Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Extract DICOM images in batch

synedra Viewers
+ personal (free) version is enough

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Public share server related

How to download HTTP directory with all files and sub-directories as they appear on the online files/folders list?
+ download using comodo dragon is resumeable
+ IDM friendly:
...DL link from browser's integrated downloader can be copy-pasted and redownloaded immediately
...using IDM

Friday, December 21, 2012

Determine what application launch application X

Application X is visible at Task Manager with User Name SYSTEM.
We'd like to know who/what launched that app

Using Process Explorer (make this columns visible: Window Title, Command Line)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Social media related

Twitter: Can't see my own later tweets
Seems like it's an unresolved bug
Each time you tweet, mark it as Favourite
Later you can see them on your profile page by clicking on "Favourite" tab

Delete Twitter Direct Message History
DM Cleaner
+ provide option to backup (to e-mail) prior to delete
Inbox Cleaner

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dynamic IP-DNS services

Setting IP Cloud MikroTik dan Cara penggunaan untuk remote 28/Des/2018

Update freeDNS using Windows Scheduled Task:
tinyget.exe -s:SSL3 -uri:"(Direct_URL_obtained_from_freeDNS)"
UPDATE: if command above doesn't work, remove "-s" parameter and use "http" instead of "https" in URL
Useful info: The "MUST WORK" solution for Afraid ( DDNS + UniFi USG

The Best Free Alternatives to DynDNS

Supported Dynamic DNS Services

Client updater
GK Consulting Ltd. DTDNS Updater
- troublesome when used on computer with DMY style date-setting

Configure mikrotik to periodically update IP on freedns:
..the script: Script
..the scheduler: here case need a way to obtain public ip address:
....see section "another version of this script working in 5.x" from article
....Dynamic DNS Update Script for dynDNS

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Web design related

What does href="#" mean?
Post #2:
This is just a ''null'' value - which means the anchor will be seen as live (and would also enable use of the "title " tag), and should produce a hand pointer on hover - but it's use will take the user back to the same page he is on. Sometimes a better option for a ''live'' link but one which goes nowhere is - 
Post #5:
With most browsers if you don't specify a value following it defaults to the top of the page.

Remove HTML tags to obtain text only:
Strip HTML Tags

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Open Nokia CDB file

PAID: Nokisoft Noki

Download Series 80 Platform 2.0 SDK for Symbian OS (filename:
(Might/might not be necessary) Run the emulator for the first time
Close the emulator
Replace C:\Symbian\7.0s\S80_DP2_0_SDK\epoc32\wins\c\system\data\Contacts.cdb file
Launch the emulator again

Best vCard for Nokia 9500/9300(i) (filename: best_vcard80.sis) 
SMS and Contacts Export Tool v1.01(15) Symbian^3 Signed – Free Full Version App Download
(download link is dead)
SmartVCard (filename: best_vcard60_hd.sis)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Text message in Chinese from NowSMS to Android

Type Chinese SMS on NowSMS
* can also be from Blackberry

On Android:
Text received perfectly
Copy-paste to e-mail and send it

On PC:
Open recipient e-mail
Copy-paste to MS Word

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Word: Print page range from mail merge result

In the Page Range, specify (for example) s1-s10 to print section 1 to 10
Source: Print specific page ranges in a Word mail merge document

Monday, October 29, 2012

Event Log related

Monitor for certain event and launch a task when it occurs
howto://monitor windows servers for low disk space

Security event ID reference: Chapter 4: The Member Server Baseline Policy

Quick reference

Microsoft (R) Windows (R) ....processor Free: System \ 6009

Sunday, October 28, 2012

ADSL modem related

juga bahas plus minus UseeTV vs ip-tv "illegal"

cara mudah instal Playstore pada stb UseeTV ZTE ZXV10 B760H

Perbandingan STB Indihome
Bbrp perbedaan-nya:
stb HD spt ZTE-b760h maksimal support Full-HD (1920 x 1080p), sedangkan yg stb 4K seperti ZTE-b860h atau HUAWEI-EC6108v9-1 udah support 4K (3840 x 2160p) yg tentunya cm bisa dinikmati klo TV agan jg support resolusi 4K.
Selain itu stb 4K storage-nya lbh lapang krn pny ROM 8GB, jd lbh enak utk instal kodi ato apps lainnya. Yg stb Huawei 2GB RAM nya [tapi KitKat].. sedangkan b860h terakhir cek system info via FTMC cm terdeteksi 1GB aja entah FTMC-nya salah baca ato emang udah di sunat tinggal 1GB aja ama telkom.

Keunggulan b760h udah bs di root dan instal playstore, bluetooth aktif, dan procie nya pk MTK8127 bs di flashing firmware pk sp-flashtool bagi yg suka ngoprek2.
minus-nya pk android kitkat (gak bs pk Kodi > v17, kecuali versi oprek sedikit lambat), storage mepet...ROM 4GB, free to user cm 1GB klo gak salah. kudu sering bersih2 free space.

Keunggulan b860h proses terasa lbh cepat & smooth... udah android marshmelow dan jg enak instal apps macem2 storage lega.
minus-nya, bluetooth gak bs di enable dan cursor mouse gak tampil.

FEATURE to test: youtube, tv lokal, web movie streaming

Cara Setting Modem Indihome ZTE F609 Menjadi Mode Bridge
di dalamnya ada link ke artikel bermanfaat lainnya:
Cara Mengetahui Username dan Password Admin Modem ONT ZTE F609 Indihome
Cara Mengetahui Username dan Password Akun Indihome Pada Router ZTE F609

Can't access web-admin or telnet but modem can be pinged :
[DISKUSI] All About IndiHome by Telkom - Part 7
katanya kebijakan baru ga bisa akses modem. kalo mao akses modem musti reset modem dulu

Modem can be pinged but web admin isn't accessible:
Disable UPnP

Telnet CLI reference/manual
Not-too-success Google search string:
rompager|tplink router|modem|adsl telnet CLI|command reference|manual

reboot TP-LINK ADSL modem:
set reboot

Scheduled Automatic rebooting of router or modem in windows 7

Dealing with IP Filter using Next/Forward/Unmatched style:

Each row means BLOCK

No way to define exception (whitelist)

Last row must have Unmatched=Forward as getaway path for unblocked traffic

Related resource:

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

[IT] Asset Management software

Features to seek
(a) component-transfer(?) journal and history (such as detach VGA card from PC-01 and attach it to PC-02)
(b) maintenance/repair cost journal and history
(c) support for software-type asset
(d) keep track of spare-part inventory (PSU, RAM, VGA card)

google: it|computer asset tracking|management application|software add manual repair|service history

+ FREE !
Can specify currency to use

Web Tracks
+ free version available
... The PC Audit License limits the number of computers that can be imported into the database using Web
... Tracks Audit.  The manual entry of a computer record does not require a PC Audit License.
+ peripheral record
- Report Designer can only be used to customize your Purchase Order and Service Desk Ticket, not create new/custom reports
* Access database file location is hard-coded (in the App_Data within the WebRoot folder)
* online documentation

Numara/BMC TrackIt
* pricing only available by request
from Spiceworks Community:
If  ... your company is in the 500-1000 employee count tier, Track-It! may just be the right software for you! For small businesses, you may be better off with a different solution as the pricing for Track-It! isn't easy on your company's low budgets.

OCS Inventory
+ free / open source
- not many features

Spiceworks Inventory
* still as feature request: Tracking IT surplus parts

Novo [Solutions] Asset Manager
- paid

+ free version available
- some features available only on "plus" version: order costs for each asset
...Track movement of assets

ITDB (IT ITems DataBase)
- no (b)

Altiris Asset Management Suite
- no (b)

ManageEngine AssetExplorer
- paid (free version available for max. 25 nodes)
+ [can record] support and maintanance costs incurred by the asset

SysAid Asset Inventory
- paid

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Dim display below minimum brightness


Dim a Laptop Screen Even More
for Intel Graphics: right click on Desktop \ Graphic Properties \ Color Enhancement \ Brightness



Change or Dim brightness of laptop or computer monitor screen further

Invert color on Windows display:
XP: Search for "High Contrast" on Help and Support
It can be accompanied with "High Contrast extension" or "Dark Themes" on Chrome

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

File manager related

+ open Windows Command Prompt  from current location by typing "cmd" at command bar
Show hidden folder/file:
..type ":showhidden" at command line
Search Excel files with certain content if use string doesn't work
..better use/check "Hex" on "File content" section
..use String to hex online utility to help

- can't open Command Prompt from current location
- can't perform increment search

Get rid of yieldmanager popup

1) Utilize HOSTS file
2) Opt out from yahoo ad (visit
From: How do I get rid of ad.yieldmanager?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Windows Search related

Windows 7: Search does not find files that it should, directory is indexed, and *.php included on the extension list

Click the Start button and type in Search and click on the command "Change how Windows searches". Now click on the Advanced button and select File types tab. Scroll down and locate your file type (in your case .php) and make sure that the radio button "Index Properties and File Contents" is selected for the file type.
Come out of the form by clicking the OK button .... (from my own experience, up to here is enough, no need to follow further step)

How to Use Windows’ Advanced Search Features: Everything You Need to Know

In windows 7 - I want to search for all files containing "A word or phrase in the file". The standard XP search box. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cannot execute a VBScript: Invalid character

Open file with Notepad
"Save As" and select ANSI on "Encoding" option

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Instant Messenger Client related

WhatsApp on PC:
Is it possible to download BBM or WhatsApp on PC.?
Configure WhatsApp On PC / MAC for first time USE

Unable to log into Yahoo Messenger, with the error message "Account locked: Too many failed attempts. Logging into Yahoo website may fix this."

This error may be due to Yahoo flagging your login attempts from Beejive as potential security compromises, if you typically access Yahoo from a region far away from our data center. To work around this problem, you can try using your web browser to access the Yahoo login page through a HTTP proxy at our data center. To do this, configure your web browser to use the following proxy settings:

port: 3128
no authorization required.

Then log into from the browser and clear out any account warnings.


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hunt for TV Tuner

Gadmei - External - CRT only

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Can we use monitor with dual-input (VGA and DVI) with two computers simultaneously?

Yeah, you should be able to switch inputs. They are active simultaneously, you just can't see em together (obviously).
I have my DVI and VGA inputs active on my NEC 2080UX. It's like a real lame KVM system (sans the K & the M).

from: Dual (analog/digital) inputs on LCD

Monday, September 3, 2012

IP address block/range/subnet around the world

Finding ALL currently used IP addresses of Website [closed]
You cannot do it reliably. Larger sites like Facebook (or Google, etc) are using Anycast for their DNS servers so even if you lookup the domain in Whois to get the authoritative DNS server the responses may change from hour to hour or even query to query depending on which data center they want to serve you from

how do I find the range of IPs belonging to a domain
You don’t. There is no such relation in the Internet

Still can't find one that display company/provider/operator to whom the IP range is assigned to

Block Visitors by Country Using Firewall

Major IP Addresses Blocks By Country

Friday, August 31, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mobile communication provider related

Jual pulsa online:

cara cek masa aktif dan sisa pulsa

masa aktif pulsa xl

Perpanjang Masa Aktif XL tanpa Membeli Pulsa
- menu bisa berubah-ubah, lihat komen tgl 15 Mei
- ini menambah masa aktif lho, BUKAN MASA TENGGANG

Friday, August 10, 2012

Rotating Video Without Conversion

Rotate a Video 90 degrees with VLC
other method with same result:
Tools \ Effects and Filters \ Video Effects \ Geometry \ Rotate
    dari pengalaman, meskipun sudah di-Save, tapi dibuka kembali dg viewer lain tetap belum rotated

Monday, August 6, 2012

Kenapa port forwarding dengan kartu seluler tidak bisa / tidak stabil (Indonesian)

(WTA) Internet GSM/CDMA yg dapat ip publik
pake S[mart]F[ren] paket superpro 275.000/bulan

some ISPs offer the private IP address for the 3G modem like 10.x.x.x or 172.x.x.x. In this case, the 3G Router and internal server can NOT be directly visited from external network as the private IP address is not available on Internet
sumber: Why my 3G router or internal device can not be visited from Internet?

kalo kita pake layanan yang IP Public-nya SHARED maka ya gak bisa di terapkan krn IP Public ada pada ISP yg membagi akses internet tsb
Contohnya: coba bedakan layanan SMART yang IP-nya SHARED dan IP-nya dapat per-customer, tentu beda dech hasilnya…

kebetulan saya lg cari-cari kartu internet untuk CCTV yg dapat IP Publik dan nemu artikel ini, sip
Semua sudah sy coba kecuali Broom Kartu Flash dapat IP Publik dinamis, tapi port nya ya ampun…mbuka nutup dinamis jg, jadi kadang bisa di akses port nya kadang tidak (seringnya tidak bisa sih).
ciri-ciri kartu yg dapat IP Publik bisa di cek 3 angka pertama IP yg didapat, kalau angkanya 010 (atau 10), bisa dipastikan itu IP private / IP internal yg tidak bisa digunakan untuk webserver atau diakses dari luar. kebanyakan kartu internet seluler menggunakan IP Private ini.
Kalau mas nathan menganjurkan menggunakan IP Publik dedicated (1 user dapat 1 IP Publik) tentunya masalah biaya yg akan muncul, pengalaman saya, provider yg jelas-jelas mencantumkan di webnya bahwa user dapat IP Publik hanyalah Smartfren Ultimate paskabayar dengan biaya langganan 275rb/bulan. selain itu IP Publik dedicated hanya ditawarkan oleh provider internet Speedy warnet keatas, IM2 corporate, dan lain-lain dengan biaya langganan yg sangat tinggi, karena jumlah IP Publik yg terbatas.
sebenarnya kalau kita pakai layanan DDNS gratis, tidak usah pakai IP Publik yg Dedicated, cukup IP Publik Dinamis saja, dengan catatan kalau pakai kartu internet hanya Flash dan Broom (yg baru akan saya coba) tapi kemungkinan besar port sulit ditebak buat diakses dari luar.
paling mudah kalau pakai speedy, bisa dipastikan semua paket dari yg paling murah dapat IP Publik walau DInamis dengan port yg selalu terbuka dan dapat diakses dari luar, dengan catatan tidak bisa mobile.
sumber: Membuat Personal WebServer DynDNS dgn IM2 Broom

Jika [device] kita memiliki pilihan UPnP (Universal Plug and Play), maka pilihan ini boleh dibuat Enable, karena ini akan mempermudah.
Konsekuensinya, menu UPnP pada router [...] pun harus buat Enable pula. Jika UPnP pada [device] dan router [...] sudah diaktifkan, maka berapapun nilai Port yang kita buat akan terbuka secara otomatis!

1. [IP contoh] adalah WAN IP dinamis dari operator pada saat itu, sedangkan 2048 adalah Port [device] kita yang kebetulan tidak diblokir oleh operator Telkomsel. Sementara, yang kami dapati pada operator 3 (Three), port 2048 dan port "favorit" lainnya terblokir. Terlepas dari faktor kebetulan atau tidak, inilah alasan kami mengapa memilih Telkomsel.
2. Kesimpulannya, beberapa Port tampaknya diblokir oleh operator seluler, sehingga untuk itu kita harus mencari angka-angka lain.
3. Anda bisa mencoba dengan beberapa angka Port lainnya jika mau, sampai mendapatkan Port yang terbuka.
Pengetesan port bisa dilakukan di sini
sumber: Access DVR via GSM Modem (Part-3)

Rujukan ongkos kirim kurir

Sebaiknya pilih kurir apa ?
Catatan Kurir, Proses Pengiriman dan Update RESI
Kenapa kami merekomendasikan JNE ?
JNE memiliki sistem tracking yang jelas bisa diakses di Aplikasi, Website atau otomatis di sistem Tokopedia
Efektif dalam memberikan pelayanan, resi akan diproses dan dikirim ke kami lewat BBM untuk kemudian H+1 kami update di dalam proses pengiriman Tokopedia, untuk itu harap bersabar 1x24 jam

JNE per Kg

situs resmi JNE

Online sharing sites/application

Get unlimited free cloud storage and backup easily by contributing the excess local drive space you have on your device

Five Best Services for Quick Image Sharing

How to get 20GB of space in Dropbox for FREE!
Top 10 Uses For Dropbox You May Not Have Thought Of

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Jigsaw puzzle solver

Computational Jigsaw Puzzle Solving
Required software: MATLAB

XP: Windows asks for SP3 CD when you don't have one

Information here is for XP SP2 but applicable to SP3 too
Note on "Method 2":
1) Do not replace XCOPY command with manual copy-paste!
2) for SP3, replace "xpsp2 /integrate...." command with something like:
c:\XPSP3\i386\update\update.exe /integrate:c:\XPCD
similar article: How to Build a Windows XP SP3 Integrated Installation CD


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Define whitelist IP filter for Yahoo Mail

Suggest user to use instead of full because IP addresses involved are much less.

Example of IP rule definition (several rows for e-banking included):

(Nearly) empty file has big size

Ensure blank cells using this procedure:

how to Delete Blanks rows:
1.Highlight Column A
2.F5 key (Go To)
3.Special, Blanks

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ubah ukuran fisik sim card

Eittsss!!! jangan potong sendiri SIM-card buat iPad kamu !!

Cara Murah Meriah bikin Micro Sim Card

Indosat Rilis Micro SIM Card untuk iPad

Indosat juga menyediakan alat pemotong SIM Card yaitu “puncher”, yang berfungsi untuk memotong SIM Card sehingga sesuai ukuran Micro SIM Card.Puncher sudah tersedia di galeri-galeri yang ditunjuk mulai akhir bulan Juli 2010.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Can we control IP4870 regarding which BLACK ink to use?

There are two kinds of black ink in the printer: dye ink (BK) and pigment ink (PGBK).
The dye ink is used mainly for printing photos, illustration, etc., and the pigment ink is used for text-based documents. Each has different purposes so that even if one runs out, another will not be used instead. If either of them runs out, the ink tank replacement is required.
These two inks are automatically used depending on the type of printing paper or the settings of the printer driver. You cannot change the usage of these inks yourself
source: online help (Why does the printer have two black ink tanks?)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Multimedia related

Dual Monitor Tools
Move active window to previous screen
This performs the opposite of Move active window to next screen.
If you are running Windows 7, then Windows 7 already provides this functionality with the Win+Shift+ hotkey.

[How to restore/reset] Greenshot hotkeys
Non-intuitively, the way to fix Greenshot is to open the Preferences,  ...

Overview of the Best Screenshot Software

Overview of the Best Video Screen Capture Software

Play video with multiple subtitles:
use KMPlayer
a. open video file
b. right-click \ subtitles \ add multiple subtitles
c. right-click \ subtitles \ subtitle languages
d. pick 1st and 2nd subtitle

How-to: Voice control Windows Media Center

Open/view an .ai file:
Rename extension to .pdf

Monday, July 9, 2012

Internet browser related

When Some Websites Do Not Open On Your Computer – Troubleshooting Guide
Note to self: for IE, try put website in question in Compatibility View

Google Chrome being really (and I mean REALLY) SLOW
To anyone encountering similar issues... try disabling hardware acceleration.... it was a tenfold improvement for me on my laptop.
To disable it... type "chrome:settings" in the address bar, click Advanced Settings, then uncheck "Use hardware acceleration when available" under the System header. Close all open Chrome browser instances and restart Chrome.

Dragon keeps "Waiting for cache...":
start chrome/dragon from command prompt with " -incognito" parameter then open Settings to "empty browser cache"

"server's security certificate is not yet valid" message:
Please ensure that the clock is correctly set

"Inspect element" when right-click is disabled:
Ctrl + Shift + I

View page source when right-click is disabled:
Add "view-source:" in front of the URL

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Enterprise Manager: Cannot edit this cell
Solution: try change using UPDATE command

Troubleshooting and Fixing SQL Server Page Level Corruption

Extent in database is marked allocated in the GAM, but no SGAM or IAM has allocated it
CHECKDB found 1 allocation errors and 0 consistency errors not associated with any single object.
Opinion 1:
This is one of the few cases where, even though repair allow data loss is required, there probably won't be data loss. It's errors in the allocation structures and checkDB will repair it entirely.
(source: DBCC CHECKDB with allocation error)
Opinion 2 (in sync with #1):
you have corruption not associated with any table
(source: How do I fix Damaged allocation pages)
To repair:

Verifying backup files

How to Recover MSSQL from "Suspect Mode" / "Emergency Mode" / "Error 1813"

Friday, July 6, 2012

Adam kehilangan rusuk?

Menarik untuk diperhatikan bahwa sebuah tulang rusuk yang disingkirkan akan tumbuh lagi dan mengganti diri, selama periosteum (selaput jaringan ikat pembalut tulang) dibiarkan tetap ada. Catatan tersebut tidak menyatakan apakah Allah Yehuwa mengikuti prosedur ini atau tidak; akan tetapi, sebagai Pencipta manusia, Allah tentu tahu sifat yang luar biasa ini dari tulang rusuk.
(Pemahaman jilid 2: Tulang Rusuk)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

House/Apartment hunting

Cara Balik Nama Sertifikat Apartemen

1 Jul 2012 APARTEMEN DIJUAL: apartemen puncak permai jalan darmo permai III Surabaya
Rp. 250.000.000 Sertifikat Hak Guna Bangunan
Kamar tidur: 2 Kamar mandi: 1 
awalnya dua kamar tp dirombak dijadikan satu
Full Furniture (Ksana tinggal bw koper)
Luas tanah: 36 Luas bangunan: 36 Bangunan menghadap: Barat
agustina ratna sari 03121177751

June 11, 2012
Rumah Lb 125 / Lt 121 (1,5 lantai), 3 kamar tidur,1 kamar pembantu di lantai atas, 2 kamar mandi, dapur keramik, 1 ruang keluarga, 1 ruang makan, 1 ruang tamu, carport, baru saja di renovasi, PDAM, listrik 1300watt, jalan paving, bebas banjir, sangat dekat dengan Indomart/Alfamart. Alamat Rumah : Pondok Benowo Indah blok: P-8 Surabaya. Harga : 350 juta ( bisa NEGO )

Cara Mudah Menentukan Harga Jual Rumah

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Inventory Analysis Reports related

When designing "Analysis Column Template", "Analysis Type Code" lookup is empty:
Run form 7110 "Analysis Types" and click "Reset Default Analysis Types" button

Reporting related

Display month name on different language:
SSRS. MONTHNAME default language (see Verified Answer)

How to log report usage - June 23, 2011
this solution only works for Classic Reports

Scrollbars on subform are not visible
Make sure that the size values of the subform control are the same as the size values of the form that you link it to. I usually work on the subform first, make that a size that exactly fits the header and a number of lines, and then I copy those values into the subform control.
source: Is it NO Scroll bar for subform

In debugger, variable X is shown as Text[150]; yet, it is incapable of receiving value with 75 in length
Function declaration: Function func1(X)            ;; X is declared with length of 150
In calling code: func1(X1)                                 ;; X1 is declared with length of [only] 50

Where to find description of NAV reports
the online help is your best and easiest alternative
Remember that the online help has got a search feature (third tab), and the good news is that most topic related to report seems to end with (report), ie : Replen. Add Items to Buy Push (report), so you should be able to get all (or allmost all) reports for all modules in one giant list! then it's just a matter of scrolling up and down and clicking on the report description you woud like to display
source: NAV report details

Posted documents as source for reports
When it comes to NAV the ledger entry tables are the final word. Any sort of financial reporting should really come from them. Value Entry is included in that set.
You can't rely on the information in the posted document tables.
source: Problem with NAV report

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cannot install MS VC++ Redistributable

Error: "The feature you are trying to use is on a CD-ROM or other removable disk that is not available" Solution: Extract the .exe using WinRAR (don't know if other foftware will work) You'll get the second exe (VCREDI~3.exe, for example) Extract the second .exe and you'll get a .cab and an .msi file Re-run the installer (first .exe) and when it asks for source CD, point it to the extracted .msi

Monday, June 25, 2012

i3 vs i5 vs i7

If you will need to do a lot of zipping of files you are going to see a major improvement by going with ether the i5-2500 or the i7-2600. The i7-2600 is going to earn its keep if you will be working with heavily multithreaded programs like Photoshop and rendering software. (source)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Watchtower Library on Android

WTLib analysis :
I've been trying to find a way to crack that database for a while

JW Helper
- currently supported: [only] english, german

Using HTTrack to create offline version of
doesn't work
for example, file 2.html created contains link like this:

Found at Aug 22, 2014:
WTPubs for iSilo Secure File Access
pwd= Wise
contains WTPub 2013

UPDATE (from Urgent Message Please Read.pdf on meekspace):
We have been contacted by the United States Branch and asked to remove all the organizations
publications from and Although this pains us a great deal to have to do
this we are sure you can appreciate the need to follow the direction of the Branch, Faithful Slave, and
ultimately Jehovah God. After all what good is all the spiritual food in the world if we do not have
Jehovah’s approval?

How to get the watchtower library on your Android device?

Related resources:
Software: AnyBoot (pay)
Software: BOCHS (free)

iSiloX and

(Windows) OfflineBrowser
...Tried with the following steps but only get few pages:
...1) type starting URL on the left of "Go" button
...2) choose language from dropdown list below it
...3) hit "Download All Pages ..." button
Database (OfflineData.sqlite) is stored in C:\Users\user.sk223\AppData\Roaming\OfflineLibrary_WPF
DB Browser for SQLite get a list of URLs, use "Execute SQL" tab: select URL from PageSearchData

WTL on Linux (PlayOnLinux script):
Watchtower Library 2014

(WTL for Windows) How to find next occurance on search result
Press plus key for next element and minus for previous one

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Execution Plan related

When you enter a stored procedure with CREATE PROCEDURE ..., SQL Server verifies that the code is syntactically correct, ... However, at this point SQL Server does not build any query plan, but merely stores the query text in the database
It is not until a user executes the procedure, that SQL Server creates the plan

[If SQL can't perform parameter-sniffing,] it applies a standard assumption, which for an inequality operation such as > is a 30 % hit-rate

Your application connects with ARITHABORT OFF, but when you run the query in SSMS, ARITHABORT is ON and thus you will not reuse the cache entry that the application uses, but SQL Server will compile the procedure anew, sniffing your current parameter values, and you may get a different plan than from the application

Occasionally, I see people in the forums or the newsgroups that tell me that their stored procedure is slow, but when they run the same query outside the procedure it's fast. After a few posts in the thread, the truth is revealed: the query they are struggling with refer to variables, be that local variables or parameters. To troubleshoot the query on its own, they have replaced the variables with constants. But as we have seen, the resulting stand-alone query is quite different, and SQL Server can make more accurate estimates with constants instead of variables, and therefore arrive at a better plan. Furthermore, SQL Server does not have to consider that the constant may have a different value next time the query is run.

What always works [to troubleshoot a query] is to embed the query in sp_executesql:
EXEC sp_executesql N'-- Some query that refers to @par1', N'@par1 int', <value_of_@par1>

one possible reason that the procedure ran slow in the application was simply a matter of blocking. If you find that no matter how you run the procedure in SSMS, with or without ARITHABORT, the procedure is always fast, blocking is starting to seem a likely explanation.


Slow in the Application, Fast in SSMS?

Related article:
Analyzing the SQL Server Plan Cache

Examining Query Execution Plans

SQL Server Query Execution Plan Analysis

SQLIndex (what is "bookmark lookup)

Clearing Cache for SQL Server Performance Testing

Berhubungan dengan kendaraan (Indonesian)


Pompa ban listrik - layak beli ?
Utk memompa ban mobil disaran dongkrak mobilnya lebih dahulu

Memperbaiki Lubang Baut Tap Oli Shogun 125 Yang Doll/Slek
[bila] yang rusak adalah DRAT/ULIR LUBANG BAUT dan bukan pada bautnya. Mengganti baut tidak akan memperbaiki doll/slek-nya dan justru kejadian bocor tetap bisa terulang dan the worst thing baut lepas sehingga oli tumpah habis. Satu-satunya cara adalah membuat ulir/drat yang baru, dalam hal ini memperbesar ukuran bautnya.
Sebaiknya membuka baut oli dalam keadaan mesin dingin.
Rekomendasi pada saat membuka dengan KUNCI SOK dan saat menutup dengan KUNCI PAS.
Kemungkinan yang doll/slek bisa di baut namun sebagian besar terjadi di lubangbaut (yang lebih lunak properti logamnya).

Cara memperbaiki drat lubang baut yang slek, aus, atau dol yang menyebabkan oli rembes atau bocor
jika baut rusak, ganti baud terlebih dahulu, kemudian lilitkan seal tape ( yang biasa dipakai di pipa paralon) pada drat baud, kemudian masukan baud, kencangkan secukupnya.
jika lubang baut yang slek, ganjal drat pake seng, atau kaleng, lilitkan seal tape (yang biasa dipakai di pipa paralon) di drat baut pembuangan oli cukup di bawah kepala baut saja

Oli apa yg bagus buat supra x pgm fi?

Cara Mudah Merawat Sepeda Motor Bermesin Injeksi

Cara kuras oli
Honda supra injeksi kena banjir?

Setting Langsam Motor Injeksi, Lakukan Dari Mur-Baut Stasioner
Untuk memperbaikinya, Fajar bilang itu gampang. Apalagi modalnya cuma tang lancip untuk mengatur kembali posisi pelat dudukan baut langsam. Tapi biar mudah melakukannya, diwajibkan membuka cover sayap samping kanan agar terlihat lebih lapang.
from: Stasioner Injeksi ( Langsam Kembali Normal)

Dealer Honda belum siap injeksi??

Test Drive Suzuki Hayate 125
+ Shock belakang ganda dan pelek 16 inci berperan banyak dalam mendukung kenyamanan handling. Jok
....lebar semakin menambah kenyamanan pengendara dalam menaklukkan kemacetan lalulintas
+ sangat pas ditunggangi pengendara yang memiliki tinggi badan 175cm
- dek tengah yang sempit membuat kurang nyaman
- Akselerasi awal skutik ini terbilang berat, meski selongsong gas dipuntir secara spontan pergerakannya pun
...tidak seliar yang dibayangkan.

Kenapa harga jual kembali suzuki ancur?
spare part suzuki spare partnya mahal dan susah dicari dan kalau beli maunya paketan. itu yang bikin harga jualnya turun

7 Alasan Mengapa Saya Enggan Meminang Motor Matic Alias Skutik
(penulis artikel ini memilih Yamaha Jupiter Z1)

Modif agar motor lebih nyaman dikendarai:
bikin kontur di jok agar empuk layaknya sofa, ganti shockbreaker yang lebih empuk dan nyaman, pasang raiser setang , ganti ban tubeless biar anti bocor, modif tuas perseneling jungkit jadi injakan
(sumber: Motor harian buat kerja jangan neko-neko)

Tips Cara Test Shock Breaker Motor Sederhana

[ASK] Bingung pilih Honda BeAT, Suzuki NEx, Yamaha Mio-J ?

Mau Beli Bajaj Pulsar? Pikir-Pikir Dulu Deh....

Related sources:
Harga suku cadang Honda
- Knalpot = Muffler exh

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Gebyar BCA

Pengumuman pemenang

D**** 4681103061
L**** 2581142287

Monday, June 4, 2012


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hunt for CDMA android

Samsung Epic 4G
- teardown/diassembly: video
..another youtube video
..more using Google keyword: epic 4g teardown|diassembly
How To Update Samsung Epic 4G SPH-D700 To Android 4.4.4 KitKat via CM11 M11 Build
Samsung Epic 4G SPH-D700 (Sprint) - Nightly install Android 4.4.2 KitKat PAC-man ROM
[How to] Install CM 11 (Android 4.4.4) on Samsung Epic 4G
- CM10: Where Sound Recorder keep recording files
...It's saved in the main directory of the internal SD card, the file name should start with "recording" and it's a ....3gpp file extension
- CM10: Can't play Youtube
...turn on High Quality
Update Sprint Epic 4G SPH-D710 To Android 4.2.2 Using CM10.1 ROM
- inject
- Buttons Barely Respond To Touch
* Cyanogenmod 9 Epic 4G (CM9) Install [How to]
* CM9 Install Guide
*** Upgrades from previous versions of CM9 are the same process as install, except you do not need to wipe anything
* NEW: 2,9jt (
* Samsung Epic 4G Battery Life: Fixing Excessive Battery Consumption
* Difference Between Samsung Epic 4G and Epic Touch 4G
* [Lounge] Samsung EPIC 4G - a Truely Epic Galaxy S phone
*** 3G doesn't work after upgrade to ICS/JellyBean:
* Background data vs Always-on mobile data - What's the difference?
*** Can't find the mentioned "Enable always-on mobile data" on my epic
* Samsung EPIC 4G aka Galaxy S Pro Lounge (no longer maintained)

* xda-developers forum dedicated to this phone
* Epic 4G Rooting, ROMs, and Hacks (AndroidCentral forum)
* News
* List of Cyanogenmod for Samsung Epic 4G and related Google Apps (gapps)
* CM11 Nightlies Changelog [for Samsung Epic 4G]
* Samsung Epic 4G (D700) ROM List
* Samsung Epic 4G ROMs
* From El30 update on ei22 cleangb?:
*** to hide the notification let it try to install and when it errors out pull battery and reboot
* Alarm won't work if phone is off: Still can't tell if it is android's or samsung's problem:
**** Alarm Clock
**** Google keyword: samsung|galaxy|epic alarm hh|phone on|off
**** and many more on youtube

Samsung I110 Illusion

Verizon Motorola Droid X vs Sprint HTC EVO 4G

HTC Evo Shift 4G Android CDMA - Slide
1) Harga di bawah 1.5jt
2) 2,350 jt Nett
adik iparnya htc evo 4g bos..versi lebih murah

HTC Evo 4G BUKAN-Shift BUKAN-Slide Ada-Kaki
SMS: 2,2
tkbagus(Bekas): 1,8 (laku)
Baru : Rp. 1.950.000

Tutorial Inject Flexi Evdo di HTC Evo 4G

[Official Thread] ZTE Wide (ZTE Blade CDMA)

Kaskus 25-Des-2011 battery 2 biji: 1,1jt

[SmartFren] Wide udah ada custom ROM jadi nanti bisa lebih optimal, ada gpu.
Gal[axy]Y belum ada custom ROM, jadi kalau mau optimal mungkin oprek sendiri, coba aja mampir ke trit nya, gak punya gpu juga karena emang cuma untuk inet dan social, untuk game paling yang ringan aja.

Wide bisa di unlock, hanya saja kalo pake operator CDMA selain smartfren kayanya banyak masalah, bisa ditanya sama yang udah unlock wide

Share:ZTE Wide pemakaian 1 minggu
- Soal respon beda dikit sama Y.... Y lebih respon... Baik rotate dan scroll....
- coba file mp4 kebetulan 200mb... Eh lemot terjadi... Apakah krn pake mmc standar..

Samsung Galaxy Y
* 6-Jan-12 Apollo THR: 1.185.000
- Keyboard nya agak lelet atau ane ngetiknya kecepetan kali
- Buat yang punya jari gede, lebih baik tidak memakai hape ini karena tampilan
keyboardnya yg kecil sangat menyusahkan dalam pengetikan

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

MS Office related

Printing with "Your margins are pretty small..." warning disabled
Macro – Print Without Margins Warning

Sub Print_ShowNoMarginsWarning_ShowPrintDialog()
    Dim bPrintBackgroud As Boolean

    'Save current setting of background printing
    bPrintBackgroud = Options.PrintBackground
    Options.PrintBackground = False

    'Turn off DisplayAlerts
    Application.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsNone


    'Turn on DisplayAlerts again
    Application.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsAll

    'Set original background printing setting
    Options.PrintBackground = bPrintBackgroud
End Sub

Excel 2013 on Windows 8 not responsive (slow)
Office 2013 – Unresponsive, Slow, Typing Slow
Click File \ Options \ Advanced \ Scroll down to the “Display” section \ Uncheck (or Check, depending on current status) “Disable hardware graphics acceleration” and restart office.

Error "MSPCORE.DLL is missing" when opening Office Document Imaging:
Run Setup and make sure Document Imaging is installed (Run from this computer)

(Excel) Find external links/references:
How to find and list all links (external references) in Excel?
XL: Delete Links Wizard Available

Monday, May 14, 2012

Free multmedia related software


Create transcript from audio recording (mp3) file :
Transcribing Speech to Text with Python and Google Cloud Speech API - January 4, 2018
..downside 1: Google Cloud Speech API only accepts files no longer than 60 seconds.
..downside 2: Another idea that I didn’t get to do is splitting file by silence around 30 seconds,
..instead of hard 30 second split, which can cut mid sentence/word.
Upload mp3 to youtube

"Option 2: Audacity’s WASAPI Loopback" has been tested OK

FaceBook related

Delete/remove multiple photos at once:
How to Delete Multiple Facebook Notes or Posts at a Time, Using iMacros in Firefox and Chrome
If you only want to keep a few photos from an album and remove the rest:
- Create new album
- Move photos you want to keep to new album
- Delete old album
(source: Organizing, Moving and Editing Your Photos And Albums)

Delete/remove photo from Facebook for Blackberry
(not solved)

Prevent/disable auto load when scrolling down:
Use Social Fixer \ Posts \ Disable Facebook's auto-loading ...

Get an INSTANT alert/notification on new wall post
1. Android Facebook app: minimum refresh interval is "30 minutes"
2. myStatusBar for Chrome: only useful if you're staring at your browser at all times

Log out everywhere / Check for active session(s):
Account Settings \ Security \ Active Sessions

Notified by SMS when new update appears on a Page:
1. Open Page
2. Scroll down till you see "Subscribe to SMS update" link
note 1: for me, the link is only appears when connecting using
note 2: subscribed but never got notification

How To: Get a Facebook Fan Page ID

View (and optionally unlike) pages you've LIKEd:
1. Open your profile
2. Click "Create a page" link on the bottom
3. Click "Pages I like"
4. On selected target, point your mouse over "Liked" button until menu appears then click Unlike

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Convert DBF to XML

Free DBF Viewer
+ can also be used to open XML file and export it to DBF
(DBF to XML) If you need to alter/customize the tag-names in the resulting xml, follow these steps:
a. Open dbf
b. Display SQL Panel (View\SQL Panel)
c. Type SQL command: select [original_caption] as [new_caption], .... from [dbf_name]
d. Click "Run SQL Select statement" (thunderbolt button)
e. export as usual

Use CursorToXML function
Sample commands:

** 1/2/3 determine xml type generated   512 means write to file
** 512 means read from file

Sunday, April 29, 2012

MAC Clone related

Is it possible to have single IP address from DHCP for all interface (wired/ethernet and wireless) ?
How (and Why) to Change Your MAC Address on Windows, Linux, and Mac
Best practices to set up laptop with wireless and wired interface/NIC over DHCP?
Same IP for w/less and ethernet?
We are running out of ip addresses

...Tomato firmware V1.28 and most variant firmware flavors have a provision to solve your problem by
...assigning the same IP to two different MAC addresses.

Why MAC Clone is required?
Cara Share Internet dengan Router (Indonesian)
See "A. Setup – MAC Address Clone" section

Why using ANY computer seems to work?
Some ISPs are able to figure out if you're using a router by the vendor code and disconnect you. If they see the MAC as just a NIC, they've got no reason to drop your connection
From: Why did MAC-Adress Cloning Fix My Router?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Live OS with small size


Related articles(s)
Install to USB From within Windows
** Method V has been tested successfully on AMD-SATA system
** Ignore "Follow the current instructions from PendriveLinux" line
** UNetBootIn can also be used instead of "Universal USB Installer"

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Browse content of SWM file

SWM files usually found on Toshiba Recovery DVDs
The content of those files can be browsed (and copied) using 7-Zip.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Terkait berbagai layanan BCA

Pengin Transaksi BCA dengan Cepat? Pakai BCA Mobile Aja, Ini Cara Daftarnya

Ganti buku tabungan bisa di Weekend Banking ?

Jam layanan Weekend Banking Sabtu dan Minggu diluar Hari Raya atau Libur Nasional pukul 10:00 sampai dengan 15:00 waktu setempat

Internet Banking BCA Bisnis dengan VPN versi web
Kelebihan menggunakan vpn web base ini yaitu :

1. bisa dipakai di sistem operasi apapun baik windows, linux bahkan bisa dibuka dari hp.
2. kita masih bisa menggunakan internet untuk keperluan lain (browsing & chating), beda hal nya dengan vpn versi desktop yang akan memutus koneksi lain.

Sedangkan kekurangannya yaitu apabila koneksi putus dan belum selesai transaksi, maka otomatis akan keluar dari vpn dan kembali ke halaman awal login vpn. Kita baru bisa login lagi setelah session nya habis, kurang lebih sekitar 10 menit.

MultiTransfer :

Melalui Fasilitas ini, Anda dapat melakukan transfer dana:
  • Payroll
    Dengan fasilitas ini memungkinkan Anda melakukan transaksi pembayaran gaji (payroll) dengan tujuan rekening BCA.
  • Auto Collection
    Melalui fasilitas Anda dapat melakukan transfer dari banyak rekening asal (debet) ke 1 (satu) rekening tujuan (kredit).
  • Auto Credit
    Merupakan fasilitas yang memungkinkan Anda melakukan transfer dari 1(satu) rekening asal (debet) ke banyak rekening tujuan/pihak ketiga (kredit).

Demo Auto Credit
(use DropDown list to view another demos)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

FPD: NTVDM consumes huge memory on XP

You probably use FOXPROX.exe instead of FOXPRO.exe
But FOXPRO.exe comes with another problem:
Sometimes "Insufficient memory" error when generating prg from scx

Related article:
How to control ntvdm.exe memory use?

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Split long document to side-by-side view :

Remove all Paragraph-break and insert new line after each period
1. Enable Display all formatting symbol for easier view
2. Replace all Paragraph-mark with " " (single white space)
3. Replace all ". " (period and single space) with period AND manual-line-break
With Microsoft programs that support formatting marks press the Ctrl+* (Ctrl+Shift+8) shortcut key to enable and disable formatting marks. The formatting marks feature can also be enabled or disabled by clicking the paragraph symbol in the toolbar.
To join the lines together just copy the text from that webpage into Notepad++
Go to View --> Wordwrap and turn it on if not already.
Go to Edit --> Select All
Go to Edit --> Line Operations -> Join Lines
To put each sentence to new line, use Sentence Splitter

Can't select whole table (table handle/selector not visible) :
Most likely because that table is treated as part of another/previous table
Solution : Split a table

Print Pages in Reverse Order
Open Word, then click Options > Advanced.
Scroll through and come to the Print section on the right.
When you want to reverse print a page, select the Print Pages in Reverse Order check box. Click OK and exit the Options screen.

Deleting Horizontal Lines From Word

How to combine several Word documents into one:
Combining Chapter Files into One Document

Data validation on Word table:
Validating Data
that there is no easy way to accomplish such a feat solely using Word
Perhaps the easiest method of accomplishing data validation, however, is to simply use Excel
Then, the table data created in Excel can be pasted into (and linked to) a Word document

How to print one A4 page as two A5 pages in Microsoft Word
- requires third party software: pdf995 (free version contains ads)

Remove stubborn text highlighting:
Home \ Font \Clear All Formatting (icon: "A" with eraser)

Mailing list (mailmerge): black/empty Excel cell appear as ZERO on Word
Recipient list showing zeros instead of blanks

Copy few pages out of many pages document:
Word is not a page layout application. It creates documents made up of
multiple overlaid story ranges. Pages therefore are an entirely artificial
construction based on text flow and cannot be manipulated as single
From: copy only one page of a ten page WORD document

Center mergefield value with variable length:
Not tried yet: put it inside a rectangle

Table: detach a row to become independent table
Split a Table

Insert Tab inside table cell:
Press Ctrl+Tab

Apply currency format to merger field:
{ MERFIELD FieldName \# ##,###,### }

Specify line spacing for some lines inside table cell:
Select lines
Click menu Format > Paragraph

Print empty page with tiled picture as background:
1) Prepare jpeg/bitmap file in a way that if you put one adjacent to another then a correct pattern will be resulted
2) To simulate transparent effect of the image (because I don't know how to do it on Word) adjust the Brightness (and Contrast?) setting
(Paint.NET can be used for this purpose)
3) Create new Word document
4) Menu: Format \ Background \ Fill Effects \ Picture
Caution: What you see on the screen is NOT what you get on printer ;-)
So print it to see the actual result
5) You may have to edit the original image to resize it if needed


When you have data in the adjacent column (left or right), you can also simply double click on the fill handle icon (instead of clicking and dragging). Double-clicking would do the same thing and fill down the column until the last filled cell in the adjacent column.

I had same issue and in poking around, I found a quick workaround that actually gets the job done without any macros, etc.
In the first cell of the column that has the URL's in it (i.e. the first URL, not the title) and double click on the URL in Cell to 'activate' it. Wait till it turns into a link (you may have to actually open the item so the sheet recognizes it.
Once it is underlined, you simply click the next cell down and select to the end of the column data. NOW the Cell Styles will work. Click Cell Styles from the Home Tab and select Hyperlink and viola - all the cells change to clickable hyperlinks.

Create UDF that accessible from all files at all times (INCOMPLETE)
Udf in the personal.xlsb workbook
Try saving the file with macros as .xlam (excel add-in)
How to Make an Inactive Add in Active in Excel
(Note to self) Use the udf by typing this way in the cell :
=(file name where the udf resides)!(udf name and parameters)


CONCATENATE Excel Ranges (Using VBA)

Find non consecutive (out of sequence) number
How to Find Missing Numbers in a Sequence

Print long list in multiple column
How to Print Long Columns in Excel on 1 Page - Snake Columns

Insert, move, or delete page breaks in a worksheet

How to Select Only the Visible Cells in Excel 2016 and Prior
Select the range of cells in your worksheet.
Press Alt+; (hold down the Alt key and then press the semicolon key)

Workbook with many sheets: How to select all sheets except the first one
1. Go to last sheet
2. On left arrow of sheet navigator, ctrl-left click it
3. Shift-left click on second sheet
4. right click and choose Delete

Spreadsheet Compare
- only available with Office Professional Plus 2013 or Office 365 ProPlus
cloud based

(Subtotal) Select and copy summary lines only:
Overcome a Nuance of Excel's Subtotal Feature

Transpose multiple rows to multiple columns

Determine MDX query Excel send to server:
How To view MDX query In Excel Sheet
Administration and Optimization: SQL Server Profiler for Analysis Services Queries

Nested (multi level) data validation
Create Dependent Drop Down Lists
(all tips regarding data validation)

Creating global macro
In EXCEL is there a global space like the Normal.dotm where EXCEL macros can be stored and referenced just like WORD's .dotm?
Select 'Personal Macro Workbook' in the 'Store macro in' dropdown

(Pivot NON-OLAP) How to view underlying data (Excel Pivot Table DrillDown Show Details)

To see the underlying records for a number in the pivot table:

  1. In the Pivot Table, right-click the number for which you want the customer details.
  2. In the pop-up menu, click Show Details

TIP: Instead of using the Show Details command, you can double-click on a Values cell.

(Pivot) Sort Subtotal values, not details
Right-click on the subtotal of any of the Salespersons in the Grand Total column.
Select Sort from the dropdown list.

(Pivot) Display dimension levels side-by-side :
1. Click any cell in your pivot table, and the PivotTable Tools tab will be displayed.
2. Under the PivotTable Tools tab, click Design > Report Layout > Show in Tabular Form

(Pivot) Create Date/Time grouping dimension from Date/Time column/data:
1. Select a single field item in the PivotTable.
2. From the Data menu, select Group and Outline, and then Group.
3. Excel displays a dialog box in which it automatically enters a start and end date.
....It also lists a number of intervals to group by. (Use Ctrl to select multiple intervals)
4. Select an appropriate interval and click OK.

Change thousand and decimal separators in cell values:
Replacing and Converting in a Macro

Printing in newspaper style (two columns)
Copy list to Word then use Page Layout \ Columns function
How to Print Long Columns in Excel on 1 Page - Snake Column

XL2013: Invisible table border:
Home \ Font \ [Draw Borders] \ [Line Color]

Add percentage column when connecting to SQL Analysis Services (OLAP)
Adding a Calculated Field to an Excel Pivot Table With Analysis Services
- works only with Excel 2010 or later
OLAP PivotTable Extensions
In the case of Calculated Measures and Calculated Members on Excel 2013, we can use its native feature as described in the series of articles start with [Office 2013] New OLAP Tools Part 1: Calculated Measure
Example :
Another option (harder but will be visible to all users) is to add calculated measure ON THE SERVER :
Yet another option that MIGHT work is to use Power Pivot, but it's available on certain editions of Excel only: Where is Power Pivot?

Remove empty cells scattered between filled cells
Quickly Delete Blank Rows From A Long List

How do I locate merged cells in my Excel worksheet?

Padding out a cell with leading zeros

Excel displaying long-number text with scientific notation :
Delete Scientific Notation by Using Text to Column Feature

Preserve leading zero(es) when copy-pasting:
Setup target column to use custom format of something like 00000

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Reset account used by a service

You need to open the Services administrative tool snap-in and open the properties on <service_in_question>. Go to the Log On tab, click on This Account and enter NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService, then delete any bullets that might appears in both password fields. Stop and restart the service and you should be ok.

How can I reset the Login Permission to be NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Will somebody please enlight me....

A. Windows performance monitor
01. Where are alerts definition stored?
02. Are the passwords/credentials stored in plain text?
03. How to speed up the creation of multiple alerts?
04. How to use fractions for threshold value?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

MSPAINT related

How to Increase DPI in Paint

How do I make the eraser larger on WINDOWS 7 MS paint?
press (ctrl key) + (+ key from numpad); size will increase

How to select area off screen
Doesn't seem possible.
Resize image first before select.

MSPaint-area select scroll off screen?

Make selection transparent (Windows 8)
Under the Image section of the ribbon, click the "Select" drop-down menu. The bottom command is called "Transparent Selection" and it can be toggled on or off.
Just like the older version of of paint, the Color #2 is the transparent color (so you could remove a white or black background, just make Color #2 white or black, respectively)
FYI, the other command I had a hard time finding was to make the canvas bigger/smaller (but not shrink/stretch the image). It used to be called "Image attributes" but now you go File>Properties, and you can adjust the size there.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Jenis pembelian license ESET (Indonesian)

untuk software eset pembelian baru / new WAJIB membeli media kit seharga $12
1. perpanjangan dilakukan ketika masa aktif license kita akan segera berakhir . saat perpanjangan ( RENEWAL ) user tidak wajib membeli media kit . harga license $18.99 / user
2. pembelian baru ( NEW ) user diwajibkan membeli media kit seharga $12 karena kode license yg akan digunakan berbeda dengan license sebelumnya ( apabila pernah melakukan pembelian ) . harga license $29.99/user
3. penambahan lincense dilakukan ketika customer sudah mempunyai 5 license namun ingin menambahkan menjadi 10user , mau tidak mau customer hanya menambah 5 license saja dari yg sudah ada . untuk harganya tidak sesuai dengan price list , namun dihitung secara operasional

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Berbagai paket Internet (Indonesian)

Paket Telkomsel Flash + Datazona
from Twitter (Sep 2014):
@Telkomsel nanya niy, aku aktifin data ke *550*300# dpt bonus 500mb flash, 1,5gb datazona,maksut datazona apa ya? Di *889# cm ada 500mb ?
Malam, Oky. Data zona bisa digunakan di kota saat aktivasi paket. Emang lokasi saat ini di mana ya?
Kami cek, data zona hanya berlaku di Kota Surabaya, Malang, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Sleman, Denpasar [dan] Surakarta

Paket Flexi Mobile Broadband

SmartFren Connex
ada pemberitahuan sebelum kuota habis? menurut @smartfrencare:
mimin inforasikan jika terdaftar paket volume base masa aktif masih panjang ttpi kouat hanya sisa beberap KB akan di informasikan melalui sms, pastikan kembali untuk kotak masuk tidak penuh & jaringan di hybri,

- juga tercantum cara cek sisa kuota (*123#,, dll)
- ada pemberitahuan sebelum kuota habis? menurut ini:
Kamu akan menerima Halaman Pemberitahuan begitu kuota paket internet kamu habis.
Pemberitahuan ini berlaku bagi pengguna Paket Internet HotRod 3G+, Paket Internet Begadang, Kartu Perdana XmartPlan Android, Paket Internet SERBU Berlangganan, dan XL Bebas Internetan+Nelpon+SMS

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menurut ini, ada SMS pemberitahuan sebelum kuota benar-benar habis


Cannot get LinPopup to receive messages

Monday, January 23, 2012

Excel: Fungsi Terbilang (Indonesian)

[belajar-excel] Formula terbilang
Posting oleh Djati Walujo:
Angka 2003.xls (42K)
Angka 2007.xlsm (26K)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Obtain database ID number

SELECT DB_ID(N'AdventureWorks2008R2') AS [Database ID]