Wednesday, August 23, 2017

VPN / Proxy related

Features to seek :
Split tunneling

8 best free VPN services for safe browsing

VPN Gate: Free

How to make your own free VPN with Amazon Web Services

Proxy dan VPN: Perbedaan dan Penjelasan Lengkap

What are the Best VPN Protocols? A Comparison of the Fastest, Most Secure and Compatible Tunneling Protocols
PPTP is the least secure. Even though it was created by Microsoft, they don’t even use this protocol. Also, for any business worried about Big Brother, the NSA has been able to compromise this protocol; therefore, it is widely recommended to avoid this protocol. As easy as it is to set up and implement, it is a case of “too good to be true.”
L2TP/IPsec is a good VPN solution for non-critical use; however, this protocol, like PPTP, has been compromised as well. So access of your data by prying eyes could be inevitable. With that being said, for a quick VPN setup without the need to install extra software, L2TP/IPsec remains useful, particularly for mobile devices. Is this something you’re going to implement yourself or use an expert? If implementing yourself, this may be the solution for you.
Across many areas of the IT world, OpenVPN is easily the best all-around VPN solution. One downside could be the need for third party software on all platforms; however, the benefits easily make this a preferred recommendation. It is reliable, fast, and (most importantly) secure, although it usually needs a bit more setting up than the other protocols. Because of this additional VPN configuration, we highly recommend partnering with an IT provider to provide assistance.
SSTP does offer most of the advantages of OpenVPN; however, it is mostly limited to a Windows environment. This means that it is better integrated into the OS, but is typically poorly supported by other VPN solutions.

Monday, August 21, 2017

SQL Server Management Studio related

View who open database :
Open Activity Monitor
Type CTRL+ALT+A to open Activity Monitor at any time
Since ...., you must user query instead :
List sessions / active connections in SQL Server
" exec sp_who" or "exec sp_who2"

Can this tool help me with INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements?
Yes - as a matter of fact.  Just right click in the query pane and select Change Type and then the type of query desired.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Monitor iklan baru

- Buat filter pencarian
- Simpan di favorit
- Di pengaturan favorit, centang "Beritahu saya iklan baru melalui e-mail"

Cari kembali iklan di olx berdasarkan ID iklan :
Pada halaman pencarian (yang ada "Pilih provinsi" dan "Pilih kategori"), ketikkan ID sebagai kata pencarian, centang "Cari di Deskripsi Iklan" kemudian search