reducing SQL Server Index Fragmentation
Why zero-value SIFT records must be removed?
For NAV it doesn’t make a difference if it could find a “Zero SIFT Record” or no SIFT record for a query – in both cases the value 0 is processed (=returned?).
Post by stryk on Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:15 am
Navision keeps the SIFT (Sum Index Field Technology) values in dedicated tables that are updated using triggers. In certain situations the trigger does not update the value but replaces it with 0 and creates a new record with the correct value.
This means that the size of the database increases significantly especially if the 'SIFT-tables' are active.
When the tables are optimized the SIFT-tables are recreated from scratch and the zero-records are deleted.
Post by stryk on Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:15 am
Navision keeps the SIFT (Sum Index Field Technology) values in dedicated tables that are updated using triggers. In certain situations the trigger does not update the value but replaces it with 0 and creates a new record with the correct value.
This means that the size of the database increases significantly especially if the 'SIFT-tables' are active.
When the tables are optimized the SIFT-tables are recreated from scratch and the zero-records are deleted.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Run application sandboxed
How to Surf More Securely
Another solution(s):
Use "XP Mode" of VirtualPC or "Unity" mode of VMWare
Recent Experience Installing Symantec Workspace Virtualization On Windows 8
Related article(s):
Run XP Mode in VirtualBox Instead of Virtual PC
Another solution(s):
Use "XP Mode" of VirtualPC or "Unity" mode of VMWare
Recent Experience Installing Symantec Workspace Virtualization On Windows 8
Related article(s):
Run XP Mode in VirtualBox Instead of Virtual PC
How Madoff worked
How Bernie Made Basket Cases of His Customers' Accounts
Women of the House of Madoff
Madoff's Little Helpers
Women of the House of Madoff
Madoff's Little Helpers
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
NComputing related
Punya masalah NCOMPUTING ... Masuk sini gan.. ketemu dah solusinya
Self experience when client suddenly unable to connect to server (user screen bounced back to server selection menu)
Repair vSpace installation fron Control Panel's Add/Remove
Ports to test (using Telnet) when client can't connect to vSpace host/server:
1027 dan 27605
source: Configuring Firewall and Antivirus for NComputing Products
Steps to reinstall vSpace
Uninstall the NComputing Software.
Through Control Panel > Programs and Features. Then, reboot host machine
Remove extra files from us in your system.
Run the uninstall script located at:
Tune Firewall and AntiVirus
Download and install the latest software from our website.
Register using the registration wizard that is located in the NComputing folder in All Programs
source: L300 stopped connecting to Vspace today randomly
Troubleshooting Network Issues
Self experience when client suddenly unable to connect to server (user screen bounced back to server selection menu)
Repair vSpace installation fron Control Panel's Add/Remove
Ports to test (using Telnet) when client can't connect to vSpace host/server:
1027 dan 27605
source: Configuring Firewall and Antivirus for NComputing Products
Steps to reinstall vSpace
Uninstall the NComputing Software.
Through Control Panel > Programs and Features. Then, reboot host machine
Remove extra files from us in your system.
Run the uninstall script located at:
Tune Firewall and AntiVirus
Download and install the latest software from our website.
Register using the registration wizard that is located in the NComputing folder in All Programs
source: L300 stopped connecting to Vspace today randomly
Troubleshooting Network Issues
Should I turn off Indexing Services on SQL Server disks?
Sql uses it's own indexing service (MSFTESQL or Sql Service FullText Search).
The service itself was by default disabled on Server 2003+ anyhow? Naturally, regardless of what is checked for each LUN/folder on your server, if the service is stopped, it ain't gonna index.
When (if ever) should the Indexing Service turned on on a Sql Server Box?
The service itself was by default disabled on Server 2003+ anyhow? Naturally, regardless of what is checked for each LUN/folder on your server, if the service is stopped, it ain't gonna index.
When (if ever) should the Indexing Service turned on on a Sql Server Box?
SMS Gateway
Features to look:
..SMS-to-Email, Email-to-SMS
..2-way SMS
..multiple user with personal Sent/Inbox
..custom processing for incoming message
open source 2-way|received|incoming sms gateway windows|XAMPP|wamp
- paid (Lite=GBP 195)
- the difference:
- sample program to process received messages:
Ozeki NG
- paid
+ free
- must develop application to use
What about hardware-based/dedicated SMS Gateway?
Example: FoxBox, SMSEagle,
Common drawback with HW-based SMSGW is inability to execute command line
Better use GSM modem than mobile phone
Most standard mobile handsets have an SMS software that was designed to store and display incoming messages to the user of the handset. Often this SMS software "eats" incoming SMS messages, and does not forward it to the PC through the data cable. In this case the Ozeki SMS software, that runs on your PC does not receive the incoming message.
If your phone model is based on the Symbian mobile phone operating system (most high end Nokia and SonyEricsson devices) you will not be able to use it for incoming SMS. Symbian phones never deliver incoming SMS messages and incoming delivery report to the modem interface of the phone.
If your modem comes with connectivity application, you must turn it off
To configure it, you must close the Internet connectivity application, that comes with the modem (e.g: Vodafone Internet Connection Manager).
Indonesian online modem seller
Consider Wavecom wanna-be products
Setting Gammu untuk Aplikasi SMS Gateway
Perbandingan SMS Gateway
..SMS-to-Email, Email-to-SMS
..2-way SMS
..multiple user with personal Sent/Inbox
..custom processing for incoming message
open source 2-way|received|incoming sms gateway windows|XAMPP|wamp
- paid (Lite=GBP 195)
- the difference:
- sample program to process received messages:
Ozeki NG
- paid
+ free
- must develop application to use
What about hardware-based/dedicated SMS Gateway?
Example: FoxBox, SMSEagle,
Common drawback with HW-based SMSGW is inability to execute command line
Better use GSM modem than mobile phone
Most standard mobile handsets have an SMS software that was designed to store and display incoming messages to the user of the handset. Often this SMS software "eats" incoming SMS messages, and does not forward it to the PC through the data cable. In this case the Ozeki SMS software, that runs on your PC does not receive the incoming message.
If your phone model is based on the Symbian mobile phone operating system (most high end Nokia and SonyEricsson devices) you will not be able to use it for incoming SMS. Symbian phones never deliver incoming SMS messages and incoming delivery report to the modem interface of the phone.
If your modem comes with connectivity application, you must turn it off
To configure it, you must close the Internet connectivity application, that comes with the modem (e.g: Vodafone Internet Connection Manager).
Indonesian online modem seller
Consider Wavecom wanna-be products
Setting Gammu untuk Aplikasi SMS Gateway
Perbandingan SMS Gateway
VFX: Working with free table(s)
Free tables are found with SET PATH only. You can add your path in
cfoxappl.opendatabase after executing dodefault.
IF __vfx_runtime
SET PATH TO data,kredit
Another scenario:
The free table's filename is using non default extension (ie. DAT instead of .DBF)
* Make a copy of the .DAT file (with .DBF extension)
* In development stage, work with this DBF file
* Before last Build for deployment, 'browse' form data (.SCX) and modify Properties field for record(s) with Parent=Dataenvironment to change filename to .DAT
cfoxappl.opendatabase after executing dodefault.
IF __vfx_runtime
SET PATH TO data,kredit
Another scenario:
The free table's filename is using non default extension (ie. DAT instead of .DBF)
* Make a copy of the .DAT file (with .DBF extension)
* In development stage, work with this DBF file
* Before last Build for deployment, 'browse' form data (.SCX) and modify Properties field for record(s) with Parent=Dataenvironment to change filename to .DAT
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Indonesian Internet Service Provider (ISP) Techical Comparison
D-NET (Dutakom)
AS9505: 3 hop
AS1299: 3 hop (terpendek)
AS1299: 3 hop (terpendek)
Inet Global Indo
AS9505: 2 hop
AS1299: 2 hop
AS9505: 3 hop
AS1299: 3 hop (terpendek)
AS1299: 3 hop (terpendek)
AS9505: 2 hop
AS1299: 2 hop
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Performance Optimization related
(Self experience) Things that better not be executed during office hours
1. Updating Analysis View card
2. Changing key field value (for example, Customer No.)
What Tables > Optimize does?
From Online Help:
For each Navision table, the SQL Server indexes, other than the primary key, are rebuilt to optimize their layout and usage.
For each SIFT structure, any entries that contain zero values in all numeric fields are removed. The removal of these redundant entries will free space and provide more efficient updating and summing of SIFT information.
1) get rid of all those high SIFT buckets, leaving only one
2) add optimized SQL Server site Indexes – indexes we unfortunately cannot create from NAV site
Optimizing SIFT and VSIFT
1. Updating Analysis View card
2. Changing key field value (for example, Customer No.)
What Tables > Optimize does?
From Online Help:
For each Navision table, the SQL Server indexes, other than the primary key, are rebuilt to optimize their layout and usage.
For each SIFT structure, any entries that contain zero values in all numeric fields are removed. The removal of these redundant entries will free space and provide more efficient updating and summing of SIFT information.
1) get rid of all those high SIFT buckets, leaving only one
2) add optimized SQL Server site Indexes – indexes we unfortunately cannot create from NAV site
Optimizing SIFT and VSIFT
Monday, December 6, 2010
Key Information Tool
Table: 50070 - 50077
Form: 50070 - 50078
Report: 50070 - 50071
Codeunit: 50070 - 50072
Form: 50070 - 50078
Report: 50070 - 50071
Codeunit: 50070 - 50072
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Cara nonton 3D di PC (Indonesian)
akan lebih baik menggunakan monitor dengan frekuensi vertical 120hz
hanya berlaku di Vista/7
Tutorial Nonton film 3D
Cara Buat Kacamata 3D
hanya berlaku di Vista/7
Tutorial Nonton film 3D
Cara Buat Kacamata 3D
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Penjual Sarang Semut (Indonesian)
How filter rules are processed
When processing a chain, rules are taken from the chain in the order they are listed there from top to bottom. If a packet matches the criteria of the rule, then the specified action is performed on it, and no more rules are processed in that chain (the exception is the passthrough action).
If a packet has not matched any rule within the chain, then it is accepted.
add a message to the system log containing following data: in-interface, out-interface, src-mac, protocol, src-ip:port->dst-ip:port and length of the packet. After packet is matched it is passed to next rule in the list, similar as passthrough
ignore this rule and go to next one (useful for statistics).
How To Move Filter Rule Position In Mikrotik
If a packet has not matched any rule within the chain, then it is accepted.
add a message to the system log containing following data: in-interface, out-interface, src-mac, protocol, src-ip:port->dst-ip:port and length of the packet. After packet is matched it is passed to next rule in the list, similar as passthrough
ignore this rule and go to next one (useful for statistics).
How To Move Filter Rule Position In Mikrotik
Monday, November 29, 2010
Memilih asuransi kesehatan (Indonesian)
Apakah cakupan tersebut meliputi layanan rawat jalan dan rawat inap?
Adakah penyakit tertentu yang tidak dijamin perusahaan asuransi?
Apakah Anda dapat memilih dokter atau rumah sakit yang dikehendaki ataukah terbatas pada rumah sakit yang telah ditunjuk?
mereka yang ikut program asuransi dalam usia muda akan mendapat beberapa kemudahan, misalnya, tidak diperlukan pemeriksaan kesehatan
Sistem Reimburse:
kita harus membayar dulu biaya rumah sakit dengan uang kita, kemudian kita tagihkan kepada perusahaan asuransi dengan melampirkan kwitansi pembayaran dari rumah sakit.
Sistem Cashless:
kita menunjukkan kartu dari asuransi dan kasir rumah sakit akan menghubungi perusahaan asuransi. Tapi biasanya preminya sedikit lebih mahal dari sistem reimburse
Sistem Santunan:
asuransi akan memberikan santunan harian selama Anda dirawat. Contohnya Anda mengambil asuransi dengan santunan perhari Rp.500.000,- maka jika Anda dirawat selama 5 hari, Anda akan dapatkan dana santunan sebesar Rp.500.000,- X 5 hari = Rp.2.500.000,- tanpa melihat berapa tagihan rumah sakit. Nah, sistem santunan ini yang preminya paling murah.
Adakah penyakit tertentu yang tidak dijamin perusahaan asuransi?
Apakah Anda dapat memilih dokter atau rumah sakit yang dikehendaki ataukah terbatas pada rumah sakit yang telah ditunjuk?
mereka yang ikut program asuransi dalam usia muda akan mendapat beberapa kemudahan, misalnya, tidak diperlukan pemeriksaan kesehatan
Sistem Reimburse:
kita harus membayar dulu biaya rumah sakit dengan uang kita, kemudian kita tagihkan kepada perusahaan asuransi dengan melampirkan kwitansi pembayaran dari rumah sakit.
Sistem Cashless:
kita menunjukkan kartu dari asuransi dan kasir rumah sakit akan menghubungi perusahaan asuransi. Tapi biasanya preminya sedikit lebih mahal dari sistem reimburse
Sistem Santunan:
asuransi akan memberikan santunan harian selama Anda dirawat. Contohnya Anda mengambil asuransi dengan santunan perhari Rp.500.000,- maka jika Anda dirawat selama 5 hari, Anda akan dapatkan dana santunan sebesar Rp.500.000,- X 5 hari = Rp.2.500.000,- tanpa melihat berapa tagihan rumah sakit. Nah, sistem santunan ini yang preminya paling murah.
Cable: Cat5e or Cat6 ?
At present there is still some discussion whether new installations of cable should use Cat5e or Cat6. It is often incorrectly assumed that if Cat6 is run then the ability for a Gigabit Ethernet is available. In truth to attain a true Gigabit Ethernet speed, then all components of the network have to be rated for gigabit. Items such as switches, network interface cards and hubs also need to be gigabit rated. That doesn’t mean that there is no difference from Cat5e and Cat6; the difference between these two is in the transmission capabilities. Where it is known that Cat5e can support gigabit speed, Cat6 is actually certified to manage Gigabit Ethernet.
Also, the specifications on Cat6 is better suited for the environment that is usually filled with twisted pairing cables and areas that you generally find with lots of items that cause interference, such as electrical rooms, phone equipment rooms, power lines and lights. For most applications you will find that Cat5e is still acceptable and even preferable to Cat6 because it is less costly and still performs nearly as well. If however you know for sure that all of the components of your network are gigabit rated and the amount of data that will be transmitted will require that you have certified gigabit capabilities, then Cat6 would be the preferred choice.
Network Cabling Cat5 Vs Cat5e Vs Cat6
Also, the specifications on Cat6 is better suited for the environment that is usually filled with twisted pairing cables and areas that you generally find with lots of items that cause interference, such as electrical rooms, phone equipment rooms, power lines and lights. For most applications you will find that Cat5e is still acceptable and even preferable to Cat6 because it is less costly and still performs nearly as well. If however you know for sure that all of the components of your network are gigabit rated and the amount of data that will be transmitted will require that you have certified gigabit capabilities, then Cat6 would be the preferred choice.
Network Cabling Cat5 Vs Cat5e Vs Cat6
How to achieve full Gigabit speed?
Gigabit Ethernet: Dude, Where's My Bandwidth?,review-31611.html real-world situations, the network will be severely bottlenecked by the hard drives.
Interesting comment(s):
amgsoft 22/06/2009 14:28
If you want to utilize the full bandwidth, you need to invest into hardware, which is able to handle it.
Anonymous 27/06/2009 05:31
If your switch supports it, you can send jumbo frames. You would also have to change the MTU and RWIN the corresponding workstations (if running windows).
From other sources:
Default Gigabit Ethernet has an impressive number of frames (about 81000 per second) possible and a high throughput for actual data (about 118 MB/s). By increasing the MTU to 9000 we could deliver even more data on the same bandwidth, up to 123 MB/s, thanks to the decreased amount of overhead due to a lower number of frames. Jumbo Frames could use the whole of 99% of Gigabit Ethernet bandwidth to carry our data.
source: Actual throughput on Gigabit Ethernet
Gigabit Wi-Fi: 802.11ac is here: Five things you need to know,review-31611.html real-world situations, the network will be severely bottlenecked by the hard drives.
Interesting comment(s):
amgsoft 22/06/2009 14:28
If you want to utilize the full bandwidth, you need to invest into hardware, which is able to handle it.
Anonymous 27/06/2009 05:31
If your switch supports it, you can send jumbo frames. You would also have to change the MTU and RWIN the corresponding workstations (if running windows).
From other sources:
Default Gigabit Ethernet has an impressive number of frames (about 81000 per second) possible and a high throughput for actual data (about 118 MB/s). By increasing the MTU to 9000 we could deliver even more data on the same bandwidth, up to 123 MB/s, thanks to the decreased amount of overhead due to a lower number of frames. Jumbo Frames could use the whole of 99% of Gigabit Ethernet bandwidth to carry our data.
source: Actual throughput on Gigabit Ethernet
Gigabit Wi-Fi: 802.11ac is here: Five things you need to know
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Test Gigabit speed
Network speed test tool for Gigabit Ethernet
Friday, November 26, 2010
Acceptable/normal rate of page fault?
You need to understand that page faults are NORMAL.
There are two kinds; hard and soft. Soft is reload from RAM and hard is reload from hard drive [virtual memory or program reload].
Last I remember about perfmon it only gave page faults per second but did not differenciate between hard and soft page faults.
Here is a break down on the counters
Memory/page faults/sec is both hard and soft. Don't use this counter
Memory/Pages Reads/sec and Memory/Pages Input/sec deal with hard faults so use these to monitor.
Poorly written applications [includes ms apps] are the biggest contributor to page faults. End task on apps to see which is causing your page faults.
Win Server 2003 Page Faults
when investigating page fault issues, it is important to understand whether the page faults are hard faults or soft faults. The page fault counters in Performance Monitor do not distinguish between hard and soft faults
o track paging, you should use the following counters: Memory\ Page Faults /sec, Memory\ Cache Faults /sec and Memory\ Page Reads /sec.
If you have a high rate of page faults combined with a high rate of page reads (which also show up in the Disk counters) then you may have an issue where you have insufficient RAM given the high rate of hard faults.
The Basics of Page Faults
There are two kinds; hard and soft. Soft is reload from RAM and hard is reload from hard drive [virtual memory or program reload].
Last I remember about perfmon it only gave page faults per second but did not differenciate between hard and soft page faults.
Here is a break down on the counters
Memory/page faults/sec is both hard and soft. Don't use this counter
Memory/Pages Reads/sec and Memory/Pages Input/sec deal with hard faults so use these to monitor.
Poorly written applications [includes ms apps] are the biggest contributor to page faults. End task on apps to see which is causing your page faults.
Win Server 2003 Page Faults
when investigating page fault issues, it is important to understand whether the page faults are hard faults or soft faults. The page fault counters in Performance Monitor do not distinguish between hard and soft faults
o track paging, you should use the following counters: Memory\ Page Faults /sec, Memory\ Cache Faults /sec and Memory\ Page Reads /sec.
If you have a high rate of page faults combined with a high rate of page reads (which also show up in the Disk counters) then you may have an issue where you have insufficient RAM given the high rate of hard faults.
The Basics of Page Faults
2000: Enabling large memory support
Self experience:
Platform: SQL 2000 ENTERPRISE SP3a @ Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard SP2 (4GB Physical RAM)
"/3GB" added to boot.ini
Perfmon counter: SQLServer:MemoryManager \ Total Server Memory (KB):
...before awe enabled: ~2.7GB
...after awe enabled: ~3.5GB
Find the (available) amount of memory available to SQL Server (instance / machine)
Note to self:
Strange result on SQL 2000 Standard SP3a @ Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard SP2:
------------------------ begin --------------------------
(20 row(s) affected)
PhysicalMemory;4056;4056 (4253089792)
(1 row(s) affected)
0;1543;Minimum size of server memory (MB);3
2147483647;1544;Maximum size of server memory (MB);3
(2 row(s) affected)
------------------------ end --------------------------
AWE is not available on all versions of SQL Server 2000. For example, AWE is not available for MSDE, SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition
FIX: Not all memory is available when AWE is enabled on a computer that is running a 32-bit version of SQL Server 2000 SP4
Similar info:
SQL Server 2000 "Standard Edition" is limited to 2GB of RAM, this has nothing to do with the /3GB switch. To use more than 2GBs, you must be running "Enterprise Edition"
source: SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition Memory limit with 3GB Switch
To use Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) memory, you must run the SQL Server 2000 database engine under a Windows account that has been assigned the Windows lock pages in memory administrative credentials.
Related article:
You may not be able to connect to a SQL Server that is running on a Windows Server 2003 computer by using Windows authentication
Look for word: SeLockMemoryPrivilege
The local System account has the 'lock pages in memory' privilege by default.
Normally, both the SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition and SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition can use up to 2 GB of physical memory. With the use of the AWE enable option, SQL Server can use up to 4 GB of physical memory.
The maximum amount of memory that can be supported on Windows Server 2003 is 4 GB. However, Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition supports 32 GB of physical RAM. Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition supports 64 GB of physical RAM by using the Physical Address Extensions (PAE) feature. You can use the 3 GB switch that is in the Boot.ini file with Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition, or with Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition.
How to configure SQL Server to use more than 2 GB of physical memory
How to tell if PAE is enabled?
Open System Properties > General > look for label "Physical Address Extension" under RAM size info
A processes' VAS in 32bit windows is 4GB in size
if there isn't enough physical memory space available for the OS to store all the committed memory for all applications running on the machine, this is where the page/swap file comes in
Use of the /3GB and /USERVA switches does NOT depend on using /PAE or AWE - you do NOT need /PAE enabled to use these switches, and you don't need AWE enabled either - these options are mutually exclusive. You can use either of these switches on servers with less than 4gb style="color: black; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 102);">PAE in a nutshell allows the OS to see more than 4GB of physical memory - remember above in the memory architecture
Adding the PAE switch has NO effect whatsoever on the VAS size in a 32bit system - it remains at 4GB in total
what enabling PAE would in effect do for a system (assuming more than 4GB of memory exists before and after the change that is) would be to allow the OS more physical memory space for storing data instead of having to page this data to disk
AWE is basically a set of system API's that allow a process to access memory outside/larger than it's VAS
/3GB or /USERVA should only be used if you can properly determine that your workload is VAS-pressured (and none of the other considerations preclude the use as well) - if your workload is not under VAS pressure, or if the VAS is not your bottleneck, you will probably see minimal (if any) increased throughput.
Related article:
How to find who is using / eating up the Virtual Address Space on your SQL Server
PAE and /3GB and AWE oh my...
AWE is is an enabler allowing a 32-bit Operating System to address more than 4GB of physical memory.; there are obvious benifits however, there are performance considerations which should not be over looked when using AWE. For example, AWE memory cannot be swapped to the page file, therefore you should closely monitor application memory requirements after machine startup before allocating memory
SQL : Enable AWE on i386/x86
Enabling AWE Memory for SQL Server
Since Windows 2000, the operating system has provided a feature to reduce the kernel mode memory to just 1GB, thereby allowing the user mode portion 3 of the 4GB in the virtual address space. Microsoft achieves this by the system-wide boot.ini /3GB switch and it applies to all 32-bit applications running on the box (not just SQL Server). Windows 2003 has introduced a new boot.ini switch, /USERVA (see, which essentially does the same thing as /3GB but allows finer tuning of exactly how much memory is allocated to the kernel code (between 1GB and 2GB).
(See also configuration matrix for different RAM amount)
Memory Use in SQL Server
Platform: SQL 2000 ENTERPRISE SP3a @ Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard SP2 (4GB Physical RAM)
"/3GB" added to boot.ini
Perfmon counter: SQLServer:MemoryManager \ Total Server Memory (KB):
...before awe enabled: ~2.7GB
...after awe enabled: ~3.5GB
Find the (available) amount of memory available to SQL Server (instance / machine)
Note to self:
Strange result on SQL 2000 Standard SP3a @ Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard SP2:
------------------------ begin --------------------------
(20 row(s) affected)
PhysicalMemory;4056;4056 (4253089792)
(1 row(s) affected)
0;1543;Minimum size of server memory (MB);3
2147483647;1544;Maximum size of server memory (MB);3
(2 row(s) affected)
------------------------ end --------------------------
Notice that "Maximum size of server memory (MB)" is 3 (means 3 MB??)
AWE is not available on all versions of SQL Server 2000. For example, AWE is not available for MSDE, SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition
FIX: Not all memory is available when AWE is enabled on a computer that is running a 32-bit version of SQL Server 2000 SP4
Similar info:
SQL Server 2000 "Standard Edition" is limited to 2GB of RAM, this has nothing to do with the /3GB switch. To use more than 2GBs, you must be running "Enterprise Edition"
source: SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition Memory limit with 3GB Switch
Related article:
You may not be able to connect to a SQL Server that is running on a Windows Server 2003 computer by using Windows authentication
Look for word: SeLockMemoryPrivilege
The local System account has the 'lock pages in memory' privilege by default.
Normally, both the SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition and SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition can use up to 2 GB of physical memory. With the use of the AWE enable option, SQL Server can use up to 4 GB of physical memory.
The maximum amount of memory that can be supported on Windows Server 2003 is 4 GB. However, Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition supports 32 GB of physical RAM. Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition supports 64 GB of physical RAM by using the Physical Address Extensions (PAE) feature. You can use the 3 GB switch that is in the Boot.ini file with Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition, or with Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition.
How to configure SQL Server to use more than 2 GB of physical memory
How to tell if PAE is enabled?
Open System Properties > General > look for label "Physical Address Extension" under RAM size info
A processes' VAS in 32bit windows is 4GB in size
if there isn't enough physical memory space available for the OS to store all the committed memory for all applications running on the machine, this is where the page/swap file comes in
Use of the /3GB and /USERVA switches does NOT depend on using /PAE or AWE - you do NOT need /PAE enabled to use these switches, and you don't need AWE enabled either - these options are mutually exclusive. You can use either of these switches on servers with less than 4gb style="color: black; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 102);">PAE in a nutshell allows the OS to see more than 4GB of physical memory - remember above in the memory architecture
Adding the PAE switch has NO effect whatsoever on the VAS size in a 32bit system - it remains at 4GB in total
what enabling PAE would in effect do for a system (assuming more than 4GB of memory exists before and after the change that is) would be to allow the OS more physical memory space for storing data instead of having to page this data to disk
AWE is basically a set of system API's that allow a process to access memory outside/larger than it's VAS
/3GB or /USERVA should only be used if you can properly determine that your workload is VAS-pressured (and none of the other considerations preclude the use as well) - if your workload is not under VAS pressure, or if the VAS is not your bottleneck, you will probably see minimal (if any) increased throughput.
Related article:
How to find who is using / eating up the Virtual Address Space on your SQL Server
PAE and /3GB and AWE oh my...
AWE is is an enabler allowing a 32-bit Operating System to address more than 4GB of physical memory.; there are obvious benifits however, there are performance considerations which should not be over looked when using AWE. For example, AWE memory cannot be swapped to the page file, therefore you should closely monitor application memory requirements after machine startup before allocating memory
SQL : Enable AWE on i386/x86
Enabling AWE Memory for SQL Server
Since Windows 2000, the operating system has provided a feature to reduce the kernel mode memory to just 1GB, thereby allowing the user mode portion 3 of the 4GB in the virtual address space. Microsoft achieves this by the system-wide boot.ini /3GB switch and it applies to all 32-bit applications running on the box (not just SQL Server). Windows 2003 has introduced a new boot.ini switch, /USERVA (see, which essentially does the same thing as /3GB but allows finer tuning of exactly how much memory is allocated to the kernel code (between 1GB and 2GB).
(See also configuration matrix for different RAM amount)
Memory Use in SQL Server
2000: EM said shrink has succeeded but file size remained the same
Must run BACKUP LOG with TRUNCATE_ONLY first
INF: Shrinking the Transaction Log in SQL Server 2000 with DBCC SHRINKFILE
INF: Shrinking the Transaction Log in SQL Server 2000 with DBCC SHRINKFILE
Monday, November 22, 2010
Safely delete $NtUninstall folders
How To: Remove $NtUninstall folders
The one thing to keep in mind is that there are Registry entries and a
few misc. files that are tied to each hotfix/update. Deleting the
$NTUninstallKB folders will leave these associated entries/files as
orphans. Therefore you might consider a tool designed specifically to
handle this task
ISSUE: Still can't find a way to remove multiple uninstall folders at once
May 5, 2011 UPDATE:
Commercial tool available: "Update Cleanup" (
Tool to periodically and automatically remove Windows Update backup files:
DiskMax -
Q: Will DiskMax remove associated entry on Add/Remove applet on Control Panel?
A: The entries are not removed because I cannot be sure if any applications use them to determine whether an update is installed or not.
The one thing to keep in mind is that there are Registry entries and a
few misc. files that are tied to each hotfix/update. Deleting the
$NTUninstallKB folders will leave these associated entries/files as
orphans. Therefore you might consider a tool designed specifically to
handle this task
ISSUE: Still can't find a way to remove multiple uninstall folders at once
May 5, 2011 UPDATE:
Commercial tool available: "Update Cleanup" (
Tool to periodically and automatically remove Windows Update backup files:
DiskMax -
Q: Will DiskMax remove associated entry on Add/Remove applet on Control Panel?
A: The entries are not removed because I cannot be sure if any applications use them to determine whether an update is installed or not.
Quickly insert blank row between each record
Quickly add a blank row between multiple rows of data in an Excel spreadsheet:
1. Select multiple rows by holding Ctrl and clicking each row (NOT dragging accross row number)
2. Right click then choose Insert
(Concluded from Fastest ways to insert multiple rows in Excel 2010-2013)
1. Select multiple rows by holding Ctrl and clicking each row (NOT dragging accross row number)
2. Right click then choose Insert
(Concluded from Fastest ways to insert multiple rows in Excel 2010-2013)
IP Phone related
Do we need manageable switches?
How QoS Impacts Your VoIP Calls
..Setup \ Extensions \ SIP:
....Ext. number: 100
..On android softphone:
....Host: (obtained from Wiki \ Getting Started)
....Username and Password: as you've entered when creating extension
Overview of an IP PBX System (IP Phone System)
trixbox CE Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I connect analog lines to a trixbox?
- Can I send/receive faxes with trixbox?
SIP Wi-Fi Phone with Peer-to-Peer support:
Planet VIP-192
Linksys Wireless-G IP Phone WIP-330
Locktec WP04 IP SIP Phone
VoIP Gateway: positioned as FXO or FXS?
FXS port was connected to your telephone sets or Trunk Line of PBX.
FXO port was connected to the extension port of a PBX or directly connected to a PSTN line of carrier.
What do the terms FXS & FXO mean
a reference guide to all things VOIP
How Analog Telephony Adapters (ATA) Connect IP PBX to FXO (Analog Trunks) and FXS (Analog Stations
...The fax machine in the Head Office also connects to the IP Telephony Server (VOIP Server) through the FXS Gateway H and hence can send and receive faxes through the PSTN network.
...its better to check if the ITSP (Internet Telephony Service Provider) can provide service all the regions that you want to dial out (to any cell phones/ land-lines in those regions). In some countries (Like India), ITSP cannot yet provide Local and STD call service over the Internet due to regulation.
...the analog phones (from one location) can access the analog trunks (in another location) through the gateways and dial out to any phone number using the analog trunks. So, someone sitting in one location makes a call to any phone number in another location and still pays only local call charges! Again, this is not allowed within certain countries (like India)
...A traditional Analog/Digital EPABX can be connected (integrated) with an IP PBX with limited number of channels (of communication between them) using the Analog Telephony Adapters.
Q:Billing? Yes
Google: elastix|trixbox|asterisk billing
Q:Handset price?
Q:ITSP in Indonesia?
How QoS Impacts Your VoIP Calls
..Setup \ Extensions \ SIP:
....Ext. number: 100
..On android softphone:
....Host: (obtained from Wiki \ Getting Started)
....Username and Password: as you've entered when creating extension
Overview of an IP PBX System (IP Phone System)
trixbox CE Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I connect analog lines to a trixbox?
- Can I send/receive faxes with trixbox?
SIP Wi-Fi Phone with Peer-to-Peer support:
Planet VIP-192
Linksys Wireless-G IP Phone WIP-330
Locktec WP04 IP SIP Phone
VoIP Gateway: positioned as FXO or FXS?
FXS port was connected to your telephone sets or Trunk Line of PBX.
FXO port was connected to the extension port of a PBX or directly connected to a PSTN line of carrier.
What do the terms FXS & FXO mean
a reference guide to all things VOIP
How Analog Telephony Adapters (ATA) Connect IP PBX to FXO (Analog Trunks) and FXS (Analog Stations
...The fax machine in the Head Office also connects to the IP Telephony Server (VOIP Server) through the FXS Gateway H and hence can send and receive faxes through the PSTN network.
...its better to check if the ITSP (Internet Telephony Service Provider) can provide service all the regions that you want to dial out (to any cell phones/ land-lines in those regions). In some countries (Like India), ITSP cannot yet provide Local and STD call service over the Internet due to regulation.
...the analog phones (from one location) can access the analog trunks (in another location) through the gateways and dial out to any phone number using the analog trunks. So, someone sitting in one location makes a call to any phone number in another location and still pays only local call charges! Again, this is not allowed within certain countries (like India)
...A traditional Analog/Digital EPABX can be connected (integrated) with an IP PBX with limited number of channels (of communication between them) using the Analog Telephony Adapters.
Q:Billing? Yes
Google: elastix|trixbox|asterisk billing
Q:Handset price?
Q:ITSP in Indonesia?
Monday, November 15, 2010
File with .SHS extension
It could be container for virus or...
scrap file originated from Word or Excel file.
How to create such scrap file?
In Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel applications, you can drag and drop selected document text, drawing objects, and graphics to the Windows desktop. A desktop icon is created for the scrap file, along with a file located in the Windows\Desktop subfolder with an SHS extension. This file is a native program document that contains the information that was selected and dragged onto the Windows desktop. If you select and delete the desktop icon, the corresponding SHS file will also be deleted. You can select and drag a scrap file on the desktop into another document.
file extension SHS - Microsoft Windows Shell Scrap Object file
scrap file originated from Word or Excel file.
How to create such scrap file?
In Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel applications, you can drag and drop selected document text, drawing objects, and graphics to the Windows desktop. A desktop icon is created for the scrap file, along with a file located in the Windows\Desktop subfolder with an SHS extension. This file is a native program document that contains the information that was selected and dragged onto the Windows desktop. If you select and delete the desktop icon, the corresponding SHS file will also be deleted. You can select and drag a scrap file on the desktop into another document.
file extension SHS - Microsoft Windows Shell Scrap Object file
Sunday, November 14, 2010
VFX: Forum
Alle Nachrichtenbereiche = All news section
Antworten = Reply
Antworten mit Zitat = Reply with quote
Baumstruktur = Tree
Dateibereiche = File spaces
Dateien Suchen = Search files
Flatansicht der Messages = Flat view of messages
Löschen = Delete
Nachrichtenbereiche = News section
Nächste Nachricht = Next message
Nachricht erstellen = Create Message
Nachrichten Suchen = News Search
Nachrichtenthemen suchen = News Search Topics
Neuer User = New User
Quick way to find your own posted msg:
- Click Nachrichten Suchen
- Type your e-mail address
- Choose appropriate Sektion
Alle Nachrichtenbereiche = All news section
Antworten = Reply
Antworten mit Zitat = Reply with quote
Baumstruktur = Tree
Dateibereiche = File spaces
Dateien Suchen = Search files
Flatansicht der Messages = Flat view of messages
Löschen = Delete
Nachrichtenbereiche = News section
Nächste Nachricht = Next message
Nachricht erstellen = Create Message
Nachrichten Suchen = News Search
Nachrichtenthemen suchen = News Search Topics
Neuer User = New User
Quick way to find your own posted msg:
- Click Nachrichten Suchen
- Type your e-mail address
- Choose appropriate Sektion
Friday, November 12, 2010
Perform Offline Windows Update
To update computer using MS Windows but without Internet connection:
WSUS Offline Update
WSUS Offline Update
Database choice for WSUS
Choose the Database Used for WSUS
Neither WMSDE nor MSDE have a user interface or tools. Administrators are meant to interact with these products through WSUS
From Professional MOM 2005, SMS 2003, and WSUS:
MSDE 2000 is severely limited and not recommended for a full production environement.
Note ... that although SQL maintains the WSUS configuration and other metadata, the actual updates are not stored in SQL.
Because the data stored in SQL does not include the actual content of the updates, the size of the SQL database will not directly correlate to the size of the content.
Neither WMSDE nor MSDE have a user interface or tools. Administrators are meant to interact with these products through WSUS
From Professional MOM 2005, SMS 2003, and WSUS:
MSDE 2000 is severely limited and not recommended for a full production environement.
Note ... that although SQL maintains the WSUS configuration and other metadata, the actual updates are not stored in SQL.
Because the data stored in SQL does not include the actual content of the updates, the size of the SQL database will not directly correlate to the size of the content.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Online sandbox service
Comodo Instant Malware Analysis
Sunbelt’s CWSandbox on-line malware analyzer
+ can analyze suspicious URL too
Sunbelt’s CWSandbox on-line malware analyzer
+ can analyze suspicious URL too
Offline registry editing
Regedit as offline Registry editor
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
SharePoint alternative
ThinkFree Server Enterprise
- not free, but cheaper
- not free, but cheaper
LAN messenger with Terminal Service support
Per user licenses: $ 12.95 (quantity discounts available)
- NOT tested
IP Messenger
+ free
- NOT tested yet
OnLAN Messenger
- not free: $500 for 50 users
- admin cannot delete individual history message
what the vendor can do is providing "a script for you that will be clearing the
database after a preset period. When necessary, you will need only to run the
* Trial mode: up to 5 clients
* [depends on environment] users must be told that e-mail feature shouldn't be used
* preconfigure client not to auto-load when installed on TS:
don't's not auto-load until it's launched for the 1st time
* force to auto-logon using current user:
don't will auto-logon using recent account used
+ Free lifetime tech support by e-mail
+ license policy: number of active user/computers
- not free ($950 for max 50 users)
- "We use Per-User Account licensing model...maximum amount of
user accounts you can create on the server"
- license packs come with [only] 60-Day Maintenance Plan
(free upgrade and email technical support)
- from
We do have many customers running 24im Enterprise Server on a terminal server.
However, you need to test it yourself to see if it works for your environment
- not free (Server+50Client=$659 ~ USD13.18/user)
NOTE: Server component is free if you purchase 10-20 clients
+ fully supports the Terminal Server and Citrix environments
+ licensing is based on a number of concurrent connections to the IM server
- support is not free (after 1st year)
CORRECTION: support is free, upgrade on 2nd year is not
- can't perform string-search on history
LanToucher Messenger
- not free
- can't send offline messages
Softros LAN Messenger
- not free ($8.95/user for 20-49 users)
- simple message history (
+ licensed on the "per running copy" basis
+ TS support using Softros Terminal Service Engine add-on
Outlook Messenger
- not free ($3.78/user for 50 users)
- doesn't seem to be compatible win Winpopup/NET SEND
- NO Active Directory support (?)
+ Pay One-Time & Get Life Time Updates Free
+ Multiple Outlook Messenger instances running in a Single Computer (=TS support?)
+ With a n User License Key, a maximum of n Users will displayed online, irrespective of the number of computers registered with or using Outlook Messenger
- unresolved issue during evaluation:
Admin Tool can't be opened
- not free (EUR 15.95 ~ USD 21.8 /user for 10-49 users)
- From author: no longer compatible with Winpopup or Net Send command, take a look to the LanTalk XP if you need such features.
+ Active Directory support
- not free
- very expensive (minimum initial purchase is 100 users = $3000)
- cannot limit user's history file size
Although "e/pop Admin Guide" says:
"If you want to control the size of your users e/pop history database file
(myhistory),..." what it truly explains is how "Controlling the size of messages
with attachments"
+ Active Directory integration
BigAnt Office Messenger
- not free (12.98/User for 50 users)
+ free for 10-users (
+ support TS (
+ Life Time updates and technical support as free
+ The license is a concurrent license which means how many of the existed users can logon messenger at the same time
+ BlackBerry support (
- it's more to chat app than e-mail: default double-click is chat,
cannot send message with subject (yes, we can use bulletin but when a receiver
want to reply, the reply is in chat-style - Enter means Send)
- not compatible win Winpopup/NET SEND (confirmed with Live Chat Support)
* Client application must be installed, won't connect if it is just copied
Microsoft Lync
- not free (
Google: LAN popup|messenger fast switch support|compatible
Per user licenses: $ 12.95 (quantity discounts available)
- NOT tested
IP Messenger
+ free
- NOT tested yet
OnLAN Messenger
- not free: $500 for 50 users
- admin cannot delete individual history message
what the vendor can do is providing "a script for you that will be clearing the
database after a preset period. When necessary, you will need only to run the
* Trial mode: up to 5 clients
* [depends on environment] users must be told that e-mail feature shouldn't be used
* preconfigure client not to auto-load when installed on TS:
don't's not auto-load until it's launched for the 1st time
* force to auto-logon using current user:
don't will auto-logon using recent account used
+ Free lifetime tech support by e-mail
+ license policy: number of active user/computers
- not free ($950 for max 50 users)
- "We use Per-User Account licensing model...maximum amount of
user accounts you can create on the server"
- license packs come with [only] 60-Day Maintenance Plan
(free upgrade and email technical support)
- from
We do have many customers running 24im Enterprise Server on a terminal server.
However, you need to test it yourself to see if it works for your environment
- not free (Server+50Client=$659 ~ USD13.18/user)
NOTE: Server component is free if you purchase 10-20 clients
+ fully supports the Terminal Server and Citrix environments
+ licensing is based on a number of concurrent connections to the IM server
- support is not free (after 1st year)
CORRECTION: support is free, upgrade on 2nd year is not
- can't perform string-search on history
LanToucher Messenger
- not free
- can't send offline messages
Softros LAN Messenger
- not free ($8.95/user for 20-49 users)
- simple message history (
+ licensed on the "per running copy" basis
+ TS support using Softros Terminal Service Engine add-on
Outlook Messenger
- not free ($3.78/user for 50 users)
- doesn't seem to be compatible win Winpopup/NET SEND
- NO Active Directory support (?)
+ Pay One-Time & Get Life Time Updates Free
+ Multiple Outlook Messenger instances running in a Single Computer (=TS support?)
+ With a n User License Key, a maximum of n Users will displayed online, irrespective of the number of computers registered with or using Outlook Messenger
- unresolved issue during evaluation:
Admin Tool can't be opened
- not free (EUR 15.95 ~ USD 21.8 /user for 10-49 users)
- From author: no longer compatible with Winpopup or Net Send command, take a look to the LanTalk XP if you need such features.
+ Active Directory support
- not free
- very expensive (minimum initial purchase is 100 users = $3000)
- cannot limit user's history file size
Although "e/pop Admin Guide" says:
"If you want to control the size of your users e/pop history database file
(myhistory),..." what it truly explains is how "Controlling the size of messages
with attachments"
+ Active Directory integration
BigAnt Office Messenger
- not free (12.98/User for 50 users)
+ free for 10-users (
+ support TS (
+ Life Time updates and technical support as free
+ The license is a concurrent license which means how many of the existed users can logon messenger at the same time
+ BlackBerry support (
- it's more to chat app than e-mail: default double-click is chat,
cannot send message with subject (yes, we can use bulletin but when a receiver
want to reply, the reply is in chat-style - Enter means Send)
- not compatible win Winpopup/NET SEND (confirmed with Live Chat Support)
* Client application must be installed, won't connect if it is just copied
Microsoft Lync
- not free (
Google: LAN popup|messenger fast switch support|compatible
Kaspersky related
How to connect Network Agent to certain Administration Server:
On target computer (where NA is installed), run "klmover -address[server_IP_address]"
Remote installation of Network Agent failed:
Peculiarities of installing Network Agent on terminal servers
On target computer (where NA is installed), run "klmover -address
Remote installation of Network Agent failed:
Peculiarities of installing Network Agent on terminal servers
Friday, November 5, 2010
Kaspersky: How to create Installation Package
Prerequisite: You have the installation file (.exe)
- Run installation file to extract setup files and folders
- Search for folder containing .kpd file
- That will be the folder you need when creating installation package
- Run installation file to extract setup files and folders
- Search for folder containing .kpd file
- That will be the folder you need when creating installation package
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Blocking sites on specified time (Indonesian)
Memblokir Situs dengan MikroTik pada Jam Tertentu
Non-administrator cannot log on
Error message:
The local policy of this system does not permit you to logon interactively.
Open policy:
Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment
Add "Users" to "Allow logon through Terminal Services" policy
The local policy of this system does not permit you to logon interactively.
Open policy:
Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment
Add "Users" to "Allow logon through Terminal Services" policy
Restrict/Disable Windows Games using Group Policy
Using Software Restriction Policies to Protect Against Unauthorized Software
Google: disable|uninstall windows game group|domain policy
Google: disable|uninstall windows game group|domain policy
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
1000 simple queues - how to update them all?
Create a script and use a foreach loop to go through every queue.
:foreach i in=[/queue simple] do={
/queue simple set max-limit=10/10M numbers=$i
Koneksi serial bisa untuk lakukan hal-hal spt dg winbox ?
Menurut Mengenal System BIOS di RouterBoard :
sistem bios ini cukup berguna ketika kita mengalami permasalahan pada RouterBoard, misalnya RouterBoard tiba-tiba mati dan tidak kembali menyala. Langkah troubleshooting sederhana bisa kita lakukan dengan mengamati proses yang terjadi dengan akses pada RouterBoot atau bootloader RouterBoard. Akses bios RouterBoard bisa dilakukan via serial port dengan kabel RS232/DB9.
Compare Rb750, Rb750GL dan Rb450G
Clear log:
1. System \ Logging \ Actions:
2. Change "Lines" to 1 then "Apply"
3. Change back to 100 then "Apply"
Display filter bar in Torch
Can't consistently be done: Adding a filter bar in torch
How can I install additional feature packages?
...Check the free space on router's HDD using the /system resource print command before uploading the package files. You have to have at least 2MB free disk space on the router after you have uploaded the package files!
If I do upgrade RouterOS, will I lose my configuration?
...When upgrading version families (for example, V2.5 to V2.6) you may lose the configuration of some features that have major changes. For example when upgrading from V2.4, you should upgrade to the last version of 2.4 first.
Create a script and use a foreach loop to go through every queue.
:foreach i in=[/queue simple] do={
/queue simple set max-limit=10/10M numbers=$i
Koneksi serial bisa untuk lakukan hal-hal spt dg winbox ?
Menurut Mengenal System BIOS di RouterBoard :
sistem bios ini cukup berguna ketika kita mengalami permasalahan pada RouterBoard, misalnya RouterBoard tiba-tiba mati dan tidak kembali menyala. Langkah troubleshooting sederhana bisa kita lakukan dengan mengamati proses yang terjadi dengan akses pada RouterBoot atau bootloader RouterBoard. Akses bios RouterBoard bisa dilakukan via serial port dengan kabel RS232/DB9.
Compare Rb750, Rb750GL dan Rb450G
Clear log:
1. System \ Logging \ Actions:
2. Change "Lines" to 1 then "Apply"
3. Change back to 100 then "Apply"
Display filter bar in Torch
Can't consistently be done: Adding a filter bar in torch
How can I install additional feature packages?
...Check the free space on router's HDD using the /system resource print command before uploading the package files. You have to have at least 2MB free disk space on the router after you have uploaded the package files!
If I do upgrade RouterOS, will I lose my configuration?
...When upgrading version families (for example, V2.5 to V2.6) you may lose the configuration of some features that have major changes. For example when upgrading from V2.4, you should upgrade to the last version of 2.4 first.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
About Microsoft Security Essential
Microsoft Security Essentials anti-malware definitions now available via WSUS
31 Mar 2010
This was done because academic institutions around the world (particularly in Asia) provide students with low cost or free internet access and provide students with update services through WSUS. Many students are protecting their computers with Security Essentials, and the universities requested that the definition updates be provided via WSUS.
So it is now allowed to be used by Academic Institutions? Compare with the quote below... says:
Microsoft allows home users to freely download, install and use Microsoft Security Essentials on an unlimited number of their computers in their households, so long as each computer has a genuine copy of Microsoft Windows. Small businesses are allowed to install on up to 10 devices, whereas use is prohibited on enterprise, government and academic institutions.
Microsoft Security Essentials checks for validity of the operating system during and after installation. If the operating system is found to be not genuine, Microsoft Security Essentials will notify the user of the issue, and may cease to operate after a period of time
How to force MSE to obtain its updates from local WSUS server?
Google: point|force security essential local|internal WSUS
31 Mar 2010
This was done because academic institutions around the world (particularly in Asia) provide students with low cost or free internet access and provide students with update services through WSUS. Many students are protecting their computers with Security Essentials, and the universities requested that the definition updates be provided via WSUS.
So it is now allowed to be used by Academic Institutions? Compare with the quote below... says:
Microsoft allows home users to freely download, install and use Microsoft Security Essentials on an unlimited number of their computers in their households, so long as each computer has a genuine copy of Microsoft Windows. Small businesses are allowed to install on up to 10 devices, whereas use is prohibited on enterprise, government and academic institutions.
Microsoft Security Essentials checks for validity of the operating system during and after installation. If the operating system is found to be not genuine, Microsoft Security Essentials will notify the user of the issue, and may cease to operate after a period of time
How to force MSE to obtain its updates from local WSUS server?
Google: point|force security essential local|internal WSUS
2000: Update repair\regback without creating ERDisk
Just follow the procedure to create ERD ( but:
on the "Insert a blank,..." dialog, CHECK "Also backup..." option and click OK.
Regback folder will be updated anyway even if disk creation is failed/cancelled.
on the "Insert a blank,..." dialog, CHECK "Also backup..." option and click OK.
Regback folder will be updated anyway even if disk creation is failed/cancelled.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
ZT-180 tablet
Froyo ROM 0324
Wiki:ZT-180 FAQ
pdf reader capable of displaying hebrew font: ezPDF Reader v1.0.23
download from:
tested using froyo ROM 0324
Speed Tips
backup bookmarks and unlocked game levels
upgrade to froyo
how to execute AT-commands under Windows
USB_ModeSwitch - Handling Mode-Switching USB Devices on Linux
AT commands for Huawei modems
AT^U2DIAG=0 is to disable CD
AT^U2DIAG=1 is to enable CD
Huawei 3g e220 modem connecting+navigating with location
[GUIDE] UK "3" USB Modem ZTE MF110/112 Working on ZT-180!
Cara Memakai Modem 3G Huawei di ZT-180
Tutorial pake modem ZTE bawaan dari three.. yaitu usb stick MF627 yang ada tulisan threenya... di modem..
How to use USB 3G USB Modem for android tablets – Zenithink ZT-180
EPAD zenithink zt-180 updates, tricks, applications, accessories.
Useful resources for the ZT-180 on the Internet
Make backup Images of your current config
Easy Root & txPower fix on Zenithink ZT-180
How to Root your ZT-180 & change your Boot-Animation
Doesn't support SLEEP mode
Wiki:ZT-180 FAQ
pdf reader capable of displaying hebrew font: ezPDF Reader v1.0.23
download from:
tested using froyo ROM 0324
Speed Tips
backup bookmarks and unlocked game levels
upgrade to froyo
how to execute AT-commands under Windows
USB_ModeSwitch - Handling Mode-Switching USB Devices on Linux
AT commands for Huawei modems
AT^U2DIAG=0 is to disable CD
AT^U2DIAG=1 is to enable CD
Huawei 3g e220 modem connecting+navigating with location
[GUIDE] UK "3" USB Modem ZTE MF110/112 Working on ZT-180!
Cara Memakai Modem 3G Huawei di ZT-180
Tutorial pake modem ZTE bawaan dari three.. yaitu usb stick MF627 yang ada tulisan threenya... di modem..
How to use USB 3G USB Modem for android tablets – Zenithink ZT-180
EPAD zenithink zt-180 updates, tricks, applications, accessories.
Useful resources for the ZT-180 on the Internet
Make backup Images of your current config
Easy Root & txPower fix on Zenithink ZT-180
How to Root your ZT-180 & change your Boot-Animation
Doesn't support SLEEP mode
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Kaspersky on Terminal Server
Recommendations on configuring Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows Servers MP4 on a terminal server
AV: Smadav
Download SMADAV Rev 8.3 AntiVirus Portable Indonesia 2010
Important section:
Untuk Key Smadav Pro 8.3 dan Cara Menghilangkan Blacklis Samadav
Important section:
Untuk Key Smadav Pro 8.3 dan Cara Menghilangkan Blacklis Samadav
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Excel: Preventing Duplicate Value
Preventing Duplicates When Entering Data
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Tips for your Android tablet
HTG Explains: Can You Use Any Charger With Any Device?
All USB connections provide 5 volts of power. This means that you shouldn’t have to worry about voltage when connecting a charger to a device over Micro USB.
Amperage is another matter. To provide more power to a device faster, chargers increase the current, which is measured in amps. More amps provide more power, so the charger that comes with an Android tablet will likely be capable of providing more amps than the charger that comes with an Android smartphone. For example, the tablet’s charger may provide 2 amps while the smartphone’s may provide 1 amp.
In practice, a charger’s amperage is a maximum. For example, if you connected a smartphone’s charger to a tablet, the tablet would likely charge very slowly as the charger wouldn’t provide as many amps as the charger that came with the tablet.
If you connected the tablet’s charger to the smartphone, nothing would explode or catch fire. The smartphone likely won’t draw the maximum number of amps the charger can provide, but that should be fine. The smartphone may even charge a bit faster.
Masalah Charger Baterai Tablet
Jika charger tablet rusak atau hilang, tidak soal apakah akan membeli charger baru atau memodifikasi charger bekas untuk baterai tablet, untuk menghindari kerusakan tablet selalu PENTING di ingat:
1. Pilihlah adapter charger tablet android yang kualitasnya baik agar LCD touch screen tablet tidak kacau saat di cas.
2. Gunakan charger tablet yang volt nya sedikit lebih besar dari spek baterai tablet (jika baterai tablet 3.7V maka gunakan charger sekitar 4V-5V) dan arusnya 1-2A agar proses chargingnya cepat.
3. Jangan sembarangan menggunakan charger lain walaupun connector jack charger sama, lihat dulu speknya. Beberapa tablet menggunakan voltase yang berbeda.
Tips and Tricks I have found useful for my Tablet
All USB connections provide 5 volts of power. This means that you shouldn’t have to worry about voltage when connecting a charger to a device over Micro USB.
Amperage is another matter. To provide more power to a device faster, chargers increase the current, which is measured in amps. More amps provide more power, so the charger that comes with an Android tablet will likely be capable of providing more amps than the charger that comes with an Android smartphone. For example, the tablet’s charger may provide 2 amps while the smartphone’s may provide 1 amp.
In practice, a charger’s amperage is a maximum. For example, if you connected a smartphone’s charger to a tablet, the tablet would likely charge very slowly as the charger wouldn’t provide as many amps as the charger that came with the tablet.
If you connected the tablet’s charger to the smartphone, nothing would explode or catch fire. The smartphone likely won’t draw the maximum number of amps the charger can provide, but that should be fine. The smartphone may even charge a bit faster.
Masalah Charger Baterai Tablet
Jika charger tablet rusak atau hilang, tidak soal apakah akan membeli charger baru atau memodifikasi charger bekas untuk baterai tablet, untuk menghindari kerusakan tablet selalu PENTING di ingat:
1. Pilihlah adapter charger tablet android yang kualitasnya baik agar LCD touch screen tablet tidak kacau saat di cas.
2. Gunakan charger tablet yang volt nya sedikit lebih besar dari spek baterai tablet (jika baterai tablet 3.7V maka gunakan charger sekitar 4V-5V) dan arusnya 1-2A agar proses chargingnya cepat.
3. Jangan sembarangan menggunakan charger lain walaupun connector jack charger sama, lihat dulu speknya. Beberapa tablet menggunakan voltase yang berbeda.
Tips and Tricks I have found useful for my Tablet
Friday, October 22, 2010
Add Hebrew support to your Android
HOWTO: Hebrew support on any ROM
How to Install and Add Hebrew, Arabic and Unsupported Language Fonts to Android Phone
Not working on my ZT-180 tablet (Android 2.1)
How to Install and Add Hebrew, Arabic and Unsupported Language Fonts to Android Phone
Not working on my ZT-180 tablet (Android 2.1)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Pengalaman beli barang dari luar (Indonesian)
biasa import dari luar, jadi sedikit banyak tau tentang cukai
pajak yang termasuk dalam cukai:
PPN, sebesar 10%
bea masuk, sebesar 15%
jika harga dibawah $50, bea masuk dan ppn gratis, cuma bayar cukai 7rebu
jika import selain elektronik, misal baju, kena BBM juga, sebesar 10%, pajak barang mewah, apapun, meski itu baju udik, itu terhitung barang mewah
kalau mau ngakalin cukai, jangan semena2,
soalnya, misal harga barang disini 3juta, lu tulis di invoice 1juta, kena jalur merah, barang lu ditahan, selama seminggu, ditelpon cukai, harga malah disesuaikan dengan harga sini
jangan pakai pos buat ngirim barang elektronik
pakai DHL (bukan promosi, memang kenyataan bagus)
Fedex, ku nemu surat terbuka di kaskus, kalau dia gak bagus, molor2
kalau DHL, pakai yang express, biasanya 2-5 hari, sudah nyampai di tangan (3 hari proses pengiriman, 2 hari clearance)
dan enaknya, pajak dkk akan diuruskan DHL, lu tinggal bayr ke DHL
Saran saya, sebelum kirim barang via EMS/registered mail. biarpun ada no tracking no, tidak menjamin barang bisa sampai dengan selamat atau tidak hilang. paling baik adalah, mencantumkan no telpon di dalam. baiknya juga pakai invoice/packing list atau bukti pembelian asli , atau paling tidak bukti pembayaran untuk barang tersebut. karena biarpun barang tersebut di kirim, dengan bertuliskan GIFT tanpa di sertai invoice, bisa bikin barang kita di tahan oleh bea cukai. kenapa ? contoh kita kirim barang yang nilainya mungkin setara dengan harga Rp. 1jt. dan barang itu kita kirim pakai registered mail/ems. lalu dengan pengetahuan kita, agar tidak kena pajak, maka kita tidak memberitahukan nominal sebenarnya misalnya harusnya beli 700rb tulisnya gift no value. nah barang yang sampai PASTI di bongkar oleh bea cukai, mengapa ? karena semua barang pasti di begitukan, tergantung nilai barangnya, pihak bea cukai akan cari invoice di dalama atau di luar packing. setelah itu apabila di temukan, nanti akan di hitung tuh nilai2nya. nah setelah semuanya selesai, biasanya yang di bebaskan adalah senilai Rp.500.000,- jadi apabila nilai itu Rp. 1.000.000,- maka yang kena bea cukai itu Rp. 500.000,- (rp 1jt-500rb) nah dari 500rb itu lah nilai bea akan di kenakan. tergantung jenis barang-nya paling tinggi pajak adalah 37.5%. (barang mewah) tapi rata2 sih 27.5% (termasuk ppn 10%) anggap lah barang mewah. maka bea yang dikenakan kepada kita adalah Rp. 187.500,-. nah, kira2 seperti itulah pajak yang akan dikenakan :) dengan begitu proses pengiriman/penerimaan akan menjadi sangat lancar. saya sering kirim dan terima barang dari berbagaimacam negara. saya juga senang, karena dengan begini bea yang saya bayar itu langsung masuk ke kas negara :) hitung2 saya ikut membangun walaupun hanya sedikit ke negeri ini biar tambah maju :D
pajak yang termasuk dalam cukai:
PPN, sebesar 10%
bea masuk, sebesar 15%
jika harga dibawah $50, bea masuk dan ppn gratis, cuma bayar cukai 7rebu
jika import selain elektronik, misal baju, kena BBM juga, sebesar 10%, pajak barang mewah, apapun, meski itu baju udik, itu terhitung barang mewah
kalau mau ngakalin cukai, jangan semena2,
soalnya, misal harga barang disini 3juta, lu tulis di invoice 1juta, kena jalur merah, barang lu ditahan, selama seminggu, ditelpon cukai, harga malah disesuaikan dengan harga sini
jangan pakai pos buat ngirim barang elektronik
pakai DHL (bukan promosi, memang kenyataan bagus)
Fedex, ku nemu surat terbuka di kaskus, kalau dia gak bagus, molor2
kalau DHL, pakai yang express, biasanya 2-5 hari, sudah nyampai di tangan (3 hari proses pengiriman, 2 hari clearance)
dan enaknya, pajak dkk akan diuruskan DHL, lu tinggal bayr ke DHL
Saran saya, sebelum kirim barang via EMS/registered mail. biarpun ada no tracking no, tidak menjamin barang bisa sampai dengan selamat atau tidak hilang. paling baik adalah, mencantumkan no telpon di dalam. baiknya juga pakai invoice/packing list atau bukti pembelian asli , atau paling tidak bukti pembayaran untuk barang tersebut. karena biarpun barang tersebut di kirim, dengan bertuliskan GIFT tanpa di sertai invoice, bisa bikin barang kita di tahan oleh bea cukai. kenapa ? contoh kita kirim barang yang nilainya mungkin setara dengan harga Rp. 1jt. dan barang itu kita kirim pakai registered mail/ems. lalu dengan pengetahuan kita, agar tidak kena pajak, maka kita tidak memberitahukan nominal sebenarnya misalnya harusnya beli 700rb tulisnya gift no value. nah barang yang sampai PASTI di bongkar oleh bea cukai, mengapa ? karena semua barang pasti di begitukan, tergantung nilai barangnya, pihak bea cukai akan cari invoice di dalama atau di luar packing. setelah itu apabila di temukan, nanti akan di hitung tuh nilai2nya. nah setelah semuanya selesai, biasanya yang di bebaskan adalah senilai Rp.500.000,- jadi apabila nilai itu Rp. 1.000.000,- maka yang kena bea cukai itu Rp. 500.000,- (rp 1jt-500rb) nah dari 500rb itu lah nilai bea akan di kenakan. tergantung jenis barang-nya paling tinggi pajak adalah 37.5%. (barang mewah) tapi rata2 sih 27.5% (termasuk ppn 10%) anggap lah barang mewah. maka bea yang dikenakan kepada kita adalah Rp. 187.500,-. nah, kira2 seperti itulah pajak yang akan dikenakan :) dengan begitu proses pengiriman/penerimaan akan menjadi sangat lancar. saya sering kirim dan terima barang dari berbagaimacam negara. saya juga senang, karena dengan begini bea yang saya bayar itu langsung masuk ke kas negara :) hitung2 saya ikut membangun walaupun hanya sedikit ke negeri ini biar tambah maju :D
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Hunt for iPad clone
Jangan Sembarangan Beli Tablet – Part #3
Tablet Windows 8 Dell Gunakan Baterai Yang Bisa Diganti
Tablet Toshiba terbaru dengan cover dan baterai yang bisa diganti
[TUTORIAL]upgrade ROM aPad/iRobot 2nd generation
Tips Pemilihan APAD
7" IPAD KILLER Room - Share disini Yook (DEAD FORUM)
Android m003 1.6 upgrade path
Currently the Rockchip RK2808 is the only chip by Rockchip on the market that will run Android, and it runs version 1.5. News is, though, that Rockchips new platform will support Android 2.1 and thus we should start seeing Android-based tablets, MIDs based on the Rockchip processor coming with Android 2.1, which should theoretically provide upgrade to 2.2 FroYo functionality.
Tablet Windows 8 Dell Gunakan Baterai Yang Bisa Diganti
Tablet Toshiba terbaru dengan cover dan baterai yang bisa diganti
[TUTORIAL]upgrade ROM aPad/iRobot 2nd generation
Tips Pemilihan APAD
7" IPAD KILLER Room - Share disini Yook (DEAD FORUM)
Android m003 1.6 upgrade path
Currently the Rockchip RK2808 is the only chip by Rockchip on the market that will run Android, and it runs version 1.5. News is, though, that Rockchips new platform will support Android 2.1 and thus we should start seeing Android-based tablets, MIDs based on the Rockchip processor coming with Android 2.1, which should theoretically provide upgrade to 2.2 FroYo functionality.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Online Interlinear Bible
+ Free downloadable version available
+ Free downloadable version available
Google: greek english interlinear
Free EPUB Bibles
+ Free downloadable version available
+ Free downloadable version available
Google: greek english interlinear
Free EPUB Bibles
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Word: Label mail merge from Excel data
Print Tom and Jerry label to Samsung printer laser:
On Word, use Landscape orientation
Put paper on tray, short side first
Determine current data source used:
Word mail merge - Know thy source?
Sub find_datasource_for_mailmerge()
MsgBox ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.Name
End Sub
Filtering has issues (up to Word 2013):
1) "is blank" filter line suddenly added
2) filter and displayed-records not in sync
Word won't remember data source location change
Change data source - mail merge
OR re-select data source by clicking "Select Recipients" \ "Use an existing list..."
Answer Box: Print mailing labels in Word
If only first label contain field(s)/data(s), see section "Most of the labels are blank"
(Indonesian) Membuat Label Undangan Sendiri (dengan Tom & Jerry Label)
On Word, use Landscape orientation
Put paper on tray, short side first
Determine current data source used:
Word mail merge - Know thy source?
Sub find_datasource_for_mailmerge()
MsgBox ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.Name
End Sub
Filtering has issues (up to Word 2013):
1) "is blank" filter line suddenly added
2) filter and displayed-records not in sync
Word won't remember data source location change
Change data source - mail merge
OR re-select data source by clicking "Select Recipients" \ "Use an existing list..."
Answer Box: Print mailing labels in Word
If only first label contain field(s)/data(s), see section "Most of the labels are blank"
(Indonesian) Membuat Label Undangan Sendiri (dengan Tom & Jerry Label)
Insert merge field conditionally:
{ IF { MERGEFIELD "Country" } < > "Your Country" { MERGFIELD "Country" }
"" }
You must use Ctrl+F9 to insert each pair of { } and Alt+F9 (or use "Toggle field codes") to hide the field
Note to Self:
Main document generated by Mail Merge Wizard is basically a table, so we can perform Table-related tasks such as adding border, insert row(s) etc.
"" }
You must use Ctrl+F9 to insert each pair of { } and Alt+F9 (or use "Toggle field codes") to hide the field
Note to Self:
Main document generated by Mail Merge Wizard is basically a table, so we can perform Table-related tasks such as adding border, insert row(s) etc.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Virtual world
Virtual travel: the final frontier?
Excel: Dynamic WordArt
Creating a variable word art
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
PC lost time when turned off
Who keeps fooling with my PC's CLOCK???
Useful comment:
The non functioning world time clock is well known and documented, i have access to ten pc's and they all give the same message that you are getting. but the task bar holds true set time on them all. Various clock sync programs are available for free.
If the bios will not 'hold' the set data (time/data etc') then obviously the battery has lost it's power and needs a replacement as suggested.
If, with a new battery the bios still doesn't hold then the motherboard is suspect. Some times the bios chip is defective and in some rare cases may be re-flashed or hot-swapped depending on make/model/version (check manufactures site for bios upgrade info) as mentioned.
To quickly check for any rootkits install the free offer from AVG
"Spybot search and destroy" will also seek-out and remove similar instances.
Search Google for another symptom:
windows|computer clock slow|behind
Useful comment:
The non functioning world time clock is well known and documented, i have access to ten pc's and they all give the same message that you are getting. but the task bar holds true set time on them all. Various clock sync programs are available for free.
If the bios will not 'hold' the set data (time/data etc') then obviously the battery has lost it's power and needs a replacement as suggested.
If, with a new battery the bios still doesn't hold then the motherboard is suspect. Some times the bios chip is defective and in some rare cases may be re-flashed or hot-swapped depending on make/model/version (check manufactures site for bios upgrade info) as mentioned.
To quickly check for any rootkits install the free offer from AVG
"Spybot search and destroy" will also seek-out and remove similar instances.
Search Google for another symptom:
windows|computer clock slow|behind
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Policy: Force policy change(es) to take effect immediately
Gpupdate /force
A Description of the Group Policy Update Utility
A Description of the Group Policy Update Utility
Policy: Default Domain Security vs Default Domain Controller Security
How does precedence work for the Default Domain Controller Security Settings vs the Default Domain Security Settings
Useful comment:
It's worth noting that domain password policy is controlled by the resultant set of policy of all GPOs at the root of the domain, and not just the contents of the "Default Domain Policy". I don't ever modify the "Default Domain Policy" or "Default Domain Controllers Policy" in the field. I always create additional GPOs to override these settings, such that I can always disable my GPOs and return Active Directory back to "stock" behaviour if I need to.
Useful comment:
It's worth noting that domain password policy is controlled by the resultant set of policy of all GPOs at the root of the domain, and not just the contents of the "Default Domain Policy". I don't ever modify the "Default Domain Policy" or "Default Domain Controllers Policy" in the field. I always create additional GPOs to override these settings, such that I can always disable my GPOs and return Active Directory back to "stock" behaviour if I need to.
Policy: Change when to prompt user for expiring password
Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies >
Security Options > Interactive Logon: Prompt user to change ...
Security Options > Interactive Logon: Prompt user to change ...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
MS Query: Incorrect syntax near keyword ...
FIX: "Incorrect Syntax near the Keyword 'by' " Error Message with Column Names of "C", "CA" or "CAS"
Bottom line:
Problem occured because there's a column name that conflict with SQL keyword
Exclude the column from query OR upgrade to latest MDAC
Bottom line:
Problem occured because there's a column name that conflict with SQL keyword
Exclude the column from query OR upgrade to latest MDAC
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
2007: Cannot subtotal data obtained from MS Query
You cannot do this because when you get data from an external source, the
output converts to a Table. Once of the limitations of a table is that you
cannot use Data > Subtotals. The only option is to convert the table to a
range (and then you will be able to use Data > Subtotals) but then you will
lose the data connection with the external data source.
This happens when you convert the range to a Table (Ctrl+T or Ctrl+L). A Table cannot be subtotaled. To overcome this problem, try either of the following:
1. Convert the Table back to a Range - Click on any cell inside the Table and in Table Tools (Yellow button at the top) > Design > Tools > Convert to Range > Yes. Now you will be able to convert to a Range
2. Create a pivot table - If you want to let the Table remain, then just create a pivot table. Drag Part number and Description to the row area and quantity to the data area.
Bottom line:
Copy then Paste Values to another worksheet
output converts to a Table. Once of the limitations of a table is that you
cannot use Data > Subtotals. The only option is to convert the table to a
range (and then you will be able to use Data > Subtotals) but then you will
lose the data connection with the external data source.
This happens when you convert the range to a Table (Ctrl+T or Ctrl+L). A Table cannot be subtotaled. To overcome this problem, try either of the following:
1. Convert the Table back to a Range - Click on any cell inside the Table and in Table Tools (Yellow button at the top) > Design > Tools > Convert to Range > Yes. Now you will be able to convert to a Range
2. Create a pivot table - If you want to let the Table remain, then just create a pivot table. Drag Part number and Description to the row area and quantity to the data area.
Bottom line:
Copy then Paste Values to another worksheet
Monday, August 30, 2010
Recommended settings for Processor Scheduling and Memory Usage
If it is a Citrix only server (as in doesn't provide other services such as Web Interface etc) - then certainly go with the "Programs" performance setting. "Programs" as you could imagine is intended for when interactive users are running programs on the system (which is exactly what TS users do), whereas "Background Services" is tuned more for running services such as SQL, AD, IIS etc.
When you select Background Services, higher priority is given to the operating system.
When you select Applications, higher priority is given to user mode programs.
When you select Background Services, higher priority is given to the operating system.
When you select Applications, higher priority is given to user mode programs.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Automatically insert one-time timestamp
Automatically insert timestamps in excel sheet using formulas
Section: Back to Generating Time Stamps
Section: Back to Generating Time Stamps
Capture video frame on Media Player Classic
After changing Output option, reopen the video
After changing Output option, reopen the video
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Error "Table xxx does not exist" when restoring NAV backup
- a table with data common to all companies is missing. When the NAV backup
is created, only one company was selected, and the "data common to all
companies" option was unchecked. The table object is part of the database,
but the underlying physical table is not included.
- a view that a linked table is linked to is missing. When you have a NAV
table object that is linked to a view or table on SQL Server, you will need
to create that view and/or table directly on SQL Server, before restoring
the NAV backup.
TableData does not exist
is created, only one company was selected, and the "data common to all
companies" option was unchecked. The table object is part of the database,
but the underlying physical table is not included.
- a view that a linked table is linked to is missing. When you have a NAV
table object that is linked to a view or table on SQL Server, you will need
to create that view and/or table directly on SQL Server, before restoring
the NAV backup.
TableData does not exist
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Find duplicate rows
Locate duplicates by using conditional formatting
Section: Sorting the data
Section: Sorting the data
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Shadow the Console session of Windows 2003
How to Connect to and Shadow the Console Session with Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Portable software(s)
portable web server: Server2Go
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Word 2007: Label Mail Merge with Watermark
How to Add Graphics to Labels in Word 2007
How to select image that has been sent behind the text?
To select objects that are hidden, stacked, or behind text, do the following:
On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, click Select Objects, and then draw a box over the objects.
Align or arrange a picture, shape, text box, SmartArt graphic, or WordArt
Note to self:
How to make image transparent:
Increase its brightness
How to select image that has been sent behind the text?
To select objects that are hidden, stacked, or behind text, do the following:
On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Select, click Select Objects, and then draw a box over the objects.
Align or arrange a picture, shape, text box, SmartArt graphic, or WordArt
Note to self:
How to make image transparent:
Increase its brightness
Monday, August 2, 2010
Excel: Removing duplicate rows based on values on a column
Thursday, July 29, 2010
List of Indonesia Big Cities' Postal Code
Related: Download Daftar excel xlsx
Related: Download Daftar excel xlsx
Monday, July 26, 2010
Send anonymous e-mail for free
Google: send anonymous email free
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Assigning static IP address
Linux Network Configuration
Section: Assigning an IP address
Section: Assigning an IP address
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Binaural Beat
(share) brainwave for spirituality n for having fun
Binaural Beats to Help Meditate
Binaural Beats to Help Meditate
Silva Method
Details for The Silva Method - COMPLETE COLLECTION
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Configure E-mail Reader to run Sandboxed
Sandboxie Control > Sandbox > Default Box > Sandbox Settings > Application > Email Reader
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
WEP Open vs Shared key
At first glance, it might seem as though Shared Key authentication is more secure than Open System authentication, since the latter offers no real authentication. However, it is quite the reverse. It is possible to derive the keystream used for the handshake by capturing the challenge frames in Shared Key authentication.[2] Hence, it is advisable to use Open System authentication for WEP authentication, rather than Shared Key authentication. (Note that both authentication mechanisms are weak.)
Also: How to define WEP key on WIndows client
Set up a security key for a wireless network
Also: How to define WEP key on WIndows client
Set up a security key for a wireless network
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Mail Merge using Excel only (without Word)
Spreadsheet Page Excel Tips: Mail Merge - Without Word
Spreadsheet Page Excel Tips: Mail Merge - Without Word
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Discover real link/URL when downloading
Use wireshark
URLSnooper Displays Full Path of Hidden Remote URL
According to the author's website ( seems that the software is for streaming audio and video only.
URLSnooper Displays Full Path of Hidden Remote URL
According to the author's website ( seems that the software is for streaming audio and video only.
Use Excel automation without Office installed?
Google keyword: excel automation engine|component only|without
Excel automation without Excel installed
Excel automation without Excel installed
Find Product Keys
How to Find Microsoft Office Product Keys
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Free antivirus for commercial use
Free Antivirus for Corporate Commercial and Educational Use
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Screen recorder/capture software/utility
Debut Video Capture Software
Record video from a webcam, recording device or screen
A free version of Debut video capture software is available for non-commercial use only
Note to self:
When run, setup will extract program to this folder:
C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\Program Files
Bandicam portable version
Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
Record video from a webcam, recording device or screen
A free version of Debut video capture software is available for non-commercial use only
Note to self:
When run, setup will extract program to this folder:
C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\Program Files
Bandicam portable version
Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Atur volume MP3 untuk ringtone (Indonesian)
Tips Menyeragamkan Volume MP3
Sunday, June 27, 2010
TS 2003 Bug
only for termsrv.dll build 5.2.3790.3959 English language (Windows Server 2003 SP2):
Patch Windows 2003 Terminal Server to allow more than 2 concurrent sessions
to deploy modified termsrv.dll on remote server:
.srv: install Teamviewer (auto start)
.srv: put modified termsrv.dll on C:\
.client (clt): connect using TV
.srv: disable System Properties\Remote\Remote Desktop (optional?)
.srv: set Startup to Disable for service Terminal Services (optional?)
.client (clt): using TV, choose Action\Remote reboot\Reboot in safemode
.srv: in safemode, run these command on prompt:
.......copy /Y termsrv.dll windows\system32
.......copy /Y termsrv.dll windows\system32\dllcache
.srv: re-Enable Remote Desktop and Terminal Services
.client (clt): using TV, choose Action\Remote reboot\Reboot
UPDATE Jan 20, 2014...(haven't tried it though):
I have tested this mode to work only in licensing per device
Note that this day hack works only when date is changed on server. It means that client
will get "long" expiration date only if date on server is changed. I recommend that you
change date on server and leave it for few days, or how long is needed for all clients to
connect to server. When all clients connect in few days return date on server to today
and all clients will have date that will expire in 10 or 15 years or whatever year you
In Windows 2000, Terminal Services only included a "Per Device" licensing mode.
This means if you have 5 people sharing 1 workstation and they all use TS on a server, they only require 1 TS CAL. However in today's world of throw away computers and telecommuting, the reality is most companies will have more than 1 "device" (computer) per employee. This means for 1 power user you may have to supply 2 or 3 TS CALs. This obviously isnt fair. Microsoft made up for this partly in 2000 by letting 2000 Pro or XP Pro machines connect to a 2000 TS Server effectively for free. TS CALs for these devices come from an unlimited pool on the TS Licensing Server automatically.
Microsoft was pressured in Windows 2003 to introduce a Per User licensing mode as it was expected that an XP Client license would no longer include a TS CAL. This would allow 1 Power User to use as many PCs as they wanted while consuming only 1 TS CAL. Since companies now have to pay for EVERY TS CAL in 2003, this made alot more sense.
Well with all the feature updates in 2003 Server, someone forgot to "finish" the Licensing Code for Per User. (In theory all they had to do was assign a CAL to the user's SID, but in workgroups this may not work as expected, so who knows).
Well rather than pulling the (expected) Per User licensing mode, Microsoft released it in such a way that it barely works.
In a Per Device mode, the TS Licensing server has to have 2 things.
1) Needs to be "Activated" (This registers the TS Lic server with MS, but its totally free)
2) Needs to have Per Device TS CALs added to the Licensing Server
However, in Per USer mode, the TS Licensing server only needs #1.
What? You dont beleive me? Check this URL:
- Download and open the 2003 TS Licensing Whitepaper.
- Look in the section called "Client License Distribution Per User"
- Notice that section is VERY short and read the first sentence as its specifically says "must be able to locate a license server" as the only requirement.
The caveat to this is 2003 defaults to Per Device mode and needs to be changed to Per User mode in order use (exploit) this feature (bug).
To change your licensing Mode:
- Launch Terminal Server Configuration from Administrative Tools.
- Select Server Options on the left
- Double Click Licensing Mode on the right. Change the mode to Per User and then reboot.
NOTE: If you are adding TS and your source disk was 2003 with SP1 integrated, you will actually be prompted for your licensing mode and licensing server discovery method during the install. This makes it alot easier.
Something not documented very well in the whitepaper is also the easiest way to point your TS Server at a specific Licensing server. If you dont have TS Licensing setup in AD properly and your TS Licensing server is NOT on the same subnet as the Licensing server, this is the fastest and easiest way to force the TS Server to see the Licensing Server.
Add a Registry key (not a Reg Entry but a Key (looks like a folder)) like the following.
You will probably need to add the LicenseServers key as well.
Where LICSERVERNAME is the name of your License Server. It can also be the IP or FQDN of the License Server if need be. This KB Article explains it:
Just keep in mind that if you do this at your company, and you ever get audited by MS and they find you dont have any Per User TS CALs at least purchased, your going to be in some serious trouble. The funny part is they dont have an easy way to tell how many your supposed to have purchased anyway because the licensing is broken and cant track valid licesnes properly anyway.
I personally found this all out because I put 1000 Per User TS CALs on my Licensing Server my company purchased. Several months later after I pointed 30+ TS Servers at this license server (all in Per User Mode of course), I was surprised to find it said I had Zero issued and 1000 still available. I opened a case with MS where they embarrassingly explained to me this glitch.
Q: Can a TS server also act as a Licensing server?
A: Yes
Q: To a server to act as a Licensing server, do we have to install Terminal Server Licensing in Add/Remove Windows Component?
A: Yes
Q: Do we have to activate the Licensing Server?
A: No
Patch Windows 2003 Terminal Server to allow more than 2 concurrent sessions
to deploy modified termsrv.dll on remote server:
.srv: install Teamviewer (auto start)
.srv: put modified termsrv.dll on C:\
.client (clt): connect using TV
.client (clt): using TV, choose Action\Remote reboot\Reboot in safemode
.srv: in safemode, run these command on prompt:
.......copy /Y termsrv.dll windows\system32
.......copy /Y termsrv.dll windows\system32\dllcache
.client (clt): using TV, choose Action\Remote reboot\Reboot
I have tested this mode to work only in licensing per device
Note that this day hack works only when date is changed on server. It means that client
will get "long" expiration date only if date on server is changed. I recommend that you
change date on server and leave it for few days, or how long is needed for all clients to
connect to server. When all clients connect in few days return date on server to today
and all clients will have date that will expire in 10 or 15 years or whatever year you
In Windows 2000, Terminal Services only included a "Per Device" licensing mode.
This means if you have 5 people sharing 1 workstation and they all use TS on a server, they only require 1 TS CAL. However in today's world of throw away computers and telecommuting, the reality is most companies will have more than 1 "device" (computer) per employee. This means for 1 power user you may have to supply 2 or 3 TS CALs. This obviously isnt fair. Microsoft made up for this partly in 2000 by letting 2000 Pro or XP Pro machines connect to a 2000 TS Server effectively for free. TS CALs for these devices come from an unlimited pool on the TS Licensing Server automatically.
Microsoft was pressured in Windows 2003 to introduce a Per User licensing mode as it was expected that an XP Client license would no longer include a TS CAL. This would allow 1 Power User to use as many PCs as they wanted while consuming only 1 TS CAL. Since companies now have to pay for EVERY TS CAL in 2003, this made alot more sense.
Well with all the feature updates in 2003 Server, someone forgot to "finish" the Licensing Code for Per User. (In theory all they had to do was assign a CAL to the user's SID, but in workgroups this may not work as expected, so who knows).
Well rather than pulling the (expected) Per User licensing mode, Microsoft released it in such a way that it barely works.
In a Per Device mode, the TS Licensing server has to have 2 things.
1) Needs to be "Activated" (This registers the TS Lic server with MS, but its totally free)
2) Needs to have Per Device TS CALs added to the Licensing Server
However, in Per USer mode, the TS Licensing server only needs #1.
What? You dont beleive me? Check this URL:
- Download and open the 2003 TS Licensing Whitepaper.
- Look in the section called "Client License Distribution Per User"
- Notice that section is VERY short and read the first sentence as its specifically says "must be able to locate a license server" as the only requirement.
The caveat to this is 2003 defaults to Per Device mode and needs to be changed to Per User mode in order use (exploit) this feature (bug).
To change your licensing Mode:
- Launch Terminal Server Configuration from Administrative Tools.
- Select Server Options on the left
- Double Click Licensing Mode on the right. Change the mode to Per User and then reboot.
NOTE: If you are adding TS and your source disk was 2003 with SP1 integrated, you will actually be prompted for your licensing mode and licensing server discovery method during the install. This makes it alot easier.
Something not documented very well in the whitepaper is also the easiest way to point your TS Server at a specific Licensing server. If you dont have TS Licensing setup in AD properly and your TS Licensing server is NOT on the same subnet as the Licensing server, this is the fastest and easiest way to force the TS Server to see the Licensing Server.
Add a Registry key (not a Reg Entry but a Key (looks like a folder)) like the following.
You will probably need to add the LicenseServers key as well.
Where LICSERVERNAME is the name of your License Server. It can also be the IP or FQDN of the License Server if need be. This KB Article explains it:
Just keep in mind that if you do this at your company, and you ever get audited by MS and they find you dont have any Per User TS CALs at least purchased, your going to be in some serious trouble. The funny part is they dont have an easy way to tell how many your supposed to have purchased anyway because the licensing is broken and cant track valid licesnes properly anyway.
I personally found this all out because I put 1000 Per User TS CALs on my Licensing Server my company purchased. Several months later after I pointed 30+ TS Servers at this license server (all in Per User Mode of course), I was surprised to find it said I had Zero issued and 1000 still available. I opened a case with MS where they embarrassingly explained to me this glitch.
Q: Can a TS server also act as a Licensing server?
A: Yes
Q: To a server to act as a Licensing server, do we have to install Terminal Server Licensing in Add/Remove Windows Component?
A: Yes
Q: Do we have to activate the Licensing Server?
A: No
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Setting e-mail SPC-3000 (Indonesian)
Setting Email Client HP Cina SPC BOSS-3000
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
NAV Error: Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection
Error on Windows auth occured when connect using remote session but NOT when connect to CONSOLE.
Connect using database login (sa) first.
In consecutive sessions you can now use Windows auth.
Error on Windows auth occured when connect using remote session but NOT when connect to CONSOLE.
Connect using database login (sa) first.
In consecutive sessions you can now use Windows auth.
Make Printers folder accessible to users
How to: Publish Windows Explorer Shell Extensions and Control Panel Applets
Use ShellExView to obtain GUID then follow steps for Citrix Presentation Server
See the following section in the "Brian Madden - The Ultimate Guide to Terminal Server Printing - Design and Configuration" document:
Configuring Printers Folder as an Initial Application
or read online:
Adding Extended Stored Procedure (ESP)
Read README.TXT in the SQL_ESP folder on installation CD
Additional info:
enumusersids is used with simple security model (3.70 and older and 4.00SP2Update 3)
enumusersgroups is used with complex security model (4.00+)
SQL SERVER 2005 has combined Query Analyzer and Enterprise Manager into one Microsoft SQL SERVER Management Studio
Additional info:
enumusersids is used with simple security model (3.70 and older and 4.00SP2Update 3)
enumusersgroups is used with complex security model (4.00+)
SQL SERVER 2005 has combined Query Analyzer and Enterprise Manager into one Microsoft SQL SERVER Management Studio
Error "You do not have read permission to Object table"
Security Synchronization must be performed successfully
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Gadai emas (Indonesian)
Yang dicari
Nilai Gadai Yang Tinggi serta Biaya Penitipan Yang Rendah.
Fitur Produk GADAI BRIS iB
untuk bri syariah ditagih pada waktu emasnya mau diambil (diakhir)
Biaya gadai berlaku setiap tujuh hari, untuk emas Rp 1 juta dikenai Rp 6.500 atau sekitar 2,4 persen per bulan
nilai pinjaman yang diberikan kepada pemilik emas bisa mencapai 100 persen dari nilai taksiran (18-Maret-2011)
Biaya gadai emas BRI Syar’iah Murah Sekale
Kebun Emas Scam Atau Bukan?
Biaya Gadai Emas Di BNI Syariah
Bagaimana Caranya Jual Gadai/Beli Gadai Emas Syariah Dapat Sangat Menguntungkan Anda?
Nilai Gadai Yang Tinggi serta Biaya Penitipan Yang Rendah.
Fitur Produk GADAI BRIS iB
untuk bri syariah ditagih pada waktu emasnya mau diambil (diakhir)
Biaya gadai berlaku setiap tujuh hari, untuk emas Rp 1 juta dikenai Rp 6.500 atau sekitar 2,4 persen per bulan
nilai pinjaman yang diberikan kepada pemilik emas bisa mencapai 100 persen dari nilai taksiran (18-Maret-2011)
KC SURABAYA | Jl. Indrapura No.1 EFG Surabaya | (031) 3533054-58 | (031) 3532035 |
KCP KEMAYORAN | Jl. Kemayoran Baru 23-25A Surabaya | (031) 3521915 | (031) 3552297 |
Biaya gadai emas BRI Syar’iah Murah Sekale
Kebun Emas Scam Atau Bukan?
Biaya Gadai Emas Di BNI Syariah
Bagaimana Caranya Jual Gadai/Beli Gadai Emas Syariah Dapat Sangat Menguntungkan Anda?
Friday, June 18, 2010
Jenis-jenis plastik (Indonesian)
google: kode wadah|botol plastik
Pintar Memilih Wadah Plastik Yang Aman
Pintar Memilih Wadah Plastik Yang Aman
Thursday, June 17, 2010
USB Charging reduce/consume charge-cycle
USB Charging for your BB
Stop USB Charging for Mini Ipod
Interesting comments:
...a lot of smaller quick charges are much better for LiOn than occasional large charges a powered USB hub (the kind with an external A/C adapter) and use that to do your iPoding. If you don't want it to charge, just unplug the A/C adapter.
For Windows Mobile(?)
Registry entry to control USB charging:
if EnableUSBCharging = 1 --> Phone will be charged when connected to a USB power (laptop, etc.)
if EnableUSBCharging = 0 --> Phone will not be charged
Is it possible to plug phone/tablet to computer's USB without charging it?
Google: connect|plug|attach phone|tablet|gadget to usb without charging
Is it ok to keep iPhone in charge all day long through USB port or power adapter?
In some (older) cases, USB devices can only be charged by computers with specific drivers installed
source: How USB charging works, or how to avoid blowing up your smartphone
For a start, every charger or socket has a max amperage — usually between 500 milliamps (mA) and 1.5 amps (A). In general, unless it says otherwise, your laptop and PC are probably outfitted with 500mA sockets (unless they’re USB 3.0, in which case they’re probably 900mA). The max amperage of a wall charger varies, but can usually be found written somewhere on the charger — generally it’ll be between 0.5A and 2.1A
It is through negotiation that your device actually decides how much power it wants to draw.
source: How to charge your smartphone and other USB devices as quickly as possible
Stop USB Charging for Mini Ipod
Interesting comments:
...a lot of smaller quick charges are much better for LiOn than occasional large charges a powered USB hub (the kind with an external A/C adapter) and use that to do your iPoding. If you don't want it to charge, just unplug the A/C adapter.
For Windows Mobile(?)
Registry entry to control USB charging:
if EnableUSBCharging = 1 --> Phone will be charged when connected to a USB power (laptop, etc.)
if EnableUSBCharging = 0 --> Phone will not be charged
Is it possible to plug phone/tablet to computer's USB without charging it?
Google: connect|plug|attach phone|tablet|gadget to usb without charging
Is it ok to keep iPhone in charge all day long through USB port or power adapter?
In some (older) cases, USB devices can only be charged by computers with specific drivers installed
source: How USB charging works, or how to avoid blowing up your smartphone
For a start, every charger or socket has a max amperage — usually between 500 milliamps (mA) and 1.5 amps (A). In general, unless it says otherwise, your laptop and PC are probably outfitted with 500mA sockets (unless they’re USB 3.0, in which case they’re probably 900mA). The max amperage of a wall charger varies, but can usually be found written somewhere on the charger — generally it’ll be between 0.5A and 2.1A
It is through negotiation that your device actually decides how much power it wants to draw.
source: How to charge your smartphone and other USB devices as quickly as possible
Friday, June 11, 2010
Hunt for Spy glasses
Kacamata Spy Cam Keren, Merekam Diam-Diam Bak Agen Rahasia
Telp: 087855147778, 031-71070151
SMS: 087851509333
Pin BB: 27C89390
Jl. Semolowaru Tengah 14/21, Surabaya
DB Cam Spy Cam Kacamata Sunglasses - Hitam
- dari gambar, seperti yg dulu pernah dibeli
* jakarta Rp 209.900 (sepertinya blm termsk ongkir)
Kamera Tersembunyi DVR Eyewear 5MP Camcorder kacamata - Google / 1080P / Android
aliexpress - US $76.00
Bebas ongkos kirimkepadaIndonesia Melalui HongKong Post Air Mail
Pengiriman: 15-60 Hari (Akan dikirimkan dalam 5 hari kerja)
Fashion Style HD 720P kacamata
aliexpress - US $ 38.00 - 49.00
apa artinya ini?
hitam = kamera kaca + kabel USB + petunjuk kain kacamata
red = kaca kamera + USB kabel + petunjuk + kain kacamata + Kartu tf 16GB
hijau = kaca kamera + USB kabel + petunjuk + kain kacamata + Kartu tf 8GB
Spy Cam Sunglasses Full HD 720P
tokopedia - makasar Rp 850.750,-
Kacamata kamera HD 720 eyewear glasses
Jateng 600.000 (SOLD OUT)
Cilacap 425.000
- kaca tidak hitam
NOT spyglass but can be an alternative:
Kamera Mini DV
Rp 398.000 (Last checked: Sep 10, 2011)
Spy cam Pen
Comments from seller:
Menurut buku panduan merekam video bisa 3 jam, tapi menurut pengalaman saya 1 jam
gadget ini memang dibuat portable, dengan baterai lithium. agar baterainya ga cepat drop, kalau pakai jangan sering sampai habis baterainya
Kacamata Video + Mp3
June 12, 2010: Rp 615.000
UPDATE April 2010 menurut
Kacamata kamera, merekam video dan memutar mp3
June 12, 2010: RP. 1.450.000
kacamata pengintai ( spy sunglasses)
+ lokasi: surabaya
June 16, 2010: Rp 756.136 + insurance Rp 18.894 + sending Rp 30.245 = Rp 805.275
Hawkeye Sunglasses MP3
- avi format at 640x480 resolution
- 25fps
- Available camera resolutions: 1.3/ mega pixels
Recorder Eyewear
+ 5.0 mega pixels interpolated DVD resolution
+ 4GB inbuilt memory for hours long recording
+ Resolution: 736*480
+ Recording Speed: 30fps
- Price: Rp 1 549 000 (June 16, 2010)
Telp: 087855147778, 031-71070151
SMS: 087851509333
Pin BB: 27C89390
Jl. Semolowaru Tengah 14/21, Surabaya
DB Cam Spy Cam Kacamata Sunglasses - Hitam
- dari gambar, seperti yg dulu pernah dibeli
* jakarta Rp 209.900 (sepertinya blm termsk ongkir)
Kamera Tersembunyi DVR Eyewear 5MP Camcorder kacamata - Google / 1080P / Android
aliexpress - US $76.00
Bebas ongkos kirimkepadaIndonesia Melalui HongKong Post Air Mail
Pengiriman: 15-60 Hari (Akan dikirimkan dalam 5 hari kerja)
Fashion Style HD 720P kacamata
aliexpress - US $ 38.00 - 49.00
apa artinya ini?
hitam = kamera kaca + kabel USB + petunjuk kain kacamata
red = kaca kamera + USB kabel + petunjuk + kain kacamata + Kartu tf 16GB
hijau = kaca kamera + USB kabel + petunjuk + kain kacamata + Kartu tf 8GB
Spy Cam Sunglasses Full HD 720P
tokopedia - makasar Rp 850.750,-
Kacamata kamera HD 720 eyewear glasses
Jateng 600.000 (SOLD OUT)
Cilacap 425.000
- kaca tidak hitam
NOT spyglass but can be an alternative:
Kamera Mini DV
Rp 398.000 (Last checked: Sep 10, 2011)
Spy cam Pen
Comments from seller:
Menurut buku panduan merekam video bisa 3 jam, tapi menurut pengalaman saya 1 jam
gadget ini memang dibuat portable, dengan baterai lithium. agar baterainya ga cepat drop, kalau pakai jangan sering sampai habis baterainya
Kacamata Video + Mp3
June 12, 2010: Rp 615.000
UPDATE April 2010 menurut
Kacamata kamera, merekam video dan memutar mp3
June 12, 2010: RP. 1.450.000
kacamata pengintai ( spy sunglasses)
+ lokasi: surabaya
June 16, 2010: Rp 756.136 + insurance Rp 18.894 + sending Rp 30.245 = Rp 805.275
Hawkeye Sunglasses MP3
- avi format at 640x480 resolution
- 25fps
- Available camera resolutions: 1.3/ mega pixels
Recorder Eyewear
+ 5.0 mega pixels interpolated DVD resolution
+ 4GB inbuilt memory for hours long recording
+ Resolution: 736*480
+ Recording Speed: 30fps
- Price: Rp 1 549 000 (June 16, 2010)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
EMAIL: Maximum message size
send large attachment from yahoo/gmail:
gmail: 25 MB (D-Net): 10 MB
...Me: tlng tanya, utk krm email, brp batasan ukuran attachment ?
...tsdnetsby: 25 mb pak.
...tsdnetsby: namun kami sarankan sekitar 10 mb saja pak. 25 MB
Why are my attachments larger after I attach them? 8 MB
E-Mail - SMTP Service at pair Networks
gmail: 25 MB (D-Net): 10 MB
...Me: tlng tanya, utk krm email, brp batasan ukuran attachment ?
...tsdnetsby: 25 mb pak.
...tsdnetsby: namun kami sarankan sekitar 10 mb saja pak. 25 MB
Why are my attachments larger after I attach them? 8 MB
E-Mail - SMTP Service at pair Networks
Thursday, June 3, 2010
"Ridiculous" battle tactic?
Back then in the 1700s, why the British Red Coats they march forward in the battle field & getting shot?
More information:
Musket (
Google: stupid|ridiculous battle tactic musket|rifle
More information:
Musket (
Google: stupid|ridiculous battle tactic musket|rifle
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Cannot access native database from multiple session
Connecting to the proprietary database from the client
You have your database file on the network, and someone is just connecting directly to the database file. This way only one session at a time can be connected. You are not connecting through the Navition Database Server.
You need to install the Navision Database Server, and when connecting to it, instead of browsing to the database file, you enter the server name and then it should find it automatically. Note that when you want to use the name your machine must know how to resolve it, so you need to add the IP address and port number to your hosts and services files. You can always use the server's IP address directly in the server name box when you connect the client.
You have your database file on the network, and someone is just connecting directly to the database file. This way only one session at a time can be connected. You are not connecting through the Navition Database Server.
You need to install the Navision Database Server, and when connecting to it, instead of browsing to the database file, you enter the server name and then it should find it automatically. Note that when you want to use the name your machine must know how to resolve it, so you need to add the IP address and port number to your hosts and services files. You can always use the server's IP address directly in the server name box when you connect the client.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
SQL vs Native database?
Navision native db - SQL Server Option
Having two versions of NAV on single computer
Two Versions of Navision On Same Computer
CONFIRMED! NAV SP0 and SP3 cannot co-exist using setup/installation procedure
Note to self:
Copying CLIENT folder seems to have side-effect:
- Windows authentication won't work
- License file need to be RE-selected to remove "license expired" message
Plus, database users must be given db_owner database role, otherwise they will get strange error such no permission to read G/L Setup table, etc
CONFIRMED! NAV SP0 and SP3 cannot co-exist using setup/installation procedure
Note to self:
Copying CLIENT folder seems to have side-effect:
- Windows authentication won't work
- License file need to be RE-selected to remove "license expired" message
Plus, database users must be given db_owner database role, otherwise they will get strange error such no permission to read G/L Setup table, etc
Open database created with SQL Option in Native client (fin.exe)
Using Native client, create an empty database
Using SQL Option, create NAV backup of the database (NOT SQL backup!)
Then restore it in Native client
As soon as the restore finished, don't forget to check (and create, if necessary) database login(s)
Using SQL Option, create NAV backup of the database (NOT SQL backup!)
Then restore it in Native client
As soon as the restore finished, don't forget to check (and create, if necessary) database login(s)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Poll: Dalam setahun terakhir ini, HDD apa yg anda pakai dan mati kurang dari setahun? (Indonesian)
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