You can define rules like :
Archive messages that from someone with subject test and 60 days old within Inbox and it's sub directory
Move messages that from foo with subject bar and 60 days old within src folder and it's sub directory to local folders, keeps the folder hierarchy.
Copy messages from one virtual folder to another folder
Delete all messages from Junk folder after 7 days
- sepertinya tidak bisa hard-filter misal "sebelum 1/1/2021"; alternatifnya, gunakan fitur Find bawaan TB kemudian lakukan Move atas hasilnya (kelemahan: tidak bisa preserve folder-structure jadi sebaiknya lakukan Find dan Move secara terpisah atas TIAP folder )
imap.gmail/Thunderbird Authentication failure March 3, 2020
You have already logged on to gmail webmail account for email address via a browser and changed the password to a new password - this new password is the one you will be using later on.
In Thunderbird You should have removed all the saved passwords from Thunderbird as advised.
In Account Settings for the gmail account should have set both the incoming server AND the gmail outgoing server (SMTP) 'Authentication Method' set to 'OAuth2' See images as guide.
Then you click on 'Get Messages' You will get a prompt in the browser to login to confirm you really are you. You enter the appropriate gmail address and you enter the same new password which you previously set up in the webmail account. After following instructions in browser, an OAuth2 token is created and added into the saved passwords in Thunderbird.
How to disable an email account in Thunderbird Posted March 8th, 2008
How can I keep the email account and all the emails that I had previously do without having Thunderbird check the accounts for new emails. I want to be able to access my old downloaded emails until they are too old and are irrelevant.
Posted July 30th, 2009, 12:50 pm :
Here's how to maintain an account in Thunderbird, but "disable" it so that it does not fetch messages when you click "Get Mail" (or when mail is retrieved at startup or periodically):
Tools >> Options >> Advanced >> Config Editor...
In the Filter bar, enter "server.server". Thunderbird apparently stores properties for each account under config items that have names like "server.server1", "server.server2", etc. So filtering on "server.server" will show you ALL of your accounts.
In the list, look for an item named something similar to this:
...where X above is actually a number (1,2,3,...), depending on how many accounts you have.
...now browse through the list and look at the values of the items named "mail.server.serverX.name"...find the value name that corresponds to the email account you want to disable.
For example, if you discover that "mail.server.server6.name" has the email address for the account you want to disable, then...
...in the list, look for (or filter) "mail.server.server6.defer_get_new_mail" ... set this to false.
Thunderbird will no longer check that account for email.
Force From/default account for reply and forward :
Folder Account add-on
.. right-click on Inbox folder, choose Properties \ General Information \ Use Account
Incoming Addresses Collector
EMail Address Crawler
Google: thunderbird auto collect|harvest|create|generate email address|contact book from all emails
Archiving your e-mail
How do I [Retract] my Email
Microsoft Exchange email server has an option to Recall an email, and this has led many people who work in corporate environments to think that it is a feature of email. This is a feature of Exchange server, not email and there is a big difference.
Thunderbird does not have a recall option, simply becasue it is not a part of the mail RFC's which are the core of Thunderbird functionality. So for those that want a similar option to change their mind, there is the send latter addon, which delays sending and provides the opportunity to change your mind and delete mail from the outbox before it is sent.
But by far the simplest method is to make Thunderbird work off line (File > offline > work offline) this means all messages will be stored locally and not sent until you repeat the process to go back on line, or press the get mail button.
How To Move Your Thunderbird Profile & Email To a New Windows Computer
TB always use Internet Explorer to view images [and want to change it to Photos app]
Open Tools \ Options \ Attachments \ Incoming and change helper/default program to "Always ask"
Try open an image attachment and if "Photos" app not visible in Helper app selection, try to open it with imaging prog first (located on program files (32) \ Windows Image Viewer)
Try again to open it and hopefully this time you'll see "TWINUI" (aka. "Photos") on Helper selection window
(source: Opening image attachments in windows 10)
How do I turn off the preview pane in my email?
F8 will toggle it