Tuesday, May 28, 2013

"Run as" related

How to run programs as a domain user from a non domain computer
The registry files need to be modified for your system to use correct location where ShellRunAs.exe file is location, in my case it's c:\Sysinternals\ShellRunas.exe

Force software to always run as admin without exposing admin password

Running .msc files with runas

Monday, May 27, 2013

Domain trust related

How to configure Forest Level Trust in Windows Server
Perhaps applicable to setting up trust between 2003 and 2012

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Kumpulkan ke satu registrar dan seragamkan expiration date

Berbagai istilah utk menyebut penyeragaman tanggal expiration:
name.com: Sync Domain Expiration Dates: Harmonize Your Domain Name Renewal
pair.com: Exp-Align

Penjelasan via e-mail dari support@pairnic.com:

We can adjust the expiration dates for COM and NET domain names. We cannot
make changes to the expiration dates of other domain names. To make use of
this "Exp-Align" feature, all the domain names must be on the same pairNIC
account and a pay source needs to be saved on the account.

If the expiration date is extended more than six months, the cost is $19
per domain name. If the date is extended six months or less, the cost is
$15 per domain name.

If you want to have the dates adjusted, please let us know what domain
names and the date you want them to expire.

Chat dengan IDWEBHOST @ 2017-04-19 :
Mohon maaf sebelumnya pak, Bapak berkenan ketiga domain tersebut diperpanjang sampai s/d 13 juni 2018 namun itu tidak bisa Bapak dikarenakan untuk ketidak domain tersebut masa aktifnya berbeda beda sehingga kami tidak bisa custom untuk masa expirednya :)
Untuk perpanjangan domain sendiri akan otomatis ditambah 1 tahun dari tanggal expired domain tersebut

Silent Remote installing FoxIt Reader

FoxitReader Silent Install
Note: type 'msiexec.exe' instead of just 'msiexec'

Where to obtain .msi installer of FoxIt Reader

Note to self:
Tried with IntelliAdmin's Remote Execute from XP SP3 box to Windows 7 Pro/Ultimate but failed

Free mail server

Reset your hMailServer Admin password quickly
..Stop hMailServer Service
..Open C:\Program Files (x86)\hMailServer\Bin\hMailServer.INI
..Remove [everything after "="] from the line AdministratorPassword=... and save
..Start service and log in without a password at all
..Don't forget to set a password again.
Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size
Check "Max. message size" setting for these items :
domain, account, and SMTP
When you start or stop the server from here, you do not actually start or stop the actual server service. Even if you click on Stop, the hMailServer service will continue running. That is, the server stops, not the service as a whole. The service is the executable file, hMailServer.exe, whereas the server is the sub-component in the executable, that accepts connections from clients.
How to prevent hmailserver service from auto-starting during Windows start ?
use msconfig \ Services
← Deploying the war file in tomcat using BambooClone the branch and creating new branch in GIT using Tortoise GIT →
How to configure Local Email server hMailServer and Thunderbird March 22, 2018
Note to self:
If another computer on the same network could not connect to hMail server, add firewall exception (on hmail server computer) on active firewall profile to allow inbound TCP 143 and TCP 587
(OR add hmail server to Win Defender exception)
Can't login IMAP
Uncheck "Require SSL/TLS for authentication" on "IP Ranges" menu

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Win 1 iPad Mini from The Gadget Flow

Win 1 iPad Mini - Enter The Giveaway Hosted By @thegadgetflow  http://is.gd/oi6WAA

Since the launch date August 15th The Gadget Flow has completed 25 successful giveaways. Today they are launching another one and are giving away one black & slate 16GB iPad Mini to one lucky winner. Anyone can participate by finishing several tasks (floow link above). If you complete more tasks you have more chances to win because you are increasing your unique entries number. This giveaway ends May 31st 2013. Good Luck everyone!

Loop through dimension value as filter to refresh and copy pivot data

VB Macro to Select/Change Pivot Table Filter

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Giveaway related

Rafflecopter: why is my entries number always back to 0 each day?
We haven't built the functionality to tally and show total entries/possible entries w/ giveaways having the daily entry option method. But rest assured, all entries are being tallied.
source: Are my daily entries being tallied?