Friday, August 19, 2011

HP LaserJet Pro P1102w

Network: Wireless

Terminal Server support: NO

Bhinneka: Rp 1,150,000

HP Laserjet P1606

Network: Wired
Tray: Not hidden

Legal: Yes
Folio: No

Terminal Server support: using HP Universal Print Driver (?)

Bhinneka: Rp 3,305,500

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Understanding and Using .NET Partial Classes

VS: Setting up code coverage logging

Visual Studio code coverage configuration and usage step by step

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fuji/Xerox Phaser 3160N

Folio: Yes
Network: Wired only
Duplex: Yes (manual)
Terminal Server support: PCL® 6/PCL5e
Memory: 64MB
Tray: Tray 1->Hidden Manual Tray->Single

Service Center:
Jln. Kombes Pol. M. Duryat No. 22. Telp. 031 534 0175, 031 548 2682

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Brother HL-2270DW

Laser B/W
Folio: Yes
Network: Wired & Wireless
Memory: 32MB
Tray: Tray 1->Hidden Manual Tray->Single

Terminal Service support: Yes
What is a "Generic PCL Driver"?


service center di Surabaya ada gan.. alamatnya di:
Jl.Mayjen Sungkono Komplek Darmo Park.I, Blok.2B N0.11 Surabaya Barat
Telp : 031-5677621,

Legal vs Folio

What Is The Difference Between Legal And Foolscap Paper Sizes?

The Legal paper size is 0.5" (13mm) wider than the Foolscap paper size and 1.0" (25mm) longer. The difference in overall area is 0.012 sq yd (approx 0.010 sq m) with Legal paper being bigger.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mengatasi perut buncit

Punya masalah dengan perut buncit?
Bingung dengan lemak yang menimbun di perut/pinggang?

Cream Pelangsing LOSYEN PATI HALIA solusinya!

LOSYEN PATI HALIA berfungsi sebagai SLIMMING CREAM yg digunakan pada bagian tubuh yang kelebihan lemak. Cara pemakaiannya dioleskan pada bagian tubuh yg kelebihan lemak (pinggang/perut).

Fungsi lainnya:

* Membakar lemak
* Mengecilkan ukuran pinggang dan perut
* Perut kembung
* Menyamarkan selulit, sesuai bagi wanita yang baru melahirkan
* Sebagai lotion urut untuk menyegarkan seluruh badan

Kemasan isi 140ml
Dengan pemakaian normal kurang lebih habis dalam 3 minggu
Harga Rp 125.000,- per botol BELUM termasuk ongkos kirim

Untuk pemesanan, hubungi Ibu Iwan (031-71577789)

A = Sesudah pemakaian
B = Sebelum pemakaian

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Convert Multiple VOB's to One AVI

How do I Convert Multiple VOB's to One AVI?

using FormatFactory

Friday, August 12, 2011

Shadowing multiple sessions concurrently

Does't seem possible with Windows Terminal Service but *might* be possible with Citrix:
...Use the Shadow button to start shadowing one or more users...
Quoted from:
Viewing User Sessions with the Shadow Taskbar - Citrix eDocs

Google: simultaneous|multiple session|terminal|remote shadow

XP paging file related

How can I optimize the Windows 2000/XP/2003 virtual memory (Pagefile)?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Online Computer Store based in Surabaya

H2S Computer
- Tidak bisa COD

Hunt for ADSL modem with full IP filtering available in Indonesia

PROLiNK H5004N ADSL Wireless Modem

+ Support default Allow/Deny
* Example:
* Note: On last step (save changes) make sure the selected radio button is at the right position
* ------ Always use subnet mask when using IP address, otherwise the whole rules will be useless

Hurricane 9000G 11b/g Wireless ADSL Router with VPN and Firewall
- Support blacklist only
From PDF:
Action When Matched: If any packet matches this filter rule, Forward or Drop this

Barricade™ ADSL Router with built-in ADSL2/2+ Modem Annex A (SMC7901BRA4)
+ Support default Allow/Deny

SMC SMC7004VBR Broadband Router
- No IP filtering

AirLive ARM-201
- Forward/Next (blacklist) rule only


- Forward/Next (blacklist) rule only
- Can we limit access to our forwarding/opened port to certain IP addresses only?
-- Answer from Technival Support via e-mail:
-- I'm sorry to tell you that we do not have any other way to secure your port. And on our device TD-
-- W8901G, it do not have the function to secure the port.

Friday, August 5, 2011

C#: Make Your Application with Trial Version

Read also comments and articles reffered in them

Monday, August 1, 2011

Where N-E-G macro virus is located

C:\Documents and Settings\administrator\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\N-E-G.XLM

Firmware upgrade for networking device

TFTP Flashing a Belkin F5D7230-4 v1000 or v1444

Note to self:
Unfortunately there's no exact match guide for version currently we own (1213uk)

Billion 5112S

Mar 26, 2011:
* no luck so far
* a folk try to update using 5200's firmware..seemed to succeeded but then failed
* another attempt,16378102
(check out reply by ssl2 on 2006-07-16 03:32:36)