Thursday, February 23, 2012

Terkait berbagai layanan BCA

Pengin Transaksi BCA dengan Cepat? Pakai BCA Mobile Aja, Ini Cara Daftarnya

Ganti buku tabungan bisa di Weekend Banking ?

Jam layanan Weekend Banking Sabtu dan Minggu diluar Hari Raya atau Libur Nasional pukul 10:00 sampai dengan 15:00 waktu setempat

Internet Banking BCA Bisnis dengan VPN versi web
Kelebihan menggunakan vpn web base ini yaitu :

1. bisa dipakai di sistem operasi apapun baik windows, linux bahkan bisa dibuka dari hp.
2. kita masih bisa menggunakan internet untuk keperluan lain (browsing & chating), beda hal nya dengan vpn versi desktop yang akan memutus koneksi lain.

Sedangkan kekurangannya yaitu apabila koneksi putus dan belum selesai transaksi, maka otomatis akan keluar dari vpn dan kembali ke halaman awal login vpn. Kita baru bisa login lagi setelah session nya habis, kurang lebih sekitar 10 menit.

MultiTransfer :

Melalui Fasilitas ini, Anda dapat melakukan transfer dana:
  • Payroll
    Dengan fasilitas ini memungkinkan Anda melakukan transaksi pembayaran gaji (payroll) dengan tujuan rekening BCA.
  • Auto Collection
    Melalui fasilitas Anda dapat melakukan transfer dari banyak rekening asal (debet) ke 1 (satu) rekening tujuan (kredit).
  • Auto Credit
    Merupakan fasilitas yang memungkinkan Anda melakukan transfer dari 1(satu) rekening asal (debet) ke banyak rekening tujuan/pihak ketiga (kredit).

Demo Auto Credit
(use DropDown list to view another demos)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

FPD: NTVDM consumes huge memory on XP

You probably use FOXPROX.exe instead of FOXPRO.exe
But FOXPRO.exe comes with another problem:
Sometimes "Insufficient memory" error when generating prg from scx

Related article:
How to control ntvdm.exe memory use?

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Split long document to side-by-side view :

Remove all Paragraph-break and insert new line after each period
1. Enable Display all formatting symbol for easier view
2. Replace all Paragraph-mark with " " (single white space)
3. Replace all ". " (period and single space) with period AND manual-line-break
With Microsoft programs that support formatting marks press the Ctrl+* (Ctrl+Shift+8) shortcut key to enable and disable formatting marks. The formatting marks feature can also be enabled or disabled by clicking the paragraph symbol in the toolbar.
To join the lines together just copy the text from that webpage into Notepad++
Go to View --> Wordwrap and turn it on if not already.
Go to Edit --> Select All
Go to Edit --> Line Operations -> Join Lines
To put each sentence to new line, use Sentence Splitter

Can't select whole table (table handle/selector not visible) :
Most likely because that table is treated as part of another/previous table
Solution : Split a table

Print Pages in Reverse Order
Open Word, then click Options > Advanced.
Scroll through and come to the Print section on the right.
When you want to reverse print a page, select the Print Pages in Reverse Order check box. Click OK and exit the Options screen.

Deleting Horizontal Lines From Word

How to combine several Word documents into one:
Combining Chapter Files into One Document

Data validation on Word table:
Validating Data
that there is no easy way to accomplish such a feat solely using Word
Perhaps the easiest method of accomplishing data validation, however, is to simply use Excel
Then, the table data created in Excel can be pasted into (and linked to) a Word document

How to print one A4 page as two A5 pages in Microsoft Word
- requires third party software: pdf995 (free version contains ads)

Remove stubborn text highlighting:
Home \ Font \Clear All Formatting (icon: "A" with eraser)

Mailing list (mailmerge): black/empty Excel cell appear as ZERO on Word
Recipient list showing zeros instead of blanks

Copy few pages out of many pages document:
Word is not a page layout application. It creates documents made up of
multiple overlaid story ranges. Pages therefore are an entirely artificial
construction based on text flow and cannot be manipulated as single
From: copy only one page of a ten page WORD document

Center mergefield value with variable length:
Not tried yet: put it inside a rectangle

Table: detach a row to become independent table
Split a Table

Insert Tab inside table cell:
Press Ctrl+Tab

Apply currency format to merger field:
{ MERFIELD FieldName \# ##,###,### }

Specify line spacing for some lines inside table cell:
Select lines
Click menu Format > Paragraph

Print empty page with tiled picture as background:
1) Prepare jpeg/bitmap file in a way that if you put one adjacent to another then a correct pattern will be resulted
2) To simulate transparent effect of the image (because I don't know how to do it on Word) adjust the Brightness (and Contrast?) setting
(Paint.NET can be used for this purpose)
3) Create new Word document
4) Menu: Format \ Background \ Fill Effects \ Picture
Caution: What you see on the screen is NOT what you get on printer ;-)
So print it to see the actual result
5) You may have to edit the original image to resize it if needed


When you have data in the adjacent column (left or right), you can also simply double click on the fill handle icon (instead of clicking and dragging). Double-clicking would do the same thing and fill down the column until the last filled cell in the adjacent column.

I had same issue and in poking around, I found a quick workaround that actually gets the job done without any macros, etc.
In the first cell of the column that has the URL's in it (i.e. the first URL, not the title) and double click on the URL in Cell to 'activate' it. Wait till it turns into a link (you may have to actually open the item so the sheet recognizes it.
Once it is underlined, you simply click the next cell down and select to the end of the column data. NOW the Cell Styles will work. Click Cell Styles from the Home Tab and select Hyperlink and viola - all the cells change to clickable hyperlinks.

Create UDF that accessible from all files at all times (INCOMPLETE)
Udf in the personal.xlsb workbook
Try saving the file with macros as .xlam (excel add-in)
How to Make an Inactive Add in Active in Excel
(Note to self) Use the udf by typing this way in the cell :
=(file name where the udf resides)!(udf name and parameters)


CONCATENATE Excel Ranges (Using VBA)

Find non consecutive (out of sequence) number
How to Find Missing Numbers in a Sequence

Print long list in multiple column
How to Print Long Columns in Excel on 1 Page - Snake Columns

Insert, move, or delete page breaks in a worksheet

How to Select Only the Visible Cells in Excel 2016 and Prior
Select the range of cells in your worksheet.
Press Alt+; (hold down the Alt key and then press the semicolon key)

Workbook with many sheets: How to select all sheets except the first one
1. Go to last sheet
2. On left arrow of sheet navigator, ctrl-left click it
3. Shift-left click on second sheet
4. right click and choose Delete

Spreadsheet Compare
- only available with Office Professional Plus 2013 or Office 365 ProPlus
cloud based

(Subtotal) Select and copy summary lines only:
Overcome a Nuance of Excel's Subtotal Feature

Transpose multiple rows to multiple columns

Determine MDX query Excel send to server:
How To view MDX query In Excel Sheet
Administration and Optimization: SQL Server Profiler for Analysis Services Queries

Nested (multi level) data validation
Create Dependent Drop Down Lists
(all tips regarding data validation)

Creating global macro
In EXCEL is there a global space like the Normal.dotm where EXCEL macros can be stored and referenced just like WORD's .dotm?
Select 'Personal Macro Workbook' in the 'Store macro in' dropdown

(Pivot NON-OLAP) How to view underlying data (Excel Pivot Table DrillDown Show Details)

To see the underlying records for a number in the pivot table:

  1. In the Pivot Table, right-click the number for which you want the customer details.
  2. In the pop-up menu, click Show Details

TIP: Instead of using the Show Details command, you can double-click on a Values cell.

(Pivot) Sort Subtotal values, not details
Right-click on the subtotal of any of the Salespersons in the Grand Total column.
Select Sort from the dropdown list.

(Pivot) Display dimension levels side-by-side :
1. Click any cell in your pivot table, and the PivotTable Tools tab will be displayed.
2. Under the PivotTable Tools tab, click Design > Report Layout > Show in Tabular Form

(Pivot) Create Date/Time grouping dimension from Date/Time column/data:
1. Select a single field item in the PivotTable.
2. From the Data menu, select Group and Outline, and then Group.
3. Excel displays a dialog box in which it automatically enters a start and end date.
....It also lists a number of intervals to group by. (Use Ctrl to select multiple intervals)
4. Select an appropriate interval and click OK.

Change thousand and decimal separators in cell values:
Replacing and Converting in a Macro

Printing in newspaper style (two columns)
Copy list to Word then use Page Layout \ Columns function
How to Print Long Columns in Excel on 1 Page - Snake Column

XL2013: Invisible table border:
Home \ Font \ [Draw Borders] \ [Line Color]

Add percentage column when connecting to SQL Analysis Services (OLAP)
Adding a Calculated Field to an Excel Pivot Table With Analysis Services
- works only with Excel 2010 or later
OLAP PivotTable Extensions
In the case of Calculated Measures and Calculated Members on Excel 2013, we can use its native feature as described in the series of articles start with [Office 2013] New OLAP Tools Part 1: Calculated Measure
Example :
Another option (harder but will be visible to all users) is to add calculated measure ON THE SERVER :
Yet another option that MIGHT work is to use Power Pivot, but it's available on certain editions of Excel only: Where is Power Pivot?

Remove empty cells scattered between filled cells
Quickly Delete Blank Rows From A Long List

How do I locate merged cells in my Excel worksheet?

Padding out a cell with leading zeros

Excel displaying long-number text with scientific notation :
Delete Scientific Notation by Using Text to Column Feature

Preserve leading zero(es) when copy-pasting:
Setup target column to use custom format of something like 00000

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Reset account used by a service

You need to open the Services administrative tool snap-in and open the properties on <service_in_question>. Go to the Log On tab, click on This Account and enter NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService, then delete any bullets that might appears in both password fields. Stop and restart the service and you should be ok.

How can I reset the Login Permission to be NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Will somebody please enlight me....

A. Windows performance monitor
01. Where are alerts definition stored?
02. Are the passwords/credentials stored in plain text?
03. How to speed up the creation of multiple alerts?
04. How to use fractions for threshold value?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

MSPAINT related

How to Increase DPI in Paint

How do I make the eraser larger on WINDOWS 7 MS paint?
press (ctrl key) + (+ key from numpad); size will increase

How to select area off screen
Doesn't seem possible.
Resize image first before select.

MSPaint-area select scroll off screen?

Make selection transparent (Windows 8)
Under the Image section of the ribbon, click the "Select" drop-down menu. The bottom command is called "Transparent Selection" and it can be toggled on or off.
Just like the older version of of paint, the Color #2 is the transparent color (so you could remove a white or black background, just make Color #2 white or black, respectively)
FYI, the other command I had a hard time finding was to make the canvas bigger/smaller (but not shrink/stretch the image). It used to be called "Image attributes" but now you go File>Properties, and you can adjust the size there.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Jenis pembelian license ESET (Indonesian)

untuk software eset pembelian baru / new WAJIB membeli media kit seharga $12
1. perpanjangan dilakukan ketika masa aktif license kita akan segera berakhir . saat perpanjangan ( RENEWAL ) user tidak wajib membeli media kit . harga license $18.99 / user
2. pembelian baru ( NEW ) user diwajibkan membeli media kit seharga $12 karena kode license yg akan digunakan berbeda dengan license sebelumnya ( apabila pernah melakukan pembelian ) . harga license $29.99/user
3. penambahan lincense dilakukan ketika customer sudah mempunyai 5 license namun ingin menambahkan menjadi 10user , mau tidak mau customer hanya menambah 5 license saja dari yg sudah ada . untuk harganya tidak sesuai dengan price list , namun dihitung secara operasional

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Berbagai paket Internet (Indonesian)

Paket Telkomsel Flash + Datazona
from Twitter (Sep 2014):
@Telkomsel nanya niy, aku aktifin data ke *550*300# dpt bonus 500mb flash, 1,5gb datazona,maksut datazona apa ya? Di *889# cm ada 500mb ?
Malam, Oky. Data zona bisa digunakan di kota saat aktivasi paket. Emang lokasi saat ini di mana ya?
Kami cek, data zona hanya berlaku di Kota Surabaya, Malang, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Sleman, Denpasar [dan] Surakarta

Paket Flexi Mobile Broadband

SmartFren Connex
ada pemberitahuan sebelum kuota habis? menurut @smartfrencare:
mimin inforasikan jika terdaftar paket volume base masa aktif masih panjang ttpi kouat hanya sisa beberap KB akan di informasikan melalui sms, pastikan kembali untuk kotak masuk tidak penuh & jaringan di hybri,

- juga tercantum cara cek sisa kuota (*123#,, dll)
- ada pemberitahuan sebelum kuota habis? menurut ini:
Kamu akan menerima Halaman Pemberitahuan begitu kuota paket internet kamu habis.
Pemberitahuan ini berlaku bagi pengguna Paket Internet HotRod 3G+, Paket Internet Begadang, Kartu Perdana XmartPlan Android, Paket Internet SERBU Berlangganan, dan XL Bebas Internetan+Nelpon+SMS

- ada juga paket Rp 12.000 per bln (belum PPN) untuk 120 MB
- cek sisa kuota: *111*4*1#
- pengalaman bagus
- dapat sinyal 3G/HSDPA tapi tidak bisa browsing? buat New APN = 3data

menurut ini, ada SMS pemberitahuan sebelum kuota benar-benar habis


Cannot get LinPopup to receive messages