Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

KlikBCA Bisnis related

Kebijakan Privasi dan Pengamanan
Saat ini BCA hanya menyediakan sarana internet banking yang lebih cocok diakses dengan menggunakan Microsoft Internet Explorer versi 8 atau yang terbaru
[Jadi, kalau muncul error aneh2 saat dipake di IE 6 / WinXP kemungkinan krn ini]

Tidak bisa "dial" karena entry ter-ubah :
Lakukan "Import" "KlikBCA Bisnis.pcf" yang ada di folder installer

Apakah ada notifikasi e-mail tiap kali transaksi seperti halnya versi Individu?
Ada, tapi sama seperti di Individu, hanya utk uang keluar
Kalau menurut ini, sepertinya bisa juga utk uang masuk tapi by request dan hanya berupa sms

VPN Client installer (minimum XP SP3, maximum tested: Windows 8)

KlikBCA Bisnis without installing client (only needs browser)
- User ID harus diketik ulang tiap kali hendak login (browser tidak mengingat)
- Bila browser tertutup tidak sengaja tanpa Logout, sesi akan terkunci (harus tunggu bbrp wkt sebelum
...bisa login kembali)

*sepertinya "kemanana" maksudnya "keamanan"

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Install SQL Server 2005 on Vista

On Windows 7
Make sure that you install it before Visual Studio, and also make sure you enable these Windows features first:

Common HTTP Features

Static Content
Default Document
HTTP Redirection
Directory Browsing

Application Development

ISAPI Extension
ISAPI Filters


Windows Authentication


IIS Metabase

Then install SP2 at least, but preferably SP3


Decompiler: Dvfp

FAR LESS capable than ReFox...but it's free ;-)

It won't even decompile encrypted file(s)
Quote from Readme file:
Last question was why do we not decompile encrypted files? It has two reasons. The main reason is because I do not know how FoxPro ciphers its App (Refox knows). But I nearly never use encryption for my FoxPro Application. And last this program is not a contribution to piracy.

Securing Application and Data

Security in FoxPro (protecting application and data)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Vista Compatibility

Dynamics NAV on Vista

Friday, October 16, 2009

Getting read access to object code without proper license

Activate debugger
Do certain task and make deliberate mistake to trigger debugger on intended object (for example, a codeunit)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Errors related

Post shipment: ...cannot be fully applied
Open Item Journal and perform Calc. Whse. Adjustment

To determine correct item tracking:
- copy Warehouse Entries (filter on Location, Item, Variant and Adjustment Bin only) to Excel
- perform sort and totalling by Lot No.
- find Lot No. which has NON zero balance on qty column

Post purchase: you must specify overhead applied account ...
"Direct Unit Cost" and "Unit Cost" is not the same (source)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Protect Word document to prevent Copy

This [trick] is what's known as "a fool's errand".

You can click Tools > Protect Document, in the task pane click the
check box under "Editing restrictions", set the dropdown to "Filling
in forms", and click the Start Enforcing Protection button. If your
document doesn't contain any form fields, it will behave as you
described -- clicking anywhere in the document will send the cursor
back to the top of the document.

However, this "protection" is so easy to defeat that it's laughable.
Just open a new blank document and use the Insert > File command to
insert the protected document. Presto, no protection.

Even if you manage to come up with a better protection scheme, such as
using Microsoft's Information Rights Management (IRM), it's still true
that if someone can see your document they can reproduce it in
editable form. The best you can do is to make it more difficult for


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Prevent object from being selected

Let say you have an Excel worksheet which has an embedded signature image of which you don't want it to be selectable:
- Select whole worksheet > right-click > Format Cells > Locked=No
- Format the image you want to protect with Locked=Yes
- Tools > Protection > Protect Sheet
- uncheck "Select locked cells" and check "Select unlocked cells"
- assign password to unprotect

Determine IP address of yahoo ID

Trace Find Know Grab Get IP Address in Instant Message Yahoo Messenger

Thursday, October 1, 2009

2003: Locked-out Administrator account is unlocked

A locked-out Administrator account is unlocked if the correct authentication credentials are sent to Windows 2000 Server

My note:
The "Applies to" section says that this issue is on Windows 2000 but I experienced this on 2003 R2 as well

When Administrator account is locked out, nothing appears on Event Viewer.
But failed authentications do appear as Event ID 675 (Source=Security Type=Failure audit)

Hacking Terminal Server

Using TSGrinder

Brute Force Hacking In Terminal Server Environments

2003: Unlock locked Administrator account

If you allow your Administrator account being locked out using passprop utility,
this tool seems to be useful to unlock it when necessary:

Offline NT Password & Registry Editor
The website says that this tool "Will detect and offer to unlock locked or disabled out user accounts!"

Haven't try it yet though...especially with SCSI disk