Monday, December 26, 2016

Terkait surat kendaraan

Kenalan Dengan Prosedur Tilang Yang Baru Yuk Gan!

Jika putusan pengadilan menyebutkan bahwa denda tidak sebesar denda maksimal yang sudah di bayarkan (ditransfer) sebelumnya, maka uang akan dikembalikan ke pelanggar tentunya setelah dipotong besaran denda yang sudah ditentukan di pengadilan
Pelanggar harus melakukan kontrol yang ketat terhadap petugas, yaitu dari satuan mana, nama lengkap dan pangkat harus dicatat untuk memudahkan pelanggar mengambil surat yang disita dari petugas. Nah ini sama saja membuat ribet pelanggar

Dua Pekan Diberlakukan, Banyak masyarakat Belum Paham E-Tilang
Pengambilan SIM dan STNK nantinya tidak lagi ke Satlantas, tetapi ke PN atau Kejari.

SIM Corner di PTC - 3 Sep 2018

Cara Membayar Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor Online (Jatim)
Setelahnya tetap harus ke samsat :
Jangan lupa untuk menyimpan bukti pembayaran / transfer bank yang diterima karena nanti akan diminta pada saat mengambil nota pembayaran dan pengesahan STNK di Samsat. Bawa juga STNK lama dan KTP asli sebagai bukti. Tidak ada salahnya juga membawa BPKB, untuk berjaga-jaga apabila diminta oleh petugas.

Perpanjang SIM Anda Dengan Tanpa Antri Kelamaan, Melalui Jalur SIM Online
18 Sep 2018: Error validate SIM

Pengalaman Perpanjangan SIM di Surabaya 4-Feb-2018

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

SQL Express related

various versions and management studio download links :
Download SQL Server Express

easy backup and restore without management studio :
Backup and Restore Utility SQLBackupAndFTP & One-Click Restore

Monday, November 21, 2016

Nama nabi dan artinya

ZAKHARIA (Zakariya)
Yehuwa Telah Mengingat
Yahweh Has Remembered

ELIA (Ilyas)
Allahku Adalah Yehuwa
My God is [Yah]

Yehuwa Telah Bermurah Hati
[Yah] Has Been Gracious

YESAYA ( ... )
Yah is salvation

Monday, November 14, 2016

Cloud storage related

MOVE files from android phone to Google Drive to free up space on local phone
[Turn off drive sync then use] web browser to upload the folder and files to Google Drive Cloud, then yes you can delete the local copy from your computer, and the copy of Google Drive will remain

Restore Previous Version of Document in OneDrive, Personal or Business

Amazon S3
- even sign up for the Free Tier requires credit card #

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

v4.0 (all SP) related

User(s) suddenly getting a lot of permission error though no changes have been made to the permission setup :
Perform Security \ Synchronize

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Determine which application uses specific keyboard shortcut or hotkey

Sorry I can't suggest an alternative to Hotkey Explorer for Windows 8 or 10. It's a godsend on Windows 7.
I can only offer you the most primitive way of handling this problem. First, close all your running programs (including stuff in the system tray), one by one. Make notice of what you close and every time (or every once in a while) test if your program (is it Greenshot?) can now use that hotkey.

How can I determine which process owns a hotkey in Windows?
Hot Key Explorer (but NOT for Windows 8 or later)

Disable Ctrl+Alt+F1 for Intel Graphics application :
I kill the igfxHK.exe process with Task Manager
source: Cannot catch Ctrl+Alt+F1 in WinForms MDI. Is it special?

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Thunderbird related


You can define rules like :
Archive messages that from someone with subject test and 60 days old within Inbox and it's sub directory
Move messages that from foo with subject bar and 60 days old within src folder and it's sub directory to local folders, keeps the folder hierarchy.
Copy messages from one virtual folder to another folder
Delete all messages from Junk folder after 7 days
- sepertinya tidak bisa hard-filter misal "sebelum 1/1/2021"; alternatifnya, gunakan fitur Find bawaan TB kemudian lakukan Move atas hasilnya (kelemahan: tidak bisa preserve folder-structure jadi sebaiknya lakukan Find dan Move secara terpisah atas TIAP folder )

You have already logged on to gmail webmail account for email address via a browser and changed the password to a new password - this new password is the one you will be using later on.
In Thunderbird You should have removed all the saved passwords from Thunderbird as advised.
In Account Settings for the gmail account should have set both the incoming server AND the gmail outgoing server (SMTP) 'Authentication Method' set to 'OAuth2' See images as guide.
Then you click on 'Get Messages' You will get a prompt in the browser to login to confirm you really are you. You enter the appropriate gmail address and you enter the same new password which you previously set up in the webmail account. After following instructions in browser, an OAuth2 token is created and added into the saved passwords in Thunderbird.

How can I keep the email account and all the emails that I had previously do without having Thunderbird check the accounts for new emails. I want to be able to access my old downloaded emails until they are too old and are irrelevant. 
Posted July 30th, 2009, 12:50 pm :
Here's how to maintain an account in Thunderbird, but "disable" it so that it does not fetch messages when you click "Get Mail" (or when mail is retrieved at startup or periodically):
Tools >> Options >> Advanced >> Config Editor...
In the Filter bar, enter "server.server". Thunderbird apparently stores properties for each account under config items that have names like "server.server1", "server.server2", etc. So filtering on "server.server" will show you ALL of your accounts.
In the list, look for an item named something similar to this:
...where X above is actually a number (1,2,3,...), depending on how many accounts you have. browse through the list and look at the values of the items named ""...find the value name that corresponds to the email account you want to disable.
For example, if you discover that "" has the email address for the account you want to disable, then... the list, look for (or filter) "mail.server.server6.defer_get_new_mail" ... set this to false.
Thunderbird will no longer check that account for email.

Force From/default account for reply and forward :
.. right-click on Inbox folder, choose Properties \ General Information \ Use Account

Collect email addresses from all emails :
Incoming Addresses Collector
EMail Address Crawler
Google: thunderbird auto collect|harvest|create|generate email address|contact book from all emails

Archiving your e-mail

How do I [Retract] my Email
Microsoft Exchange email server has an option to Recall an email, and this has led many people who work in corporate environments to think that it is a feature of email.  This is a feature of Exchange server, not email and there is a big difference.
Thunderbird does not have a recall option, simply becasue it is not a part of the mail RFC's which are the core of Thunderbird functionality.  So for those that want a similar option to change their mind, there is the send latter addon, which delays sending and provides the opportunity to change your mind and delete mail from the outbox before it is sent.
But by far the simplest method is to make Thunderbird work off line (File > offline > work offline)  this means all messages will be stored locally and not sent until you repeat the process to go back on line, or press the get mail button.

How To Move Your Thunderbird Profile & Email To a New Windows Computer

TB always use Internet Explorer to view images [and want to change it to Photos app]
Open Tools \ Options \ Attachments \ Incoming and change helper/default program to "Always ask"
Try open an image attachment and if "Photos" app not visible in Helper app selection, try to open it with imaging prog first (located on program files (32) \ Windows Image Viewer)
Try again to open it and hopefully this time you'll see "TWINUI" (aka. "Photos") on Helper selection window
(source: Opening image attachments in windows 10)

How do I turn off the preview pane in my email?
F8 will toggle it

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Hunt for HDMI capture device

Which Capture Card should I get for streaming or recording? Last Update:Mar 14, 2014
I also want to mention a special thing you have to be aware of with all capture cards below the 500$ range. You cannot capture 1080p 60fps footage at 60fps with a USB/PCI-E x1 or even Thunderbolt device (currently available). The Avermedia Live Gamer HD is the only card I currently know of that supports downscaling this footage to 720p while keeping 60fps. Still if you want to record/stream on 1080p you will only get 30fps as the bandwidth seems to be not sufficient for full 1080p 60fps output of the card over PCI-E x1 slots. For the Hardcore User, Kona/Datapath/BlackMagic all offer more powerful capture cards which can Input up to 2K/4K resolutions. The prices vary between 800-2000$.

omracer Reviews: HDMI Capture card PCI-E (Trident 7160 HD/ Timeleak HD72A)
Published on Oct 20, 2014
From comment:
I can't get it to work on Windows 10. It'll detect it once I have the drivers installed. But when I try to use it (I've tried using the Honestech DVR that it comes with as well as OBS and XSplit), they all give a blank capture.  And apparently the drivers are really only for up to Windows 8.1 anyway

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Posting Group related

NAV Posting Groups
the Header will always hold information for WHO and the Lines for WHAT

Sunday, August 7, 2016

SQL 2014 related

Fastest way to find row count of all tables in SQL
       I.rows AS [ROWCOUNT]
FROM   sys.tables AS T
       INNER JOIN sys.sysindexes AS I
               ON T.object_id =
                  AND I.indid < 2

Access denied when backup database :
Give account used by database service (or SQL Agent?) a write access to folder used as backup destination
source: Configure File System Permissions for Database Engine Access

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

WORD: Document display differently on different computers (image moved, layout changed, etc)

Google: word opened other|different computer|version image change|move

April 8, 2013 Pictures Move on their Own
When you place a picture in a Word document, you can place it either inline or floating.
Inline pictures are great and will stay exactly where you put them because they are treated like any other character in a paragraph.
The drawback to inline pictures, of course, is that text doesn't wrap around them, and therefore you may not get the exact layout you want.
Floating pictures are a different story. Floating pictures can do just that—float. Also, the picture can be formatted so that text floats around the picture. To control the floating behavior of the pictures, Word provides an anchor that indicates a point in the document with which the picture is associated.

Jul 23, 2011 Why does the appearance (or layout) of my document change when I open it on a different machine?
Changing printer drivers will almost always change the layout at least slightly and sometimes radically
Number of ways to minimize the changes that can occur when you change printers or drivers :
- Don't use hard page breaks!
- Instead, use style and paragraph formatting to keep text together.
What works best to preserve the look of your document, however, is to select the printer on which you will ultimately be printing the document (even if it is not connected to the printer where you're editing)
If you are emailing the document to others and preserving the page layout is critical, one solution is to email your document in Adobe PDF format.

Jul 26, 2010 What happens when I send my document to someone else? Will Word mess up my formatting?
All documents are based on a template. Templates have names that end in ".dot" or, for Word 2007 and Word 2010, ".dotx" or ".dotm".
[Questions answered on the article:]
What's the relationship between the styles in a document and its template?
What happens when Word opens a document?
But you don’t have my template. How does that work?
What happens when I use custom styles?
What about copying text from one document to another?
Truth: Page breaks can be affected by the printer you use
...Avoid empty paragraphs. Don't press Enter to create space between paragraphs.
...Avoid hard page breaks. Control text flow using styles and paragraph formatting.

Aug 9, 2006 Why does my Microsoft Word document display differently on different computers?
I have a document which was created in Word XP and is 226 pages. When I send it to a client who is using Word 2003, it looks totally different and is over 330 pages.
To be honest, you’re trying to do something that Word documents are NOT really intended to do. ... Word is NOT really about making the document look exactly the same everywhere.
The most common reason documents look different on one machine as compared to another is the printer.
Another possible difference is the use of fonts which are not common to all systems.
My bottom line recommendation is simply to create a PDF, authoring your document so that the PDF comes out the way you want it to, and then share that with your client. If you need to share editable Word documents, then simply realize that they will not display, or print, exactly the same everywhere.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sales Price related

For item with variants, can we setup one generic sales price for all variants ?
YES, just leave variant code column blank

Which date on source document is used to select applicable price lines ?
See codeunit 7000 Sales Price Calc. Mgt. func SalesHeaderStartDate:
IF "Document Type" IN ["Document Type"::Invoice,"Document Type"::"Credit Memo"] THEN BEGIN
    DateCaption := FIELDCAPTION("Posting Date");
    EXIT("Posting Date")
    DateCaption := FIELDCAPTION("Order Date");
    EXIT("Order Date");

----- PINDAH KE ONE NOTE ------

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Phone/tablet stylus/pen related

Adonit How-To: Replace Jot Discs

Adonit Jot Pro Stylus Review
From comment section:
How dose the Jot preform when the disc is not on it?
For a capacitive screen stylus there needs to be about 6mm of contact
Normal capacitive stylii are like thick crayons. The Jot mimics this.
From Jon:
we never claimed that the discs would not break
Disc shelf life (regardless of how much it is used), cannot be expected to be more than six months, since the adhesive between the laminations loses its strength over time.

Not All Tablet Styluses Are Equal: Capacitive, Wacom, and Bluetooth Explained
The Total Stylus Breakdown, or “What stylus should I get?”
when it comes to Windows 10 active styluses, it’s important to realize that no two styluses are the same. In fact, no active stylus will work across all Windows 10 devices (though some work across a myriad of them). For example, the stylus that comes standard when you purchase a Windows Surface will only work with Surface devices
A Windows 10 stylus registers on your computer completely differently from your finger. When you use your finger, your machine intuitively understands that a swipe up should scroll down a page. Most styluses mimic this interaction. With a Windows active stylus, however, this intuitive communication doesn’t exist.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Data collection / survey software related

+ local install
+ free
+ support "other option - specify"
* android app OfflineSurveys can only be used with Previous button DISABLED
* How to Remove "No Answer (survey's Presentation & Navigation setting)
* Allow multiple responses for one token AND EDIT ANY OF THOSE RESPONSES ?
...NO SOLUTION so far (Can Token-based Participants modify their specific submitted suvey?)

Response Editing Options: Multiple Responses - Off :
If you allow one response per computer, you can allow editing even after the survey is submitted
Response Editing Options: Multiple Responses - On :
If you allow multiple responses per computer, you can allow editing during the survey, but not after the survey is submitted

- NO SUPPORT for multiple checkboxes/radiobuttons with comment

+ local install
+ free
? support "other option - specify"

Support for installing with Docker on Mac and Windows is only experimental at this point. For Mac and Windows users please consider installing the old Virtualbox-Vagrant option
+ local install
+ free
? support "other option - specify"

Simple way (but requires computer, mobile won't do)
Get Data from Microsoft Word Forms into Excel Using VBA

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Printer suitable for special purpose

Purposes: printing on sticker paper, on hard carton, etc

Tips Cetak Undangan Dengan Printer Biasa
saya merekomendasikan printer canon atau epson yang menggunakan tinta inkjet biasa atau yang berbahan dasar air kedua jenis printer ini memiliki kemampuan serta awet dalam mencetak kertas tebal seperti hard carton


Canon imageCLASS LBP6000
Print Speed (up to): Black:Up to 19 ppm (letter)
Print Resolution (Up to): Black:Up to 600 x 600 dpi (2400 x 600 dpi quality)
Toner Compatibility (for Laser MFP): Canon Cartridge 125 CRG Yield* (1,600)

comes bundled with an initial starter kit of 2 bottles of inks (140ml and 70ml) for a total yield of up to 8,000 pages.
laser quality speed of 15ppm
IDR 2,030,600

Monday, April 11, 2016

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Google Earth and Google Maps related

(GE) Reset viewing angle :
There are two keyboard shortcuts - ( but they do not take you out of Street View or Groundview)
Press the "N" key to reset the view to North Up.
Press the "R" key to get the straight down view of Earth.

(GE) Bring specific overlay to front :
a. Open Properties for the overlay/place
b. Change "Altitude" from "Clamped to ground" to "Absolute"

Change its color :
"Style, Color" tab

How to view My Maps with "clean" interface (no menu box, no search box):
- Open Google Maps
- Open menu on top left corner (side panel)
- Click "My Maps"
- Click your map
- Collapse side panel

Obtain a wide area on Google Map with maximum zoom level
Google: create|capture|print|export|save wider|more|certain area google map highres|zoomlevel

Google earth with markers

Q: Rotating view on Goole Map on browser
A: No (from: You can't rotate or tilt the map using Google Maps on your computer)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

WORD: Mail merge with grouping

How to use mail merge to create a list sorted by category in Word
Just follow first example

If your merge document is using table and you want each group to start on new page, example on "Force each new category to a new page" section won't work
Instead, work on resulted merged document with macro described on this article (by raffaeleambrosio):
Replace character with page break
OR ....
(Never tried it though) Directory Mail Merge with table layout

Delete a table empty rows in word document using VBA

Alternative without using Word / Mail merge at all:
Conditional Page Breaks
Use Subtotal and check "Page break between groups" option

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Terkait AC mobil

Freon AC Mobil Bisa Habis, Salah Besar
untuk umur evaporator itu relatif karena tidak bisa berpatokan dengan jarak tempuh mobil itu sendiri. Jadi harus terhitung saat macet atau mobil dalam berhenti, di mana AC masih menyala, maka normalnya dikalikan tiga dari jarak tempuh dan itu angka valid AC bekerja.
saya temukan customer Toyota Innova 60.000 kilometer (umur evaporator)

Ini Penyebab Umur Pakai AC Pendek
Penyervis AC tidak menyarankan cairan pewangi. "Karena, sifat pewangi - terutama berbentuk gel - menguap dan uapnya tertinggal di evaporator,"
Disarankan, pakai pewangi go green seperti daun pandan atau bubuk kopi.
Sesekali, fungsikan AC sambil membuka kaca jendela antara 10 sampai 15 menit. Lakukan cara seperti ini dua minggu sekali. Langkah ini, untuk mengurangi risiko terhadap penyakit saluran pernafasan

Service Ac Mobil Surabaya Part 2


[Surabaya-Sutorejo] Pemasangan AC Mobil Daihatsu Zebra 1.3

kompressor AC recommended untuk hijet 1000 adalah kompressor AC merk ND yang biasa di pakai di mobil xenia, avanza, ayla, agya dsb
Mengapa menggunakan kompressor AC merk ND?? karena kompressor tersebut sangat kecil dan tidak terlalu mangganggu performa mesin hijet 1000 kamu nantinya

Cara Membersihkan Evaporator AC Mobil Sendiri

Permasalahan seputar Air Conditioning (AC) mobil Suzuki SX4 X-Over
(pentingnya membandingkan beberapa tempat servis AC)

Kompresor AC Mobil serta berapakah harga AC Mobil ?
Apa yang terjadi jika AC mobil anda tidak dingin ? sudah pasti bensin anda akan menjadi lebih boros.
Kebanyakan tempat Service AC Menjawab nya itu masalah nya dari kompresor AC, sehingga custumer mau tidak mau membeli kompresor AC yang baru
Tolong di catat dan di kasih tau orang terdekat anda, jika ada masalah ac mobil yang perlu di perhatikan adalah : GANTI OLI KOMPRESOR NYAƂ  ( BUKAN GANTI KOMPRESOR NYA )

Cegah Kecurangan Saat Service AC Mobil- Jan 2013

from comment :
Kalo mesin kayak berat, ganti aki yang lbh besar amperenya........kalo ac gak dingin, bisa jadi EVAP nya kotor, bisa juga slangnya ada yang bocor

share dimari yang naek espass or daihatsu zebra
mesin daihatsu yang HD ato HC (1.3/1.6) penyakitnye sama, panas gan. mobil ane kalo di bawa konstan 120 kpj lama2 temperatur naek. solusinye ya rajin2 service radiator ato tambah extra fan.
mobil nte blm pake ac kan? kalo mo pake ac, radiator ac ditaronye didepan di bawah bemper, jangan di taro dempetan sama radiator mesin, bisa bikin over heat. trus jangan lupa tambahin extra fan.