Perform search with incorrect index
Proof: compare performance when searching Document No. on G/L Entry table between using "Document No." index and "Entry No."
Navision read performance on a big table is very slow
Find in NAV : performance
Search on any part of the field
Q: Can we prevent users from doing search on certain fields?
Keyword: disable|prevent search|find certain|arbitrary column|field
A: Set Focusable property of the field/column in question to No
Side-effect on List: User can't use his keyboard to jump over the 'restricted' field
Still problem: User can still perform "Field Filter" on that field
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Epson C90: Lampu merah/orange menyala terus (Indonesian)
Cara Servis Epson C90 T10 T11 T20 Catridge Tidak Terdeteksi
Self experience:
Lepas cartridge
Bersihkan kontak(PCB) dengan penghapus pensil atau alkohol
Pasang kembali
Self experience:
Lepas cartridge
Bersihkan kontak(PCB) dengan penghapus pensil atau alkohol
Pasang kembali
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Kekecewaan atas bunga KPR BTN (Indonesian)
Aturan main besar bunga KPR Bank BTN
Bunga KPR BTN Saya Masih Tinggi
Bunga KPR BTN tidak turun-turun sejak tahun 2008
Lagi dongkol,neh..
Keberatan Atas Suku Bunga KPR BTN
Apakah Penyesuaian Suku Bunga KPR Hanya Bila Suku Bunga Naik ?
Bunga KPR BTN yang Fantastis
Di lain pihak, BTN tetap aja berkoar-koar kalau mereka sdh berulang kali menurunkan bunga KPR...
April BTN Turunkan Lagi Suku Bunga KPR
BTN Turunkan Suku Bunga KPR
BTN Turunkan Bunga Kredit Debitur Lama
Baca juga terkait bank-bank SELAIN BTN:
Bunga KPR BNI Tidak Sesuai
KPR: Never Ending Stories
Bunga KPR BTN Saya Masih Tinggi
Bunga KPR BTN tidak turun-turun sejak tahun 2008
Lagi dongkol,neh..
Keberatan Atas Suku Bunga KPR BTN
Apakah Penyesuaian Suku Bunga KPR Hanya Bila Suku Bunga Naik ?
Bunga KPR BTN yang Fantastis
Di lain pihak, BTN tetap aja berkoar-koar kalau mereka sdh berulang kali menurunkan bunga KPR...
April BTN Turunkan Lagi Suku Bunga KPR
BTN Turunkan Suku Bunga KPR
BTN Turunkan Bunga Kredit Debitur Lama
Baca juga terkait bank-bank SELAIN BTN:
Bunga KPR BNI Tidak Sesuai
KPR: Never Ending Stories
Sandboxie: Free vs Paid version
The Paid version has the following features:
• "Force" programs: Automatically run programs under Sandboxie even when they are not started directly through Sandboxie. Programs can be "forced" by name or by containing folder.
• Run programs in more than one sandbox at the same time. This causes error SBIE1303 in the free version.
Also, it removes the nag screen that initially appears after you have used Sandboxie for more than 30 days
Sandboxie alternative:
Cameyo (from Is it possible to create an isolated environment to install 3rd party application into?)
Sandboxie installer insist to download vcredist:
make sure you download SB from here which has vcredist included
Notes About 64 Bit Edition
Please note that the Experimental Protection feature is not offered in the 64-bit version of Windows 8
Note to self:
32 bit version can NOT be installed on 64 bit Windows
• "Force" programs: Automatically run programs under Sandboxie even when they are not started directly through Sandboxie. Programs can be "forced" by name or by containing folder.
• Run programs in more than one sandbox at the same time. This causes error SBIE1303 in the free version.
Also, it removes the nag screen that initially appears after you have used Sandboxie for more than 30 days
Sandboxie alternative:
Cameyo (from Is it possible to create an isolated environment to install 3rd party application into?)
Sandboxie installer insist to download vcredist:
make sure you download SB from here which has vcredist included
Notes About 64 Bit Edition
Please note that the Experimental Protection feature is not offered in the 64-bit version of Windows 8
Note to self:
32 bit version can NOT be installed on 64 bit Windows
Google related
Google Chrome: Your Clock is Ahead/Behind January 29, 2020
Just add
in front of the URL and Google’s cached copy will open instantly.Note: worked with Chrome on desktop and androidAccessing pages from Google cache url without http)
*UPDATE* easier: search "site:(URL)" on Google and then click Cached menu
...if you get error "The connection to was interrupted",
...try add "https://" to the URL so it become " ..."
How Google Makes Algorithm Changes
XP: "Out of range" message after changing monitor
Enable VGA Mode in Windows XP
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Allow regular user to shutdown Windows 2003
Click "Start", "Administrative Tools", "Local Security Policy" (or add the MMC snap-in) then select "User Rights Assignment" followed by "Shut down the system"
Why can't regular users shutdown Windows Server 2003?
Allow shutdown without log on:
Edit the server's Local Policy (using gpedit.msc). Go to - Computer Configuration \ Windows Settings \ Security Settings \ Local Policies \ Security Options \ "Shutdown: Allow system to be shut down without having to log on" = ENABLED.
Why can't regular users shutdown Windows Server 2003?
Allow shutdown without log on:
Edit the server's Local Policy (using gpedit.msc). Go to - Computer Configuration \ Windows Settings \ Security Settings \ Local Policies \ Security Options \ "Shutdown: Allow system to be shut down without having to log on" = ENABLED.
All about KPR (Indonesian)
Bijakkah Melunasi Utang dengan Pinjaman Tunai?
Gunakan penawaran dana tunai dari kartu kredit utk bayar cicilan KPR
Gunakan rumus di BAGAIMANA CARA MENGHITUNG BUNGA KPR/KRK/KTA/KARTU KREDIT, DSB? utk mengkonversi bunga KTA (bisakah disamakan dg dana tunai?) menjadi bunga efektif sehingga bisa diperbandingkan dengan bunga KPR
Pastikan tidak ada biaya lain-lain yang tidak diduga/diinformasikan (asuransi, dll) seperti yg diceritakan di Penipuan HSBC Pencairan Dana Tunai Kartu Kredit
Posisi tawar kita lebih lemah saat hendak minta penghapusan annual-fee sementara cicilan dana tunai masih berjalan; sedangkan untuk melunasi dipercepat pasti dikenakan penalti (yang sebaiknya diperjelas di awal berapa persen besarnya)
Cara Bayar KPR BTN Online Lewat Mobile Banking
Mtb ingin mencari alternatif cara bayar angsuran KPR BTN yang lebih hemat alias lebih murah. Lah iya Om… Tabungan Batara punya biaya admin bulanan sebesar Rp12.000. Ditambah lagi jika saldo tabungan berada di bawah angka minimum, maka kita kena biaya lagi Rp5.000.
Cara Cepat Melunasi KPR BTN
Supaya efektif, lakukan pembayaran angsuran ekstra ini setelah membayar kewajiban cicilan KPR anda pada bulan yang bersangkutan, sehingga nominal ini tidak digunakan bank untuk membayar bunga bulan tersebut
Jangan lupa dilakukan setelah KPR lunas!
Gunakan penawaran dana tunai dari kartu kredit utk bayar cicilan KPR
Gunakan rumus di BAGAIMANA CARA MENGHITUNG BUNGA KPR/KRK/KTA/KARTU KREDIT, DSB? utk mengkonversi bunga KTA (bisakah disamakan dg dana tunai?) menjadi bunga efektif sehingga bisa diperbandingkan dengan bunga KPR
Pastikan tidak ada biaya lain-lain yang tidak diduga/diinformasikan (asuransi, dll) seperti yg diceritakan di Penipuan HSBC Pencairan Dana Tunai Kartu Kredit
Posisi tawar kita lebih lemah saat hendak minta penghapusan annual-fee sementara cicilan dana tunai masih berjalan; sedangkan untuk melunasi dipercepat pasti dikenakan penalti (yang sebaiknya diperjelas di awal berapa persen besarnya)
Cara Bayar KPR BTN Online Lewat Mobile Banking
Mtb ingin mencari alternatif cara bayar angsuran KPR BTN yang lebih hemat alias lebih murah. Lah iya Om… Tabungan Batara punya biaya admin bulanan sebesar Rp12.000. Ditambah lagi jika saldo tabungan berada di bawah angka minimum, maka kita kena biaya lagi Rp5.000.
Cara Cepat Melunasi KPR BTN
Supaya efektif, lakukan pembayaran angsuran ekstra ini setelah membayar kewajiban cicilan KPR anda pada bulan yang bersangkutan, sehingga nominal ini tidak digunakan bank untuk membayar bunga bulan tersebut
Terkait: Tips “Cara Cepat Melunasi KPR BTN”
Jangan lupa dilakukan setelah KPR lunas!
td habis dari BCA, udah capek antri di CS, tanya KPR plafon minimal 250jt
(contoh percakapan dg BTN)
td habis dari BCA, udah capek antri di CS, tanya KPR plafon minimal 250jt
(contoh percakapan dg BTN)
Installing NVIdia GeForce 520M driver on Bactrack 5 on Asus A43S notebook:
Download driver from
Make downloaded file executable
Run file using ./<.run file name>
Download driver from
Make downloaded file executable
Run file using ./<.run file name>
VMware 2 + BT5: Cannot install remote console plug-in
Incompatibility with Firefox 4.01
Install VMware Player instead
Related info:
Install VMware Player
Incompatibility with Firefox 4.01
Install VMware Player instead
Related info:
Install VMware Player
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Deep breathing
Diaphragmatic breathing
Google: traing|exercise deep|long breath
Google: traing|exercise deep|long breath
BT5: Change boot menu configuration
How to change the default boot order for Grub2 in backtrack 5(bt 5)
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Various ways to repair corrupted registry
System restore in recovery console
Monday, November 21, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
RegEx support
A Regular Expressions library for Visual FoxPro,guid,91241006-595a-487d-ac06-d0fc1fc71632.aspx,guid,91241006-595a-487d-ac06-d0fc1fc71632.aspx
Electrical: How to use Multitester
Multimeters - How to use 'em!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Exercise/training related
Sit-up ternyata punya efek merugikan
Beberapa orang cenderung lebih sensitif terhadap masalah punggung akibat sit-up dibanding penyebab lain.
Bisa saja kita melakukan 30 sit-up sehari selama berpuluh-puluh tahun dan tidak mengalami cedera sedikitpun, atau kita bisa mengalami cedera, dan sulit untuk mengetahui kita masuk ke kategori mana. Masalahnya bisa berakar pada gen kita.
Menurut satu penelitian, bukan soal frekuensi melakukan sit-up yang menimbulkan kesulitan, tapi faktor genetik yang menjadi penyebab tiga perempat perbedaan antara orang-orang yang mengalami masalah punggung dan mereka yang baik-baik saja.
Tapi bagaimana jika Anda ingin perut berotot, adakah cara untuk mengurangi risikonya?
Profesor Stuart McGill merekomendasikan agar Anda menyelipkan tangan di pinggang bawah untuk mencegah agar punggung rata dengan lantai.
Langkah ini bisa mengurangi tekanan di punggung. Tekuk satu lutut dan panjangkan lutut satunya. Lalu angkat sedikit kepala dan bahu dari lantai.
Katanya, bayangkan kepala Anda bersandar di timbangan badan dan kepala Anda angkat agar angka di timbangan menunjukkan nol.
Latihan ini dia gambarkan secara mendetail di bukunya, Back Mechanic.
Selain itu, setelah kita berbaring semalaman atau duduk untuk waktu lama, akan lebih sulit melakukan sit-up sehingga meningkatkan risiko cedera.
Maka jangan langsung melakukan sit-up setelah kita duduk seharian di kursi atau langsung melakukannya saat bangun tidur.
The rope:
One way to determine the ideal length is to step one foot in the middle of the rope. The handles should reach up to approximately armpit height
The place:
I recommend jumping rope on a shock absorbent surface such as a wood floor, gym mat, outdoor track, or tennis court
You can also purchase an interlocking foam mat that lies on top of your floor surface
The shoes:
you should wear a quality pair or cross-training shoes
Jump Rope Training
Beberapa orang cenderung lebih sensitif terhadap masalah punggung akibat sit-up dibanding penyebab lain.
Bisa saja kita melakukan 30 sit-up sehari selama berpuluh-puluh tahun dan tidak mengalami cedera sedikitpun, atau kita bisa mengalami cedera, dan sulit untuk mengetahui kita masuk ke kategori mana. Masalahnya bisa berakar pada gen kita.
Menurut satu penelitian, bukan soal frekuensi melakukan sit-up yang menimbulkan kesulitan, tapi faktor genetik yang menjadi penyebab tiga perempat perbedaan antara orang-orang yang mengalami masalah punggung dan mereka yang baik-baik saja.
Tapi bagaimana jika Anda ingin perut berotot, adakah cara untuk mengurangi risikonya?
Profesor Stuart McGill merekomendasikan agar Anda menyelipkan tangan di pinggang bawah untuk mencegah agar punggung rata dengan lantai.
Langkah ini bisa mengurangi tekanan di punggung. Tekuk satu lutut dan panjangkan lutut satunya. Lalu angkat sedikit kepala dan bahu dari lantai.
Katanya, bayangkan kepala Anda bersandar di timbangan badan dan kepala Anda angkat agar angka di timbangan menunjukkan nol.
Latihan ini dia gambarkan secara mendetail di bukunya, Back Mechanic.
Selain itu, setelah kita berbaring semalaman atau duduk untuk waktu lama, akan lebih sulit melakukan sit-up sehingga meningkatkan risiko cedera.
Maka jangan langsung melakukan sit-up setelah kita duduk seharian di kursi atau langsung melakukannya saat bangun tidur.
The rope:
One way to determine the ideal length is to step one foot in the middle of the rope. The handles should reach up to approximately armpit height
The place:
I recommend jumping rope on a shock absorbent surface such as a wood floor, gym mat, outdoor track, or tennis court
You can also purchase an interlocking foam mat that lies on top of your floor surface
The shoes:
you should wear a quality pair or cross-training shoes
Jump Rope Training
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Formatting code snippet for blogging
Use HTML Encoder
Formatting code snippets for blogging on Blogger
Tried with success:
Source Code Formatter for Blogger, Blogspot , Blog & Blogging, Format Formatting Tool
This source code formatter allow you to format code like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C#, PHP,, VB.Net, Visual Basic,, ASP & many other languages
Formatting code snippets for blogging on Blogger
Tried with success:
Source Code Formatter for Blogger, Blogspot , Blog & Blogging, Format Formatting Tool
This source code formatter allow you to format code like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C#, PHP,, VB.Net, Visual Basic,, ASP & many other languages
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
VS: Expand/Collapse region keyboard shortcut
CTRL+M CTRL+M (that's two key presses!) - collapse/open the current parent region
CTRL+M CTRL+L - Collapse/Open all regions in document recursively (meaning you might get only one line in the document - one big namespace region which is collapsed or you'll see the entire page code uncollapsed
CTRL+M CTRL+O - Collapse all regions not recursively
CTRL+M CTRL+L - Collapse/Open all regions in document recursively (meaning you might get only one line in the document - one big namespace region which is collapsed or you'll see the entire page code uncollapsed
CTRL+M CTRL+O - Collapse all regions not recursively
Monday, November 7, 2011
AIRODUMP-NG: WEP detected as WPA
Airodump-ng keeps switching between WEP and WPA
WEP changing to WPA
WEP changing to WPA
Disable search/field on certain field(s)
aka. configure certain field not searchable
Prevent user from performing search on non-indexed field such as Customer Name on a Posted Sales Invoice document
Google: prevent|disable user search|find field
Prevent user from performing search on non-indexed field such as Customer Name on a Posted Sales Invoice document
Google: prevent|disable user search|find field
Laptop locator
Prepare your laptop so it can be tracked down when it gets stolen
Flash player offline installer
Friday, November 4, 2011
Bandwidth Management: About HTB
inner queue: queue that has at least one child
leaf queue: queue without children
at first limit-at (CIR) of the all queues will be satisfied, only then child queues will try to borrow the necessary data rate from their parents in order to reach their max-limit (MIR)
SUM of committed rates of ALL children must be less or equal to amount of traffic that is available to parent
Maximal rate of ANY child must be less or equal to maximal rate of the parent
Priority is responsible for "distribution of remaining parent queues traffic to child queues" so that they are able to reach max-limit
After satisfying all limit-ats HTB will give throughput to queue with highest priority
HTB works in one direction and is implemented on outbound interface
It says that "HTB for download will be on ether2 and HTB for upload will be on ether1". How do we do this since in real world there is only one ethernet for download AND upload ?
leaf queue: queue without children
at first limit-at (CIR) of the all queues will be satisfied, only then child queues will try to borrow the necessary data rate from their parents in order to reach their max-limit (MIR)
SUM of committed rates of ALL children must be less or equal to amount of traffic that is available to parent
Maximal rate of ANY child must be less or equal to maximal rate of the parent
Priority is responsible for "distribution of remaining parent queues traffic to child queues" so that they are able to reach max-limit
After satisfying all limit-ats HTB will give throughput to queue with highest priority
HTB works in one direction and is implemented on outbound interface
It says that "HTB for download will be on ether2 and HTB for upload will be on ether1". How do we do this since in real world there is only one ethernet for download AND upload ?
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