Monday, January 12, 2015

Java development

ERROR NetBeans : diamond operator is not supported in -source 1.5 (use -source 7 or higher to enable diamond operator)

Using the equals() method with String and Object in Java
equals() for String compares the content, not the object itself.

10 Examples of using ArrayList in Java - Tutorial
ArrayList represents an automatic re-sizeable array and used in place of array. Since we can not modify size of an array after creating it, we prefer to use ArrayList in Java which re-size itself automatically once it gets full

How to loop ArrayList in Java - List Itrator Traversal Code Example

Which Java (32 or 64 bit) should be selected when installing Netbeans?
NetBeans 64bit Edition
the download for 64 and 32 bit versions of the IDE is the same, the difference lies in which Java Runtime Environment the install is pointed to. You have to point it to the 64 bit JRE to have it work in 64 bit

from Eclipse message saying List cannot be resolved to a type
You can press SHIFT+CTRL+O for auto importing [packages containing classes needed]

from Eclipse IDE - Tutorial
Java can be downloaded in two flavors: a JRE (Java Runtime Environment) and a JDK (Java Development Kit) version.
The Eclipse IDE contains its own Java compiler hence a JRE is sufficient for most tasks with Eclipse.
The JDK version of Java is required if you compile Java source code on the command line and for advanced development scenarios, for example, if you use automatic builds or if you develop Java web applications.

You can define in Eclipse that a project is dependent on another project. To do this select your project, right-click on it and select Properties.
Select Java Build Path and the Projects tab.
If you add a project to the build path of another project, you can use its classes in Eclipse

Manual installation of plug-ins (dropins folder):
You should not modify the content of the Eclipse plugins directory directly. If you want to install plug-ins, put them into the dropins folder. If you want to remove it, delete the JAR from this folder


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