Aplikasi Edukasi Anak SD-SMA Belajar Pemrograman Gratis
Monday, December 22, 2014
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Firefox: Can't find "Load images automatically" setting
In Firefox 23 and later you no longer have the "Load images automatically" setting
There is a setting in "Tools > Page Info > Permissions" for individual domains
source: Permissions.default.image
There is a setting in "Tools > Page Info > Permissions" for individual domains
source: Permissions.default.image
Friday, December 5, 2014
HTTrack related
Default behaviour:
Imagine you want to capture the following site:
HTTrack, by default, will capture all links encountered in www.someweb.com/gallery/flowers/ or in lower directories, like www.someweb.com/gallery/flowers/roses/.
It will not follow links to other websites, because this behaviour might cause to capture the Web entirely!
It will NOT follow links located in higher directories, too (for example, www.someweb.com/gallery/flowers/ itself) because this might cause to capture too much data.
This is the default behaviour of HTTrack
source: FAQ
A list of filters works from least important to most important (latter filters take precedence over previous filters)
source: Filters (section: Priorities)
Howto tell httrack to start finishing .tmp files?
You can cancel the mirror (WinHTTrack or WebHTTrack versions only), and let all pending downloads to be finished. Then, httrack will move all tmp files into regular ones.
Mirror specific thread on forum website
Scan rules:
How to log into the Blitz Research website
Note to self:
Didn't work with Hotmail
Error on Firefox7:
Firefox is configured to use a proxy server that is refusing connections
Imagine you want to capture the following site:
HTTrack, by default, will capture all links encountered in www.someweb.com/gallery/flowers/ or in lower directories, like www.someweb.com/gallery/flowers/roses/.
It will not follow links to other websites, because this behaviour might cause to capture the Web entirely!
It will NOT follow links located in higher directories, too (for example, www.someweb.com/gallery/flowers/ itself) because this might cause to capture too much data.
This is the default behaviour of HTTrack
source: FAQ
A list of filters works from least important to most important (latter filters take precedence over previous filters)
source: Filters (section: Priorities)
Howto tell httrack to start finishing .tmp files?
You can cancel the mirror (WinHTTrack or WebHTTrack versions only), and let all pending downloads to be finished. Then, httrack will move all tmp files into regular ones.
Mirror specific thread on forum website
Scan rules:
How to log into the Blitz Research website
Note to self:
Didn't work with Hotmail
Error on Firefox7:
Firefox is configured to use a proxy server that is refusing connections
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Terkait operator seluler
4G yang Merugikan
ternyata taraaaaaa Pulsa Rp 0;. Saya telpon Customer Service Si Kuning menanyakan hal itu, dan ternyata jawaban dari CS terebut bahwa penggunaan akses data di jaringan bukan 4G
ika SmartPhone Anda Dual SIM/Kartu Ganda, ada baiknya Anda membeli Kartu Perdana baru khusus untuk paket internet saja, jangan menggunakan Nomor utama untuk daftar paket Internet. Karena kuatir Nomor Anda tidak bisa dihubungi melalui telpon saat pengaturan jaringan di 4G Only.
Cara Menambah Atau Memperpanjang Masa Aktif Kartu Tri Dengan Voucher Masa Aktif
Masa aktif bakal langsung diperpanjang dari masa aktif terakhir kartu tri Anda.
(jadi bukan dari tanggal memasukkan kode voucher)
Voucher masa aktif ini bersifat akumulatif, jadi Anda bisa sekaligus mengaktifkan 2 voucher untuk mendapatkan penambahan masa aktif selama 8 bulan. Tidak ada aturan khusus untuk voucher masa aktif ini, Anda hanya perlu membeli dan akitfkan vouchernya dengan cara dial *111*KodeVoucher# dan tidak ada masa berlaku untuk voucher ini, jadi Anda bisa simpan untuk stock.
Cara Transfer Pulsa (Semua Operator)
Pengirim dan penerima transfer pulsa harus berada dalam masa aktif
[Tips] Cara Murah dan Kreatif menambah masa aktif kartu Indosat
Telkomsel Halo
cek Rp pemakaian hingga saat ini: *888#
cek nomor sendiri: *808# (cara mengetahui nomor telkomsel kita sendiri)
Cara Mengetahui Nomor Ponsel Sendiri (ALL OPERATOR)
UPDATE XL: *123*7*2*1*1#
ternyata taraaaaaa Pulsa Rp 0;. Saya telpon Customer Service Si Kuning menanyakan hal itu, dan ternyata jawaban dari CS terebut bahwa penggunaan akses data di jaringan bukan 4G
ika SmartPhone Anda Dual SIM/Kartu Ganda, ada baiknya Anda membeli Kartu Perdana baru khusus untuk paket internet saja, jangan menggunakan Nomor utama untuk daftar paket Internet. Karena kuatir Nomor Anda tidak bisa dihubungi melalui telpon saat pengaturan jaringan di 4G Only.
Cara Menambah Atau Memperpanjang Masa Aktif Kartu Tri Dengan Voucher Masa Aktif
Masa aktif bakal langsung diperpanjang dari masa aktif terakhir kartu tri Anda.
(jadi bukan dari tanggal memasukkan kode voucher)
Voucher masa aktif ini bersifat akumulatif, jadi Anda bisa sekaligus mengaktifkan 2 voucher untuk mendapatkan penambahan masa aktif selama 8 bulan. Tidak ada aturan khusus untuk voucher masa aktif ini, Anda hanya perlu membeli dan akitfkan vouchernya dengan cara dial *111*KodeVoucher# dan tidak ada masa berlaku untuk voucher ini, jadi Anda bisa simpan untuk stock.
Cara Transfer Pulsa (Semua Operator)
Pengirim dan penerima transfer pulsa harus berada dalam masa aktif
[Tips] Cara Murah dan Kreatif menambah masa aktif kartu Indosat
Telkomsel Halo
cek Rp pemakaian hingga saat ini: *888#
cek nomor sendiri: *808# (cara mengetahui nomor telkomsel kita sendiri)
Cara Mengetahui Nomor Ponsel Sendiri (ALL OPERATOR)
UPDATE XL: *123*7*2*1*1#
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Telnet related
Testing SMTP Authentication Using OpenSSL
Note to self: Not working with dnet's (cpanel1 ...), session disconnected too fast
+ Working on computer where freeSSHd has "Access Denied" issue
- tab (for autocomplete), backspace (for delete), up arrow (for previous command) not working
* login name is CASE SENSITIVE
Setup SSH Server with freeSSHD
(Note to self) The article contains solution for the following issues:
1.No tray icon
...when FreeSSHDService.exe is re-run, it gives error "The specified address is already in use"
2. Connecting using puTTY "Access Denied" even with the correct username and password
*UPDATE* found 1 situation with win7 when "Access Denied" keep happening even after following the solution
There's more explanation of the behaviour on the last comment of this article:
freeSSHd administrator stupidity, and fix (May 2, 2014 at 5:26 AM by jim jones)
How install fresssshd as service after installation:
run "freeftpdservice.exe /service" from command prompt
PuTTY: How to copy and paste to and from a PuTTY window
To copy from:
..All you have to do is left click and drag to make a selection
..As soon as you let go of the mouse button, the selection is instantly copied to your clipboard and ready to
..be pasted
To paste to:
..Simply right-click to paste
To select and copy a rectangular region:
..Hold down ALT, then click and drag from the top left corner to the bottom right
Note to self: Not working with dnet's (cpanel1 ...), session disconnected too fast
+ Working on computer where freeSSHd has "Access Denied" issue
- tab (for autocomplete), backspace (for delete), up arrow (for previous command) not working
* login name is CASE SENSITIVE
Setup SSH Server with freeSSHD
(Note to self) The article contains solution for the following issues:
1.No tray icon
...when FreeSSHDService.exe is re-run, it gives error "The specified address is already in use"
2. Connecting using puTTY "Access Denied" even with the correct username and password
*UPDATE* found 1 situation with win7 when "Access Denied" keep happening even after following the solution
There's more explanation of the behaviour on the last comment of this article:
freeSSHd administrator stupidity, and fix (May 2, 2014 at 5:26 AM by jim jones)
How install fresssshd as service after installation:
run "freeftpdservice.exe /service" from command prompt
PuTTY: How to copy and paste to and from a PuTTY window
To copy from:
..All you have to do is left click and drag to make a selection
..As soon as you let go of the mouse button, the selection is instantly copied to your clipboard and ready to
..be pasted
To paste to:
..Simply right-click to paste
To select and copy a rectangular region:
..Hold down ALT, then click and drag from the top left corner to the bottom right
Monday, October 13, 2014
Android firewall related
AFWall+: app with wifi permission still can't connect to network
give explicit permission using custom script:
..using SManager, create file named (example) afplus.sh on /data/local folder
..give permissions 0755 (Group/User 0) to the file
..content of file (example):
# Necessary at the beginning of each script!
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" -p TCP --destination-port 3389 -j ACCEPT || exit
..on AFWall+, choose "Set custom script" and fill:
. /data/local/afplus.sh
reference: CustomScripts
ALTERNATIVE: XPrivacy - The ultimate, yet easy to use, privacy manager
* for Lollipop, see Installation section
+ [it can] revoke permission to internet access
Firewall for NON-ROOTED...is it good?
I'm finding that Grey Shirts NoRoot Firewall is being shut down (I guess by VPN conflict) too frequently to be a reliable FW. (source)
NoRoot Firewall privacy concerns, manipulation possible?
give explicit permission using custom script:
..using SManager, create file named (example) afplus.sh on /data/local folder
..give permissions 0755 (Group/User 0) to the file
..content of file (example):
# Necessary at the beginning of each script!
$IPTABLES -A "afwall" -p TCP --destination-port 3389 -j ACCEPT || exit
..on AFWall+, choose "Set custom script" and fill:
. /data/local/afplus.sh
reference: CustomScripts
ALTERNATIVE: XPrivacy - The ultimate, yet easy to use, privacy manager
* for Lollipop, see Installation section
+ [it can] revoke permission to internet access
Firewall for NON-ROOTED...is it good?
I'm finding that Grey Shirts NoRoot Firewall is being shut down (I guess by VPN conflict) too frequently to be a reliable FW. (source)
NoRoot Firewall privacy concerns, manipulation possible?
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Buat/perpanjang paspor online
Cara Buat Paspor Online yang Mudah dan Cepat
Setelah itu Anda akan diminta mengisi alamat rumah dan alamat kantor, kemudian alamat orangtua dan alamat lama yang tidak wajib diisi.
Selain biaya yang sudah tercantum tadi, ada tambahan biaya administrasi bank sebesar Rp5.000, sehingga total menjadi Rp360.000. Bukti atau struk pembayaran agar difotokopi sebanyak 3 lembar
Yang juga perlu dipersiapkan menurut ini:
Bukti Pembayaran
Lampiran PDF pada “Email Konfirmasi Kehadiran” yang telah dicetak menggunakan kertas ukuran A4
Foto Kopi 1 lembar KTP di cetak di kertas ukuran A4, dimana KTP telah diperbesar sekian kali lipat, sehingga dapat dengan mudah dapat dibaca. Disarankan foto kopi di Koperasi yang disediakan di belakang Kantor Imigrasi.
Foto Kopi 1 lembar Akta Kelahiran di kertas ukuran A4, tidak boleh ditekuk atau di potong. Jika terlalu kecil maka harus diperbesar. Jika terlalu besar maka harus diperkecil. Disarankan bawa dari rumah.
Foto Kopi 1 lembar Kartu Keluarga di kertas ukuran A4, tidak boleh ditekuk atau di potong. Jika terlalu kecil maka harus diperbesar. Jika terlalu besar maka harus diperkecil. Disarankan bawa dari rumah.
1 buah materai Rp. 6000. Untuk Haji, diperlukan 2 materai. Jika beli di sana (dijual oleh seseorang sprti PKL), harganya Rp. 8000/materai
Bolpoin warna hitam. Kalau beli di sana (dijual oleh seseorang sprti PKL), harganya Rp. 3000/bolpoin.
*UPDATE* Meskipun banyak artikel menyebutkan bahwa kita harus menyiapkan scan berbagai dokumen, tampaknya telah terjadi perubahan prosedur karena di menu "Petunjuk pengisian Layanan Paspor Online" yang ada di website disebutkan bahwa:
"Pemohon tidak melakukan proses upload lampiran persyaratan, pemohon harus bawa
dokumen persyaratan asli dan fotocopy saat jadwal kedatangan ke Kanim tujuan"
Artikel yg sesuai dg perubahan tsb:
Bikin Paspor via Online Tanpa Upload Dokumen
Cara Perpanjang Paspor Online
Sehabis foto, saya diberikan copy slip bukti bayar dan dicap untuk pengambilan paspor baru adalah 3 hari kerja setelah foto pada jam 13.00-15.30 jadi saya harus ambilnya di hari Senin membawa kertas pengambilan paspor dan slip bukti bayar tersebut
Bagaimana jika ada salah input data saat daftar online?
kemarin juga berfikir seperti itu akan hangus kalau penulisan via online saya ... salah input tanggal lahir. Alhamdulillah saat saya ke kantor imigrasi saya dikasih form lagi sehingga saya bisa menuliskan dengan benar.
Jadi form yang diisi di internet itu sebernarnya hanya formalitas sebagai bukti untuk di bawa ke imigrasi. Walhasil saya bisa mengubah sesuai dengan KTP
Berarti ... paspor br naik cetak setelah kita isi form manual di kanim yang bersangkutan.
Mengurus Paspor
Persyaratan untuk di-submit secara online:
Hasil scan Kartu Keluarga (JPEG, grey scale)
Hasil scan Akte Kelahiran (JPEG, grey scale)
Hasil scan KTP (untuk anak/bayi, KTP yang diperlukan adalah KTP ayah atau ibunya, salah satu saja) (JPEG, grey scale)
Hasil scan paspor lama (bila sudah punya paspor sebelumnya/habis berlaku) (JPEG, grey scale)
Ukuran tinggi badan (dalam cm)
Format hasil scan harus dalam format JPEG dan grey scale. Meskipun tertulis “file tidak boleh lebih dari 1000 KB”, alangkah lebih baik jika ukuran file di bawah 250 KB untuk memudahkan. Karena pengalamanku, file yang berukuran hampir 300 KB saja tidak diizinkan diunggah karena dianggap terlalu besar.
Cara Pembuatan Paspor Anak dan bayi secara ONLINE
Kelemahan Sistem Pendaftaran Paspor Online
[Sebelum memilih Kanim ada baiknya telepon dulu memastikan apa ada stok buku 24h krn di website] Tidak menampilkan paspor apa saja yang tersedia di Kanim. Contohnya saja, sebenarnya ada paspor 24H tapi stoknya habis, sedangkan sudah bayar kan jadinya rugi. Jadi semoga nanti semakin lama, si programmer bisa ngubah sistemnya lebih baik, misalkan memilih kanim terlebih dahulu, sehingga bisa menampilkan paspor apa yang tersedia di Kanim tersebut.
Bila pendaftar paspor masih memiliki status Belum Kawin, maka dibutuhkan surat ijin dari orang tua. Itu juga tidak ditulis di webnya. Dan di surat tersebut perlu tanda tangan ortu pasti menggunakan materai. Setidaknya kalau tau itu, kan bisa ke imigrasi dulu untuk minta surat ijin orang tua, biar bisa dibawa pulang, dan beberapa hari kemudian kembali lagi dengan syarat yang sudah lengkap, biar enggak bolak balik. [atau lihat format surat ijin orang tua di google dengan keyword "form surat ijin orang tua paspor"]
Yang udah kerja, buat surat keterangan kerja, formatnya sudah ada di Kanim.
[atau cari di google dengan keyword "surat keterangan kerja paspor"]
Monday, October 6, 2014
Pertimbangkan sebelum beli apartemen
YLKI punya enam catatan kelam perihal penyelenggaraan apartemen di Indonesia. Pertama, soal pembentukan P3SRS. “Sejumlah pengembang sengaja tidak menjual semua unit rumah susun, sehingga ada kecenderungan dari pengembang untuk menempatkan orang-orangnya duduk dalam kepengurusan P3RS,”
Kedua, masalah kenaikan tarif service charge, yang sering jadi tarik menarik antara penghuni dengan P3SRS yang dikuasai pengembang atau pengelola. Ketiga, kenaikan besaran tarif listrik yang di atas tarif PLN. Keempat, praktik monopoli layanan akses internet yang biasanya disediakan oleh provider yang terafiliasi dengan pengembang. Kelima, persoalan sertifikasi satuan apartemen. Terakhir terkait peraturan daerah tentang rincian untuk jadi dasar pembuatan sertifikat satuan apartemen.
Jangan kira fasilitas KPA hanyalah untuk pembelian apartemen baru saja. Apartemen bekas atau second-pun bisa Anda miliki dengan KPA. Namun, hanya beberapa apartemen yang menawarkan fasilitas KPA untuk pembelian unit apartemen second, Jadi jika berminat untuk membeli apartemen second dengan KPA, pastikan dahulu apakah apartemen tersebut menyediakan fasilitas ini atau tidak. Anda juga bisa bertanya pada bank mengenai tawaran KPA apartemen second yang ada saat ini
sumber: 6 Hal Penting Seputar Kredit Pemilikan Apartemen
Lakukan Ini Kalau Sudah Akad Kredit dengan Bank tapi Developer Ingkar Janji
wajib hukumnya bagi kita untuk memastikan keprofesionalan developer sebelum membeli rumah yang dipasarkannya. Salah satunya lewat Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli (PPJB) yang dikeluarkan pihak developer.
Untuk berjaga-jaga, simpanlah segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan iklan rumah yang ditawarkan. Misalnya brosur, pamflet, atau bahkan pesan BBM dari developer. Dokumen itu bisa dijadikan senjata jika kelak developer mau main-main!
Ask - memperkarakan developer yang ingkar janji
1. Seharusnya developer (marketing) dalam memasarkan produknya akan
menjelaskan fasilitas2 apa saja yang didapat dari pembelian rumah
tersebut. Kalau konsumen masih belum jelas biasanya dipersilahkan untuk
bertanya. (malu bertanya sesat dijalan) \)b
2. Sbg modal tambahan untuk pembangunan, developer akan mempercepat
penjualan produknya sebelum dibangun proyeknya. Biasanya
media yang digunakan melalui brosur, iklan dan media2 lainnya. Brosur
biasanya berisi proyeksi/ rencana2 developer atas produknya (rumah)
tersebut. (biasanya dicantumkan "dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu dan
bukan merupakan bukti penjualan/ perjanjian"). capedes
3. Dalam tahap proyek pembangunan rumah membutuhkan yang lama.
4. Guna mempersiapkan proses balik nama ke konsumen juga membutuhkan
waktu yang lama (pengurusan ijin2, pemecahan sertipikat, dll).
5. Berkaitan dengan poin 3 & 4, karena membutuhkan waktu yang lama
melengkapi syarat2nya, proses penandatanganan AJB tidak dapat
serta merta dilakukan, meskipun konsumen membayar tunai/ cash.
6. Untuk mengatasi hal dalam poin 5, pada saat pembelian, konsumen
diberikan bukti pemesanan yang berisi produk yang dibeli konsumen.
7. Bukti pemesanan dalam poin 6 diatas akan dikuatkan dengan pengikatan
/ penandatanganan perjanjian (Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli/ PPJB) antara
developer dengan konsumen. PPJB berisi hak dan kewajiban, perbuatan2
yang boleh/ tidak boleh dilakukan oleh developer dan konsumen. PPJB inilah
yang menjadi pegangan konsumen atas produk yang dibelinya.
8. Setelah syarat2 dalam poin 3 & 4 dan syarat lainnya dianggap lengkap,
maka dilakukan penandatanganan AJB didepan Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah
(PPAT), sebagai bukti bahwa kepemilikan produk tersebut telah berpindah ke
konsumen. Dalam AJB biasanya tercantum: pihak2 yg
melakukan pengikatan, objek pengikatan (hanya tanah dan/atau bangunan),
hak atas objek pengikatan, harga pengikatan, dll).
9. AJB sebagai dasar dilakukannya perubahan nama (balik nama) dalam
Bagaimana memahami Strata Title dengan cara yang mudah?
kekuatirannya adalah takut kalau-kalau terjadi musibah gempa, kebakaran atau apapun yang membuat gedung tersebut runtuh maka muncul dikepala bahwa akhirnya H. Sarusun (Hak Satuan Rumah Susun atau sertifikat Hak Strata Title) yang dimiliki menjadi hanya selembar kertas saja tanpa Unit!
[ada yang namanya] asuransi Business Interuption ―Asuransi yang mengcover kehilangan pendapatan sewa selama masa pembangunan kembali gedung yang runtuh
Kami tidak sarankan beli unit apartemen yang tanahnya HGB tapi diatas HPL.
HPL = Hak Pengelolaan(?)
Status Kepemilikan Apartemen SHM, HGB Murni atau HPL?
Status yang paling aman adalah pihak developer mengantongi status HGB Hak Milik yang artinya tanah yang dibangun adalah milik developer dan perlu diperjelas apakah tanah apartemen tersebut menjadi pemilik unit dengan perbandingan rata-rata luas unit yang dimiliki dengan total unit yang ada, atau tidak. Biasanya jika pemilik unit menjadi pemilik tanah maka harga apartemen tersebut akan menjadi sangat mahal.
Status yang aman kedua adalah HGB Murni karena tanah apartemen milik negara yang mana jika negara meminta tanah tersebut dikembalikan maka negara akan membayar sebesar 80% dari harga tanah saat itu dan masing masing pemilik akan mendapatkan proporsional berdasarkan luas unit yang dimiliki dibagi dengan total luas unit yang ada.
Status yang sangat tidak aman adalah developer hanya mengantongi ijin HGB HPL saja yang mana jika pemilik tanah (pihak ketiga) meminta tanahnya kembali setelah masa HGB berakhir maka pemilik unit rumah susun tidak akan mendapatkan penggantian sepeserpun.
Alangkah baiknya jika anda di saat akan membeli sebuah apartemen baru, di usahakan agar bisa mendapatkan no registrasi HGB, IMB & SIPPT yang mana bisa di cek sendiri legalitasnya di BPN & BPP Pemda agar lebih yakin lagi status kepemilikan mana yang ingin anda peroleh.
- Cuci kendaraan harus ke tempat cuci
- Ke parkir "jauh"
- Cuma dapet hak bangunan, ga ada tanah, jadi kalo (amit2) gempa dan ancur abis
tidak ada sst u/ di-claim
- Keamanan bila terjadi bencana gempa
* Operational cost
* Suara/keributan tetangga terdengar jelas?
* Kerusakan bangunan/instalasi(air,listrik) tanggung jawab siapa?
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Postgres related
Forgotten PostgreSQL Windows password
[database vs] schema
Log changes made by users:
Audit trigger 91plus
Note to self:
From experience with idempiere database on Postgres 9.4, the code need to be changed:
from "quote_ident(target_table::text)" to "target_table"
Related to that matter:
Define table and column names as arguments in a plpgsql function?
SQL injection in Postgres functions vs prepared queries
Unexpected behavior of dynamic SQL using regclass
Function to activate audit trigger on several tables at one (related to Audit trigger 91plus):
--- code start ---
_schema_ character varying,
_table_regexp_ character varying)
RETURNS SETOF character varying AS
result VARCHAR := '';
FOR result IN SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = $1 AND table_name ~* $2 and table_type = 'BASE TABLE' ORDER BY table_name
perform audit.audit_table($1 || '.' || result);
COST 100
ROWS 1000;
ALTER FUNCTION audit.mass_on(character varying, character varying)
OWNER TO postgres;
Function to de-activate audit trigger on several tables at one (related to Audit trigger 91plus):
--- code start ---
_schema_ character varying,
_table_regexp_ character varying)
RETURNS SETOF character varying AS
result VARCHAR := '';
FOR result IN SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = $1 AND table_name ~* $2 and table_type = 'BASE TABLE' ORDER BY table_name
EXECUTE 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS audit_trigger_row ON ' || $1 || '.' || result;
EXECUTE 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS audit_trigger_stm ON ' || $1 || '.' || result;
COST 100
ROWS 1000;
ALTER FUNCTION audit.mass_off(character varying, character varying)
OWNER TO postgres;
Function to search schema for specified table name (partial name supported, related to Audit trigger 91plus):
--- code start ---
_schema_ character varying,
_table_regexp_ character varying)
RETURNS SETOF character varying AS
result VARCHAR := '';
FOR result IN SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = $1 AND table_name ~* $2 ORDER BY table_name
COST 100
ROWS 1000;
ALTER FUNCTION audit.list_tables(character varying, character varying)
OWNER TO postgres;
Debug PostgreSQL function using pgAdmin
Re-add database from files on disk:
Recover postgreSQL databases from raw physical files
Physical location of database files:
Where does PostgreSQL store the database?
Database backup using SQL Dump
An important advantage of pg_dump over the other backup methods described later is that pg_dump's output can generally be re-loaded into newer versions of PostgreSQL, whereas file-level backups and continuous archiving are both extremely server-version-specific. pg_dump is also the only method that will work when transferring a database to a different machine architecture, such as going from a 32-bit to a 64-bit server
How do I specify a password to psql non-interactively?
Set the PGPASSWORD environment variable ... before calling psql
[database vs] schema
Log changes made by users:
Audit trigger 91plus
Note to self:
From experience with idempiere database on Postgres 9.4, the code need to be changed:
from "quote_ident(target_table::text)" to "target_table"
Related to that matter:
Define table and column names as arguments in a plpgsql function?
SQL injection in Postgres functions vs prepared queries
Unexpected behavior of dynamic SQL using regclass
Function to activate audit trigger on several tables at one (related to Audit trigger 91plus):
--- code start ---
_schema_ character varying,
_table_regexp_ character varying)
RETURNS SETOF character varying AS
result VARCHAR := '';
FOR result IN SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = $1 AND table_name ~* $2 and table_type = 'BASE TABLE' ORDER BY table_name
perform audit.audit_table($1 || '.' || result);
COST 100
ROWS 1000;
ALTER FUNCTION audit.mass_on(character varying, character varying)
OWNER TO postgres;
--- code finish ---
Sample usage:
select audit.mass_on('adempiere','_');
Function to de-activate audit trigger on several tables at one (related to Audit trigger 91plus):
--- code start ---
_schema_ character varying,
_table_regexp_ character varying)
RETURNS SETOF character varying AS
result VARCHAR := '';
FOR result IN SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = $1 AND table_name ~* $2 and table_type = 'BASE TABLE' ORDER BY table_name
EXECUTE 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS audit_trigger_row ON ' || $1 || '.' || result;
EXECUTE 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS audit_trigger_stm ON ' || $1 || '.' || result;
COST 100
ROWS 1000;
ALTER FUNCTION audit.mass_off(character varying, character varying)
OWNER TO postgres;
--- code finish ---
Sample usage:
select audit.mass_off('adempiere','pa_');
--- code start ---
_schema_ character varying,
_table_regexp_ character varying)
RETURNS SETOF character varying AS
result VARCHAR := '';
FOR result IN SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = $1 AND table_name ~* $2 ORDER BY table_name
COST 100
ROWS 1000;
ALTER FUNCTION audit.list_tables(character varying, character varying)
OWNER TO postgres;
--- code finsh ---
Sample usage:
select audit.list_tables('adempiere','ad_');
Re-add database from files on disk:
Recover postgreSQL databases from raw physical files
Physical location of database files:
Where does PostgreSQL store the database?
Database backup using SQL Dump
An important advantage of pg_dump over the other backup methods described later is that pg_dump's output can generally be re-loaded into newer versions of PostgreSQL, whereas file-level backups and continuous archiving are both extremely server-version-specific. pg_dump is also the only method that will work when transferring a database to a different machine architecture, such as going from a 32-bit to a 64-bit server
How do I specify a password to psql non-interactively?
Set the PGPASSWORD environment variable ... before calling psql
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Eclipse related
Use existing workspace with newer version of Eclipse?
In theory, new versions of Eclipse should update your workspace and project files just fine. In practice, they can become corrupted. My new rule is to create a new workspace for every major version upgrade of Eclipse (maybe more often if you’re cautious). Then I copy those projects and import the copy. This ensures I have a backup plan should something go awry. You may need to reimport your project(s) if there’s a problem that won’t go away after an upgrade.
How to find out if an installed Eclipse is 32 or 64 bit version?
Hit Ctrl+Alt+Del to open the Windows Task manager and switch to the processes tab, OR
Open eclipse.ini in the installation directory, and observe the 4th line
32-bit programs should be marked with *32
Running 32 bit applicayion on 64 bit Eclipse
Using a 32-bit JRE with a 64-bit eclipse:
Just include the 32bit JRE as an additional Java runtime in the configuration and use it for your project.
In theory, new versions of Eclipse should update your workspace and project files just fine. In practice, they can become corrupted. My new rule is to create a new workspace for every major version upgrade of Eclipse (maybe more often if you’re cautious). Then I copy those projects and import the copy. This ensures I have a backup plan should something go awry. You may need to reimport your project(s) if there’s a problem that won’t go away after an upgrade.
How to find out if an installed Eclipse is 32 or 64 bit version?
Hit Ctrl+Alt+Del to open the Windows Task manager and switch to the processes tab, OR
Open eclipse.ini in the installation directory, and observe the 4th line
32-bit programs should be marked with *32
Running 32 bit applicayion on 64 bit Eclipse
Using a 32-bit JRE with a 64-bit eclipse:
Just include the 32bit JRE as an additional Java runtime in the configuration and use it for your project.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
"Net send" related
To send messages to all users currently open documents stored on server XYZ :
from Command prompt on XYZ, type : NEt SEND /USERS "message"
Could not send to ANY computer with error "message alias could not be found"
Messenger service is probably stopped
suddenly not working
An error occured while sending a message to ...
A general network error occured
Restart Messenger service
Free client (receive only): Winsent Innocenti
how to send multi-line message
Press CTRL+T after the last character of a line.
see How can I NET SEND a multi-line message? for alternative ways
Maximum allowed length of a broadcast message is 128 characters. Maximum allowed length of a personal message is 1600 characters.
source: NET SEND command reference
from Command prompt on XYZ, type : NEt SEND /USERS "message"
Could not send to ANY computer with error "message alias could not be found"
Messenger service is probably stopped
suddenly not working
An error occured while sending a message to ...
A general network error occured
Restart Messenger service
Free client (receive only): Winsent Innocenti
how to send multi-line message
Press CTRL+T after the last character of a line.
see How can I NET SEND a multi-line message? for alternative ways
Maximum allowed length of a broadcast message is 128 characters. Maximum allowed length of a personal message is 1600 characters.
source: NET SEND command reference
Friday, September 12, 2014
Accesories for smartphone/tablet
Mini Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard, 2 Colors Available.
Jakarta Rp. 109.000,-
Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Mini
Jakarta 139.000
Bluetooth Keyboard Wireless Waterproof Roll I Jual Bluetooth Keyboard
Jogja Rp 175.000
how to pair mi bluetooth headset with laptop
How to Pair Bluetooth Headphones to Smartphone and PC or Tablet at the Same Time!
Jakarta Rp. 109.000,-
Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Mini
Jakarta 139.000
Bluetooth Keyboard Wireless Waterproof Roll I Jual Bluetooth Keyboard
Jogja Rp 175.000
how to pair mi bluetooth headset with laptop
How to Pair Bluetooth Headphones to Smartphone and PC or Tablet at the Same Time!
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
“Insufficient storage available” related
Fastest/easy way to move ALL apps back to [original] internal storage/memory prior to changing/formatting:
Multi-select \ Select all \ Move to phone (and/or Remove Link?)
Uninstalling Link2SD will NOT do the trick (see FAQ: What happens to my linked apps if I uninstall the Link2SD app?)
Free up /system storage
Q: Looking at the storage info within Link2SD I see that I only have 2% of my /system storage free
removing system apps will NOT give you anymore user available space, but integrating updates of system app will, link2sd can [do] this now. Low "/system" storage should not give you any problems since items in there are pretty much static
Better not upgrade to KitKat if still want to use Link2SD
Note from Link2SD 3.5.2 version (click "View page source" on "Reviews" section):
KITKAT NOTICE In Android KitKat is not legally possible to write files to any location on external SD card. So the functionality of the app limits to internal storage on KitKat. If you have a rooted device you can try a fix: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nextapp.sdfix
*UPDATE Jan 8, 2015 Found this:
Unlock external SD Card writing for all apps in Android 4.4 KitKat
Comment by SonicX (search string "Link2SD") might be useful; never tried it though
Link2SD - missing apps after reboot
Posted on Nov 13, 2014:
The "Link Internal Data" option in the paid version seems to be the culprit. This is buggy and stopped using it after a few apps disappeared after using this option.
Another suggestion from this:
Start link2sd and click menu button>more>quickreboot and all the "missing apps" are going to be available again for all your needs!
Increase internal memory in Android Mobiles in easy steps
Is it safe to resize 2nd partition (ext2) used by Link2SD after some time?
seriously to say i wouldn't recommend to restore that ext partition.. As you are saying you want to restore your config of Link2sd.. Well to say it will not work cz the system links get disturbed due to removal of partition or modify..
well best to say i would recommend to take a backup of your ROM then partition the card..
Well to say i would recommend to you first switch off your phone.. Put it in card reader then partition it..
Restore the backup then see if it works.. I think you are on stock rom..
You can try this method:
1. Make a backup of your current ROM Using the recovery..
2. Switch off the phone then put it in card reader.. Re partition your card using card reader..
3. Then restore the backup..
See if this works..
source: Extend EXT2 partition without losing data
Link2SD: mount script created but link2sd.log says "No such file..." or "Device or resource busy"
(NOT TRIED YET) Problem with link2sd
Important topics from Link2SD FAQ
You need to use a non-FAT file system (ext2, ext3, ext4 or f2fs) on your second partition in order to link app's private data files. Because the FAT file system (FAT16, FAT32 or exFAT) does not support UNIX file ownership or permissions and will cause a security breakdown of app's private files. Link2SD Plus can move app's private data files if you have a non-FAT partition.
What is the difference between “Move To SD Card (Native to Android)" and “Create (Symbolic) Link” in Link2SD?
Click "Create Link":
..move and link applications to 2nd partition with Link2SD.
..You can see "Linked -> SD card" label for linked apps
click "Move to SD":
..app will be moved to first partition with native app2sd method of Android OS.
..You can see "on SD Card" label for those apps
What does it mean to freeze an app - what is the benefit of doing that?
I see -Updated- label on some applications, what does it mean?
“Insufficient Storage Available” even there is lot of free space in device memory
Dial *#9900# (for Samsung only?)
see rhlee's answer for how to do the same thing if you get the "invalid MMI" error when you try this on a rooted, modded phone.
Basically, Delete dumpstate/logcat in SysDump clears out the log files in /data/log. But you can also do this manually without SysDump
Increase Internal Storage of Micromax A110 and any MTK Device
'Insufficient Storage Available' is one of Android's greatest annoyances. Here's how to fix it.
You can get a big-picture look at what is using up your internal and external space by installing DiskUsage, a free app that visualizes what's sitting around in storage.
Self experience: Cache of Download Manager
“Insufficient storage available”. Ok, but where?
[GUIDE] [FAT32] [EXT4] [SWAP] [2.3+] How to Partition your Android MicroSD Card
Multi-select \ Select all \ Move to phone (and/or Remove Link?)
Uninstalling Link2SD will NOT do the trick (see FAQ: What happens to my linked apps if I uninstall the Link2SD app?)
Free up /system storage
Q: Looking at the storage info within Link2SD I see that I only have 2% of my /system storage free
removing system apps will NOT give you anymore user available space, but integrating updates of system app will, link2sd can [do] this now. Low "/system" storage should not give you any problems since items in there are pretty much static
Better not upgrade to KitKat if still want to use Link2SD
Note from Link2SD 3.5.2 version (click "View page source" on "Reviews" section):
KITKAT NOTICE In Android KitKat is not legally possible to write files to any location on external SD card. So the functionality of the app limits to internal storage on KitKat. If you have a rooted device you can try a fix: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nextapp.sdfix
*UPDATE Jan 8, 2015 Found this:
Unlock external SD Card writing for all apps in Android 4.4 KitKat
Comment by SonicX (search string "Link2SD") might be useful; never tried it though
Link2SD - missing apps after reboot
Posted on Nov 13, 2014:
The "Link Internal Data" option in the paid version seems to be the culprit. This is buggy and stopped using it after a few apps disappeared after using this option.
Another suggestion from this:
Start link2sd and click menu button>more>quickreboot and all the "missing apps" are going to be available again for all your needs!
Increase internal memory in Android Mobiles in easy steps
Is it safe to resize 2nd partition (ext2) used by Link2SD after some time?
seriously to say i wouldn't recommend to restore that ext partition.. As you are saying you want to restore your config of Link2sd.. Well to say it will not work cz the system links get disturbed due to removal of partition or modify..
well best to say i would recommend to take a backup of your ROM then partition the card..
Well to say i would recommend to you first switch off your phone.. Put it in card reader then partition it..
Restore the backup then see if it works.. I think you are on stock rom..
You can try this method:
1. Make a backup of your current ROM Using the recovery..
2. Switch off the phone then put it in card reader.. Re partition your card using card reader..
3. Then restore the backup..
See if this works..
source: Extend EXT2 partition without losing data
Link2SD: mount script created but link2sd.log says "No such file..." or "Device or resource busy"
(NOT TRIED YET) Problem with link2sd
Important topics from Link2SD FAQ
You need to use a non-FAT file system (ext2, ext3, ext4 or f2fs) on your second partition in order to link app's private data files. Because the FAT file system (FAT16, FAT32 or exFAT) does not support UNIX file ownership or permissions and will cause a security breakdown of app's private files. Link2SD Plus can move app's private data files if you have a non-FAT partition.
What is the difference between “Move To SD Card (Native to Android)" and “Create (Symbolic) Link” in Link2SD?
Click "Create Link":
..move and link applications to 2nd partition with Link2SD.
..You can see "Linked -> SD card" label for linked apps
click "Move to SD":
..app will be moved to first partition with native app2sd method of Android OS.
..You can see "on SD Card" label for those apps
What does it mean to freeze an app - what is the benefit of doing that?
I see -Updated- label on some applications, what does it mean?
“Insufficient Storage Available” even there is lot of free space in device memory
Dial *#9900# (for Samsung only?)
see rhlee's answer for how to do the same thing if you get the "invalid MMI" error when you try this on a rooted, modded phone.
Basically, Delete dumpstate/logcat in SysDump clears out the log files in /data/log. But you can also do this manually without SysDump
Increase Internal Storage of Micromax A110 and any MTK Device
'Insufficient Storage Available' is one of Android's greatest annoyances. Here's how to fix it.
You can get a big-picture look at what is using up your internal and external space by installing DiskUsage, a free app that visualizes what's sitting around in storage.
Self experience: Cache of Download Manager
“Insufficient storage available”. Ok, but where?
[GUIDE] [FAT32] [EXT4] [SWAP] [2.3+] How to Partition your Android MicroSD Card
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
List all characters for certain pinyin
Tips: How to Use Google Pinyin Chinese Input Method
Download link:
Link 1
Link 2
To show/hide google pinyin toolbar: press ‘Alt’ + ‘Shift’
Use "Search by pinyin" on the left pane
Click on pinyin and link to characters will appear on top of the page
Tips: How to Use Google Pinyin Chinese Input Method
Download link:
Link 1
Link 2
To show/hide google pinyin toolbar: press ‘Alt’ + ‘Shift’
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Hunt for tablet with 10" display and minimum of 4GB RAM
Xiaomi Mi Pad 4 Plus Phablet Review MAR 8, 2019
What Works for Mi Pad 4 Plus
Sleek design
10.1-inch Full HD IPS-LCD screen
Fingerprint sensor
Impressive battery performance
Where Xiaomi Mi Pad 4 Plus fails
Subpar speakers
Lack of Google Play Store
The Google Play Store is missing from the tablet but it can be installed from the Mi App Store with ease.
The brightness, contrast, and color reproduction are good enough to support usage in indoor settings as well as outdoors as long as you are using it in the shadows without straining the eyes. The screen does get quite dark in direct sunlight. For those who prefer customized color and contrast settings, there is plenty of room adjust the setting to one’s personal liking.
Tablet Xiaomi Mi Pad 4 Plus 4/64 GB 10.1 inch - Garansi 1 Tahun - Hitam Rp 4.300.000
GSMArena review/opinions/discussion
Q: Dapat Rom abal abal. Mipad jalan tetapi sering system crash notif. Miui version ndak muncul. Tidak ada developer option. Bootloader device unlock tetapi jika dicek dg pc ternyata lock.
Sudah semua cara sy ikuti untuk unlock bootloader munculnya token salah. Langsung coba flashrom pakai twrp gagal, recovery img tidak terdeteksi, padahal sudah matikan pengenalan info device di windows. Memakai cara miflash tool gagal mengenali.
Adakah petunjuk cara selain test point? Trims
A: Kalau gak mau ribet sih tinggal test point aja gan. Tapi sebelum flashing, Pastikan akun mi ente adalah yg "authorized account"
Ga ada global stable resmi gan, ROM resmi cuma official China aja. Ane pake ROM official China OK ko, ga ada masalah. Tapi sekarang pake Xiaomi EU lebih mantap lagi, ga ada aplikasi China bawaan, semuanya lancarrrrrrr jaya.
Q: Today I received the Xiaomi MiPad 4 purchased on Aliexpress with the multilanguage room and the Bootloader unlocked, I was going to enter the room xiaomi.eu but getting into settings and going to the installed version I put that is the MIUI BY XIAOMI .EU 10.3 Stable. MIUI (odjcnfi) Android version 8.1.0
This means that it already comes with that room and that I do not have to do anything anymore?
A: It seems that you have the Xiaomi.eu ROM , it remains to be seen if they have installed it by means of the recovery, or they have only booted in recovery to flash the ROM and then continue the tablet with the original recovery of MIUI.
Turn off the tablet and turn it on in the recovery mode. Vol + and power button, when you turn on the tablet you release the power button but continue pressing vol + until you access the recovery. That's when you'll have to check which recovery starts, original, or the TWRP.
If you do not have TWRP, you should install it to continue using the Xiaomi.eu ROM correctly .
What Works for Mi Pad 4 Plus
Sleek design
10.1-inch Full HD IPS-LCD screen
Fingerprint sensor
Impressive battery performance
Where Xiaomi Mi Pad 4 Plus fails
Subpar speakers
Lack of Google Play Store
The Google Play Store is missing from the tablet but it can be installed from the Mi App Store with ease.
The brightness, contrast, and color reproduction are good enough to support usage in indoor settings as well as outdoors as long as you are using it in the shadows without straining the eyes. The screen does get quite dark in direct sunlight. For those who prefer customized color and contrast settings, there is plenty of room adjust the setting to one’s personal liking.
Tablet Xiaomi Mi Pad 4 Plus 4/64 GB 10.1 inch - Garansi 1 Tahun - Hitam Rp 4.300.000
GSMArena review/opinions/discussion
Q: Dapat Rom abal abal. Mipad jalan tetapi sering system crash notif. Miui version ndak muncul. Tidak ada developer option. Bootloader device unlock tetapi jika dicek dg pc ternyata lock.
Sudah semua cara sy ikuti untuk unlock bootloader munculnya token salah. Langsung coba flashrom pakai twrp gagal, recovery img tidak terdeteksi, padahal sudah matikan pengenalan info device di windows. Memakai cara miflash tool gagal mengenali.
Adakah petunjuk cara selain test point? Trims
A: Kalau gak mau ribet sih tinggal test point aja gan. Tapi sebelum flashing, Pastikan akun mi ente adalah yg "authorized account"
Ga ada global stable resmi gan, ROM resmi cuma official China aja. Ane pake ROM official China OK ko, ga ada masalah. Tapi sekarang pake Xiaomi EU lebih mantap lagi, ga ada aplikasi China bawaan, semuanya lancarrrrrrr jaya.
Q: Today I received the Xiaomi MiPad 4 purchased on Aliexpress with the multilanguage room and the Bootloader unlocked, I was going to enter the room xiaomi.eu but getting into settings and going to the installed version I put that is the MIUI BY XIAOMI .EU 10.3 Stable. MIUI (odjcnfi) Android version 8.1.0
This means that it already comes with that room and that I do not have to do anything anymore?
A: It seems that you have the Xiaomi.eu ROM , it remains to be seen if they have installed it by means of the recovery, or they have only booted in recovery to flash the ROM and then continue the tablet with the original recovery of MIUI.
Turn off the tablet and turn it on in the recovery mode. Vol + and power button, when you turn on the tablet you release the power button but continue pressing vol + until you access the recovery. That's when you'll have to check which recovery starts, original, or the TWRP.
If you do not have TWRP, you should install it to continue using the Xiaomi.eu ROM correctly .
Monday, September 1, 2014
Unsolved cases
How to configure Windows Firewall to allow EXPLORER.EXE's outbound connection to LAN but not to Internet
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
WinPCap related
Change auto-start-at-boot setting:
[Winpcap-users] question about NPF driver
just type "sc config npf start= " to see available options and values
Note that "A space is required between the equal sign and the value"
Stopping the WinPcap Packet capture service
net stop npf
Where to find WinPcap in system control? (on Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit)
How can I directly confirm that this "service" is running on Windows 8?
WinPcap is a service (but mainly a driver), named NetGroup Packet Filter Driver. The fact is that it cannot be seen in the Windows Services Manager
[Winpcap-users] question about NPF driver
just type "sc config npf start= " to see available options and values
Note that "A space is required between the equal sign and the value"
Stopping the WinPcap Packet capture service
net stop npf
Where to find WinPcap in system control? (on Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit)
How can I directly confirm that this "service" is running on Windows 8?
WinPcap is a service (but mainly a driver), named NetGroup Packet Filter Driver. The fact is that it cannot be seen in the Windows Services Manager
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Selalu muncul popup stok tidak cukup saat input SO padahal "Item Availibility" cukup
Salah satu tambahan code di bawah ini akan memudahkan penelusuran:
Codeunit 5790 Available to Promise:
di function QtyAvailabletoPromise:
MESSAGE('%1**%2**%3**%4',Item.Inventory,Item."Reserved Qty. on Inventory", ScheduledReceipt,GrossRequirement);
ATAU, di function CalcGrossRequirement:
MESSAGE('%1**%2',Item."Scheduled Need (Qty.)",Item."Res. Qty. on Prod. Order Comp.");
MESSAGE('%1**%2**%3',Item."Planning Issues (Qty.)",Item."Qty. on Sales Order",Item."Reserved Qty. on Sales Orders");
MESSAGE('%1**%2**%3',Item."Trans. Ord. Shipment (Qty.)",Item."Res. Qty. on Outbound Transfer", QtyOnPurchReturn);
Yang pernah terjadi adalah banyak PRO outstanding dimana hal tsb tidak diperhitungkan (tidak tampak) bila dilihat dari menu/form "Item Availibility"
Rumus utk kolom "Projected Available Balance" di report "Item Availibility":
Codeunit 5790 Available to Promise:
di function QtyAvailabletoPromise:
MESSAGE('%1**%2**%3**%4',Item.Inventory,Item."Reserved Qty. on Inventory", ScheduledReceipt,GrossRequirement);
ATAU, di function CalcGrossRequirement:
MESSAGE('%1**%2',Item."Scheduled Need (Qty.)",Item."Res. Qty. on Prod. Order Comp.");
MESSAGE('%1**%2**%3',Item."Planning Issues (Qty.)",Item."Qty. on Sales Order",Item."Reserved Qty. on Sales Orders");
MESSAGE('%1**%2**%3',Item."Trans. Ord. Shipment (Qty.)",Item."Res. Qty. on Outbound Transfer", QtyOnPurchReturn);
Yang pernah terjadi adalah banyak PRO outstanding dimana hal tsb tidak diperhitungkan (tidak tampak) bila dilihat dari menu/form "Item Availibility"
Rumus utk kolom "Projected Available Balance" di report "Item Availibility":
Inventory | + | PlannedOrderReceipt | + | ScheduledReceipt | - | GrossRequirement |
= Planning Receipt (Qty.) + | = ("Scheduled Receipt (Qty.)" - "Reserved Qty. on Prod. Order") + | = ("Scheduled Need (Qty.)" - "Res. Qty. on Prod. Order Comp.") + | ||||
Planned Order Receipt (Qty.) + | ( Purch. Req. Receipt (Qty.) - "Res. Qty. on Req. Line") + | Planning Issues (Qty.) + | ||||
Purch. Req. Receipt (Qty.) | ("Qty. on Purch. Order" - "Reserved Qty. on Purch. Orders") + | ("Qty. on Sales Order" - "Reserved Qty. on Sales Orders") + | ||||
("Trans. Ord. Receipt (Qty.)" - "Res. Qty. on Inbound Transfer") + | ("Qty. on Service Order" - "Res. Qty. on Service Orders") + | |||||
"Qty. in Transit" + | ("Trans. Ord. Shipment (Qty.)" - "Res. Qty. on Outbound Transfer") + | |||||
QtyOnSalesReturn | QtyOnPurchReturn |
Qty. on Purch. Order | Sum("Purchase Line"."Outstanding Qty. (Base)" WHERE (Document Type=CONST(Order),Type=CONST(Item),No.=FIELD(No.),Shortcut Dimension 1 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 1 Filter),Shortcut Dimension 2 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 2 Filter),Location Code=FIELD(Location Filter),Drop Shipment=FIELD(Drop Shipment Filter),Variant Code=FIELD(Variant Filter),Expected Receipt Date=FIELD(Date Filter))) | |
Reserved Qty. on Purch. Orders | Sum("Reservation Entry"."Quantity (Base)" WHERE (Item No.=FIELD(No.),Source Type=CONST(39),Source Subtype=CONST(1),Reservation Status=CONST(Reservation),Location Code=FIELD(Location Filter),Variant Code=FIELD(Variant Filter),Expected Receipt Date=FIELD(Date Filter))) | |
Res. Qty. on Outbound Transfer | -Sum("Reservation Entry"."Quantity (Base)" WHERE (Item No.=FIELD(No.),Source Type=CONST(5741),Source Subtype=CONST(0),Reservation Status=CONST(Reservation),Location Code=FIELD(Location Filter),Variant Code=FIELD(Variant Filter),Shipment Date=FIELD(Date Filter))) | |
Scheduled Receipt (Qty.) | Sum("Prod. Order Line"."Remaining Qty. (Base)" WHERE (Status=FILTER(Planned..Released),Item No.=FIELD(No.),Variant Code=FIELD(Variant Filter),Shortcut Dimension 1 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 1 Filter),Shortcut Dimension 2 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 2 Filter),Location Code=FIELD(Location Filter),Due Date=FIELD(Date Filter))) | |
Scheduled Need (Qty.) | Sum("Prod. Order Component"."Remaining Qty. (Base)" WHERE (Status=FILTER(Planned..Released),Item No.=FIELD(No.),Variant Code=FIELD(Variant Filter),Shortcut Dimension 1 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 1 Filter),Shortcut Dimension 2 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 2 Filter),Location Code=FIELD(Location Filter),Due Date=FIELD(Date Filter))) | |
Reserved Qty. on Prod. Order | Sum("Reservation Entry"."Quantity (Base)" WHERE (Item No.=FIELD(No.),Source Type=CONST(5406),Source Subtype=FILTER(1..3),Reservation Status=CONST(Reservation),Location Code=FIELD(Location Filter),Variant Code=FIELD(Variant Filter),Expected Receipt Date=FIELD(Date Filter))) | |
Res. Qty. on Prod. Order Comp. | -Sum("Reservation Entry"."Quantity (Base)" WHERE (Item No.=FIELD(No.),Source Type=CONST(5407),Source Subtype=FILTER(1..3),Reservation Status=CONST(Reservation),Location Code=FIELD(Location Filter),Variant Code=FIELD(Variant Filter),Shipment Date=FIELD(Date Filter))) | |
Res. Qty. on Req. Line | Sum("Reservation Entry"."Quantity (Base)" WHERE (Item No.=FIELD(No.),Source Type=CONST(246),Source Subtype=FILTER(0),Reservation Status=CONST(Reservation),Location Code=FIELD(Location Filter),Variant Code=FIELD(Variant Filter),Expected Receipt Date=FIELD(Date Filter))) | |
Qty. in Transit | Sum("Transfer Line"."Qty. in Transit (Base)" WHERE (Derived From Line No.=CONST(0),Item No.=FIELD(No.),Transfer-to Code=FIELD(Location Filter),Variant Code=FIELD(Variant Filter),Shortcut Dimension 1 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 1 Filter),Shortcut Dimension 2 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 2 Filter),Receipt Date=FIELD(Date Filter))) | |
Trans. Ord. Receipt (Qty.) | Sum("Transfer Line"."Outstanding Qty. (Base)" WHERE (Derived From Line No.=CONST(0),Item No.=FIELD(No.),Transfer-to Code=FIELD(Location Filter),Variant Code=FIELD(Variant Filter),Shortcut Dimension 1 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 1 Filter),Shortcut Dimension 2 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 2 Filter),Receipt Date=FIELD(Date Filter))) | |
Planning Issues (Qty.) | Sum("Planning Component"."Expected Quantity (Base)" WHERE (Item No.=FIELD(No.),Due Date=FIELD(Date Filter),Location Code=FIELD(Location Filter),Variant Code=FIELD(Variant Filter),Shortcut Dimension 1 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 1 Filter),Shortcut Dimension 2 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 2 Filter),Planning Line Origin=CONST(" "))) | |
Planning Receipt (Qty.) | Sum("Requisition Line"."Quantity (Base)" WHERE (Type=CONST(Item),No.=FIELD(No.),Due Date=FIELD(Date Filter),Location Code=FIELD(Location Filter),Variant Code=FIELD(Variant Filter),Shortcut Dimension 1 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 1 Filter),Shortcut Dimension 2 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 2 Filter))) | |
Planned Order Receipt (Qty.) | Sum("Prod. Order Line"."Remaining Qty. (Base)" WHERE (Status=CONST(Planned),Item No.=FIELD(No.),Variant Code=FIELD(Variant Filter),Shortcut Dimension 1 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 1 Filter),Shortcut Dimension 2 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 2 Filter),Location Code=FIELD(Location Filter),Due Date=FIELD(Date Filter))) | |
Purch. Req. Receipt (Qty.) | Sum("Requisition Line"."Quantity (Base)" WHERE (Type=CONST(Item),No.=FIELD(No.),Variant Code=FIELD(Variant Filter),Location Code=FIELD(Location Filter),Shortcut Dimension 1 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 1 Filter),Shortcut Dimension 2 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 2 Filter),Due Date=FIELD(Date Filter),Planning Line Origin=CONST(" "))) | |
Reserved Qty. on Inventory | Sum("Reservation Entry"."Quantity (Base)" WHERE (Item No.=FIELD(No.),Source Type=CONST(32),Source Subtype=CONST(0),Reservation Status=CONST(Reservation),Serial No.=FIELD(Serial No. Filter),Lot No.=FIELD(Lot No. Filter),Location Code=FIELD(Location Filter),Variant Code=FIELD(Variant Filter))) | |
// Qty. on Sales Return | ||
WITH SalesLine DO BEGIN | ||
SETCURRENTKEY("Document Type",Type,"No.","Variant Code","Drop Shipment","Location Code","Shipment Date"); | ||
SETRANGE("Document Type","Document Type"::"Return Order"); | ||
SETRANGE(Type,Type::Item); | ||
SETRANGE("No.",Item."No."); | ||
SETFILTER("Location Code",Item.GETFILTER("Location Filter")); | ||
SETFILTER("Drop Shipment",Item.GETFILTER("Drop Shipment Filter")); | ||
SETFILTER("Variant Code",Item.GETFILTER("Variant Filter")); | ||
SETRANGE("Shipment Date",Item.GETRANGEMIN(Item."Date Filter"),Item.GETRANGEMAX(Item."Date Filter")); | ||
CALCSUMS("Outstanding Qty. (Base)"); | ||
QtyOnSalesReturn := "Outstanding Qty. (Base)"; | ||
RESET; | ||
END; | ||
WITH ReservationEntry DO BEGIN | ||
"Item No.","Source Type","Source Subtype","Reservation Status", | ||
"Location Code","Variant Code","Shipment Date","Expected Receipt Date"); | ||
SETRANGE("Item No.",Item."No."); | ||
SETRANGE("Source Type",DATABASE::"Sales Line"); | ||
SETRANGE("Source Subtype",5); | ||
SETRANGE("Reservation Status","Reservation Status"::Reservation); | ||
SETFILTER("Location Code",Item.GETFILTER("Location Filter")); | ||
SETFILTER("Variant Code",Item.GETFILTER("Variant Filter")); | ||
SETRANGE("Shipment Date",Item.GETRANGEMIN(Item."Date Filter"),Item.GETRANGEMAX(Item."Date Filter")); | ||
CALCSUMS("Quantity (Base)"); | ||
QtyOnSalesReturn -= "Quantity (Base)"; | ||
RESET; | ||
END; | ||
// Qty. on Purchase Return | ||
WITH PurchLine DO BEGIN | ||
SETCURRENTKEY("Document Type",Type,"No.","Variant Code","Drop Shipment","Location Code","Expected Receipt Date"); | ||
SETRANGE("Document Type","Document Type"::"Return Order"); | ||
SETRANGE(Type,Type::Item); | ||
SETRANGE("No.",Item."No."); | ||
SETFILTER("Location Code",Item.GETFILTER("Location Filter")); | ||
SETFILTER("Drop Shipment",Item.GETFILTER("Drop Shipment Filter")); | ||
SETFILTER("Variant Code",Item.GETFILTER("Variant Filter")); | ||
SETRANGE("Expected Receipt Date",Item.GETRANGEMIN(Item."Date Filter"),Item.GETRANGEMAX(Item."Date Filter")); | ||
CALCSUMS("Outstanding Qty. (Base)"); | ||
QtyOnPurchReturn := "Outstanding Qty. (Base)"; | ||
RESET; | ||
END; | ||
WITH ReservationEntry DO BEGIN | ||
"Item No.","Source Type","Source Subtype","Reservation Status", | ||
"Location Code","Variant Code","Shipment Date","Expected Receipt Date"); | ||
SETRANGE("Item No.",Item."No."); | ||
SETRANGE("Source Type",DATABASE::"Purchase Line"); | ||
SETRANGE("Source Subtype",5); | ||
SETRANGE("Reservation Status","Reservation Status"::Reservation); | ||
SETFILTER("Location Code",Item.GETFILTER("Location Filter")); | ||
SETFILTER("Variant Code",Item.GETFILTER("Variant Filter")); | ||
SETRANGE("Expected Receipt Date",Item.GETRANGEMIN(Item."Date Filter"),Item.GETRANGEMAX(Item."Date Filter")); | ||
CALCSUMS("Quantity (Base)"); | ||
QtyOnPurchReturn += "Quantity (Base)"; | ||
RESET; | ||
END; |
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Check pending file deletion on boot
A handy WMI script to check for pending file rename operations
Registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\"PendingFileRenameOperations"
Registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\"PendingFileRenameOperations"
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Free VM/VPS on Internet/cloud
* linux only
* from Connect to Ubuntu Unity Remote Desktop:
...If you are using Free VPS it do not have enough resources to run remote desktop connection. You should
...use paid plans to run this connection.
[Share] Free trial VPS without credit card
instantappz.com: Your credit card will be charged $15 / mo only after 7 days
menurut post ini: Dah kagak Update Lagi yaa ?? ada tapi kbanyakan pakai CC
* free version has no GUI?
Run firefox on headless ubuntu
How to run GUI applications remotely on a headless server
Install Ubuntu With Lightweight Desktop on 128mb vps!
for more, googling: what is lightest|lightweight os centos|ubuntu for vps with low|small RAM|memory
For X11 forwarding, use Xming
Required setting on PuTTY (after Xming is active):
Connection \ SSH \ X11 \ Enable X11 forwarding=Yes; X display location=localhost:0
Another way to access some site through your VPS:
Set it up as tunneling (or proxy? or vpn?) server
How To Set Up A Proxy Server In Ubuntu Linux
* linux only
* from Connect to Ubuntu Unity Remote Desktop:
...If you are using Free VPS it do not have enough resources to run remote desktop connection. You should
...use paid plans to run this connection.
[Share] Free trial VPS without credit card
instantappz.com: Your credit card will be charged $15 / mo only after 7 days
menurut post ini: Dah kagak Update Lagi yaa ?? ada tapi kbanyakan pakai CC
* free version has no GUI?
Run firefox on headless ubuntu
How to run GUI applications remotely on a headless server
Install Ubuntu With Lightweight Desktop on 128mb vps!
for more, googling: what is lightest|lightweight os centos|ubuntu for vps with low|small RAM|memory
For X11 forwarding, use Xming
Required setting on PuTTY (after Xming is active):
Connection \ SSH \ X11 \ Enable X11 forwarding=Yes; X display location=localhost:0
Another way to access some site through your VPS:
Set it up as tunneling (or proxy? or vpn?) server
How To Set Up A Proxy Server In Ubuntu Linux
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Mini PC
MINIX NEO Z83-4 PRO RAM 4GB ROM 32GB Mini PC Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit
Rp2.572.000 (June 19, 2019)
- not enough space to run the full Windows feature upgrade. Had to download and re-install Windows and all the drivers from a flash drive. Was a bit tricky to find the drivers on their website and get them installed correctly.
- I wanted to switch to using a microSD card as the boot device, but the drivers are flaky and the microSD won't stay mounted. Company claims it is not their problem in the support forums.
- I'm using a USB drive as external storage. About once a week the USB drive "disappears" (is unmounted) and I have to unplug and replug it. Seems to be a driver problem, because a reboot also recovers it.
- Connecting to Wi-Fi using 5.8 GHz, the drivers frequently crash (they are specifically identified in the Windows Event Log) and a reboot is required before Wi-Fi works again. I had to create a 2.4GHz ssid and connect to that. At least that connection is stable.
(more reviews)
8 Things I Wish I Knew Before Building My First HTPC
Rp2.572.000 (June 19, 2019)
- not enough space to run the full Windows feature upgrade. Had to download and re-install Windows and all the drivers from a flash drive. Was a bit tricky to find the drivers on their website and get them installed correctly.
- I wanted to switch to using a microSD card as the boot device, but the drivers are flaky and the microSD won't stay mounted. Company claims it is not their problem in the support forums.
- I'm using a USB drive as external storage. About once a week the USB drive "disappears" (is unmounted) and I have to unplug and replug it. Seems to be a driver problem, because a reboot also recovers it.
- Connecting to Wi-Fi using 5.8 GHz, the drivers frequently crash (they are specifically identified in the Windows Event Log) and a reboot is required before Wi-Fi works again. I had to create a 2.4GHz ssid and connect to that. At least that connection is stable.
(more reviews)
8 Things I Wish I Knew Before Building My First HTPC
Mulai 2,7 juta
* No price yet
+ support Windows
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
IIS related
WIN8: enable browing directory content
Directory Browse
WIN8: website can be opened locally but not from another computer
Windows Firewall \ Inbound Rules \ World Wide Web Services (HTTP Traffic-In) \ Enable=Yes
Directory Browse
WIN8: website can be opened locally but not from another computer
Windows Firewall \ Inbound Rules \ World Wide Web Services (HTTP Traffic-In) \ Enable=Yes
Monday, June 23, 2014
UBUNTU as Guest OS: Enable ethernet that runs through Hyper-V host's wireless adapter
sudo ifconfig eth0 up
sudo dhclient -v eth0
Trouble getting Ubuntu 12.04 Hyper-V guest to connect to wireless from Windows 8.1 Host
sudo dhclient -v eth0
Trouble getting Ubuntu 12.04 Hyper-V guest to connect to wireless from Windows 8.1 Host
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Keep health while working with computers
Google: salt|ion health working computer|server room radiation|exposure
Jadi Ini Toh Yang Bikin Mata Kita Cepet Rusak?
10 blue light filters to relieve computer eye strain, help you sleep better, etc
Tinted protective eyewear is a relatively cheap (under $10) and durable solution that may filter up to 100% of blue light. (It is not ideal for tasks that require fine vision, like reading, sowing, etc…, because they generally don’t have AR (anti-reflective) coatings – hence they optically distort the image more than better/pricier eyewear and make your eyes strain more.
Why I Killed My Standing Desk, and What I Do Instead
What Are the Health Benefits of Negative Ions?
For your home or office, I highly recommend a negative ion generator. Many of them aren’t terribly expensive. For, say, 50 bucks you can enrich your stale office in negative ions and filter out impurities to boot. Give it a shot, especially if you don’t spend time in the natural settings where negative ions predominate. If you’re stuck inside all day, bathed in air conditioning, a negative ion generator is worthy of serious consideration.
My 9 Tips To Cut Down On Exposure To Computer Radiation
About negative and positive ion:
Tanaman Pencegah Sick Building Syndrome dan Heat Island Effect
Jadi Ini Toh Yang Bikin Mata Kita Cepet Rusak?
10 blue light filters to relieve computer eye strain, help you sleep better, etc
Tinted protective eyewear is a relatively cheap (under $10) and durable solution that may filter up to 100% of blue light. (It is not ideal for tasks that require fine vision, like reading, sowing, etc…, because they generally don’t have AR (anti-reflective) coatings – hence they optically distort the image more than better/pricier eyewear and make your eyes strain more.
Why I Killed My Standing Desk, and What I Do Instead
What Are the Health Benefits of Negative Ions?
For your home or office, I highly recommend a negative ion generator. Many of them aren’t terribly expensive. For, say, 50 bucks you can enrich your stale office in negative ions and filter out impurities to boot. Give it a shot, especially if you don’t spend time in the natural settings where negative ions predominate. If you’re stuck inside all day, bathed in air conditioning, a negative ion generator is worthy of serious consideration.
My 9 Tips To Cut Down On Exposure To Computer Radiation
About negative and positive ion:
Tanaman Pencegah Sick Building Syndrome dan Heat Island Effect
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Word spelling on communication (Eja kata/nama di telepon)
A : Alpha
B : Bravo
C : Charlie
D : Delta
E : Echo
F : Foxtrot / Fanta
G : Golf
H : Hotel
I : India
J : Juliet / Jakarta
K : Kilo
L : Lima / London
M : Mike / Mama
N : November / Nano
O : Oscar
P : Papa
Q : Quebec / Queen
R : Romeo
S : Sierra
T : Tango
U : Uniform / Ultra
V : Victor
W : Whiskey
X : X-ray
Y : Yankee
Z : Zulu / Zebra
B : Bravo
C : Charlie
D : Delta
E : Echo
F : Foxtrot / Fanta
G : Golf
H : Hotel
I : India
J : Juliet / Jakarta
K : Kilo
L : Lima / London
M : Mike / Mama
N : November / Nano
O : Oscar
P : Papa
Q : Quebec / Queen
R : Romeo
S : Sierra
T : Tango
U : Uniform / Ultra
V : Victor
W : Whiskey
X : X-ray
Y : Yankee
Z : Zulu / Zebra
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Direct file transfer via Internet
CCFile as server
+ free
+ support resume (as long as client is using download manager that supports it as well)
* transfer speed can be adjusted on client side download manager
* requires port forwarding if server is behind firewall
+ free
+ support resume (as long as client is using download manager that supports it as well)
* transfer speed can be adjusted on client side download manager
* requires port forwarding if server is behind firewall
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
AWAS HATI-HATI penipuan oleh JualKomputerOnline.com
URL 1: jualkomputeronline.com
URL 2: pusatjualkomputerbarusurabaya.blogspot.com
Alamat (palsu?):
Pakuwon City Lt. 4c Jln. Kejawen
Putih Mutiara No. 17 A - 60112
Nama di penawaran:
Mitra Komputer
No. rekening:
Mandiri cab. Madiun 1710000276959
a/n Rahmad Ramdani
Hp. 082244557677
Alamat e-mail: cs.pembayaran@gmail.com (Adiyanto Purnama)
YM: cs_online77
Ane sudah transfer tapi barang gak dikirim
Nomor dihubungi tidak diangkat
URL 2: pusatjualkomputerbarusurabaya.blogspot.com
Alamat (palsu?):
Pakuwon City Lt. 4c Jln. Kejawen
Putih Mutiara No. 17 A - 60112
Nama di penawaran:
Mitra Komputer
No. rekening:
Mandiri cab. Madiun 1710000276959
a/n Rahmad Ramdani
Hp. 082244557677
Alamat e-mail: cs.pembayaran@gmail.com (Adiyanto Purnama)
YM: cs_online77
Ane sudah transfer tapi barang gak dikirim
Nomor dihubungi tidak diangkat
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Java (JRE) related
Q: Firefox/Mozilla keep saying that Java is out of date although you've followed download link
The Firefox link send you to the wrong Java version (outdated) and you have to find the correct Oracle webpage that now has Java version 8 (actually v.1.8.0 plug in and download and install THAT.
You can find the latest Java version on the Oracle website.
See Java Platform \ Java SE 8 (JRE 8 Download)
also: version 7
Q: On 64bit Windows, which Java to download? 32bit or 64bit?
Note that because some web content may not work properly in a 64-bit browser, we recommend using the default 32-bit browser and downloading 32-bit Java.
source: Which Java download should I choose for my 64-bit Windows operating system?
The Firefox link send you to the wrong Java version (outdated) and you have to find the correct Oracle webpage that now has Java version 8 (actually v.1.8.0 plug in and download and install THAT.
You can find the latest Java version on the Oracle website.
See Java Platform \ Java SE 8 (JRE 8 Download)
also: version 7
Q: On 64bit Windows, which Java to download? 32bit or 64bit?
Note that because some web content may not work properly in a 64-bit browser, we recommend using the default 32-bit browser and downloading 32-bit Java.
source: Which Java download should I choose for my 64-bit Windows operating system?
Monday, April 7, 2014
Friday, April 4, 2014
Can't remote reboot Windows Server 2003
error: A system shutdown is in progress.(1115)
pskill \\servername winlogon
source: Unstick a remote reboot
pskill \\servername winlogon
source: Unstick a remote reboot
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Jadikan laptop menjadi full/semi touch screen
Jual Touch Screen Overlay Murah!
bukan buat laptop karena...
layar monitor laptop kan tipis & "lemes", sedangkan overlay-nya agak berat, nanti ga kuat layar laptop agan
Magic Stick Touchscreen Creator Pen
APEN Touch8, Aksesori Konverter LCD menjadi Layar Sentuh – Touch Screen
bukan buat laptop karena...
layar monitor laptop kan tipis & "lemes", sedangkan overlay-nya agak berat, nanti ga kuat layar laptop agan
Magic Stick Touchscreen Creator Pen
APEN Touch8, Aksesori Konverter LCD menjadi Layar Sentuh – Touch Screen
Monday, March 31, 2014
UEFI related
Warning - UEFI install and secondary hard drive with Extended/Logical partitions.
a UEFI installed system, will fail to boot if a secondary drive is attached which contains logical partitions. This would have to be an MBR configured drive, of course, but if it has at least one primary and one extended partition, it will stop Windows 7 and Windows 8 from booting
a UEFI installed system, will fail to boot if a secondary drive is attached which contains logical partitions. This would have to be an MBR configured drive, of course, but if it has at least one primary and one extended partition, it will stop Windows 7 and Windows 8 from booting
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
OpenVPN on Mikrotik with Windows 7 client
Configuring a Windows OpenVPN client or server
Using a text editor, create an xxxx.ovpn file and save in C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config e.g. C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\client.ovpn
Here is an example of an OpenVPN Windows client configuration file:
From Manual:Interface/OVPN, this can only be done with RouterOS v5+
...if you don't have milrotik version 5+, use PC as server
...use OpenVPN on both server and client PC
...use Community Edition (free) and Static Key for simplest setup
Mikrotik OpenVPN server / Windows 7 client
to create certificates and keys, follow guide below (section A.)
before importing server.key to mikrotik, it has to be converted to text:
...on lubuntu
...navigate to easy-rsa\keys
...rsa -in server.key -text -out server.key.txt
Setting up your own Certificate Authority (CA) and generating certificates and keys for an OpenVPN server and multiple clients
...Generate the master Certificate Authority (CA) certificate [and] key
......For PKI management, we will use easy-rsa, a set of scripts which is bundled with OpenVPN 2.2.x and
......earlier. If you're using OpenVPN 2.3.x, you need to download easy-rsa separately from here.
......NOTE to self: download and install easy-rsa using guide from Openvpn 2.3 on Ubuntu VPS:
......As of OpenVPN 2.3, Easy-RSA is no longer a part of the OpenVPN install, so we have to get it
......separately. We will download it in our home directory. Note: the latest version of Easy-RSA is version
......3, we needed the older release version 2.
......$ cd ~
......$ wget https://github.com/OpenVPN/easy-rsa/archive/release/2.x.zipwget ......https://github.com/OpenVPN/easy-rsa/archive/release/2.x.zip
......$ unzip 2.x.zip
......We now put it all together, transferring a copy of Easy-RSA to the openvpn directory.
......$ mkdir /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa
......$ cp -R ~/easy-rsa-release-2.x/easy-rsa/2.0/* /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/
......$ cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa
...Generate certificate [and] key for server
...Generate certificates [and] keys for 3 clients
......no need to follow these steps(?)
- doesn't support Windows Server (?)
Using a text editor, create an xxxx.ovpn file and save in C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config e.g. C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\client.ovpn
Here is an example of an OpenVPN Windows client configuration file:
From Manual:Interface/OVPN, this can only be done with RouterOS v5+
...if you don't have milrotik version 5+, use PC as server
...use OpenVPN on both server and client PC
...use Community Edition (free) and Static Key for simplest setup
Mikrotik OpenVPN server / Windows 7 client
to create certificates and keys, follow guide below (section A.)
before importing server.key to mikrotik, it has to be converted to text:
...on lubuntu
...navigate to easy-rsa\keys
...rsa -in server.key -text -out server.key.txt
Setting up your own Certificate Authority (CA) and generating certificates and keys for an OpenVPN server and multiple clients
...Generate the master Certificate Authority (CA) certificate [and] key
......For PKI management, we will use easy-rsa, a set of scripts which is bundled with OpenVPN 2.2.x and
......earlier. If you're using OpenVPN 2.3.x, you need to download easy-rsa separately from here.
......NOTE to self: download and install easy-rsa using guide from Openvpn 2.3 on Ubuntu VPS:
......As of OpenVPN 2.3, Easy-RSA is no longer a part of the OpenVPN install, so we have to get it
......separately. We will download it in our home directory. Note: the latest version of Easy-RSA is version
......3, we needed the older release version 2.
......$ cd ~
......$ wget https://github.com/OpenVPN/easy-rsa/archive/release/2.x.zipwget ......https://github.com/OpenVPN/easy-rsa/archive/release/2.x.zip
......$ unzip 2.x.zip
......We now put it all together, transferring a copy of Easy-RSA to the openvpn directory.
......$ mkdir /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa
......$ cp -R ~/easy-rsa-release-2.x/easy-rsa/2.0/* /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/
......$ cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa
...Generate certificate [and] key for server
...Generate certificates [and] keys for 3 clients
......no need to follow these steps(?)
- doesn't support Windows Server (?)
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Filtering on temp table
SETSELECTIONFILTER in temporary records
Regular record variables are looking at the actual table, so you can take the filter from one variable, copy them to another variable, and you get the same results, because the variable goes to the table and retrieves records from the physical table. No brainer right. You'd think that the same applies to temporary records right? Well that's where you are wrong, because temporary records don't have any values in them when you instantiate them, so when you fill only one of them, set filters, and copy the filters to the other one, it comes as no surprise that there are no values in there, BECAUSE IT DOESNT HAVE ANY VALUES.
You have a temporary record variable, which is empty when it is instantiated. You fill it up. Now it has records, temporary records that only exist in this memory space that is occupied by this single record variable. Now you apply a filter on this set of records. Now you want to apply the same filter to another temporary record, but you are surprised that you don't see anything in the other one. The other one hasn't been filed yet, it is uninstantiated!!! The second variable doesn't just read from the first variable, you have to actually put the records into the variable.
Think of a temporary record variable as a collection of objects. Rec (the temporary record variable that your form is based on) and NewRec (which is a global or local variable somewhere in your logic) are two different collections. One of them has been filled, but the other one has not been filled. The selectionfilter from Rec is properly applied to NewRec, but since there is nothing in there, you don't see anything.
Regular record variables are looking at the actual table, so you can take the filter from one variable, copy them to another variable, and you get the same results, because the variable goes to the table and retrieves records from the physical table. No brainer right. You'd think that the same applies to temporary records right? Well that's where you are wrong, because temporary records don't have any values in them when you instantiate them, so when you fill only one of them, set filters, and copy the filters to the other one, it comes as no surprise that there are no values in there, BECAUSE IT DOESNT HAVE ANY VALUES.
You have a temporary record variable, which is empty when it is instantiated. You fill it up. Now it has records, temporary records that only exist in this memory space that is occupied by this single record variable. Now you apply a filter on this set of records. Now you want to apply the same filter to another temporary record, but you are surprised that you don't see anything in the other one. The other one hasn't been filed yet, it is uninstantiated!!! The second variable doesn't just read from the first variable, you have to actually put the records into the variable.
Think of a temporary record variable as a collection of objects. Rec (the temporary record variable that your form is based on) and NewRec (which is a global or local variable somewhere in your logic) are two different collections. One of them has been filled, but the other one has not been filled. The selectionfilter from Rec is properly applied to NewRec, but since there is nothing in there, you don't see anything.
Lookup form on temp table
FORM.RunModal(FormID, MyRecord) vs MyForm.RunModal
For showing temporary records, my observation is that:
- FORM.RUNMODAL will allow a temporary record to show up correctly, but
- MyForm.RUNMODAL will only show the main table even if SETTABLEVIEW is issued with the temporary rec as the variable.
For showing temporary records, my observation is that:
- FORM.RUNMODAL will allow a temporary record to show up correctly, but
- MyForm.RUNMODAL will only show the main table even if SETTABLEVIEW is issued with the temporary rec as the variable.
but this raises another issue to watch for: if the form identified by FormID is a tabular form with the LOOKUPMODE property set to FALSE and EDITABLE to Yes (look at F100 Accounting Periods, for instance, compare with F89 Job List), then you would need to either change the Form properties LOOKUPMODE to Yes and EDITABLE to No (bad idea! this is an invitation to problems due to unforeseen side-effects), or better yet, create a copy of the form in which the properties are set as appropriate for a Lookup Form and use that form instead.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
MySQL related
Backup then restore to another db
How to Import and Export a MySQL database using HeidiSQL
- using version 9 of portable app, "Load SQL file" is located under File menu
How to Reset the Root Password
Moving an InnoDB Database to Another Machine
You can move an InnoDB database simply by copying all the relevant files listed in Section 14.2.6, “Backing Up and Recovering an InnoDB Database”
What is the exact location of Mysql database tables in XAMPP folder?
I think the matter is your tables engine. I guess you are using InnoDB for your table. So you can not copy files easily to make a copy.
Take a look at these links:
Attaching an existing database with MySQL
simply copy the folder into the data folder for MySQL and restart the service the database will show up
TOAD: Error "Physical Memory is low (Paging)" when exporting [to Excel file]
Use Tools \ Export \ Export Wizard instead
On "Select Output Format" step, UNCHECK "Check system resources" option
Visually build query (table drag-and-drop): Toad for MySQL
Note to self:
For query containing datetime column, use "Export data to an Excel file"
"Export data to an Excel instance" seems buggy (datetime column exported as mysterious big number)
How to remove 1000-row limit in MySQL Workbench queries?
To enable access from remote computer
MySQL Workbench \ Management \ Users and Privilages \ Add Account
...note: "Limit Connectivity to Hosts Matching" can accept hostname
How install and configure mysql 5.6.16 in windows 7
Connect [Excel 2010] to a MySQL database
Download Microsoft Power Query for Excel
On Excel:
Power Query \ From Database \ From MySQL Database \ type at least servername ("localhost" will do) and one of the schema exists then click OK
How to Import and Export a MySQL database using HeidiSQL
- using version 9 of portable app, "Load SQL file" is located under File menu
How to Reset the Root Password
Moving an InnoDB Database to Another Machine
You can move an InnoDB database simply by copying all the relevant files listed in Section 14.2.6, “Backing Up and Recovering an InnoDB Database”
What is the exact location of Mysql database tables in XAMPP folder?
I think the matter is your tables engine. I guess you are using InnoDB for your table. So you can not copy files easily to make a copy.
Take a look at these links:
Attaching an existing database with MySQL
simply copy the folder into the data folder for MySQL and restart the service the database will show up
TOAD: Error "Physical Memory is low (Paging)" when exporting [to Excel file]
Use Tools \ Export \ Export Wizard instead
On "Select Output Format" step, UNCHECK "Check system resources" option
Visually build query (table drag-and-drop): Toad for MySQL
Note to self:
For query containing datetime column, use "Export data to an Excel file"
"Export data to an Excel instance" seems buggy (datetime column exported as mysterious big number)
How to remove 1000-row limit in MySQL Workbench queries?
To enable access from remote computer
MySQL Workbench \ Management \ Users and Privilages \ Add Account
...note: "Limit Connectivity to Hosts Matching" can accept hostname
How install and configure mysql 5.6.16 in windows 7
Connect [Excel 2010] to a MySQL database
Download Microsoft Power Query for Excel
On Excel:
Power Query \ From Database \ From MySQL Database \ type at least servername ("localhost" will do) and one of the schema exists then click OK
Thursday, March 6, 2014
PBX call duration restriction related
[Panasonic KX-TDA] Conversation Features
Extension-to-Trunk Call Duration:
If a call between an extension user and an outside party is established, the call duration can be restricted by a system timer selected for each trunk group (→ Extension-to-Trunk Call Duration [472]). Both parties will hear an alarm tone 15 seconds before the time-limit at five-second intervals. If the timer expires, the line will be disconnected.
COS programming determines to enable or disable this feature (→ Trunk Call Duration Limitation [502]). Whether this feature is applied to outgoing calls only or all calls (how?) is also programmable.
Extension-to-Trunk Call Duration:
If a call between an extension user and an outside party is established, the call duration can be restricted by a system timer selected for each trunk group (→ Extension-to-Trunk Call Duration [472]). Both parties will hear an alarm tone 15 seconds before the time-limit at five-second intervals. If the timer expires, the line will be disconnected.
COS programming determines to enable or disable this feature (→ Trunk Call Duration Limitation [502]). Whether this feature is applied to outgoing calls only or all calls (how?) is also programmable.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
[LINUX/UBUNTU] Administrative tasks related
“gzip: stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored” and “gzip: tmp.gz has more than one entry — unchanged”
this can happen if it's actually a ZIP-file rather than a gz-file, just with a misleading extension, and it contains multiple files. (gzip -d does support ZIP-files that contain only one file.)
In my case, that's exactly right:
$ file tmp.gz
tmp.gz: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
and using unzip rather than gzip -d worked perfectly.
How do I change the computer name?
do "sudo gedit" on /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname
Understanding File Permissions: What Does “Chmod 777″ Means?
for permissions, there are 3 type of actions that you can perform on a file/folder. You can either read, write or execute
Read is equivalent to ‘4’.
Write is equivalent to ‘2’.
Execute is equivalent to ‘1’
How do I mirror a directory with wget without creating parent directories?
self experience with
"wget --no-parent --no-host-directories --cut-dirs 1 -r -e robots=off http://host/dir1/XYZ":
when targetting directory XYZ, several files on "dir1" were downloaded too
How can I check disk space used in a partition using the terminal in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS?
df -h
How to edit files in a terminal with nano?
Launch app from menu as root
How to launch application as root from Unity Launcher?
NOTE: use 'nano' instead of 'vi' for easier operation
............if cursor not visible, try to perform string search ("Where Is") first
............when editing config files, use "-w" (source)
Checking version of application/package installed on Ubuntu
dpkg -s (packagename)
Mount Windows Share on Ubuntu - Command Line
if you get "error(13): Permission denied", try using this syntax for credential:
"...-o username=someone,password=123456,domain=mydomain..."
Unlock The Root Account, Reset The Root Password, Change Username In Ubuntu 13.04
Xubuntu how to check used and free disk space
command: df -h
List xrdp (=xvnc?) sessions:
netstat -tulpn | grep Xvnc
to kill session, just type "kill" following by pid (righmost number return from above command)
this can happen if it's actually a ZIP-file rather than a gz-file, just with a misleading extension, and it contains multiple files. (gzip -d does support ZIP-files that contain only one file.)
In my case, that's exactly right:
$ file tmp.gz
tmp.gz: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
and using unzip rather than gzip -d worked perfectly.
How do I change the computer name?
do "sudo gedit" on /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname
Understanding File Permissions: What Does “Chmod 777″ Means?
for permissions, there are 3 type of actions that you can perform on a file/folder. You can either read, write or execute
Read is equivalent to ‘4’.
Write is equivalent to ‘2’.
Execute is equivalent to ‘1’
How do I mirror a directory with wget without creating parent directories?
self experience with
"wget --no-parent --no-host-directories --cut-dirs 1 -r -e robots=off http://host/dir1/XYZ":
when targetting directory XYZ, several files on "dir1" were downloaded too
How can I check disk space used in a partition using the terminal in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS?
df -h
How to edit files in a terminal with nano?
Launch app from menu as root
How to launch application as root from Unity Launcher?
NOTE: use 'nano' instead of 'vi' for easier operation
............if cursor not visible, try to perform string search ("Where Is") first
............when editing config files, use "-w" (source)
Checking version of application/package installed on Ubuntu
dpkg -s (packagename)
Mount Windows Share on Ubuntu - Command Line
if you get "error(13): Permission denied", try using this syntax for credential:
"...-o username=someone,password=123456,domain=mydomain..."
Unlock The Root Account, Reset The Root Password, Change Username In Ubuntu 13.04
Xubuntu how to check used and free disk space
command: df -h
List xrdp (=xvnc?) sessions:
netstat -tulpn | grep Xvnc
to kill session, just type "kill" following by pid (righmost number return from above command)
Manageable switch related
HP V1910
(Web) View MAC addresses learned:
Network \ MAC
Even if your user has Telnet access enabled, you still have to explicitly enable Telnet service at:
Network \ Service
How to Mirror Ports on HP V1910 Series Switch - Tutorial on How to Configure
Allied Telesis AT-8000S
View complete MAC address table:
Web: Layer 2 \ MAC Address \ View Dynamic \ View
.........if it shows empty results, logout-login then try again
.........or, use different browser
CLI: in privileged (enable) mode, type "show bridge address-table"
Search a MAC address:
Web: Layer 2 \ MAC Address \ View Dynamic \ View MAC Address \ View
View next-hop switches/routers:
Web: LLDP \ Neighbors Information
CLI: show lldp neighbors (type "show lldp ?" to see other options)
Configuring Port Mirroring
Scenario: using wireshark to monitor traffic between voip gateway and 0.2
- enable "Use promiscuous..."
- capture filter: (host or host and not broadcast and not multicast
(Web) View MAC addresses learned:
Network \ MAC
Even if your user has Telnet access enabled, you still have to explicitly enable Telnet service at:
Network \ Service
How to Mirror Ports on HP V1910 Series Switch - Tutorial on How to Configure
Allied Telesis AT-8000S
View complete MAC address table:
Web: Layer 2 \ MAC Address \ View Dynamic \ View
.........if it shows empty results, logout-login then try again
.........or, use different browser
CLI: in privileged (enable) mode, type "show bridge address-table"
Search a MAC address:
Web: Layer 2 \ MAC Address \ View Dynamic \ View MAC Address \ View
View next-hop switches/routers:
Web: LLDP \ Neighbors Information
CLI: show lldp neighbors (type "show lldp ?" to see other options)
Configuring Port Mirroring
Scenario: using wireshark to monitor traffic between voip gateway and 0.2
- enable "Use promiscuous..."
- capture filter: (host or host and not broadcast and not multicast
Monday, February 17, 2014
Things to configure on fresh Windows installation
Change Computer Name
Add standard user
System Properties \ Advanced \ Performance Settings: Adjust for best performance
System Properties \ System Protection
gpedit.msc to configure Windows Update (if not join domain)
Softwares to install
Note regarding Intel and NVidia:
Archiver (7zip)
...How to hide the notifications of the Teamviewer (silent use)
FoxIt Reader
Antivirus (No need if there's Windows Defender already?)
Download Manager
Add standard user
System Properties \ Advanced \ Performance Settings: Adjust for best performance
System Properties \ System Protection
gpedit.msc to configure Windows Update (if not join domain)
Softwares to install
Note regarding Intel and NVidia:
Archiver (7zip)
...How to hide the notifications of the Teamviewer (silent use)
FoxIt Reader
Antivirus (No need if there's Windows Defender already?)
Download Manager
Sunday, February 16, 2014
English grammar and usage related
5 Better Alternatives to “I Hope This Email Finds You Well”
"all the time" vs "at all times"
"all the time" can mean "repeatedly"
"all the time" vs "at all times"
"all the time" can mean "repeatedly"
Monday, February 3, 2014
Sales entry: default Type to Item
go to sales line table->design-> view properites on field "Type" & Set the InitValue to "Item"
The default value do not solve all cases, because do not forget that in Cronus there is modification, which copy the type from previous line (and overriding the default value)
See OnNewRecord on form 46
(in other word, if you have a line on Sales Line table with Type=(blank), InitValue will be useless)
default type in sales order lines
The default value do not solve all cases, because do not forget that in Cronus there is modification, which copy the type from previous line (and overriding the default value)
See OnNewRecord on form 46
(in other word, if you have a line on Sales Line table with Type=(blank), InitValue will be useless)
default type in sales order lines
Usage of NextControl property to speed up data entry
I have a customer who wants the following in Sales lines:
After entering the Quantity he wants teh system to automatically jump to the next line and lands on the "No." field to enter another Item number if available.
Any ideas on how to do that??
Just change the NextControl on the columns. So Control 1 will jump to Control 3, Control 3 will jump to Control 1.
set the NextControl of the QTY field to the ID of the No. field
How to jump to the Next Line in Sales Lines?
After entering the Quantity he wants teh system to automatically jump to the next line and lands on the "No." field to enter another Item number if available.
Any ideas on how to do that??
Just change the NextControl on the columns. So Control 1 will jump to Control 3, Control 3 will jump to Control 1.
set the NextControl of the QTY field to the ID of the No. field
How to jump to the Next Line in Sales Lines?
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