Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hunt for CDMA android

Samsung Epic 4G
- teardown/diassembly: video
..another youtube video
..more using Google keyword: epic 4g teardown|diassembly
How To Update Samsung Epic 4G SPH-D700 To Android 4.4.4 KitKat via CM11 M11 Build
Samsung Epic 4G SPH-D700 (Sprint) - Nightly install Android 4.4.2 KitKat PAC-man ROM
[How to] Install CM 11 (Android 4.4.4) on Samsung Epic 4G
- CM10: Where Sound Recorder keep recording files
...It's saved in the main directory of the internal SD card, the file name should start with "recording" and it's a ....3gpp file extension
- CM10: Can't play Youtube
...turn on High Quality
Update Sprint Epic 4G SPH-D710 To Android 4.2.2 Using CM10.1 ROM
- inject
- Buttons Barely Respond To Touch
* Cyanogenmod 9 Epic 4G (CM9) Install [How to]
* CM9 Install Guide
*** Upgrades from previous versions of CM9 are the same process as install, except you do not need to wipe anything
* NEW: 2,9jt (
* Samsung Epic 4G Battery Life: Fixing Excessive Battery Consumption
* Difference Between Samsung Epic 4G and Epic Touch 4G
* [Lounge] Samsung EPIC 4G - a Truely Epic Galaxy S phone
*** 3G doesn't work after upgrade to ICS/JellyBean:
* Background data vs Always-on mobile data - What's the difference?
*** Can't find the mentioned "Enable always-on mobile data" on my epic
* Samsung EPIC 4G aka Galaxy S Pro Lounge (no longer maintained)

* xda-developers forum dedicated to this phone
* Epic 4G Rooting, ROMs, and Hacks (AndroidCentral forum)
* News
* List of Cyanogenmod for Samsung Epic 4G and related Google Apps (gapps)
* CM11 Nightlies Changelog [for Samsung Epic 4G]
* Samsung Epic 4G (D700) ROM List
* Samsung Epic 4G ROMs
* From El30 update on ei22 cleangb?:
*** to hide the notification let it try to install and when it errors out pull battery and reboot
* Alarm won't work if phone is off: Still can't tell if it is android's or samsung's problem:
**** Alarm Clock
**** Google keyword: samsung|galaxy|epic alarm hh|phone on|off
**** and many more on youtube

Samsung I110 Illusion

Verizon Motorola Droid X vs Sprint HTC EVO 4G

HTC Evo Shift 4G Android CDMA - Slide
1) Harga di bawah 1.5jt
2) 2,350 jt Nett
adik iparnya htc evo 4g bos..versi lebih murah

HTC Evo 4G BUKAN-Shift BUKAN-Slide Ada-Kaki
SMS: 2,2
tkbagus(Bekas): 1,8 (laku)
Baru : Rp. 1.950.000

Tutorial Inject Flexi Evdo di HTC Evo 4G

[Official Thread] ZTE Wide (ZTE Blade CDMA)

Kaskus 25-Des-2011 battery 2 biji: 1,1jt

[SmartFren] Wide udah ada custom ROM jadi nanti bisa lebih optimal, ada gpu.
Gal[axy]Y belum ada custom ROM, jadi kalau mau optimal mungkin oprek sendiri, coba aja mampir ke trit nya, gak punya gpu juga karena emang cuma untuk inet dan social, untuk game paling yang ringan aja.

Wide bisa di unlock, hanya saja kalo pake operator CDMA selain smartfren kayanya banyak masalah, bisa ditanya sama yang udah unlock wide

Share:ZTE Wide pemakaian 1 minggu
- Soal respon beda dikit sama Y.... Y lebih respon... Baik rotate dan scroll....
- coba file mp4 kebetulan 200mb... Eh lemot terjadi... Apakah krn pake mmc standar..

Samsung Galaxy Y
* 6-Jan-12 Apollo THR: 1.185.000
- Keyboard nya agak lelet atau ane ngetiknya kecepetan kali
- Buat yang punya jari gede, lebih baik tidak memakai hape ini karena tampilan
keyboardnya yg kecil sangat menyusahkan dalam pengetikan

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

MS Office related

Printing with "Your margins are pretty small..." warning disabled
Macro – Print Without Margins Warning

Sub Print_ShowNoMarginsWarning_ShowPrintDialog()
    Dim bPrintBackgroud As Boolean

    'Save current setting of background printing
    bPrintBackgroud = Options.PrintBackground
    Options.PrintBackground = False

    'Turn off DisplayAlerts
    Application.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsNone


    'Turn on DisplayAlerts again
    Application.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsAll

    'Set original background printing setting
    Options.PrintBackground = bPrintBackgroud
End Sub

Excel 2013 on Windows 8 not responsive (slow)
Office 2013 – Unresponsive, Slow, Typing Slow
Click File \ Options \ Advanced \ Scroll down to the “Display” section \ Uncheck (or Check, depending on current status) “Disable hardware graphics acceleration” and restart office.

Error "MSPCORE.DLL is missing" when opening Office Document Imaging:
Run Setup and make sure Document Imaging is installed (Run from this computer)

(Excel) Find external links/references:
How to find and list all links (external references) in Excel?
XL: Delete Links Wizard Available

Monday, May 14, 2012

Free multmedia related software


Create transcript from audio recording (mp3) file :
Transcribing Speech to Text with Python and Google Cloud Speech API - January 4, 2018
..downside 1: Google Cloud Speech API only accepts files no longer than 60 seconds.
..downside 2: Another idea that I didn’t get to do is splitting file by silence around 30 seconds,
..instead of hard 30 second split, which can cut mid sentence/word.
Upload mp3 to youtube

"Option 2: Audacity’s WASAPI Loopback" has been tested OK

FaceBook related

Delete/remove multiple photos at once:
How to Delete Multiple Facebook Notes or Posts at a Time, Using iMacros in Firefox and Chrome
If you only want to keep a few photos from an album and remove the rest:
- Create new album
- Move photos you want to keep to new album
- Delete old album
(source: Organizing, Moving and Editing Your Photos And Albums)

Delete/remove photo from Facebook for Blackberry
(not solved)

Prevent/disable auto load when scrolling down:
Use Social Fixer \ Posts \ Disable Facebook's auto-loading ...

Get an INSTANT alert/notification on new wall post
1. Android Facebook app: minimum refresh interval is "30 minutes"
2. myStatusBar for Chrome: only useful if you're staring at your browser at all times

Log out everywhere / Check for active session(s):
Account Settings \ Security \ Active Sessions

Notified by SMS when new update appears on a Page:
1. Open Page
2. Scroll down till you see "Subscribe to SMS update" link
note 1: for me, the link is only appears when connecting using
note 2: subscribed but never got notification

How To: Get a Facebook Fan Page ID

View (and optionally unlike) pages you've LIKEd:
1. Open your profile
2. Click "Create a page" link on the bottom
3. Click "Pages I like"
4. On selected target, point your mouse over "Liked" button until menu appears then click Unlike

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Convert DBF to XML

Free DBF Viewer
+ can also be used to open XML file and export it to DBF
(DBF to XML) If you need to alter/customize the tag-names in the resulting xml, follow these steps:
a. Open dbf
b. Display SQL Panel (View\SQL Panel)
c. Type SQL command: select [original_caption] as [new_caption], .... from [dbf_name]
d. Click "Run SQL Select statement" (thunderbolt button)
e. export as usual

Use CursorToXML function
Sample commands:

** 1/2/3 determine xml type generated   512 means write to file
** 512 means read from file