Monday, August 5, 2013

Bluestacks related

Change log: BlueStacks Releases

BLUESTACKS Offline Installer 2014 terbaru ( RELEASE )

Find Bluestacks SD Card Location in Your PC
You can simply copy and paste the file's that you want in SD Card at 'C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\UserData\SharedFolder\' and find the files at above location in Root Explorer (ie '(Root)/sdcard/bstfolder/ BstSharedFolder/').
Note to self:
Folder on XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\BlueStacks\UserData\SharedFolder

Excel 2013 related

Microsoft Excel cannot open or save any more documents because there is not enough available memory or disk space.
Self experience :
The error appears when opening file stored on network shared with internet-style URI
To overcome this: Excel Options \ Trust Center \ Trust Center Settings \ Protected View \ uncheck "Enable ... from the Internet"

Check if a text value is convertible to number :
No easy function, must use VBA :
VBA: how to check if the value of a cell is a number

Strip letters and leave numeric only
Getting Rid of Everything Except Numbers
Note: macro has been tested and worked great

Turning a batch of text URL’s into hyperlinks

Paste value with prefix of '0' (zero) :
Format destination column as Text prior to paste

What to do if you get an out of memory or not enough resources message
Too many conditional formats can also cause slow workbook opening and slow response in Excel
minimize formulas
avoid workbook links
...and many more

How to Return a Value Left of VLOOKUP’s Lookup Column
it's using INDEX and MATCH
Another option is using VLOOKUP and CHOOSE as mentioned at the article's footnote

Create Named Range using VBA: The VBA Guide To Named Ranges

(Conditional formatting) Automatically highlight expired dates and dates that are 30 days from expiration
NOTE: apply format to one cell the copy and paste formatting to other cells

Get date associated with last entry

Formula typed always displayed as text
What to do when all you see is the formula, not result

How to Add Data to Data Lists Using the Excel 2013 Form Button (aka. Data Form)

Create a dynamic record highlight [based on selected value on dropdown list]
Tip #4 on 10 cool ways to use Excel's conditional formatting feature

Create abbreviation of text:
Look for "Function Acronym" in Create Acronym (Extract first letter of each word)
and you will need How to Create Custom User Defined Excel Functions

Is there a way to fit two pages on one page in MS Excel when printing?
Other than post marked as Answer, Camera Tool suggested by Andy Mohr also useful

How to perform autofill without dragging the fill handle
menu on 2013: Home \ Editing \ Fill

Save as CSV result is using semi-colon instead of comma:
Changing list separator on Windows regional setting (Semicolons when creating a CSV file instead of colons) but didn't work (Excel still saves with semicolon)
Same unsolved issue: How to change default csv separator in Excel 2013?
Solution: use Find/Replace on resulted .csv
The option is to open the csv file in Notepad and replace all semi colons with comma (but beware about your decimal numbers with comma)

Move/copy/cut multiple non-adjacent cells
NO solution found yet
Closest match:
It is not possible to drag non-adjacent columns and rows in Excel sheets, even in Excel 2013 (source)

Copy data from web browser
DO NOT copy paste data from browser. Use Power Query
Note to self: doesn't work with Microsoft VLSC website

Filter list based on duplicate values on a column:
Data \ Remove Duplicates

Unselect cells that previously been selected with Ctrl+click
How to unselect selected cell/row?
- not easy solution, must use macro

How to adjust margins interactively while print previewing:
Click on "Show Margins" button on lower right corner

How to default Reading Pane to hidden (Off):
Applying custom views to all folders at once