Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Notes on Costing

Bagaimana ketahui bhw sebuah sales return dibuat dg exact-cost-reversing (aka. fixed-application) ?
Lihat apakah di table Item Application Entry utk retur tsb, field Outbound Entry No. terisi

Tg 7 JULI sudah jalankan ACIE dg Allow From 1 JUNI
Hr ini tg 12 JULI leo minta ACIE lagi. Perlukah ?
VE: Filter entry SETELAH ACIE terakhir, cari apakah ada VALUATION DATE dg bln JUNI
Jika ada dan ACIE tidak dijalankan, maka akan ada hasil ACIE utk entry2 tsb yg nantinya akan jatuh di 1 JULI (Allow From saat ACIE berikutnya )

(v2016) Adjust Cost - Item Entries Batch Job
The program uses the posting date of the original value entry in the adjustment entry, unless that date is in a closed inventory period. In that case, the program uses the starting date of the next open inventory period. If inventory periods are not used, the date in the Allow Posting From field of the General Ledger Setup window will define when the adjustment entry is posted.

Posting Date on Adjustment Value Entry
Version 3.70.B..4.0
In the request form of the Adjust Cost - Item Entries batch job there is a Closed Period Entry Posting Date to be entered by the user. The batch job runs through all necessary changes and creates value entries with the posting date of the parent item ledger entry (shipment date of the sale that the adjustment address). If the posting date of the parent item ledger entry is not within allowed posting date range the posting date stated as Closed Period Entry Posting Date will be assigned the Adjustment Value Entry. A date is considered to be in a closed period when it is earlier than the date in the Allow Posting From field in the General Ledger Setup.
From version 5.0:
There is no longer a posting date to be stated in the request form of the Adjust Cost - Item entries batch job. The batch job runs through all necessary changes and creates value entries with the posting date of the value entry it adjusts. If the posting date is not within allowed posting date range the posting date in the Allow Posting From field in the General Ledger Setup, OR if the Inventory periods are used, the later date of the two will be used. See described concept above.

Why you have Negative Inventory Value with 0 Quantity – Navision 3.7b to Navision 5.0
If the adjust cost is processed on 7/31/07, and the Allow Posting From was 7/1/07 on General Ledger Setup, the following would occur:
6/28/07 – Ship and Invoice – $10
7/31/07 – Additional Cost for the sale made on 6/28/07 – $2

Specific Costing for Lot No Tracking
...If you use FIFO costing with the setting "Lot Specific Tracking" then the outbound entries will be applied
...to inbound entries by lot - which will be lot specific costing. this is just as it works
Design Details: Average Cost Calculation
Costing for Navision 4.0 Technical White Paper (May 2004)
Simulation of Average Cost Calculation (Jan 2012)
microsoft-dynamics-nav-inventory-costing-correction-whitepaper.pdf (Oct 2011)
Google: adjust cost item entries valuation date exact|applied

Determine why an ILE of Production Output received INVTADJMT
One or more Consumption entry of the same Production must have had its cost adjusted

How does NAV know which items to processed during Adjust Cost Item Entries (ACIE)?
When we a post purchase(?) transaction, a record is inserted to (or updated on) Avg. Cost Adjmt. Entry Point (ACAEP) table
At the end of ACIE process, ACAEP table will be emptied

For FIFO: In Item ledger entry table there is a field called "Applied Entry to Adjust". This is how adjust routine doesn't look at entries it has adjusted.
For Average: it populates the Avg. Cost Adjmt. Entry Point or Average Cost Adjustment table (based on which version you use) upon inventory movements and adjust those items mentioned there with Valuation Date later than the date shown there.
source: adjust cost - never adjust more than once

Very important Adjust cost summary
when "Applied Entry to Adjust" is yes?

ACIE: Posting Date in Adjust Cost-Item Entries
If the adjustment entry is not within the allowable posting date range specified on the General Ledger Setup, then it's going to use the date you specify on the Adjust Cost Item Entries process [even if the date is allowed in User Setup table]

ACIE: Error "Posting date is not within your range"
If G/L Setup or User Setup is restricting date from X to Y, check Value Entries for Posting Date outside that range

What's the difference between Appl.-TO and Appl.-FROM ILE column?
Appl.-TO is related with purchase returns where you can select a positive open ILE.
Appl.-FROM is related with sales returns where you can select a negative ILE.
Exact Cost Reversing Link has not been created...
Online Help for Exact Cost Reversing... field both on "P and P" and "S and R" Setup

Is there any way to have Navision auto-fill Apply-from column?
sorry but there is no option to aufill that appl. from item entry
(source: Credit Memo error "Appl. from Item Entry...")

Exact Cost Reversal function becomes more humane in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0

1.can access regular documents (rather than item ledger records) and copy one or multiple lines, be they from the same or different documents
2.among the documents to copy from, will find invoices (as well as credit memos, if that's relevant) - the most logical reference document in returns situation  (see screenshot below; click to expand)
3.will not have to manually enter serial/lot numbers for the returned items - the program automatically copies item tracking lines to the return document from the original document
4.can rely on the program to keep track of the already returned and cost reversed quantity on the sales documents - so you don't have to worry about cost reversing return of the same sold quantity more than once.

How to change Cost Amount of an inbound ILE?
Use Revaluation Journal:
..Calculate Inventory Value   (KALO INI, HANYA UTK REMAINING QTY)
..Fill Item No. (ignore Posting Date, it will be autofilled by next step)
..Fill Apply-to Entry
..Change Unit Cost (Revalued) for ILE in question
Sample scenario that requires above procedure:
..User posted purchase order with right qty but wrong price, realized it then has post return and
..new correct order BUT
..stock from initial order has been consumed/sold

With Average costing method, will Unit Price of Sales Return affects Unit Cost?
No; See screenshot below (post Adjust-cost condition):

Simulate how NAV calculate Average Cost
Quantity mentioned on the article might refer to "Invoiced Quantity"
It's probably better to sort on "Item Ledger Entry No." as well (after "Valuation Date")

Koreksi atas Purchase yang salah harga dan sudah dibuatkan Purchase Return
- jika pro sdh betul diisi apply-to nya, maka tinggal buat po baru yg benar
- jika pro lupa diisi apply-to nya, maka selain buat po baru yg benar, harus revaluate pr dari po yg pertama (agar cost tidak kacau)

Koreksi atas Retur Penjualan USD yang seharusnya dibuat dengan Apply-from
Buat SRO yang benar dulu (agar stok tersedia utk SO yg nantinya akan dibuat):
- Gunakan Copy Document: Posting Date sesuai SRO yg keliru
- pastikan exchange rate sesuai SO awal
- isi Apply-from
- Pastikan Warehouse Receipt diposting dg lot sesuai SO awal dan dg Posting Date sesuai SRO yg keliru
Buat SO utk batalkan SRO yg keliru:
- Pastikan isi Apply-to (*)
- pastikan exchange rate sesuai SRO
- isi Unit Cost (LCY) sama dengan Unit Cost pada SRO yg keliru (!!!)
- Pastikan Warehouse Shipment diposting dg lot dan Posting Date sesuai SRO
Validasi lunas kedua dokumen tsb
(*) Utk kondisi dimana pengisian Apply-to tidak bisa dilakukan (krn baris ILE sudah tidak Open) _DAN_ tidak ada perubahan avg cost sejak SO awal hingga SRO yg keliru, maka cukup lakukan Revaluation Journal atas ILE milik SRO yg keliru agar sesuai dengan avg cost dari transaksi di "sekitarnya"

Omzet minus tapi profit plus
Retur jual lebih besar dari jual, tapi secara rasio thd nilai transaksinya, retur memiliki hpp lebih besar drpd jual (Retur adalah untuk jual yg lain/terdahulu)
Omzet    HPP  Profit
  2000  -1000  1000    HPP=50% dari Omzet
-4000    3500  -500     HPP melebihi 50% dari Omzet
-------  ------  -----
-2000               500

NAV 4.0: Agar ACIE hanya proses item tertentu
CU 5895 MakeSingleLevelAdjmt:

  SETFILTER(ItemLedgEntry."Item No.",'ITEM_CODE_HERE');

      SETRANGE("Item No.",'ITEM_CODE_HERE');
    UNTIL (NEXT = 0) OR LevelExceeded;

Kenapa ada baris Sale yang Cost Amount nya tinggi sekali padahal secara kasat mata terlihat bahwa Purchase terkait memiliki Cost Amount rendah (Catatan: Belum jalankan ACIE)
Jalankan dulu ACIE
Sebelum jalankan ACIE, Cost yang didapat sebuah Sale berasal dari Cost saat Sales Order dibuat
(Bisa dilihat dengan membandingkan Unit Cost yang ada di Sales Shipment Line dengan Average Cost di tanggal-tanggal sekitar saat SO dibuat)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

RDC: Keyboard shortcuts

Switching between applications inside non-fullscreen session

Toggle betwwen windowed and fullscreen session
-Note: this combination is also useful on Windows 7 when double-clicking on title bar won't switch session
--back to full-screen

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Filter(s) not visible at Criteria bar

The filter(s) is defined as Local criteria (criteria that is "hardcoded" to the analysis definition yet not visible/changeable to user)

How to edit "Local criteria"?
- Switch to "Define" mode
- Right-click > Functions > Local criteria
- Click criteria in question
- Change value or select Remove criteria

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How to tell 1.5V AGP from 1.8V one?

What is 1.5V AGP and .8V AGP?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How to setup new company in a new database

As a start you need to restore database default,
you can find it in Navision installation cd, number 2.

Here are the steps that I usually do when creating new empty database :

1. Create New Database
2. Click Tools >> Restore
3. Find standard Nav 4.0 database backup, dialog box appear
4. Do not choose any company, check "data common to all compannies",
check "application objects"
5. Click Ok, restore all application object and common data, but no company
6. Create new company


1. Using the Navision client, open the standard database that was sourced
from the Product CD.
2. Create a new company and provide a name for the company. The new company
will then be created and initialized.
3. Switch to the standard company of the database.
4. Delete the standard company which will leave the newly created company
5. Open the new company and you will notice the same result.

New to NAV - Missing Menu and tables

Why need pivot/BA? Can't the same functionality provided through NAV Report?

First, designing NAV report to achieve the same functionality as pivot does is a daunting task

Second, NAV Report's performance in analysis reporting will never come close to pivot's
For testing, try to create Top N Customer List report (based on Sales Amount) inside NAV and pivot.

Monday, December 21, 2009

XP as Terminal Server

Terminal Server Patch

Related article(s):
Patch Windows 2003 Terminal Server to allow more than 2 concurrent sessions

Windows XP X64 Terminal Server patch part 1 (mandatory)

Download manager related

Force IDM to merge/join incomplete download parts
Pause then resume then stop download
Then check temporary directory (Download \ Options \ Save to)

IDM vs FDM: Which is the Better Downloader?
In ... IDM allows you to limit the speed for a individual downloads
Refreshing Download Links:
Using refresh download links, you can request the file again and IDM will catch the download and resume it from wherever it stopped.
While you can schedule downloads in FDM, it’s nowhere near as powerful and versatile as IDM.
If you are using FDM you will not need a separate torrent client, as the built-in client is more than capable
Another nice feature of FDM is a recycle bin for downloads

Download from share sites using IDM:

How to play videos while Downloading with IDM (Unfinished download)
1. Open Your IDM interface.
2. Click Options.
3. In Internet Download Manager Configuration box click Save to tab.
4. Under Temporary directory section you will see the path of temporary folder of idm where all parts get stored while downloading a file.
5. Copy the path.
6. Go to Start->Run and type the path and click OK. Or you can follow the path. The path should look like C:\Users\Your user name\AppData\Roaming\IDM\
7. Then open DwnlData->Yourusername folder.
You will see all your temporary folders of IDM download. Open the folder of the video file and play the video with VLC media player. I recommended VLC media player.

Each time FDM is restarted, incomplete download(s) are missing from the list.
Re-create download will not resume partially-downloaded file on disk.

Exit FDM and clear download history by deleting .sav files on this folder:
Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Free Download Manager\

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Make grid cell(s) dynamically enabled/disabled at runtime

Look at how Production Journal form do it.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Searching for Linux equivalent for a Windows feature

Use Google with keywords:
windows linux|ubuntu equivalent

Barcode related

Kenapa harus jadi anggota GS1 ?
Dengan mendaftarkan kode barcode perusahaan ke GS1 maka perusahaan tersebut akan memiliki kode khusus yang tidak akan diduplikasi oleh perusahaan lain (sumber)

Secure Password Protected QR Codes
- requires proprietary app to read it ?
Password Protected QR Codes

Generate Free Barcodes Online (including QR code)
Generate QR Code Here (with custom text above/below)
QR-Code Studio (freeware)

Barcode scanner/reader model duduk/"doraemon":
View at Apr 24, 2014: Rp 2,511,660.00

Self-Checking Barcode Fonts in Excel

Barcode FAQ & Tutorial
Some scanner manufacturers’ ship new barcode scanners with most symbologies disabled, therefore, if a particular barcode cannot be read, make sure it is enabled in the scanner's firmware.
Some barcode scanners also read different symbologies better at different sizes. For example, the Symbol Laser Barcode Scanner dependably reads the Code 39 Barcode Font when printed as small as 6 points, but only reads the Code 128 Barcode Font when printed at 8 points.

Bar Code 39 / HIBC Generator and Font Set
+ free fonts feature human readable portion

create barcode with excel and free font
Download a free barcode font here:
Make the barcodes:
Make sure you insert 'star' (*) in front/end of the barcode like this:
or just
source: In house barcode generating

Which Bar Code Scanner Interface is right for me? RS232, Keyboard, or USB

How to Identify a Barcode

Generating barcode: using font OR 3rd party program?
I always recommend interfacing with a third party bar code labeling program. The prices of these are reasonable, they offer layout design features, scaling features, compatibility with a wide variety of printers and they generally are reasonably priced.
While you can utilize fonts, you are very limited in the symbology and, depending upon how the bar code is being used and the types of controls you need, you cannot create a checksum in a font-style bar code.
In cases where the application is totally in-house (and you have more or less total control and quick access to resolve problems) or where the bar code is a convenience factor on a complex text document (as might be the case printing the invoice number on an invoice), then the use of a bar code font on a standard laser printer may be the reasonable choice. Even in these latter cases, you may want to have a QC process where you check the readability of the printed results with a sampling frequency to be determined (again) by the potential cost of an error.
source: Barcode Printing through Navision

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Report with Multiple-detail-band scenario: Associating a variable with certain detail band

Selecting Detail n as the Reset based on value tells Visual FoxPro to only process this calculation when processing the detail records in the target alias of this Detail band. The report variable is not altered while records in other target aliases are being processed. This allows you to tie a report variable to one particular Detail band. The value of the report variable is not cleared until the Detail Header band of this same Detail set is processed for the next parent record.

Quote from:
The Visual FoxPro 9 Report Writer

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

VFX: Where temporary run-time report file is stored

\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\.frx and .frt

Security / permission related

A newly added windows login can't log in with error "...permission to read the Object table"
Synchronization doesn't help
Add db_owner to Database role membership

Quickly filling newly created Role with all objects [of certain type]
Add one line for DataTable, ID=0, set all permissions to Yes [and save*]. Click All Objects button, remove all Yes from tables you want to not access to, click OK
[*]you can save it only if you do some change. Changing some permissions to Indirect or empty, move cursor to next line (the line is saved), go back and change the value back. This is shortest way how to create the line for TableData ID=0 with all permissions. It is tricky but it is "the way how it is done".
source: How to set multiple roles for a user?
Because NAV 2016 does not have "All Objects" button, the best we can do is copy list of objects from Object Designer to Excel and import it using Configuration Package

User can open NAV up to open company but can't open any menu (some error like "don't have access to G/L Setup")
For database in question, make sure that db_owner on Database role membership is checked (SQL 2005)

How security filters on a table are applied:
Same field on one role [more than once]: not possible
Same field on multiple roles: OR-ed
Different fields on one role: AND-ed
Different fields on multiple roles: AND-ed

UNANSWERED question:
If "How security filters on a table are applied" above is correct, then why scenario below could happen:
Among roles assigned to a user, there are two like these:
1st role: Read/Insert/Modify/Delete "Sales Header".Creator = (USERNAME)|''
2nd role: Read/Insert/Modify/Delete "Sales Header".Salesperson = '1010-001'|''
According to explanation above, user should be able to insert (and then modify) Sales Header only when he/she is the Creator and using his/her Salesperson code, but what really happened was that the user was able to create a Sales Header for Customer XYZ (which has Salesperson code '2020-002' assigned to it and that code is automatically inserted to Sales Header)

Sorting with multiple row grouped

Initial condition:
Group Member
D D1
A A1
B B1

Group Member
A A1
B B1
D D1

Empty cells on key column must be filled in...
Group Member
D D1
D D2
A A1
A A2
A A3
B B1
...then do the sorting and restore empty cells afterward

Here's how to quickly fill in the blanks:
1) Select 'Group' column and press F5>Special>Blanks>OK
2) In active blank cell enter an = sign then point to the cell above and CTRL +
ENTER to fill down
3) Copy>Paste Special(in place)>Values>OK>Esc to get rid of formulas
How do I group multiple lines of excel info for easy sorting

Dasar Alkitab untuk tolak transfusi darah

Kitab Ibrani:
Imamat 17:10-14

Kitab Yunani:
Kisah 15:20,29

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Production: Flushing method

Select in the Flushing Method field whether consumption of this item in production should be calculated and posted manually; Manual, or automatically with either of the following two methods: Forward, to have the program automatically calculate and post consumption when the production order is released, or Backward, to have the program automatically calculate and post consumption when the released production order is finished.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Entering bank beginning balance for a new implementation

Entering Beginning Balance for Dynamics NAV (Navision) for a New Implementation

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Worms inside intestine

Histori harga Vermox (Surabaya)
6 Des 2013: 19.000 (apotek manukan)

Obat-obat Cacing
1. Albendazole
2. Mebendazole
3. Pirantel Pamoat

Makalah Obat Cacing

Mengusir Cacing Dengan Herbal

Komposisi Manfaat Dan Resiko Obat Cacing


Parasites—How Do You Know if You Have Worms and What to Do About Them
Interesting suggestion:
...the safest, cheapest, easiest, most effective way to worm yourself...is...Pyrantel Pamoate
Note to self: Combantrin has Pirantel Pamoat label on its case

For information regarding Vermox, type 'vermox' in google

Other info in Indonesian:
Mebendazole ini obat cacing yang ampuh dengan minim efek samping, bisa mengatasi segala bentuk cacing (tidak seperti Pyrantel Pamoate, efek sama ampuh tapi berefek samping cukup luas)

Gejala infeksi cacing pita:

Thursday, December 3, 2009

XP: Make Desktop Icon Transparent

Make XP Desktop Icon Labels Transparent

Mail Merge: Grouping several records in one page

Advanced Word 2003 Mail Merge: Combining Records

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Articles on Sniffing

Sniffing (network wiretap, sniffer) FAQ

Ethereal documentation