Wednesday, July 27, 2016

WORD: Document display differently on different computers (image moved, layout changed, etc)

Google: word opened other|different computer|version image change|move

April 8, 2013 Pictures Move on their Own
When you place a picture in a Word document, you can place it either inline or floating.
Inline pictures are great and will stay exactly where you put them because they are treated like any other character in a paragraph.
The drawback to inline pictures, of course, is that text doesn't wrap around them, and therefore you may not get the exact layout you want.
Floating pictures are a different story. Floating pictures can do just that—float. Also, the picture can be formatted so that text floats around the picture. To control the floating behavior of the pictures, Word provides an anchor that indicates a point in the document with which the picture is associated.

Jul 23, 2011 Why does the appearance (or layout) of my document change when I open it on a different machine?
Changing printer drivers will almost always change the layout at least slightly and sometimes radically
Number of ways to minimize the changes that can occur when you change printers or drivers :
- Don't use hard page breaks!
- Instead, use style and paragraph formatting to keep text together.
What works best to preserve the look of your document, however, is to select the printer on which you will ultimately be printing the document (even if it is not connected to the printer where you're editing)
If you are emailing the document to others and preserving the page layout is critical, one solution is to email your document in Adobe PDF format.

Jul 26, 2010 What happens when I send my document to someone else? Will Word mess up my formatting?
All documents are based on a template. Templates have names that end in ".dot" or, for Word 2007 and Word 2010, ".dotx" or ".dotm".
[Questions answered on the article:]
What's the relationship between the styles in a document and its template?
What happens when Word opens a document?
But you don’t have my template. How does that work?
What happens when I use custom styles?
What about copying text from one document to another?
Truth: Page breaks can be affected by the printer you use
...Avoid empty paragraphs. Don't press Enter to create space between paragraphs.
...Avoid hard page breaks. Control text flow using styles and paragraph formatting.

Aug 9, 2006 Why does my Microsoft Word document display differently on different computers?
I have a document which was created in Word XP and is 226 pages. When I send it to a client who is using Word 2003, it looks totally different and is over 330 pages.
To be honest, you’re trying to do something that Word documents are NOT really intended to do. ... Word is NOT really about making the document look exactly the same everywhere.
The most common reason documents look different on one machine as compared to another is the printer.
Another possible difference is the use of fonts which are not common to all systems.
My bottom line recommendation is simply to create a PDF, authoring your document so that the PDF comes out the way you want it to, and then share that with your client. If you need to share editable Word documents, then simply realize that they will not display, or print, exactly the same everywhere.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sales Price related

For item with variants, can we setup one generic sales price for all variants ?
YES, just leave variant code column blank

Which date on source document is used to select applicable price lines ?
See codeunit 7000 Sales Price Calc. Mgt. func SalesHeaderStartDate:
IF "Document Type" IN ["Document Type"::Invoice,"Document Type"::"Credit Memo"] THEN BEGIN
    DateCaption := FIELDCAPTION("Posting Date");
    EXIT("Posting Date")
    DateCaption := FIELDCAPTION("Order Date");
    EXIT("Order Date");

----- PINDAH KE ONE NOTE ------

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Phone/tablet stylus/pen related

Adonit How-To: Replace Jot Discs

Adonit Jot Pro Stylus Review
From comment section:
How dose the Jot preform when the disc is not on it?
For a capacitive screen stylus there needs to be about 6mm of contact
Normal capacitive stylii are like thick crayons. The Jot mimics this.
From Jon:
we never claimed that the discs would not break
Disc shelf life (regardless of how much it is used), cannot be expected to be more than six months, since the adhesive between the laminations loses its strength over time.

Not All Tablet Styluses Are Equal: Capacitive, Wacom, and Bluetooth Explained
The Total Stylus Breakdown, or “What stylus should I get?”
when it comes to Windows 10 active styluses, it’s important to realize that no two styluses are the same. In fact, no active stylus will work across all Windows 10 devices (though some work across a myriad of them). For example, the stylus that comes standard when you purchase a Windows Surface will only work with Surface devices
A Windows 10 stylus registers on your computer completely differently from your finger. When you use your finger, your machine intuitively understands that a swipe up should scroll down a page. Most styluses mimic this interaction. With a Windows active stylus, however, this intuitive communication doesn’t exist.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Data collection / survey software related

+ local install
+ free
+ support "other option - specify"
* android app OfflineSurveys can only be used with Previous button DISABLED
* How to Remove "No Answer (survey's Presentation & Navigation setting)
* Allow multiple responses for one token AND EDIT ANY OF THOSE RESPONSES ?
...NO SOLUTION so far (Can Token-based Participants modify their specific submitted suvey?)

Response Editing Options: Multiple Responses - Off :
If you allow one response per computer, you can allow editing even after the survey is submitted
Response Editing Options: Multiple Responses - On :
If you allow multiple responses per computer, you can allow editing during the survey, but not after the survey is submitted

- NO SUPPORT for multiple checkboxes/radiobuttons with comment

+ local install
+ free
? support "other option - specify"

Support for installing with Docker on Mac and Windows is only experimental at this point. For Mac and Windows users please consider installing the old Virtualbox-Vagrant option
+ local install
+ free
? support "other option - specify"

Simple way (but requires computer, mobile won't do)
Get Data from Microsoft Word Forms into Excel Using VBA