Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tips for your Android tablet

HTG Explains: Can You Use Any Charger With Any Device?

All USB connections provide 5 volts of power. This means that you shouldn’t have to worry about voltage when connecting a charger to a device over Micro USB.
Amperage is another matter. To provide more power to a device faster, chargers increase the current, which is measured in amps. More amps provide more power, so the charger that comes with an Android tablet will likely be capable of providing more amps than the charger that comes with an Android smartphone. For example, the tablet’s charger may provide 2 amps while the smartphone’s may provide 1 amp.
In practice, a charger’s amperage is a maximum. For example, if you connected a smartphone’s charger to a tablet, the tablet would likely charge very slowly as the charger wouldn’t provide as many amps as the charger that came with the tablet.
If you connected the tablet’s charger to the smartphone, nothing would explode or catch fire. The smartphone likely won’t draw the maximum number of amps the charger can provide, but that should be fine. The smartphone may even charge a bit faster.

Masalah Charger Baterai Tablet
Jika charger tablet rusak atau hilang, tidak soal apakah akan membeli charger baru atau memodifikasi charger bekas untuk baterai tablet, untuk menghindari kerusakan tablet selalu PENTING di ingat:
1. Pilihlah adapter charger tablet android yang kualitasnya baik agar LCD touch screen tablet tidak kacau saat di cas.
2. Gunakan charger tablet yang volt nya sedikit lebih besar dari spek baterai tablet (jika baterai tablet 3.7V maka gunakan charger sekitar 4V-5V) dan arusnya 1-2A agar proses chargingnya cepat.
3. Jangan sembarangan menggunakan charger lain walaupun connector jack charger sama, lihat dulu speknya. Beberapa tablet menggunakan voltase yang berbeda.

Tips and Tricks I have found useful for my Tablet

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