Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Query analyzer related

Output to text file that can be opened by Excel correctly (esp. for numeric columns):
Tools \ Options \ Results \ Custom Delimiter: ";" (semi-colon)
When opening/importing to Excel, check "Advanced..." settings (usually on Step 3) to make sure that correct Decimal and Thousands separators are used

Friday, March 22, 2013

Jasa rekening bersama / escrow account

+ free for amount up to IDR 3.000.000 (last checked: Dec 9, 2013)

Printing causes Explorer to crash

Happened after accidentally remove content of system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\2 and 3

Not exactly same issue but post with subject "Solution" by rompope00009 worth to try:
[SOLVED] Printer and faxes crashes explorer...HELP!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Virtual PC related

Print to USB printer (Host: Vista Home,  Guest: Server 2003)
1. install printer on host and share it; also, prepare a password-protected windows account
2. install Microsoft Loopback Adapter driver on host
3. vm Adapter-1 setting: Microsoft Loopback Adapter
4. on vm, connect to shared printer on host using account prepared on step 1

VPC 2007 Ctrl+Alt+Del: Right Alt + Del

XP Mode can't access network when using (default) Shared NAT:
Use your NIC (wired or wireless) instead

XP Mode: how to publish batch file

[Inside XP Mode,] You need to manually create "Programs on the XP VM" folder under "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu". Once shortcut gets placed there, it also gets copied to Windows 7 menu.
[Haven't tried yet:] it does seem to be possible by just copying the shortcut into the "All user" folder
(from Creating an app shortcut in Windows 7 XP Mode)

Other resources:

Windows 7's XP Mode: what it is, how it works, who it’s for

Friday, March 15, 2013

Outlook Express related

Lost one year's inbox messages in Outlook Express 6
Do not archive mail in default OE folders. They will eventually become corrupted.

Outlook express, File folders missing???

The Outlook Express Store Folder

Message body is blank
Solution 1:
Run out of disk space. Free up some disk space

Solution 2:
Close OE and start it using "msimn.exe /safe"
If it solved the issue, close it and start normally

Google: outlook express body empty|blank

dbx file reaches 2GB but deleting email wont reduce its' size
How to fix Outlook Express dbx 2Gb limit problem.
Self experience:
1. You must have an empty Inbox.dbx beforehand
2. Create subfolder(s) below Inbox folder
3. Copy e-mails from Inbox to newly created subfolder
4. Close OE
5. Backup/copy current Inbox.dbx
6. Replace Inbox.dbx with the empty one
7. Start OE
8. (Optional) Move SOME emails from subfolder (step 2) back to Inbox, if you want

Pengamanan motor

Melacak mobil/motor dengan hp

PROMO 2013 GPS Tracker Pelacak Termurah Se Indonesia hanya 500ribu
* Semua adalah harga Indent minimal 4 (empat) unit, untuk satuan atau Stock Toko silahkan hubungi BM70COM
- Don’t put the unit in overheated or overcooled places

Mini GPS Tracker untuk Motor atau Mobil anda
- Magelang - 500.000
- *sepertinya* hanya berdasarkan sinyal hp, bukan GPS

- kok di iklan dibilang "Kondisi: Bekas" ?
- Bogor - 975.000

- 270.000

GPS tracker Murah dan Bergaransi
* jakarta - 900.000
- abonemen

GPS Pelacak Mobil & GPS Pelacak Manusia
- masih tergantung aki
- mahal (>1,5jt)
+ support

setahu ane apa pun bentuk ny perubahan atau pengaplikasian suatu tambahan ke kelistrikan akan membatalkan garansi, karena garansi itu berlaku hanya jika suatu kelistrikan pada motor bener" standar dari pabrikan alias gk ad itu kabel" tambahan ato saklar tambahan ato bahkan barang" tambahan kyk klakson gede, lampu sirine, alarm motor danlainlain
(from kalo pasang saklar bisa ngebatalin garansi kelistrikan ndak?)

Paling penting lagi, perhatikan jangka waktu garansi. Untuk kelistrikan biasanya hanya berlaku satu tahun. Dan kalau ketahuan terdapat alam, bisa dianggap gugur
(from Motor Injeksi Aman Kok Pasang Alarm)

Kebo [byson] saya tinggalkan di depan kos dalam keadaan stang terkunci dan disk brake digembok dengan gembok anti gergaji. Namun dalam kurun waktu satu jam saja si kebo sudah raib tanpa jejak.
kesimpulan terakhir, monggo lengkapi kunci stang…gembok cakram plus alarm
(From Gendeng…maling makin canggih!!! satu Byson kembali melayang)


KUNCI KONTAK BATMAN (anti kunci letter T)
Bogor - 40.000

Kunci Cakram
Surabaya - 30.000

kunci disc besar merk RUV
Jakarta - 53.000

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Cara reyen motor baru


Pertama sekali adalah dengan menggeber motor langsung begitu datang dari dealer. Kalau mesin masih bagus berarti memang bandel, namun ada juga yang langsung rontok dengan indikasi macam-macam bunyi dari blok mesin. Nah dari kedua kondisi ini dapat dilihat bagaimana mesin yang bandel dan yang tidak. Timbul pertanyaan dari kondisi kedua, "wah, masa motor baru saya langsung rontok??" dijawab dengan alasan, motor kan masih baru dan garansi, jadi kalau ada apa-apa bisa diganti. Setelah tahap ini lanjut ke tahap berikutnya yaitu untuk 200 km pertama.
1. panasi mesin sebelum dipakai (warm up) sekitar 5-10 menit
2. bawa motor jalan beberapa kilometer
3. kalau kira-kira udah cukup, cari jalan datar terus geber motor dengan gas penuh (full throttle) secara perlahan sampai gigi 2.
4. setelah beberapa ratus meter hentikan motor dan diamkan selama 15 menit dengan posisi kunci kontak off.
5. lakukan secara berkala sampai 200 km pertama.
6. setelah mencapai 200 km ganti oli.
7. selanjutnya pemakaian motor secara normal.

From Cara Reyen Motor

The Short Answer: Run it Hard !

The best method is to alternate between short bursts of hard acceleration and deceleration.

[Keterangan untuk gambar piston yang TIDAK baik kondisinya:]
The one on the left was "broken in" [di-reyen] exactly according to the owner's manual. The resulting leaky rings have allowed pressure to "blow by" down into the crankcase on acceleration, and oil to "suck-up" into the combustion chamber on deceleration.  
Needless to say, this bike was slow !!

The best thing you can do for your engine is to change your oil and filter after the first 20 miles [=32.2 km]. Most of the wearing in process happens immediately, creating a lot of metal in the oil. Plus, the amount of leftover machining chips and other crud left-behind in the manufacturing process is simply amazing !! You want to flush that stuff out before it gets recycled and embedded in the transmission gears, and oil pump etc...

Use Valvoline, Halvoline, or similar 10 w 40 Petroleum Car Oil for at least 2 full days of hard racing or 1,500 miles [=2414 km] of street riding / driving.

** Keterangan yang menunjang tapi juga agak bertentangan **
Tingkat gesekan (friction) yang lebih rendah mengakibatkan oli [sintetik] ini tidak cocok untuk situasi break-in (misalnya pada saat awal mesin-baru dijalankan) di mana gesekan diharapkan untuk menghasilkan permukaan yang aus. Tetapi pembuatan mesin yang lebih baik menyebabkan proses break-in tidak terlampau kritis seperti dulu.
(Pilih oli (pelumas) mesin mineral atau sintetik ?)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Disk cleanup related

C:\Documents and Settings\administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\COMODO\Dragon\User Data\Default\Cache
To change cache folder:
add to Dragon shortcut: --user-data-dir=c:\temp\

Delete files on ESET NOD32 Antivirus Quarantine

Delete C:\Windows\Downloaded Installations\ ?
Disk Cleanup: deleting unnecessary files

How to Get Extra FREE Space in Windows?
there are spuninst icons in $hf_mig$ folders as well. Are those safe to delete as well?
Yep. You can delete them.

Remove old Java Runtime Environment

How to reclaim disk space on a Windows XP or Windows Server 2003-based computer

Is it safe to remove the files in C:\Windows\Installer? 
To redirect output to text file instead of pop-up window:
cscript wimsps.vbs > WiMsps.txt

Friday, March 1, 2013

Active Directory Backup and Restore related

How to backup? Use System State
from Introduction to Administering Active Directory Backup and Restore (2003)

How to restore?
If you have additional/backup domain controller, read How to restore an Active Directory server?
(step-by-step on last post by R.Alikhani)
If you don't, read Restore Active Directory from backup (2003)